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Dear Broadsword .. update to GTN has ruined my game.


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1 minute ago, OlBuzzard said:

OOPS!  totally my bad!  I'll edit:  That is for WoW stats.  They're up to 460 (IIRC).  I don't do raids ...but a LOT of open world major bosses (72elietes).  And I'm almost maxed out on flying again (even with the new area that just opened up).  MAN !!  I LOVE flying that crazy dragon.  It's a blast!

again ... sorry I should have been more clear!

Oh it would be 344 for us anyway lol.

I thought was missing som3thing with 7.4

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6 hours ago, Darkestmonty said:

I just sold 9 players crafted white/gray dyes I bought months ago and forgot about, I posted them at 500m 500k each because that was the last price I could remember and they all sold even though there were cheaper ones on the GTN.

Lucky is all I can say. Maybe there weren’t many cheaper than you and there was a run on grey/white dyes. Because I’ve not sold anything since the changes. So I’ve now pulled all my listings & won’t bother again unless they make changes. 

The GTN is dead to me now. I won’t be buying any CC’s to sell stuff & I won’t be crafting to sell stuff. I’ll craft for myself & my family/guild. That means 600 less dyes being listed on the GTN weekly. 

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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24 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

The GTN is dead to me now. I won’t be buying any CC’s to sell stuff & I won’t be crafting to sell stuff. I’ll craft for myself & my family/guild. That means 600 less dyes being listed on the GTN weekly. 

You are only hurting your loyal customers who would buy your dyes way above market value just to spite the undercutters 😞

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17 minutes ago, Samcuu said:

You are only hurting your loyal customers who would buy your dyes way above market value just to spite the undercutters 😞

They literally CANNOT buy them because the GTN doesn’t let you now. Have you not checked it out yet or been reading what we’ve been saying? 

You CANNOT buy any GTN items that isn’t the cheapest. You can see the other prices & listings. But you CANNOT buy them. That is the issue & that’s what needs to change. 

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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15 hours ago, Savyl said:

The only way to sell is to play the GTN game and only list an item at a time, always undercutting the next person. I don't have time for that and also that's just not who I am as a person so it's really beneath me. I also don't like that we can no longer collect the credits in mail but I do appreciate collecting the credits instantly. I still prefer the old system and the freedom and so many other things that I've previously posted about.

Exactly this 👆

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28 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

They literally CANNOT buy them because the GTN doesn’t let you now. Have you not checked it out yet or been reading what we’ve been saying? 

You CANNOT buy any GTN items that isn’t the cheapest. You can see the other prices & listings. But you CANNOT buy them. That is the issue & that’s what needs to change. 

Yeah what I'm saying is those loyal customers of yours are still out there just waiting for the price on those dyes u craft to go way up so they can finally buy ur listings. 

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20 minutes ago, Samcuu said:

Yeah what I'm saying is those loyal customers of yours are still out there just waiting for the price on those dyes u craft to go way up so they can finally buy ur listings. 

Under "normal" conditions ...perhaps.  But please keep in mind the following:
** None of us have any idea who the sellers are now (only the cheapest price)
** No one can purchase anything EXCEPT for the cheapest item available.
** Without knowing WHO made said item (not just dyes) ...  it is impossible to be supportive as you are suggesting.  BTW... WHAT you are suggesting is not altogether a bad idea (buying from someone you know).  But with the new system unless their prices just happens to be the cheapest when you are purchasing at that time ... that can't happen.  Not that it shouldn't ...  it just can't.

Aside from to cosmetic changes IMO the entire NEW GTN needs to be scrapped in favor of the old one (from a mechanics standpoint of view).

EDIT:  Man ... I'm glad so much time and effort has been soooo productive!  Especially at a time when it was needed the MOST!!   [/end sarcasm]


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57 minutes ago, Samcuu said:

Yeah what I'm saying is those loyal customers of yours are still out there just waiting for the price on those dyes u craft to go way up so they can finally buy ur listings. 

And in the meantime I lose thousands of credits a day & sell nothing. Sorry, but that’s not how you run a business. 

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3 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

Lucky is all I can say. Maybe there weren’t many cheaper than you and there was a run on grey/white dyes. Because I’ve not sold anything since the changes. So I’ve now pulled all my listings & won’t bother again unless they make changes. 

The GTN is dead to me now. I won’t be buying any CC’s to sell stuff & I won’t be crafting to sell stuff. I’ll craft for myself & my family/guild. That means 600 less dyes being listed on the GTN weekly. 

I'm on sf so we have a lot of players. Even Repulic fleet has 3 -4 instances up

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5 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

They literally CANNOT buy them because the GTN doesn’t let you now. Have you not checked it out yet or been reading what we’ve been saying? 

You CANNOT buy any GTN items that isn’t the cheapest. You can see the other prices & listings. But you CANNOT buy them. That is the issue & that’s what needs to change. 

you have to be the cheapest at some point or never sell.

I'm in favor of lowest price selling first if and only because it stops people from scamming on the GTN, player made dyes being posted for 3 billion across all dyes just in case someone messes up and buying it by accident.

This also stops issues from the old GTN where you would click Lowest to Highest and it wouldn't change properly (which is probably why the above scam worked well).

Another issue were items that would look like 3 million credits but would actually had two or three more zero's and looked like this"

Item Name:  3,000,000,

I almost bought an item that looked like the above on the old GTN until I noticed the weird spacing. I believe it was a crafting material that normally sold for 2.5 to 3 million each but someone was using the odd spacing to make a 3 billion credit item look like 3 million.

You don't always have to be the lowest priced to sell, you just have to be the lowest priced at some point to sell. If people flood a market move on to the next.

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12 minutes ago, Darkestmonty said:

you have to be the cheapest at some point or never sell

But that’s the point. I didn’t need to be the cheapest before. I didn’t need to participate in stupid price wars with people undercutting and driving the prices into the ground. 

People who craft things like dyes have to farm a lot of mats. It’s not a zero sum game. There are costs involved, wether that’s credits or your valuable game time. If I’m crafting to sell, I’m providing a service to other players. I don’t want to lose credits doing so. 

My dyes were always reasonably priced. They weren’t the most expensive or the cheapest & I would sell the majority every day. And any I didn’t sell would have the listing prices returned.

Now I can’t sell at the prices I used to. If I want to sell I have to engage in undercutting price wars which drives the prices down. This is a waste of my time & recourses. I’m also not getting my listing prices returned for items that don’t sell. So I’m actually losing credits instead of making them. And with the low prices the dyes have dropped to, it’s not worth my time & effort to make them & list.

I’m not sure why this is so hard for you to understand. If that doesn’t explain mine & many others position to you, nothing will.

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7 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

People who craft things like dyes have to farm a lot of mats.

who is telling there are farming mats there can also buy the mats from the GTN that is what i sometime's do buy a large stock of the craft materials i need to craft sometime i going to sell on the GTN.

and if people that sell the mats are also stoping with selling then on the GTN since there not like the new GTN at all since its missing a lot of importent things then the crafters also get hurt by it since there cant buy the mats for there items there wane craft.

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21 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

But that’s the point. I didn’t need to be the cheapest before. I didn’t need to participate in stupid price wars with people undercutting and driving the prices into the ground. 

People who craft things like dyes have to farm a lot of mats. It’s not a zero sum game. There are costs involved, wether that’s credits or your valuable game time. If I’m crafting to sell, I’m providing a service to other players. I don’t want to lose credits doing so. 

My dyes were always reasonably priced. They weren’t the most expensive or the cheapest & I would sell the majority every day. And any I didn’t sell would have the listing prices returned.

Now I can’t sell at the prices I used to. If I want to sell I have to engage in undercutting price wars which drives the prices down. This is a waste of my time & recourses. I’m also not getting my listing prices returned for items that don’t sell. So I’m actually losing credits instead of making them. And with the low prices the dyes have dropped to, it’s not worth my time & effort to make them & list.

I’m not sure why this is so hard for you to understand. If that doesn’t explain mine & many others position to you, nothing will.

And that had attached issues with it from the GTN being buggy and not listing price order correctly to people scamming.

If you have loyal customers that want to deal with only you, you can sell via the mail or direct trade.

You can even set up a guild bank and invite an alt of theirs to freely trade after 30 days, I have 3 guilds set up like this.

The benefit of stopping the previous issues of the old GTN was worth the buyers always buying the cheapest first with anonymity for both parties.

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5 hours ago, OlBuzzard said:

Under "normal" conditions ...perhaps.  But please keep in mind the following:
** None of us have any idea who the sellers are now (only the cheapest price)
** No one can purchase anything EXCEPT for the cheapest item available.
** Without knowing WHO made said item (not just dyes) ...  it is impossible to be supportive as you are suggesting.  BTW... WHAT you are suggesting is not altogether a bad idea (buying from someone you know).  But with the new system unless their prices just happens to be the cheapest when you are purchasing at that time ... that can't happen.  Not that it shouldn't ...  it just can't.

Aside from to cosmetic changes IMO the entire NEW GTN needs to be scrapped in favor of the old one (from a mechanics standpoint of view).

EDIT:  Man ... I'm glad so much time and effort has been soooo productive!  Especially at a time when it was needed the MOST!!   [/end sarcasm]


I was being facetious. I've been a player since launch and I sell a ton of different stuff on the gtn. Mounts, weapons, flairs, augments, cosmetic stuff from the Cartel Market. In all these years using the old gtn if there is a glut of the same item I'm trying to sell I either wait or list it as the lowest to ensure it sells. I've never listed an item at a higher price than what other players have listed and come back a few days later and see a sale, 99% of the time the listing ends and I have to put it back up. That 1% where it sells is because all of the cheap listings were bought up as it was an in demand item, and my item eventually became the lowest price (this might have happened in 6.0 with purple augments before golds were introduced). 

In fact this is the way I use the gtn. I couldn't care less if someone undercuts by one credit, I filter to the cheapest price and buy...good for the person watching the gtn closely. They make it a priority so they get the sale...survival of the fittest. So sorry to be facetious but I really don't see one iota of a difference between the new and old gtn in that regard. 

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1 hour ago, Samcuu said:

I was being facetious. I've been a player since launch and I sell a ton of different stuff on the gtn. Mounts, weapons, flairs, augments, cosmetic stuff from the Cartel Market. In all these years using the old gtn if there is a glut of the same item I'm trying to sell I either wait or list it as the lowest to ensure it sells. I've never listed an item at a higher price than what other players have listed and come back a few days later and see a sale, 99% of the time the listing ends and I have to put it back up. That 1% where it sells is because all of the cheap listings were bought up as it was an in demand item, and my item eventually became the lowest price (this might have happened in 6.0 with purple augments before golds were introduced). 

In fact this is the way I use the gtn. I couldn't care less if someone undercuts by one credit, I filter to the cheapest price and buy...good for the person watching the gtn closely. They make it a priority so they get the sale...survival of the fittest. So sorry to be facetious but I really don't see one iota of a difference between the new and old gtn in that regard. 

Trust me ... I know how to play the GTN.  And I for one pretty much always did the same thing you are talking about.  IMO it really only mattered as to what I was trying to accomplish.  Undercutting was not always my objective.  Neither was what I posted expected to always sell !  


Understanding what some people are after in a market can be as much fun as actually making a profit!  (Just a pro tip from my own perspective)


For me personally ... I've simply lost interest in the overall game.  AND yet the simple fact is that there is a degree of truth in what @TrixxieTriss is driving at.  To me the GTN is basically just awkward.  (My own assessment).  And as far as seeing what is available and WHO is selling it.  Well ... that is another matter.  There are so many alts out there for different players until it's not even funny.  So it really doesn't matter who is selling it anyhow.  Heck,  I even have an alt that is a female character through which I use to do a substantial portion of all of my GTN transactions!  I SELDOM posted anything under my main character and almost never purchased anything off of the GTN under that name either.  

I also believe that there wasn't that much gained with the new GTN format.

In any case ... from a certain standpoint of view you are correct.  And yes ... I suspected that you were being a bit facetious in your comment.  (who really stands in line watching for dyes?)   When it comes to dyes ... I look for the cheapest price ... period!  AND I will only spend so much.  If I can find what I want at the price I'm willing to pay ... super!  If not .. I simply walk away. 

BTW ...  none of this is intended to be from an argumentative standpoint of view.  If anything to me I'm just adding more to what you have already stated.

When it comes right down to it ... the GTN isn't the only issue SWTOR is faced with right now!  But that's just me!

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7 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

And who do you think farms the mats on the GTN?

the players farm the mats.

but if there not sell it on the GTN since there not like the new GTN system at all and stop selling then the crafters cant also buy there mats from then.

so thats also then a problem you get if players that normal sell craft materials on the GTN stop selling the crafters that buy then cant buy then anymore for crafting and there cant sell the items there craft on the GTN to other players.

you get more a cain of effect's you get then more since one is going to hurt the other with it.

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4 hours ago, OlBuzzard said:

When it comes right down to it ... the GTN isn't the only issue SWTOR is faced with right now!  But that's just me!

...Sometimes when I'm too close to walls or a barrier objects in game the camera zooms into my character's head, and makes it appear like my toon is bold wearing a wig...


On topic, the biggest grips I have about the new GTN are:

1. I can't Shift Key search from the selling section to see what the current low price is (this might not be the fastest route anymore, but even if its not old habits die hard.

2. I really don't like having to collect money and items from the GTN machine. the portable mail system was so much easier

3. I don't like collecting money and items individually

4. I don't like having to manually select the GTN mail for deletion when they use to delete themselves

5. I can't make it so my items sell in stacks

6. 400,000 credit cartel packs, wait this a new server issue

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1 hour ago, Spikanor said:

the players farm the mats.

but if there not sell it on the GTN since there not like the new GTN system at all and stop selling then the crafters cant also buy there mats from then.

so thats also then a problem you get if players that normal sell craft materials on the GTN stop selling the crafters that buy then cant buy then anymore for crafting and there cant sell the items there craft on the GTN to other players.

you get more a cain of effect's you get then more since one is going to hurt the other with it.

Ah, yes, I misunderstood what you meant.
And that means people who use to farm mats for people, now won’t bother either. Is it possible we might actually see the crafting economy collapse 🤷🏻‍♀️

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1 minute ago, TrixxieTriss said:

Ah, yes, I misunderstood what you meant.
And that means people who use to farm mats for people, now won’t bother either. Is it possible we might actually see the crafting economy collapse 🤷🏻‍♀️

see it like what has happing in the real world.

when there was covid in the world you know also good that chip makers are making less chips then normal that means tech company's are getting hurt since there cant make the tech stuff so that also means that there are less from it are on the market is in the end that a lot of people cant buy then like new phone's or game console's like the playstation 5 and xbox serie's X so the end product is less in stock on the market and its hurting the people that wane buy then.

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Been reviewing the GTN and trying it out for the past few days.  Definately feels like sellers need to be thrown some sort of bone because as it stands I don't think I'd be bothered listing any more.

Even if we had the amount of time seller's listed items had left to run so we as competing sellers could make an educated estimate of how long to list your item for.  I know this would mean the seperation of same priced items into seperate lines but as it stands the guy who lists for 12hrs everytime and has the time to sit and study the GTN wins.  This is a game not a job - except for you guys!

I do think that we should be able to choose to pay a higher amount when buying - even if we don't know who is listing.  We should be able to credit the seller who we feel has made a genuine reduction over the single credit under cutter.

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I don't even list my items anymore. If I weren't in the hospital with nothing else to do I'm not sure I would continue playing. I have quit  in the past because of previous updates and didn't return for a few years. It's unfortunate because I guess the development team or publisher appears to not really care. 

However, I'm extremely happy with the new content, currency exchange and other options to have end game gear so that people who are casual players like me might actually have a chance to play some of the end game content. For that, I thank them.

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