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Galactic Seasons 5 - What Happened?


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11 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

We've been through this already: 1) the companions are cluttering our spaceships, which negatively impacs our enjoyment.  2) as long as companions are part of the seasonal achievements or story, they are not "optional" as you keep claiming. 

I addressed both those points (and more) multiple times. I WANT them to be optional.

Changing the seasons to make companions optional = good.

Removing companions entirely = bad.

I must conclude that you are not discussing in good faith.


11 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

I could say the same about your obsession with wanting to force a bunch of generic, boring companions to clutter everyone else's personal spacehip.  Most of the playerbase doesn't go out arguing how they want everyone else's spaceship "decorated"

Once again, I said I don't care what's going on on the ship. I was fine with ships being empty, I'm fine with companions being on the ships. I prefer currency exchange being on the fleet because I don't need to go to the ship.


11 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

I'm not saying there shouldn't be a new companion

Perfect. Then we're on the same page and we can stop this conversation here.


11 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

I've said over and over again I don't want a new companion to be placed on my personal spaceship until eternity

And I'm perfectly fine with it, I'm also fine with removing the old ones from the ship if it makses you feel better, they can hang around in the Odessen base.

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2 hours ago, juliushorst said:

And I'm perfectly fine with it, I'm also fine with removing the old ones from the ship if it makses you feel better, they can hang around in the Odessen base.

I agree with most of what you said.   The part about them hanging around on Odessen is a problem.  They have to be accessible to toons that haven’t done KOTET yet.  I have a feeling that’s why they ended up on the ships.  

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25 minutes ago, Darcmoon said:

I agree with most of what you said.   The part about them hanging around on Odessen is a problem.  They have to be accessible to toons that haven’t done KOTET yet.  I have a feeling that’s why they ended up on the ships.  

I guess we could request a cryogenic storage vault (it would save space and keep the extras in one spot).


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5 minutes ago, OlBuzzard said:

I guess we could request a cryogenic storage vault (it would save space and keep the extras in one spot).


I like it.  Make it a deco for strongholds that you interact with to release them from carbonite.  Lol

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4 hours ago, Darcmoon said:

I agree with most of what you said.   The part about them hanging around on Odessen is a problem.  They have to be accessible to toons that haven’t done KOTET yet.  I have a feeling that’s why they ended up on the ships.  

Or they can change the functionality of the fleet terminal to make it accept other currencies if people still have some saved. As for the quests I think only Altuur and Fen have quests taking place on the ship (and Altuur is officially recruited on Odessen so he can be moved to the base too). PH4 and Alamity want you to take them to specific places in the galaxy so they don't need to be on the ship.

Or they can simply leave the ship once their quests are completed.

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12 hours ago, juliushorst said:

I addressed both those points (and more) multiple times. I WANT them to be optional.

Changing the seasons to make companions optional = good.

Removing companions entirely = bad.

And I already addressed it too:

The companion is not optional if it's required for the season objectives, it is mandatory. If you can't understand the difference between optional and mandatory I can't help you.

12 hours ago, juliushorst said:

I must conclude that you are not discussing in good faith.

Because I don't agree with you? lol

Exactly the same thing can be said about you.

12 hours ago, juliushorst said:

Once again, I said I don't care what's going on on the ship. I was fine with ships being empty, I'm fine with companions being on the ships. I prefer currency exchange being on the fleet because I don't need to go to the ship.

Once again; I care what's going on on my ship.  However I don't care if you care about it or not, it's not your ship, it's mine. 


12 hours ago, juliushorst said:

Perfect. Then we're on the same page and we can stop this conversation here.

No. If you think you can lie about what I said and get away with it, you are mistaken.  Cutting half of what I said makes it a forgery and you dishonest. This is what I said on previous page:


Second, I'm not saying there shouldn't be a new companion, I've said over and over again I don't want a new companion to be placed on my personal spaceship until eternity


If you run out of arguments, you can stop arguing anytime. Trying to lie about what I said doesn't end the argument, it escalates it.


12 hours ago, juliushorst said:

And I'm perfectly fine with it, I'm also fine with removing the old ones from the ship if it makses you feel better, they can hang around in the Odessen base.

Okay. Remove them from my ship then thank you.  


Still waiting.


Nope, they are still there.


You gonna move them yet?


Yep. Looks like a lot of empty words there.... 


10 hours ago, OlBuzzard said:

I guess we could request a cryogenic storage vault (it would save space and keep the extras in one spot).

I would like this. In fact, it would be perfect for all the companions we don't want to keep.


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i think you can give up on him more since he is not going to understand it at all that if there give you companions in the season there is always companion objective's bound to it and other things to make sure you most have then since without that the devs know also good that a lot of people are going to trow away the item and not use it.

and it seems he still not wane understand that if the game go's to maintenance mode or there close the servers since a lot of people left the game since there not focus on the big problems at all that his companion love is also gone for good.

i still think that this companion and gelactic season topic needs to have a rest time for a long time since its not something that needs a lot of attention now since there are other things that need it more.

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5 hours ago, Spikanor said:


i think you can give up on him more since he is not going to understand it at all that if there give you companions in the season there is always companion objective's bound to it and other things to make sure you most have then since without that the devs know also good that a lot of people are going to trow away the item and not use it.

and it seems he still not wane understand that if the game go's to maintenance mode or there close the servers since a lot of people left the game since there not focus on the big problems at all that his companion love is also gone for good.

i still think that this companion and gelactic season topic needs to have a rest time for a long time since its not something that needs a lot of attention now since there are other things that need it more.

Bottom line:
** GS series needs a lot of love right now.
** It's obvious that there is a sharp division over the matter of companions being the primary ONLY theme and or reward of what has now become a major part of SWTOR.
** The LAST thing that the community needs is another thumbed-up nose to what is being said (If we can't stick to what we want we will throw out more stuff that is liked even LESS).  This helps NOONE! 
** If someone wants a companion THAT bad then maybe the answer is to make the offering through a special token that can be redeemed at the end of the GS series.  Those who would prefer something else gets something that is EQUALLY valuable (like maybe access to a new REALLY NICE stronghold (not something thrown together in a part of the galaxy that few are interested in).  Heck ... even a full customization for one of our favorite companions that does not have that available right now (ie Lana or Theron) would be preferable to what is currently available.

There's always an opportunity to find equitable solutions.  Sure it takes more work.  But it's also been my experience that the extra efforts usually are well worth it and pays a much greater dividend.

Edited by OlBuzzard
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24 minutes ago, OlBuzzard said:

GS series needs a lot of love right now.

then we disagree on this point since i like to see that a lot of other things get love now what we need the most.

like a good long story contant and bug fixing and problems need to be fix in the good way there need the love the gelactic season needs no love for a long time since its not that importent at all for the game it self.

you know also really good that if there not fix the big mess bioware has creat by ignoring a lot of importent things that a big group of the playerbase will leave the game and when this game go's to maintenance mode then there will be no gelactic season anymore.

so now is the point there need to make sure this game go's not to the maintenance mode by fixing things is for once what bioware has screw up.

each new update means also a lot of new problems and since bioware not has fix a lot of problems the list of problems this game has only become more and more.

there are bugs that have been fix and now have become a new bug again with the same type of problem what was fix before.

like i told few post's back all this game has the worst reputation on social media that people are making joke's about how bad it still is.

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28 minutes ago, OlBuzzard said:

** If someone wants a companion THAT bad then maybe the answer is to make the offering through a special token that can be redeemed at the end of the GS series.  Those who would prefer something else gets something that is EQUALLY valuable (like maybe access to a new REALLY NICE stronghold (not something thrown together in a part of the galaxy that few are interested in).  Heck ... even a full customization for one of our favorite companions that does not have that available right now (ie Lana or Theron) would be preferable to what is currently available.

I like that you are honestly trying to give a valid idea here.   I do t think this particular one would work out well though.  I would be all kinds of upset if I had to choose between a new comp or a new SH.  Any type of forced choice is going to be a problem because players will complain that a) they want both items, b) item 1 is better by far than item 2 so it’s not really a choice,c) any other reason they can complain about.  Look at this thread. There have been some alternatives suggested here and even then people are dead set against them.  

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10 minutes ago, Darcmoon said:

I like that you are honestly trying to give a valid idea here.   I do t think this particular one would work out well though.  I would be all kinds of upset if I had to choose between a new comp or a new SH.  Any type of forced choice is going to be a problem because players will complain that a) they want both items, b) item 1 is better by far than item 2 so it’s not really a choice,c) any other reason they can complain about.  Look at this thread. There have been some alternatives suggested here and even then people are dead set against them.  

That's cool!  The whole SH idea was just one of many ideas that could be used as an alternative (as you pointed out there are several).  For that matter why limit the possibilities to just one or two alternatives.  We could EARN tokens then pick from a list of 5 or 6 items worth investing the time into.  

I can already hear the objections (since some folks are NEVER satisfied) ... MY favorite (list item) wasn't on the list... I'M leaving!! 


Sooo why not be able to save up the tokens and have a redemption place available where the list can grow?  Why does everything have to be grab and go right NOW?? 

I know it's never easy.  BUT ... there are always GOOD possibilities if we want to try hard enough to make them happen!

(I hope this makes sense).

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9 minutes ago, OlBuzzard said:

That's cool!  The whole SH idea was just one of many ideas that could be used as an alternative (as you pointed out there are several).  For that matter why limit the possibilities to just one or two alternatives.  We could EARN tokens then pick from a list of 5 or 6 items worth investing the time into.  

I can already hear the objections (since some folks are NEVER satisfied) ... MY favorite (list item) wasn't on the list... I'M leaving!! 


Sooo why not be able to save up the tokens and have a redemption place available where the list can grow?  Why does everything have to be grab and go right NOW?? 

I know it's never easy.  BUT ... there are always GOOD possibilities if we want to try hard enough to make them happen!

(I hope this makes sense).

I’m going to assume you mean a token for those, let’s call them, special items and not the normal GS tokens.  They will either add new items each season meaning that players can’t come close to getting the ones they want as a result or (like GS token items) start off with a finite list and haphazardly add more things and end up with players spending tokens on items they don’t want so that they don’t go over the limit.  

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20 minutes ago, Darcmoon said:

I’m going to assume you mean a token for those, let’s call them, special items and not the normal GS tokens.  They will either add new items each season meaning that players can’t come close to getting the ones they want as a result or (like GS token items) start off with a finite list and haphazardly add more things and end up with players spending tokens on items they don’t want so that they don’t go over the limit.  

YIKES !!!!

(man do I feel stupid right now!!!)

Oh my goodness ...  YES !!!  You are 100% correct !!!!!

I can't believe I overlooked that!!

I just like to save up to buy stuff I really want (cf: the illustration I used regarding new fishing rods).  AND I'd dare say I'm not alone!  IMO you can get people a LOT more interested in something when there is a reward they enjoy and can use being offered!!

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5 minutes ago, OlBuzzard said:

YIKES !!!!

(man do I feel stupid right now!!!)

Oh my goodness ...  YES !!!  You are 100% correct !!!!!

I can't believe I overlooked that!!

I just like to save up to buy stuff I really want (cf: the illustration I used regarding new fishing rods).  AND I'd dare say I'm not alone!  IMO you can get people a LOT more interested in something when there is a reward they enjoy and can use being offered!!

I get where you are coming from. Saving up for something you want is good and when you buy it it gives you a happy feeling. I do think you are right that people are more interested when it’s something they can use/enjoy/are interested in.  I just have understandable doubts about BW/BS being able to do it correctly considering past performance. 

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1 hour ago, Darcmoon said:

I get where you are coming from. Saving up for something you want is good and when you buy it it gives you a happy feeling. I do think you are right that people are more interested when it’s something they can use/enjoy/are interested in.  I just have understandable doubts about BW/BS being able to do it correctly considering past performance. 

YES!!!  (again you are right on!)

I do believe that Broadsword MIGHT be capable of the task.  IMO the better question:  WILL they?  As a result of what someone else has pointed out before:  I'll give them a little slack.  Let's see what they'll do.  If it remains status quo:  I'm out-a-here!  That simple.  The GS series (since it's basically a rehash / hamster wheel of the past) ...  should be a little easier to restructure.  I know that it is still a LOT of work.  I would never presume otherwise.  Still it's very important to SWTOR since it is such an important part of the game.

And yes... (again) YOU are correct!  I also have similar (understandable) doubts.  If there was any one subject that might breathe a bit of fresh air and confidence into SWTOR it would be to overhaul the GS series.  If it is a win/win for the GS it would very likely be a win/win for the rest of the game as well.

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16 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

And I already addressed it too:

The companion is not optional if it's required for the season objectives, it is mandatory. If you can't understand the difference between optional and mandatory I can't help you.

Did you read the post?

I'm perfectly fine with changing the seasons to make companions optional. They were not optional - I don't care, you don't like it. Now there are no companions - you like it, I don't like it. If they are MADE optional we should both like it.


16 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

Because I don't agree with you? lol

No, because you either don't understand or twist what I said and argue against points I never made.


16 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

No. If you think you can lie about what I said and get away with it, you are mistaken.  Cutting half of what I said makes it a forgery and you dishonest. This is what I said on previous page:

And in the same post I said I'm perfectly fine with companions not being on the ship and with you not being forced to recruit them. I don't see any lie or omission in my statement. You said you don't mind them if they are not on your ship. We are on the same page because I'm fine with it too.


16 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

If you run out of arguments, you can stop arguing anytime. Trying to lie about what I said doesn't end the argument, it escalates it.

We're going in circles because you keep repeating the same arguments against something I'm not even asking for (once again: ship, objectives, achievements, quests). It's not very productive.


16 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

Okay. Remove them from my ship then thank you.  


Still waiting.


Nope, they are still there.


You gonna move them yet?


Yep. Looks like a lot of empty words there.... 

Do you expect me to apply for work at Broadsword and do it or to transfer my consciousness to the game and physically throw them out of your ship's airlock? I said I would be fine with companions being removed from the ship, you should be happy with it.

That's why I say that you don't discuss in good faith - you take my offer of a compromise and respond to it as if it was an attack.


14 hours ago, Spikanor said:

i think you can give up on him more since he is not going to understand it at all that if there give you companions in the season there is always companion objective's bound to it and other things to make sure you most have then since without that the devs know also good that a lot of people are going to trow away the item and not use it.

They addressed a problem that one group of players had with a solution that makes another group unhappy. Separating companions from objectives, quests, ship and whatever they are connected to that people don't like should make everybody happy.


14 hours ago, Spikanor said:

and it seems he still not wane understand that if the game go's to maintenance mode or there close the servers since a lot of people left the game since there not focus on the big problems at all that his companion love is also gone for good.

I don't think the game would've gone into maintenance mode if they took the pre-existing model of the Master, slapped pre-existing "single blade Force sensitive" routine on it, added a few lines (attacking, killing an enemy, wounded, dismissed) with pre-existing alien VO and additional dialog option "You're coming with me" next to already existing "Die!" and "Go away.". It's probably less than a day of work for a single person.

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6 hours ago, juliushorst said:

Did you read the post?

Strange question from someone who obviously didn't read mine.

6 hours ago, juliushorst said:

No, because you either don't understand or twist what I said and argue against points I never made.

That's you, you are talking about, not me.

6 hours ago, juliushorst said:

I don't see any lie or omission in my statement.

If you cut out half of what I say and try to make it look like I said something that I certainly didn't, what do you call it then? 

6 hours ago, juliushorst said:

We're going in circles because you keep repeating the same arguments against something I'm not even asking for (once again: ship, objectives, achievements, quests). It's not very productive.

And you are doing exactly the same thing. 

6 hours ago, juliushorst said:

Do you expect me to apply for work at Broadsword and do it or to transfer my consciousness to the game and physically throw them out of your ship's airlock? I said I would be fine with companions being removed from the ship, you should be happy with it.

As I said, empty words. I'm also fine with BS giving you all the companions in the world for free. Maybe a few rare ones too, exclusively to you, no-one else in the game would have them. 

It's easy to say "I'm fine with something" when we both know it's not going to happen. 


6 hours ago, juliushorst said:

That's why I say that you don't discuss in good faith - you take my offer of a compromise and respond to it as if it was an attack.

That's the thing: you are not in a position to offer compromises like that. You can't to remove the unwanted companions from my spaceship, in other words, you can't offer something you have no control of.


15 hours ago, OlBuzzard said:

Bottom line:
** GS series needs a lot of love right now.
** It's obvious that there is a sharp division over the matter of companions being the primary ONLY theme and or reward of what has now become a major part of SWTOR.

I'd rather have them focus on new content and fixing bugs than GS. I also feel that the seasons are either too long or too frequent, considering it's mostly old content being replayed. I'm fine with repeatable content, as long as I don't have to do it all the time. Having longer breaks between the seasons would be nice, then there would be something to wait for instead of sighing "not this again" when a new season begins. I don't know how much dev time planning GS takes, but I would rather have the time used on creating new content instead of recycling the same seasonal stuff all the time.




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7 hours ago, juliushorst said:

They addressed a problem that one group of players had with a solution that makes another group unhappy. Separating companions from objectives, quests, ship and whatever they are connected to that people don't like should make everybody happy.

you still not wane understand it he.

you cant make everbody happy with the gelactic season thats something all the players know since thats basic normal in any game.

there is also never ever coming a gelactic season what has no problems at all since all the gelactic season there are comming are getting bad feedbacks always from some group of players since there not like some things always.

all is the bad feedback about worst rewards in the reward track like decorations, weapons, armor set's, speeders/mount's or companions that people not like to see some of then in the reward track.

same with the objective's is the same problem there never going to be happy about it since there always going to complain that there miss some objective's or need to see more from that type objective's or less from that.

in the end you never ever going to make the gelactic season a good thing at all since there are always people that are not happy about it since there alway's do things wrong and never ever good.

so now we have a discusion about the gelactic season companions but when that is fix people are going to look for a new target there not like and that is going to happing always with the gelactic season.


7 hours ago, juliushorst said:

I don't think the game would've gone into maintenance mode if they took the pre-existing model of the Master, slapped pre-existing "single blade Force sensitive" routine on it, added a few lines (attacking, killing an enemy, wounded, dismissed) with pre-existing alien VO and additional dialog option "You're coming with me" next to already existing "Die!" and "Go away.". It's probably less than a day of work for a single person.

let me tell you this the screw up from 7.0 expension was really close to maintenance mode since a lot of people have left the game if it was not for the tranfer from bioware to broadsword then more people have left the game all.

like most people have told all on other diffrend threads.

next year in 2024 is a big year for broadsword since if there screw up like bioware has done for a long time then there lose a big group of player and the end of that year since there got 1 year to do things compleet diffrend then bioware and also do it right with no screw ups chance's there get.

and maybe you not know this also.

if a lot of players leave the game then EA gets less money from the game that means also there can shut it down the servers for good if there like it its in there controle to do and broadsword cant do notting about it.

thats why you need to make sure also there do a good job on the other big parts of the game also since if this game is going to shut down or going to maintenance mode then you not get any new companions also so your love for companions is then also gone.

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6 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

If you cut out half of what I say and try to make it look like I said something that I certainly didn't, what do you call it then? 

You said that you don't mind companions as long as they are not on your ship. I said I'm fine with it too. The only thing I care about is that companions are back so that's the part I quoted.


6 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

As I said, empty words. I'm also fine with BS giving you all the companions in the world for free. Maybe a few rare ones too, exclusively to you, no-one else in the game would have them. 

I don't need exclusivity, I was always in favor of re-releasing old subscription rewards so everybody can enjoy them. But thank you.


6 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

It's easy to say "I'm fine with something" when we both know it's not going to happen. 

I know we all like to say that the devs don't listen to feedback but they sometimes do. They re-released old subsciption rewards. They adjusted 7.0 scaling so you don't become less powerful as you level up. They even released specific armor set on CM because one person campaigned for it. They even referenced forum joke about "Don the Exiled Knight" at one point.

So it's not entirely pointless to voice your opinions here.


6 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

I'd rather have them focus on new content and fixing bugs than GS. I also feel that the seasons are either too long or too frequent, considering it's mostly old content being replayed. I'm fine with repeatable content, as long as I don't have to do it all the time.

Better seasons with longer breaks between them is not a bad idea.


5 hours ago, Spikanor said:

there is also never ever coming a gelactic season what has no problems at all since all the gelactic season there are comming are getting bad feedbacks always from some group of players since there not like some things always.

There are two solutions: either get rid of the seasons entirely (bad, in my opinion) or adjust them so more people are happy or neutral about them. Making companions entirely optional is, in my opinion, one of such improvements and it doesn't take a lot of work to implement.


5 hours ago, Spikanor said:

all is the bad feedback about worst rewards in the reward track like decorations, weapons, armor set's, speeders/mount's or companions that people not like to see some of then in the reward track.

I like some of those, I don't like others but I don't complain about the ones I don't like, I simply don't use them.


5 hours ago, Spikanor said:

let me tell you this the screw up from 7.0 expension was really close to maintenance mode since a lot of people have left the game if it was not for the tranfer from bioware to broadsword then more people have left the game all.

7.0 was a disaster and the season is probably the only thing that kept me playing in those dark times. But the population appears to be healthier now and I see a lot of messages about people in guild completing specific flashpoint or story chapter for the first time so there is some fresh blood coming to the game. BS opening a new server also indicates that the game is doing fine.


5 hours ago, Spikanor said:

thats why you need to make sure also there do a good job on the other big parts of the game also since if this game is going to shut down or going to maintenance mode then you not get any new companions also so your love for companions is then also gone.

I'm very much in favor of improving the game. I just don't think that seasonal companions consume much resources. I would be much more inclined to complain about them wasting those resources on needless GUI changes.

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15 hours ago, juliushorst said:

You said that you don't mind companions as long as they are not on your ship. I said I'm fine with it too. The only thing I care about is that companions are back so that's the part I quoted.

Yes, and quoting just the part that suited you and cutting the big IF from my response you made it look like something I never said.  Let's play a game called Spot the Difference:

1) I win the lottery.
2) I win the lottery, if I can guess the correct numbers.

See the difference?


15 hours ago, juliushorst said:

I don't need exclusivity, I was always in favor of re-releasing old subscription rewards so everybody can enjoy them. But thank you.

And you are getting any. All I did was offer you some empty words, like you offered a companion free spaceship for me.


15 hours ago, juliushorst said:

So it's not entirely pointless to voice your opinions here.

It's not. What I'm saying is that you can't give me anything, only Broadsword can. 


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28 minutes ago, DeannaVoyager said:

Yes, and quoting just the part that suited you and cutting the big IF from my response you made it look like something I never said.  Let's play a game called Spot the Difference:

1) I win the lottery.
2) I win the lottery, if I can guess the correct numbers.

See the difference?

I want a companion and I don't care about other conditions. As long as there is a set of conditions in which you are fine with me having that companion we are in agreement.


30 minutes ago, DeannaVoyager said:

And you are getting any. All I did was offer you some empty words, like you offered a companion free spaceship for me.

30 minutes ago, DeannaVoyager said:

It's not. What I'm saying is that you can't give me anything, only Broadsword can. 

They won't know that you don't want companions on the ship if you don't tell them. I suggested something that should make you happy, hoping that Broadsword will read it - because as you correctly noticed, one of us trying to coivicne the other is pointless and we can only hope that our arguments will be noticed and considered by the devs - and you reacted with a passive-aggressive attack.

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22 hours ago, juliushorst said:

They won't know that you don't want companions on the ship if you don't tell them. I suggested something that should make you happy, hoping that Broadsword will read it - because as you correctly noticed, one of us trying to coivicne the other is pointless and we can only hope that our arguments will be noticed and considered by the devs - and you reacted with a passive-aggressive attack.

They've been told in multiple threads by several people. That's why there is no companion on this season. 

But you are mistaken: You may be trying to convince me of something but I am not trying to convince you of anything. I used my right to voice my opinion and you started to argue with that. Now I am only responding to your proactive aggressive attacks. 

Anyhow, can you explain me how is it passive aggressive that I say I (and several other people) don't want any generic GS companions on the spaceship? Or how is it any more passive aggressive than you wanting them there? However you want to define it, seems you are just as guilty. 

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12 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

Anyhow, can you explain me how is it passive aggressive that I say I (and several other people) don't want any generic GS companions on the spaceship?

It's not. I'd say it's reasonable. The way you said it was passive-aggressive, not what you said.


12 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

Or how is it any more passive aggressive than you wanting them there? However you want to define it, seems you are just as guilty. 

How many times do I need to repeat that I don't want (or to be precise: don't care about) companions on the ship and that I prefer the fleet terminal for currency exchange? I want to be able to summon them and go on adventures with them. They can go to some limbo when I dismiss them.

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On 11/17/2023 at 4:22 PM, juliushorst said:

BS opening a new server also indicates that the game is doing fine.

sometime's i think you really not understand things at all since this is telling notting at all.

the point is you can tell if the new sever there have open is doing fine if you wait 5 or 6 month's then you can tell its doing fine or not since that is how things work in game's.

when developers release something new like a new server you cant tell its doing good from the start since thats something you see after few month's thats basic stuff.

so the new server there release tells compleet notting now if its doing fine or not after few month's.

that means after 5 or 6 month's what is standart if it was a good thing or a bad one since then you can see if people stay or leave a lot and it tells also if there waste a lot of money or not on the new server.

then you forget also a lot of other things you need to count on.

remember that the new server also have all the anoying tax stuff that means the economy on the new server is compleet diffrend then from the other 5 servers.

that means also its a lot harder there to earn things and to make credits also.

and there are still a lot of other things what is compleet diffrend from the other 5 servers so in the end its only waiting and see if there waste money again on something bad or not.

On 11/17/2023 at 4:22 PM, juliushorst said:

I'm very much in favor of improving the game. I just don't think that seasonal companions consume much resources. I would be much more inclined to complain about them wasting those resources on needless GUI changes.

i still go for that seasonal companions are not importent and come at the bottom of the list since fixing the game from problems and bugs and creating good long story are more importent then seasonal companions since if you not focus on the seasonal companions then you can focus on other parts more like fixing problems and bugs good.


On 11/17/2023 at 4:22 PM, juliushorst said:

7.0 was a disaster and the season is probably the only thing that kept me playing in those dark times. But the population appears to be healthier now and I see a lot of messages about people in guild completing specific flashpoint or story chapter for the first time so there is some fresh blood coming to the game.

do's not mean there are staying since there can also leave faster since look at how many problems this game not has there cant deal to fix.

new players not like a bugy game or if it has a lot of problems that after years not has been fix yet.

there is a reason why outside this forum people are not talking good about this game and more talk really bad about it.

On 11/17/2023 at 4:22 PM, juliushorst said:

I like some of those, I don't like others but I don't complain about the ones I don't like, I simply don't use them.

like i told before all that this is the first step of complaining.

the gelactic season companions is the first step when there have solve that you can bet my hell on that some other people are looking for there next target there not like so maybe next time its the decorations, speeders,mount's or weapons and armor's turn.

who knows if its going to happing or not but now its starting with the companions the question is then what is there next target.



There are two solutions: either get rid of the seasons entirely (bad, in my opinion) or adjust them so more people are happy or neutral about them. Making companions entirely optional is, in my opinion, one of such improvements and it doesn't take a lot of work to implement.

i go for get rid of the seasons and fix the general problems first before there can add it back.

Edited by Spikanor
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