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Everything posted by Crackcarton

  1. I think your reading that graph wrong. The pool consist of 7,415 players starting @ just under 80,000 hours played on Jan 1st falling to just under 40,000 hours played on Jan 31 It's just a fall of in the amount of hours people are playing, once you finish leveling typically you're not on for as long
  2. That whore product is also the best selling and most current active subscribed mmo on the market. While your post does have relevance it doesn't necessarily apply to the topic. Yes wow is played out they catered to the casual player and basically ruined there game, but macro's and mods have absolutely nothing to do with this. Allow the players the freedom to play the game how they want just make sure they content isn't affected by them.
  3. Game set thread you officially have revealed how bad you are, thank you and goodnight
  4. I corrected you in every single reply you made to me better luck next time kid
  5. It's not that i sound like i'm making things up, It's that you know nothing about your class and come on the forums acting like you do. Please continue to believe that we are UP, have no mobility, or all melee destroy us. When you learn the class hit me up then we can talk
  6. Concussion blast only gives 3/4 Resolve bar. How many times do i have to correct you until you understand?
  7. Wrong there opening stun gives you a full resolve bar until it drains you cannot be stunned again So you're saying he's allowed to use Biochem but it's a crutch if i do???? Lol ok Using the best available profession to you for pvp is not a crutch its equally available to every class and anyone who plans on pvp'ing seriously is using it. In your rant you also failed to mention Jetblast which gives us plenty of room to burst as he attempts to get back to you. If it's only effective in Huttball that means it's not effective in anything else thus making it uneffective Concussion blast would be the equiv to their Whirlwind, also I find Vent Heat to be useful after healing. Everyone thats serious about pvp has biochem as their Proff so it puts you on an equal playing field
  8. So knocking a melee off you and slowing them is only effective in huttball???? I understand its MORE effective in huttball because you can use terrain to your advantage, but creating that gap can be the difference between winning and losing fights against melee regardless of whether or not you're in huttball What's to say you can't do the same to him???? cc him heal to full continue bursting, it works both ways not to mention sorc's don't really have burst all the good sorc's i've seen are madness and it focuses around Dot's not burst
  9. Can i direct you to page 6 of the thread were I go in depth on how to 1v1 an op/scound
  10. So many unskilled players in this thread. You have absolutely no idea how incredibly broken our class would be if we had a "Blink" and a snare on HSM
  11. You're right all i fight is incompetents and all i do is aoe stat pad....lol ok Considering you're the one that thinks all melee truck us and we can't win a 1v1 against them lets go ahead and add you to the list of "Incompetents" I apparently fight, and when I Aoe stat pad you to death i'll be laughing in the corner at everything you did wrong.
  12. I've never seen an assassin or sniper put out remotely close numbers to mine. Like I have said to everyone else complaining about mercs, YOUR DOING SOMETHING WRONG.
  13. It's not gonna bother me that you don't believe me lol. 1.They open on you proceed to trinket pop power surge instant concussion blast. 2. One of two things will now happen they either instant trinket in which you will then electrodart giving you 4 free seconds of damage and or spreading the gap or, they will eat it as you heal yourself to full in turn opening on them once you have topped yourself off/spread the gap. 3. By now you will be ready to force their vanish, this is where you proceed to pop Stealth Scan pulling them out of vanish and finishing them off, or you missed the stealth scan and they run off heal to full as you continue about your bg. CONGRATULATIONS YOU'VE SUCCESSFULLY COUNTERED AND OP/SCOUND PS. If they even get remotely close to you its not hard to use your surrounding to aid you knocking them off ledges etc with your jet boost = dead op/scound
  14. Having Biochem as my Prof really helps me, the rakata medpac heals for 4.5k- 5k + 1k over 6 sec with the pvp debuff up. If i have a healbot... well thats a different story cause i'm easily doing 450-500k in that case
  15. I'm playing an Arsenal Merc just playing it a lot better than you
  16. Unload For sure but generally if your fighting someone your not getting a full unload channel off, my heatseekers crit anywhere from 4k-5.5 with my highest being just over 6k with trinks and surge pot
  17. I'll get back to you when i've ever been killed by an op agent in a single stun. I'll give you this 1v1 ops are the hardest class for bh's to solo other than tanks for obv reasons but its not impossible. You have all the tools to counter them as long as you use them you should win the fight
  18. I'm really not sure if this entire thread is full of trolls or you guys just don't understand how to play the class. I never have any problem with mobility in pvp, our HARDEST hitting ability is instant. We do more burst than any class bar maybe an op spec'd agent. If you guys are really have trouble playing this class in pvp right now you have a rude awakening inc when the nerf bat hits us for being OP
  19. I'm pretty sure you guys are doing something wrong. I have no problem keeping myself or others up with 3+ people me or them. 1. Kolto Missile every cd as it applies a 15% Healing buff to whoever it hits 2. Don't forget Kolto Shell, As small as the heal amount might be it really helps a ton to stay mobile and still be getting heals i've had it crit upwards of 900 with Kolto Missile up. 3. Always cast Healing Scan first if you're weary of being interrupted as you don't want your only spammable heal on cd without supercharged gas up 4.Fshhht Round the corner into LoS, cast a few heals keep moving 5.Use terrain to your advantage as a well timed knockback can provide you so much needed breathing room. 6. Supercharged gas in tight situations it provides a spammable healing scan, a dmg reduction to buff to your Kolto Missile and an all around healing boost. 7.Use your instant cast with Rapid scan I'm sure i missed some situational things but following those guidelines my target or me rarely die with less than 3 people on us
  20. That same quest that's already fixed 2 weeks after launch?
  21. Edit http://pc.ign.com/articles/121/1214622p1.html now my post is helpful:wea_03:
  22. Does Accuracy affect pvp? If so it comes before all stats as you want to reduce your chance of missing first.
  23. I found Voss to be my favorite planet, i really enjoyed the quest structure and really had no problem with the mobs. The only downfall was the travel times for the flight points but thats minor.
  24. Add one more to the list of bugged and pissed
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