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Is it Time for a Big New Story Drop?


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2 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

“Would you pay for a fully fledged & fleshed out expansion. If yes, what amount would you be willing to pay for such an expansive expansion?”

“$30, $60 or $90?”



To which I would reply £90. I would happily pay that for an expansion with good story, plenty to do, the promise of regular content updates throughout, and I would sub during that time.

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It's really bugging me that people keep stating they know how much Broadsword is getting from EA without backing it up. We don't know the budget, we don't know how Broadsword plans to distribute those funds, and the team likely can't tell us. So, until I see numbers I won't write anything off.

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15 minutes ago, JakRoanin said:

Well, first, I'm truly hoping this Dec. Will point in a more positive direction but personally, I can wait until June.

June would be too long of a wait.  However, if there was REAL indication of changes in the wind by the end of February I'd say The end of April!  Please note:  one of those famous "We're excited"  speeches won't cut it!  (sorry ... not trying to be rude again ...but I'm not messin' around either!

BTW..  @TrixxieTriss I'll use this as a place to respond to "How much"!  Since I've been less than popular thus far I'll go out with a bang!

I'd spend as much as I would for a brand-new St. Croix 7'3" Newly released Mojo Trigon spinning rod.  I plan on ordering two of those (medium heavy action/ fast tip) along with 3 of a discontinued (well-priced) Fishing 13 Medium action / fast tip in a couple more weeks.  I've saved my dough for 25+ years (retirement) ... and I'm replacing some old equipment.  

Sooo  Yeah I'd spend it in a heartbeat!

That being said:  Someone had darn well better have a REALLY DARN GOOD reason to spring for the cash!  I expect quality!!  (Hense dropping the names of those rods.  They're not the MOST expensive ...but not cheap either.  They ARE quality rods.)

I've waited a lifetime to enjoy a little retirement.  But I ANIT gonna be stupid with my money either.

BTW ... I just dropped $90 (US) on WoW to prepay for the new XP just a few days ago!

Make sense Trixx???  

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10 minutes ago, DWho said:

Well, lets ask it here then.

Personally, I'd be willing to drop $100 (or even a bit more) for a Shadow of Revan like expansion. Something having a cohesive story with the flashpoints, operations, and PVP tied into that story. A generic warzone or an unconnected operation just would not interest me and no more "story" flashpoints where the story is delivered through non-interactive cutscenes.

If it was a truly a big expansion like WoW or FFXIV does, my limit would be $90AUD. If it was $90-100USD, that would make it too expensive for me to even consider because it would end up being $138-153AUD

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16 minutes ago, DWho said:

Well, lets ask it here then.

Personally, I'd be willing to drop $100 (or even a bit more) for a Shadow of Revan like expansion. Something having a cohesive story with the flashpoints, operations, and PVP tied into that story. A generic warzone or an unconnected operation just would not interest me and no more "story" flashpoints where the story is delivered through non-interactive cutscenes.

I could even be convinced to pre-order to give them a chance to prove they could do it.

Dude !!!  You and @TrixxieTriss are on your "A" game today!!


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18 minutes ago, Jazulfi said:

To which I would reply £90. I would happily pay that for an expansion with good story, plenty to do, the promise of regular content updates throughout, and I would sub during that time.

Usually in other games like WoW, for the $90 or £90 the expansion costs, you get 30-60 day sub time too 😉

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16 minutes ago, JakRoanin said:

It's really bugging me that people keep stating they know how much Broadsword is getting from EA without backing it up. We don't know the budget, we don't know how Broadsword plans to distribute those funds, and the team likely can't tell us. So, until I see numbers I won't write anything off.

We never knew under BioWare either. So don’t hold your breath because it will never happen. But we can guess that EA still want their pound of flesh (profit margin) to be the same. And we all know the way EA does that is to reduce costs. Which means giving less resources to developers. 

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1 minute ago, TrixxieTriss said:

We never knew under BioWare either. So don’t hold your breath because it will never happen. But we can guess that EA still want their pound of flesh (profit margin) to be the same. And we all know the way EA does that is to reduce costs. Which means giving less resources to developers. 

To be perfectly candid about it ... I don't care who is getting what or how much goes to whatever party!  That's for THEM to sort out!  

SWTOR needs to be a good, successful game.  NOT DOA at Broadsword.  If that means we need to pay for the real deal to GET the real deal then someone needs to say so!  BUT (as I said) ... I ALSO expect to get a quality product that is not BUGGY!  It should also be noted that this does not mean another underwhelming GS series.  It DOES mean a real, gen-u-ine XP!

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The single biggest problems with both A Rock and A Hard Place, and Old Wounds was the amount of quests. Not enough, period. Notice, I didn't say cutscenes or dialogue, but actual QUESTS!. So, in my dreams what update would I pay over 50$ for...

1. Developing Odessen. This can be a computer terminal weekly mission no Voices no Cutscenes. You click and you get options...

a. Build Residential Complex= x Credits

b. Build Jedi or Sith Temple= x Credits

c. Build Entertainment/Park Complex= x Credits

2. Planetary Quests! Remember them? They were awesome and they should have been in ALL the new planets we got and we should have NEW ones on all our old planets. These only need Voice Overs like in FP's no need for elaborate cutscenes.

3. Personal Quests, I really do not like the SoR storyline because I'm an Old KOTORian and it wrecked my experience of Revan, but the Personal Quests were hands down some of the best Content in the whole game.

4. New Heroics. Enough said.

5. New Warzones, I have PvP'ed before and the group finder is lather rinse repeat the same 3 Warzones. Really?

6. New Uprisings. These are so fun in SM. Yet nodody likes them? IDK Y.

7. Companion conversations. Romance, non-romance doesn't matter we need them, 99.9999% of the player base wants them give it to us now that the strike is over. The fact they didn't give us letters is shameful.

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5 minutes ago, JakRoanin said:

The single biggest problems with both A Rock and A Hard Place, and Old Wounds was the amount of quests. Not enough, period. Notice, I didn't say cutscenes or dialogue, but actual QUESTS!. So, in my dreams what update would I pay over 50$ for...

1. Developing Odessen. This can be a computer terminal weekly mission no Voices no Cutscenes. You click and you get options...

a. Build Residential Complex= x Credits

b. Build Jedi or Sith Temple= x Credits

c. Build Entertainment/Park Complex= x Credits

2. Planetary Quests! Remember them? They were awesome and they should have been in ALL the new planets we got and we should have NEW ones on all our old planets. These only need Voice Overs like in FP's no need for elaborate cutscenes.

3. Personal Quests, I really do not like the SoR storyline because I'm an Old KOTORian and it wrecked my experience of Revan, but the Personal Quests were hands down some of the best Content in the whole game.

4. New Heroics. Enough said.

5. New Warzones, I have PvP'ed before and the group finder is lather rinse repeat the same 3 Warzones. Really?

6. New Uprisings. These are so fun in SM. Yet nodody likes them? IDK Y.

7. Companion conversations. Romance, non-romance doesn't matter we need them, 99.9999% of the player base wants them give it to us now that the strike is over. The fact they didn't give us letters is shameful.


They need to do something.  Sure it won't happen all at once.  Anyone with more than two brain cells in their ol' noggin get's that.  On the other hand there is something to be said for laying a good foundation for the future as well.

Do something:  Lead, follow or (if nothing else) get out of the way!

It's time to fire up the converters!!

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1 hour ago, TrixxieTriss said:

We never knew under BioWare either. So don’t hold your breath because it will never happen. But we can guess that EA still want their pound of flesh (profit margin) to be the same. And we all know the way EA does that is to reduce costs. Which means giving less resources to developers. 

Yeah ... I often wondered if there were any decedents of Ebenizer Scrooge!  But, honestly someone inside of EA (not Broadsword) could probably teach THAT old man a thing or two about the importance and control of money!


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4 hours ago, JakRoanin said:

I think it's too soon to say Broadsword is hollow.

You suggested "just hope it isn't" ...  I was simply re-stating the analogy!  Chocolate bunny ... (as opposed to sand)


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21 minutes ago, BulbulusTheGreat said:

 we need an expansion dealing with rebuilding Ziost 

I'm thinking maybe ... 2 of each (2 Republic and 2 Empire).  They would be WIP (work in progress) in varying stages.  You get the idea.  But yeah.. the game can reflect progression on the planets after each character completes (selected chapter in story progression).  


Edited by OlBuzzard
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7 minutes ago, OlBuzzard said:

I'm thinking maybe ... 2 of each (2 Republic and 2 Empire).  They would be WIP (work in progress) in varying stages.  You get the idea.  But yeah.. the game can reflect progression on the planets after each character completes (selected chapter in story progression).  


(minor spoilers below again)

yeah they could've implemented it for republic side too somehow, maybe if your alliance sided with them you sort of take ziost area over and rebuild it, im not sure its just that given lore significance to ziost (both before and during the game) it was biggest cultural hub of empire and was actually pretty open to different cultures and learning even back when Empire itself wasn't, then events of game transpire, however considering nathema's nature starts coming back my guess is that all planets that had similiar fates also start living again, including ziost so given its lore significance its kinda shame to just leave it a ruin.

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1 minute ago, BulbulusTheGreat said:

yeah they could've implemented it for republic side too somehow, maybe if your alliance sided with them you sort of take ziost area over and rebuild it, im not sure its just that given lore significance to ziost (both before and during the game) it was biggest cultural hub of empire and was actually pretty open to different cultures and learning even back when Empire itself wasn't, then events of game transpire, however considering nathema's nature starts coming back my guess is that all planets that had similiar fates also start living again, including ziost so given its lore significance its kinda shame to just leave it a ruin.

If nature is starting to return it would also stand to reason that both the Republic and the Empire would be interested in returning if for no other reason than to establish a presence for strategical purposes.

Interesting ... I like it!

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36 minutes ago, BulbulusTheGreat said:

 we need an expansion dealing with rebuilding Ziost 

Oooo I dunno 😬 - not sure its ever going to be a 'rebuildable' planet. It's one great big massive grave.

That said, I've always liked the idea of rebuilding places you've helped/saved in MMOs and it rarely happens. The idea of returning to a demolished town to discover new homes/shops/bustle really appeals to me. I also LOVE it when games let you gradually build things yourself, partic if that's a meaningful process and you end up with something lovely and useful.


I also found it heartening when we return to Nathema, and discover the planets and animals are gradually taking over again. I mean, they all want to eat you etc but still - and it's a nod to real world places like Chernobyl, I think? Nature finds a way and all that.

So yes, I like your general idea, but I think Ziost needs a memorial but then respectfully left alone (and quietly monitoring because we damn well know that taking your eye of these places is a massive mistake! :)

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24 minutes ago, Jazulfi said:

Oooo I dunno 😬 - not sure its ever going to be a 'rebuildable' planet. It's one great big massive grave.

That said, I've always liked the idea of rebuilding places you've helped/saved in MMOs and it rarely happens. The idea of returning to a demolished town to discover new homes/shops/bustle really appeals to me. I also LOVE it when games let you gradually build things yourself, partic if that's a meaningful process and you end up with something lovely and useful.

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I also found it heartening when we return to Nathema, and discover the planets and animals are gradually taking over again. I mean, they all want to eat you etc but still - and it's a nod to real world places like Chernobyl, I think? Nature finds a way and all that.

So yes, I like your general idea, but I think Ziost needs a memorial but then respectfully left alone (and quietly monitoring because we damn well know that taking your eye of these places is a massive mistake! :)

(minor story spoilers yet again)

like i said i just think importance of ziost as planet/city is too important to just be left alone, at least for imperial side, ill admit problem i find with my own ideas is that its kinda one sided, on imperial side you'd have much greater motivation to do something than republic but either way like you said i think its worthwhile to do something with it, at the very least menton something happening, natural life is returning as we know and therefore general life, if plants are growing again i don't see why massive empire wouldn't take an interest in rebuilding their own city, it would be costly but probably doable, but yeah at the very least menton it, maybe small trading hubs on surface or certain buildings remade or big memorial would be nice too, really, anything that makes us remember that ziost was more than valk's graveyard.



4 minutes ago, JakRoanin said:

Also the Real World is blowing up more than ever, it'd be nice to have a break (not long) from the Wars part of Star Wars.

i don't think they should ever remove war from star WARS, i'd be more than happy to fight on new planets, i've been wanting more republic planets to fight on like Mirial for example, not just to fight but to explore too but i think they should balance it with building and warfare, it makes most sense.

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