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APAC server & SWTOR promotions


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Looking for player ideas to help Broadsword promote the new APAC server & swtor in general to non playing gamers, especially in the APAC region, but not limited to it. 

If we want the APAC server & swtor in general to be successful, then the game needs to bring back old APAC swtor players & attract new players across the game. 

So what healthy ideas & ways do you think Broadsword could reach out to non swtor gamers who don’t follow swtor influencers or read these forums. 

What promotions do you think they could run that would be successful. What publications or gamer podcasts should they be reaching out to? 

And how can the current player base help & be involved to make it succeed? 

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I think keeping the APAC server as a "fresh start" server has a lot of potential to draw in players who gave up on the exploit driven economy (not to mention the damage to the economy that server mergers had by concentrating all the credits in the game to a few servers). It also provides a way for older players to experience the excitement of gaining all those achievements over (the "achievement completed" popup is very satisfying - it makes it feel like you are still accomplishing something when running decade old content). It also lets those "game is easy" people experience how different things are when you don't have all the benefits of your legacy boosting the power of your character.

On a grander scale, a new more expansive cohesive expansion (or at least some insight into what is planned for the entirety of next year) would help drum up interest. This was being discussed in a different thread so I won't detail it here.

Advertising is the key. Without it, no one is going to pay any attention to whatever occurs behind the scenes. You have to have something to advertise though, and saying "look at our new "expansion, we have new UIs and some character balance, and oh yeah, 30 minutes of new story" isn't going to cut it. At this point, the game needs big bold ideas not "more of the same".

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If Steam is would cooperate, they could do a free subscriber weekend. Basically, for two weekend days, everyone is a subscriber. Steam could put ads on their store about this because they benefit whenever someone buys through Steam. Part of the ad could feature the new APAC server. To be fair for everyone, this promotion would also be for non-Steam players, but the benefit of Steam would be showing the ads on store pages to all Steam users (or at least MMO and RPG players), not just ex-SWTOR players. Elder Scrolls Online has done this on Steam, so it's definitely possible.

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Well, they could open up server transfers, for a start. I would love to play SWTOR on a server with decent ping for the first time ever, but at the same time I'm sure as hell not starting over again either. If they don't offer cheap mass transferal for people located in the APAC region, then I'm just not going to bother with it, I'm not spending an arm and a leg shifting all/most of my toons over this late in the game's lifespan. 


Personally, I'm of the opinion an APAC server should have been created back when they ninja'd the West Coast servers over to the East Coast without telling anyone beforehand, but it wasn't and now I think it's too little too late. That debacle, combined with the slow decline of the playerbase throughout 6.0 and 7.0, means there likely isn't enough APAC people left to bother with the new server, doubly so if using it is going to be a hassle because 'hurr durr muh economy herpity derp fresh start', to say nothing of the effect it might have on Satele's already dwindling playerbase.


Would also be nice if they'd release some actual content to do instead of rehashing the gear grind every damn expansion. This thing with Malgus has been dragged out since Ossus, however many years ago that was now, and the Mandalorion faffing around is just as bad. Why would anyone come back when nothing much has happened in several years? What's the point in returning to the game when they completely ignore PTS feedback and release expacs full of grossly unpopular changes?

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Make actual new story. People love the SW lore. Swtor is currently the only "modern" game where you can play actual Sith in an actual Sith society with actual Sith culture. People love this sh*t. Broadsword should promote this. (Class) Story is probably the only edge this game has over other games and they throw it away.

Make actual PvP and PvE contents: new maps, new raids. Give an environment where players are willing to form long term bond over PvP/raiding.

Make better classes with different builds that are actually balanced. Separate PvP and PvE if necessary.

This is another side that makes a good game: people play games like this love reasonable challenge, people love trying different skills.

I spent almost 900 hrs in Baldur's Gate 3 since july 2023 because it is a single player game that has that many story contents, that many builds to be explored.

The only reason I still log in SWTOR and not canceling my sub is because of the raid group I have. Why would I spend time and $ on this game if I have better thing to play?

But of course, Broadsword can think no improvement/promotion is needed because I still play them $15 a month to stay with my raid group so why bother. They can live off the 10 years old content because that 10 years old class stories are still able to keep people around for a while (majority of new players praise the class stories and it's still a lot of hours worth of stories). Which is most likely the reality: they just want (or is only able to) to get by.

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4 hours ago, ThanderSnB said:

If Steam is would cooperate, they could do a free subscriber weekend. Basically, for two weekend days, everyone is a subscriber. Steam could put ads on their store about this because they benefit whenever someone buys through Steam. Part of the ad could feature the new APAC server. To be fair for everyone, this promotion would also be for non-Steam players, but the benefit of Steam would be showing the ads on store pages to all Steam users (or at least MMO and RPG players), not just ex-SWTOR players. Elder Scrolls Online has done this on Steam, so it's definitely possible.

Would such a weekend subscription remove level cap and unlock expansions? Many people subscribe only for a month to have those things so they would lose plenty of subscriptions. On the other hand, without those things this "subsciption" would be pointless if not a scam.

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2 minutes ago, Anhkriva said:

Would such a weekend subscription remove level cap and unlock expansions? Many people subscribe only for a month to have those things so they would lose plenty of subscriptions. On the other hand, without those things this "subsciption" would be pointless if not a scam.

Probably not. The one for Elder Scrolls Online didn't unlock all the expansions. It's not a scam if it's clear what people are getting from the promotion. They'd just have to make sure it's there in the announcement or fine print.

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8 hours ago, DWho said:

I think keeping the APAC server as a "fresh start" server has a lot of potential to draw in players who gave up on the exploit driven economy (not to mention the damage to the economy that server mergers had by concentrating all the credits in the game to a few servers). It also provides a way for older players to experience the excitement of gaining all those achievements over (the "achievement completed" popup is very satisfying - it makes it feel like you are still accomplishing something when running decade old content). It also lets those "game is easy" people experience how different things are when you don't have all the benefits of your legacy boosting the power of your character.

On a grander scale, a new more expansive cohesive expansion (or at least some insight into what is planned for the entirety of next year) would help drum up interest. This was being discussed in a different thread so I won't detail it here.

Advertising is the key. Without it, no one is going to pay any attention to whatever occurs behind the scenes. You have to have something to advertise though, and saying "look at our new "expansion, we have new UIs and some character balance, and oh yeah, 30 minutes of new story" isn't going to cut it. At this point, the game needs big bold ideas not "more of the same".

i agree with you if they announce an expansion as big as shadow of revan then automatically all mmo websites and in general game websites and other game media will put swtor in their news and talk about it, it is big advertisement that put the game on the map again.

also when new star wars movie and tv shows come out they need to use that opportunity to advertise the game, a chance they missed last time when hype around new star wars movies was big, they must jump on the next hype train and use it to advertise swtor.

Edited by bahramnima
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there can make some expension become free like there have done with the hut cartal and shadow of raven expension to release the knights of the fallen empire and enteral throne.

but i think also there need to start fixing the bad and worst reputation this game has since a game that has a worst reputation is not good if you wane lure new players in.

like starting with fixing the game from its bug problem and so that it looks good for the newer players also.

and remove some of the anoying restrictions like the credit limit needs to go.


edit: there is also a bad and worse rumor going around on some other social media platforms about this game what is more the same rumor from the 6.0 conquest big problem back then is going around more.

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1 hour ago, ThanderSnB said:

Probably not. The one for Elder Scrolls Online didn't unlock all the expansions. It's not a scam if it's clear what people are getting from the promotion. They'd just have to make sure it's there in the announcement or fine print.

Huge "free subscription" sign with a * and a very small letters at the bottom of a page with "this subscription is nothing like a real one and offers nothing but exp boost past level 20 and fully usable chat" is what i would call scam or false advertising, even if it isnt by legal definition. Lets be real, thats all a new player would get for those 48 hours. Purple gear, ops and switching combat styles is something only returning players would be able to use is such short time. The word "subscription" means something very specific in this game, with a very specific benefits and using it while providing something else would be misleading to both new and returning players.

To celebrate the launch of the new server, we are offering a starter package for new players: +x% exp/gold for x days, some cool legacy bound items or hypercrates (to prevent creating multiple accounts and selling them) and legacy unlocked twillek for all new accounts seem like a thing u put on promo ad, and its something new players can actually benefit.

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While some of these ideas are ok for existing players, what my OP is asking for is a way to target the old APAC players or even brand new ones, not current players.

So far, only the Steam idea addresses the issue of targeting non swtor gamers. All the other ideas are for current players or people who follow swtor waiting for new content.

What we need are promotions or ideas to bring in APAC players who left the game 10 years ago or even brand new APAC regional players. We need a way to get those people’s attention because they don’t follow swtor & they don’t need a new expansion or anything else brand new. For them, swtor has either 10 years of new content already or is brand new to them. 

Here are some rough ideas: 

How about bring back a referral type system for a limited time? 


Broadsword Emailing out to the old APAC players to offer them a free subscription for 2 weeks. 


Getting Disney or Lucas Arts to run a promo on their websites that gives a free 6 month sub to the winner of some swtor competition for new players on the APAC region.


Just contacting the gaming media organisations in APAC region & paying for some advertising or getting them to write a story about swtor opening an APAC server for the region 🤷🏻‍♀️

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What I'm doing is posting on my Facebook page daily, or at least almost daily about the new server. I'm also a member of some Facebook MMO groups, so I promote the new server there as well. What I can think of right now to promote the new server is to give incentives to those who would play there--maybe a character or even legacy title exclusive to the server? Something along those lines....

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1 hour ago, TrixxieTriss said:

What we need are promotions or ideas to bring in APAC players who left the game 10 years ago or even brand new APAC regional players.

to bring old players back to the game there need to understand good why there left in the first place what there reason was to leave this game.

you can come up with all type idea's to bring then back but there have a good reason also why there left in the first place.

we all know what for stupid mistake's the team has done to the game so far what has give a good reason for players to leave the game.

if there remove good parts from the game or chance the good things when its not needed then i can understand why there leave.

you also know good that most of the PVP communety has left the game since there have mess up the PVP contant good what was not good.


and for the new players you need to chance the imago this game has for some time.

people call this game more a cash cow or that its a buggy game with a lot of bugs or other stuff what has give this game more a bad imago on the internet.

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58 minutes ago, Spikanor said:

to bring old players back to the game there need to understand good why there left in the first place what there reason was to leave this game.


The problem is bad game design is why many have left. They developers know it and keep making them anyway.

PvP is a great example as it currently has more design issues than players left participating in it.

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Which entity is responsible for SWTOR marketing, EA or Broadsword?  I always thought EA, as SWTOR's publisher, had primary responsibility for the marketing of the game.  I think Broadsword can do some marketing activities but my guess is if said marketing requires significant funding or will decrease SWTOR revenue then EA would have to approve and handle the marketing campaign.  At least EA didn't make the decision to close the game but it feels like EA moved SWTOR to its "no marketing funding" budget category a long time ago, well before the move to Broadsword.

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1 hour ago, Lord_Malganus said:

The problem is bad game design is why many have left. They developers know it and keep making them anyway.

PvP is a great example as it currently has more design issues than players left participating in it.

its not only that since there have also mess up big time with a lot of things.

remove things that the comminety like's, add things we not like, chance the wrong things and go on with the list.

there have make a big mess from the game that has make sure people leave the game more the getting new players.

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I agree.

Keeping the players they have is the most logical place to start.

If they are not even willing to put honest focus and effort on sound game design, content and enhancing their current players QOL, what makes anyone think they are going to make any effort getting new players or getting back those that have already left? 



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Getting new players can be done. It will take much effort though, and it might even mean an overhaul of the game--meaning new and compelling content which would entice new players and even old players. The game itself is really compelling already, but it does need much new content and maybe a rework of even the older ones.

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1 hour ago, Lord_Malganus said:

I agree.

Keeping the players they have is the most logical place to start.

If they are not even willing to put honest focus and effort on sound game design, content and enhancing their current players QOL, what makes anyone think they are going to make any effort getting new players or getting back those that have already left? 



and there is now the point where it go's wrong with this game from the start.

i take 7.0 as a good exemple.

if there add a new armor system when the current player base is not happy about it how do there need to think its going to help to bring old players back or new players in to the game when there add something when people not like it.

its the same when there tell to us that 1 week before launch there going to delay it with 2 weeks without telling information about it.

and at the same time there remove stuff like the Dark vs light system or the second progression system when there not think about it good if its something good to have.

same with the stuff there keep doing like add one thing in 5.0 and in 6.0 its going to be chance again and in 7.0 there remove it so why has it been add in the first place.

and that is happing to much in this game that people also get sick from and leave more since there cant take it anymore.

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I think they should be doing far more stuff with social media and streaming platforms. EA runs ads on instagram and all kinds of stuff for SWGOH. The last SWTOR thing I see on EA’s Star Wars instagram page is the legacy of the Sith launch trailer and promos surrounding that. EA can only promote the game when the developer gives them material to promote it with.

For APAC players specifically, assuming they still have those email addresses in their database from years ago, at the bare minimum some sort of promotional email should’ve gone out inviting them back to try the new APAC server with a free 30 days sub time or so.

I know the team is small but quite honestly looking back several years at social media and other stuff, even when the team was not small, it’s kind of been the same promotion/marketing wise since 2015/2016.

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7 hours ago, Spikanor said:

to bring old players back to the game there need to understand good why there left in the first place what there reason was to leave this game.


I can categorically say the number one reason why the majority left, was closing the old APAC servers & merging them with the US servers. The ping went from 20ms to 220ms for me. But for many players, the ping went up to 350ms. 

Because that was the number one reason, the priority should be letting those people know there is a new APAC server with low ping again. But they should also add a sweetener too. Like free transfers off the US servers & maybe some CC’s or a months free subscription if they sign up for a month. 

But if these people aren’t told there is a new server to start with, they won’t come back because they no longer follow this forum or any of the current swtor media. Which is why I’ve been begging Broadsword to promote the server outside swtor’s usual ecosystem.

IMO, they need to approach this on multiple fronts. They need to do an email campaign to the old APAC players. They need to run a promotion across platforms like Steam, starwars.com or Disney.com and they need to get the info into the APAC gaming media. 

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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4 hours ago, Jarcen said:

Getting new players can be done. It will take much effort though, and it might even mean an overhaul of the game--meaning new and compelling content which would entice new players and even old players. The game itself is really compelling already, but it does need much new content and maybe a rework of even the older ones.

The game does not need an overhaul to bring in new APAC players. You forget that the biggest reason most APAC players dont play swtor is because of huge ping. The problem is they don’t know there is now a low ping server. Just getting this info out properly to the old & new StarWars fans from the APAC region would make a difference. Because from their perspective, this game has 10 years of unplayed content or is brand new to them.

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1 hour ago, SoyElSenado said:

I think they should be doing far more stuff with social media and streaming platforms. EA runs ads on instagram and all kinds of stuff for SWGOH. The last SWTOR thing I see on EA’s Star Wars instagram page is the legacy of the Sith launch trailer and promos surrounding that. EA can only promote the game when the developer gives them material to promote it with.

For APAC players specifically, assuming they still have those email addresses in their database from years ago, at the bare minimum some sort of promotional email should’ve gone out inviting them back to try the new APAC server with a free 30 days sub time or so.

I know the team is small but quite honestly looking back several years at social media and other stuff, even when the team was not small, it’s kind of been the same promotion/marketing wise since 2015/2016.

This. Marketing does much in creating awareness. I play other games aside from SWTOR, and one of the games I play is World of Warships. Like it or not, the level of promotion Wargaming does for its games (World of Warships and World of Tanks) is quite insane. And those aren't even the most heavily promoted games. Contrast WoWs and WoT to another Wargaming game, World of Warplanes. That game is almost non-existent and barely gets any mention or even collabs, and it shows--it has no forums, almost no players on aside from the AI bots placed in the game to balance both sides. If SWTOR is heavily promoted in many social media platforms, there would be more players ingame. It's actually amazing that many people aren't even aware of SWTOR or that it's still up.

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5 hours ago, Lord_Malganus said:

I agree.

Keeping the players they have is the most logical place to start.

If they are not even willing to put honest focus and effort on sound game design, content and enhancing their current players QOL, what makes anyone think they are going to make any effort getting new players or getting back those that have already left? 



Then what was the point in opening up a new APAC server & then not even informing the old APAC players they had done this? If they don’t promote the server, it is destined to fail because US & EU players don’t want to play with massive ping anymore than APAC players do. So once the novelty of the new server wears off, they’ll go back to their old servers & the APAC server will die. If they do nothing at all to get the message out to non playing swtor gamers, then this whole thing had been a cynical waste of time. Setup to fail all because they didn’t do the most basic marketing to the old APAC players or the APAC region. Something that could be done for much less money than making any new content at all. 

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8 hours ago, Jarcen said:

What I'm doing is posting on my Facebook page daily, or at least almost daily about the new server. I'm also a member of some Facebook MMO groups, so I promote the new server there as well. What I can think of right now to promote the new server is to give incentives to those who would play there--maybe a character or even legacy title exclusive to the server? Something along those lines....

Some incentive ideas: 

Free transfers for returning players 

Month free subscription 

Extra Cartel Coin boost if they subscribe 


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