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Shae Vizla Launch Updates


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1 minute ago, Cerezaredrose said:

You sir need to stop and smell the roses. The economy SV is going to go belly up regardless, as soon as transfers are offcially unlocked you're going to have RMT people are going spam there advertisments on the fleet and people will start using real money to buy credits. The reason why people are going to buy credits because of the transfer credit cap if there is going to be one. I've seen this happen multiple times in a lot of MMORPGs, so the economy is going to be crap regardless and there is nothing no one can do about it not EA or BS.

If the credits aren't on the server you can't buy them there. Limiting credit transfers in, inhibits credit sellers ability to flood the economy with credits (they'd have to "earn" them on the server like everyone else - they're effective at it but they would definitely be inhibited by transfer caps). Quite frankly, there should be limits on all servers regardless of the location. If you keep credits on the servers where they are generated and drain them effectively through trade taxes, you can keep the economies better under control.

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12 hours ago, Jstgetitovrwith said:

Oh come off it that's a lie 

It might've made it harder for some things like APM for dps outputs, but in general APAC players have consistently performed at the top level of raiding and pvp since being moved to harbinger and even since the United Forces update. 

There are many reasons to be frustrated with the ping and being moved so much, my main has been around since Gav Daragon, but saying you were UNABLE to be competitive because of ping is incorrect.



Reiterating my stance that I'd prefer transfers be held off until they experiment more with the economic settings of SV, but am fine with them with constraints, namely item stacks and credit caps

No its not a lie, I am on a gigabit connection and my main server before I came over here was Satel Shan. On that server I was getting over 400ms+, the game was unplayable at times. Do you know how ping works and what the MS stands for when it comes to latency? There is no way anyone can be competive in PvP with that kind of latency. I've touched PvP in SWTOR for the first time and I've been playing the game since launch.

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1 hour ago, DWho said:

And when the economy on SV goes belly up, which it will if BS follows what a lot of players are suggesting (unlimited transfers), who is to blame. I guarantee, that the APAC players will find some way to blame Broadsword for the broken economy that develops. What about the new APAC players that don't have billions to transfer, should they be at a disadvantage?

The solution is simple. Allow transfers with credit caps and stacked item limits. That more or less keeps the economy in tact and lets the APAC players transfer over what they need.

The last thing anyone wants is another broken server like the other 5.

I came back with nothing after a few years of not playing, got reps for some crew skills and sold dyes, and made enough to feel happy.

To think ppl can't earn credits just because others have more.... how do you live in real life? ppl have more than you, so do you cry and not earn what you can to get by in life? When you want something do you give up or put in more effort?

Effort = Reward

APAC players already did the effort over the last 12 yrs.... we want our reward.


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Even if Broadsword opens transfers supporting SV as an APAC Regional server above all else, it is also a Fresh Start server and an Economy Focused server open to everyone that chooses to create new characters and play on it. So they have already allowed everyone the right to play on SV.

It will be interesting to see what they ultimately decide and who's feelings get hurt.

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6 minutes ago, DWho said:

If the credits aren't on the server you can't buy them there. Limiting credit transfers in, inhibits credit sellers ability to flood the economy with credits (they'd have to "earn" them on the server like everyone else - they're effective at it but they would definitely be inhibited by transfer caps). Quite frankly, there should be limits on all servers regardless of the location. If you keep credits on the servers where they are generated and drain them effectively through trade taxes, you can keep the economies better under control.

From reading that, you have no idea how Real Money Transfers work. SV shouldn't be about the enconomy, it should be about the player base and growing the player base.

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36 minutes ago, DWho said:

So did everyone else.

Everyone else wasn't forced to move out of the region they were playing in. APAC players had no choice but to be put on a NA server. They deserve the right to get the same limitations as normal Server Transfers are now per character.

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6 minutes ago, Toraak said:

Everyone else wasn't forced to move out of the region they were playing in. APAC players had no choice but to be put on a NA server. They deserve the right to get the same limitations as normal Server Transfers are now per character.

That only applies to the players that were forced to move. Very few of the current APAC players were even around back then. Ones that were should get some special attentions (though not through the transfers themselves). Just being in the region shouldn't be a benefit (outside the improved current ping).

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2 minutes ago, DWho said:

That only applies to the players that were forced to move. Very few of the current APAC players were even around back then. Ones that were should get some special attentions (though not through the transfers themselves). Just being in the region shouldn't be a benefit.

That is speculation. None of us actually know that for a fact one way or the other. Only BW/BS would know how many of the players from the original APAC server are still around.


Edit: We also don't know how many of those original players are sitting waiting for Broadsword to decide if they're going to allow all of their items, gear, and character to transfer, or putting limitations on it.

For all we know it may be whatever Broadsword does either brings back a lot of people or doesn't. I'd suspect putting limitations would bring less people in, but that's just my opinion.


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6 minutes ago, Toraak said:

That is speculation. None of us actually know that for a fact one way or the other. Only BW/BS would know how many of the players from the original APAC server are still around.


Edit: We also don't know how many of those original players are sitting waiting for Broadsword to decide if they're going to allow all of their items, gear, and character to transfer, or putting limitations on it.

For all we know it may be whatever Broadsword does either brings back a lot of people or doesn't. I'd suspect putting limitations would bring less people in, but that's just my opinion.


And none of that matters. If the character was created on the APAC server before it closed, special considerations should be made. If it wasn't no special considerations are warranted other than perhaps a reduced cost transfer.

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5 hours ago, DWho said:

And when the economy on SV goes belly up, which it will if BS follows what a lot of players are suggesting (unlimited transfers), who is to blame. I guarantee, that the APAC players will find some way to blame Broadsword for the broken economy that develops. What about the new APAC players that don't have billions to transfer, should they be at a disadvantage?

The solution is simple. Allow transfers with credit caps and stacked item limits. That more or less keeps the economy in tact and lets the APAC players transfer over what they need.

The last thing anyone wants is another broken server like the other 5.

I’m not suggesting breaking the server economy & you know that because you’ve agreed with my previous proposals. What I have issue with is people outside of the region, dictating to regional players. Sure, let’s all debate it. But at the end of the day, it should be the APAC players who come first over fresh server players from other regions who won’t stick around in the long run. 

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8 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

Why is that non APAC players are trying to dictate what the developers should do for the APAC server & APAC players when they don’t even live in the region. 
You guys have 5 other servers in the Northern hemisphere that are close to your region. Why can’t you play there and let the developers setup the APAC server for APAC located players. Why do you have to always have everything your way & we have to kowtow to your wishes?

This server was setup for APAC players & they should be the priority, not people playing from the EU or NA. The devs are going to lose the rest of the APAC community if this continues.

But maybe that’s what a handful of you you all want. Then you can petition them for a fresh server in the EU or NA & APAC players can just leave the game for good. Because that’s honestly how you come across. That we should be lucky to get your crumbs. 

This is an exciting opportunity for all players in the APAC region, whether you’re current, returning, or brand new! Shae Vizla will be a new server with no transfers available at launch. This will allow us to monitor the health of the server’s economy and simultaneously provide a space for players who want to start on a clean slate or who have never played before. In essence, opening a new server this way will feel like a new launch. Our established players can enjoy the nostalgia of the game, build new communities within APAC, and offer guidance to new players. Those who will be starting their adventure for the first time will have over 12 years of content, stories, and fun to enjoy in their Star Wars™ journey.   https://www.swtor.com/info/news/article/20231115#:~:text=Shae Vizla will be a,who have never played before.

By making this statement, and allowing non apac players on the apac server bs has set expectation for those player who want to start on a clean slate. Just like you are angry that your expectation have not been met others would/will soon have that same experience if bs follows APAC player demands(apac only server account transfer) or all region full transfer. Since your servers have been closed in the past it is not a stretch to assume they were not producing the results bioware wanted/needed. what will happen if the people on the servers that were producing the results bioware/bs want/need get upset to the point where they leave the game? (Some of those people probably made the SV server produce the needed results. this statement is supported by the fact your servers have been closed in the past and I've heard on the the forums that APAC player were not playing on the new server because they couldn't transfer) 

I have stated in my previous post that they should have done things differently instead of setting conflicting expectation. guess what, they can't undo what has already happened. regardless of what BS chooses to do there will be angry customers. there really is a need to appease as many customers as possible. If you don't understand why that is I don't no what to tell ya.

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7 hours ago, Toraak said:

Going to be honest here. Why? The APAC players have been moved away from the regional server they were on years ago. Coming from a non APAC player they should be able to move whatever they want within the normal character transfer rules. They've earned all of the stacks of items, Cartel market item's, gear, credits etc fairly just like any other player. 

They were forced to move, meaning not by choice. The economy should not make any factor in the decisions broadsword has to make. The only question that should matter is does Broadsword give Free character transfers to those that want to move to SV (whether APAC players only, or anyone), or do they reduce the cost of server Transfers for a limited time.


The non APAC players on SV should not be the main concern for that server, so those there for the fresh economy shouldn't be the main focus. The server's focus should ONLY be for getting the APAC players over to that server, and hopefully to get new players from that region playing the game.


A fresh start economy server should never have been what Shae Vizla server was about. It should have only been about growing the playerbase in that region.

I agree that APAC players situation should have been research more before the server opened. had they just cloned a sever instead of starting a fresh one I don't think we would be having this conversation. no one would care about transfers ruining the economy because its already ruined. Now people care. Which group has more support full transfers or limited transfers. BS is probably going to have to figure that out. (FYI I'm not really apposed to full transfers. sure i lean toward limited credits because I feel it would make SV the best server in the game, but I would still play with full transfers. I am apposed to APAC only server account transfer. I would actually stop playing the game if that happened.)

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3 hours ago, Lord_Malganus said:

It will be interesting to see what they ultimately decide and who's feelings get hurt

If it was only hurt feelings, it would be one thing. But what this will ultimately entail is wether the server will be viable in the future or not. And Broadsword have already made several missteps in the opening. If they continue to make missteps, then they’ll either lose money or the server won’t be viable at all & they’ll have to close it. Which will ultimately lose them more players.

The missteps they’ve already made have cost the server greatly. It’s now nearly impossible for myself or others to complete the PvP season because it’s literally not popping when I’m playing. I was in both PvP queues yesterday for 5 hours & didn’t get 1 pop. Where before 7.4 released, I consistently got pops during that time bracket. What’s the point of having awesome ping to PvP with if it doesn’t pop😞

All of these issues could have been avoided if they’d just planned better. If they’d announced the server opening on the live stream, it would have helped hype up the community & possibly gain some APAC media attention. Sending out those emails a week before the server opened instead of 2 weeks after would have helped. Offering special discounts to returning players would have helped. And having transfers setup before or when 7.4 released would have helped. And all of that is before we even discuss them actively marketing to the region which they haven’t done.

If they get this next step wrong, I fear they will have to close the server. That is what every APAC player is worried about. It’s why many haven’t invested time on it. It’s why many of us are arguing that they need to put the APAC players needs above those of fresh start players from other regions who won’t really be overly affected if they close the server. It’s the APAC regional players who will ultimately lose out here if Broadsword get this wrong. Anyone who is arguing differently is disingenuous. 


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17 minutes ago, Lord_Malganus said:

Broadsword setup SV as a multi purpose server. Its not just a server for offering a good ping for APAC players but also a Fresh Start server and Economy Focused server open to everyone. Here is a stream of Keith explaining that and why his entire team enjoys playing on SV.

That’s great and all.

But where are all the fresh start players? Why is the group content dying on the server?

Why did they all go back to their original servers to play 7.4, complete Galactic Seasons & PvP Seasons?

Why is that APAC players are now being forced to do the same all because Broadsword didn’t open transfers up when 7.4 was released & didn’t shorten the requirements to complete those Seasons on the APAC server? 

The problem is Broadsword themselves don’t seem to really know who they opened the server for or what they wanted from it or if they do, they aren’t being transparent with us. Because you can’t have it as a fresh server & encourage old APAC people to play there when you don’t plan it out properly. 

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3 hours ago, DWho said:

That only applies to the players that were forced to move. Very few of the current APAC players were even around back then. Ones that were should get some special attentions (though not through the transfers themselves). Just being in the region shouldn't be a benefit (outside the improved current ping).

What about those of us who had multiple accounts & closed the ones we had on the original APAC server? 

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4 hours ago, Cerezaredrose said:

Its still not going to make any frigging difference. It will still lead to people using real money to buy credits and cartel coins and EA and BS will not get any of the money

I'm going to assume you meant "and not buy cartel coins." limiting credits is not about fighting credit sellers, its about creating an environment that is appealing to new and returning players. Hopefully this will let you see a little clearer. 

On 12/16/2023 at 1:55 AM, AFadedMemory said:

I am well aware that the limit is suppose to increase subs. What I'm saying is the inflated prices presents a seemingly insurmountable task that people give up on even buying items from the GTN. The chances of them subbing to buy later became less likely. For example When I started playing the game I was F2P. The Mandalorian Hunter Armor was the hot item so to speak. to buy it at the time you had to spend like 5-7 million credits. After playing for awhile hitting the 1 million wasn't especially hard and since I only had to hit said limit a few time to get pretty cool Items I decided to sub. Now that armor is 40,000,000 credits (cheapest of seven on ss around the time of this post) meaning a f2p player has to hit the credit limit 40 times.  I would think that was not possible to obtain or worth my time trying.  The hunter armor isn't even a fair comparison anymore since it's not a popular item at the moment.  Mandalorian Nomads armor is currently a popular item and its 888,888,888 (cheapest of 5 ss) and it use to be 1,500,000,000 before the GTN changes. That's hitting the credit limit close to 889 times or was 1500 times. not very new/f2p/casual friendly

SWTOR launched on 12/20/2011 it switch to F2P on 11/15/12 since it was losing a lot of subs. if EA did not switch business tactics this game would have been abandoned along time ago.

I stayed because of the environment, I later subbed, and I made microtransaction after that. I'm swtors targeted demographic.  once again I subbed (with the sub and cartel coin combo BS should always offer one of those around the holidays) you know what the deciding factor was? the new server and its environment.

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24 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

If it was only hurt feelings, it would be one thing. But what this will ultimately entail is wether the server will be viable in the future or not.

I 100% agree. too much push in either direction is dangerous. I think we can all agree that transfer of some kind should be open and limited achievements should not be apart of that.

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33 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

That’s great and all.

But where are all the fresh start players? Why is the group content dying on the server?

Why did they all go back to their original servers to play 7.4, complete Galactic Seasons & PvP Seasons?

Why is that APAC players are now being forced to do the same all because Broadsword didn’t open transfers up when 7.4 was released & didn’t shorten the requirements to complete those Seasons on the APAC server? 

The problem is Broadsword themselves don’t seem to really know who they opened the server for or what they wanted from it or if they do, they aren’t being transparent with us. Because you can’t have it as a fresh server & encourage old APAC people to play there when you don’t plan it out properly. 

I agree. Guess we can only wait to see what they decide.

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25 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

What about those of us who had multiple accounts & closed the ones we had on the original APAC server? 

Not much you can do about closed accounts, unfortunately. If there was a way to tell which "new" players had closed accounts, they should get some kind of bonus as well.

What I am seeing is two different groups of APAC players, those that just want to play on a server with good ping and their existing legacies and a second group that very much seems to be looking to make a profit out of the situation. I am happy to help out the former but very suspicious of the motivations of the later.

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3 hours ago, DWho said:

And none of that matters. If the character was created on the APAC server before it closed, special considerations should be made. If it wasn't no special considerations are warranted other than perhaps a reduced cost transfer.

All APAC players regardless of when they made the characters should have special consideration on getting characters over to the new server.

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1 hour ago, TrixxieTriss said:

Sure, let’s all debate it. But at the end of the day, it should be the APAC players who come first over fresh server players from other regions who won’t stick around in the long run. 

I agree with this mostly, though I would not call it a "fresh start" server but a server with some semblance of a functioning economy. I think right now you have a lot of players that were complaining about the economy on the other 5 servers playing on SV because the economy is mostly working correctly (the ping to SV is much better than I expected from the US based on the playtest - and for me at least, the EU servers are much worse). That's not to say they should block transfers but rather they should consider the impact and take smaller steps. A straight up transfer of legacies would be a good start (that could happen basically immediately). The transfer of billions of credits (I know you don't support this but others are calling for it) and hundreds of thousands of items can be taken more slowly as it doesn't impact playing on the server.

The last thing Broadsword should do is allow transfers to break the server just to appease a small group of "I want it all now players" (again, not including you in this group) just so they have to fix 6 servers instead of 5.

It's not an all or nothing situation.

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