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Galactic Seasons 5 - What Happened?


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26 minutes ago, juliushorst said:

We are talking about seasonal companions. I assumed it goes without saying. Why would I bring up regular companions and regular gifts in a conversation about seasonal companions?

you talk about regular gifts since i see not in the text at all you are talking about seasonal gift's at all so that part is your own fault.


28 minutes ago, juliushorst said:

My main reason remains the same - I like companions and I want to have more of them - that's why I'm willing to invest credits in them.

and my main reason also remains the same - i not wane have any new companions at all since we have a lot of then all and the use limit is still to low so there need to make then first more usefull and i like to see there give the OG companions some love in the gelactic season more so that we can use then more.

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30 minutes ago, Spikanor said:

you talk about regular gifts since i see not in the text at all you are talking about seasonal gift's at all so that part is your own fault.

We must agree to disagree here. If we were talking about the game having companions in general or adding new companions in the story - you would have a point. If we are talking about seasonal companions you should be able to deduce that I was talking about seasonal gifts.


33 minutes ago, Spikanor said:

and my main reason also remains the same - i not wane have any new companions at all since we have a lot of then all and the use limit is still to low so there need to make then first more usefull and i like to see there give the OG companions some love in the gelactic season more so that we can use then more.

And I provided multiple solutions for you to not have to redeem the companion and still fully participate in the season, yet you never addressed those points. Therefore in my opinion your argument boils down to "How dare you like something I don't like".

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5 minutes ago, juliushorst said:

And I provided multiple solutions for you to not have to redeem the companion and still fully participate in the season, yet you never addressed those points. Therefore in my opinion your argument boils down to "How dare you like something I don't like".

people have a lot of reasons why there not wane have a new companion at all.

and like i told you before all you cant reject the gelactic season companion at all since somebody has add it in the objectice missions and also force the player to use then to unlock the reputation npc what was in the last season the companion it self.

and then we still got the other long list of reasons why people not wane have a new companion at all.

so lets wait and see if season 6 become's a other companion less season what has a big chance its going to be.

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1 hour ago, Spikanor said:

and like i told you before all you cant reject the gelactic season companion at all since somebody has add it in the objectice missions and also force the player to use then to unlock the reputation npc what was in the last season the companion it self.

And I said it countless times: let's remove the objectives, let's have fleet terminal as currency exchange. I'm fine with both. Your problems are easily fixed without removing the companions.


1 hour ago, Spikanor said:

and then we still got the other long list of reasons why people not wane have a new companion at all.

Of which you named none that can't be solved by allowing people to reject the companion at the end of the alert.


1 hour ago, Spikanor said:

so lets wait and see if season 6 become's a other companion less season what has a big chance its going to be.

That's why it's good to have such conversations and present arguments for and against in hope that the devs will read it. People not arguing in favor of companions probably constributed to this underwhelming season we have now.

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On 11/12/2023 at 7:43 AM, juliushorst said:

We were talking about seasonal companions so I addressed seasonal companions (more expensive, much faster).

You were talking about credit sinks in general. Be more specific next time if you mean something else.


Personally I don't think the seasonal companion gifts are a credit sink:

- You get plenty of them gifts for free

- The items on the vendor are rotational, in other words: I'm not gonna bother to go to fleet to check which gifts are up on a day I would want to buy some. They can't even be stacked so that I could buy them when the vendor sells them and use later. Proper companion gifts are stackable. 

- And most importantly: why would I want to level up a seasonal companion in the first place (after doing the achievement with the free gift and using all the free gifts)? I don't even like them, why would I waste credits on them.


Hence, when someone is talking about companion gifts as a credit sink, they should specify what they are talking about, when they mean something that really isn't a good credit sink. 



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7 hours ago, juliushorst said:

And I said it countless times: let's remove the objectives, let's have fleet terminal as currency exchange. I'm fine with both. Your problems are easily fixed without removing the companions.


Of which you named none that can't be solved by allowing people to reject the companion at the end of the alert.


yeah after some consideration im 100% with this, i'd rather that we have (optional) companion with great story than nightmare we had on this GS, i'd honestly go as far as to say this is worst SWTOR story period not just GS story, it was really bad and it felt like its insulting our intellect with being dumb.

i don't understand such a massive hate for this idea, its clearly being stated again and again that comp would be OPTIONAL, so you'd be able to do GS story without recruiting if you want, at least thats how perfect GS would look like, something this one was far from.

Edited by BulbulusTheGreat
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8 hours ago, juliushorst said:

And I said it countless times: let's remove the objectives, let's have fleet terminal as currency exchange. I'm fine with both. Your problems are easily fixed without removing the companions.

then look is a few post back since there is somebody else what also like to have a new companion in the gelactic seasons but he is against that idea since he wane get it for free without spending gelactic season tokens on it so thats the problem we have with this gelactic season companion discusion since there is no good solution to make all the players happy. so why you not explane it to that player why adding it in the season vendor is a good idea.

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8 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

- You get plenty of them gifts for free

You get enough gifts to bring one seasonal companion to 50 from reward track. There is no way to get more seasonal gifts other than buying them.


8 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

- The items on the vendor are rotational, in other words: I'm not gonna bother to go to fleet to check which gifts are up on a day I would want to buy some. They can't even be stacked so that I could buy them when the vendor sells them and use later. Proper companion gifts are stackable. 

Seasonal gifts are avaliable at any time, they don't rotate.


8 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

- And most importantly: why would I want to level up a seasonal companion in the first place (after doing the achievement with the free gift and using all the free gifts)? I don't even like them, why would I waste credits on them.

Because I'm not you and I like them. I see them on the fleet quite often so I must assume I'm not the only one who likes them. Once again your argumentation boils down to "How dare you like something I don't like".


5 hours ago, Spikanor said:

there is no good solution to make all the players happy

If companion + no companion-related objectives + no connection between companion and reputation track + being able to complete seasonal quest without recruiting the companion is not a good solution for someone then I must assume that this person enjoys the fact that I don't get my favorite reward and nothing else.


5 hours ago, Spikanor said:

so why you not explane it to that player why adding it in the season vendor is a good idea.

I already have. Why would you single out companions? People who like mounts \ pets \ decorations get their favorite reaards + tokens, people who like companions must spend tokens for their favorite rewards. How is it fair? If anything, apply the same rules to all rewards.

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3 minutes ago, juliushorst said:

Why would you single out companions?

if you wane know why i not wane have a new companion i can tell you.

we have a lot of companions in this game but the use limit is so damm low that you only can sent 8 companions on crew skill task and 1 is helping the player when the others are doing notting at all.

we have a companion sheet that has become a big mess since 5.0 and only has become more a mess after each expension so what when there need to fix that first also.

same with the companion season gift's is more a waste of space in the reward track there can use to add something else in it.

if you wane know how i like to see the gelactic season more with its reward then its not about the thema its using but the rewards it self.

that there use the official wishlist's more to add that type items players wane see in the game to add that in the gelactic season reward track like the armor wishlist/ mount/speeder wishlist / pet list's / decoration wishlist's and other wishlist's people have on the cartal market section use that more as rewards.

i singel also pet's out as rewards only becurse there not have fix the pet bug from 10 years ago so adding then in the reward track is in my eye's more pointless when it still has that annoying bug there need to fix first and need to make then little more usefull then there are now.

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26 minutes ago, juliushorst said:

You get enough gifts to bring one seasonal companion to 50 from reward track. There is no way to get more seasonal gifts other than buying them.

Are you arguing my "you get plenty of them gifts for free" with that? Because if you are, do you even understand what I said in my quote? 


27 minutes ago, juliushorst said:

Seasonal gifts are avaliable at any time, they don't rotate.

If there is a vendor that rotates items and even one player thinks all items are rotated and doesn't go to the vendor because of, it is not a very good credit sink. 


28 minutes ago, juliushorst said:

Because I'm not you and I like them. I see them on the fleet quite often so I must assume I'm not the only one who likes them. Once again your argumentation boils down to "How dare you like something I don't like".

I don't care if you like them or not, I am not you and I don't like them. Therefore your argumentation boils down to "How dare you like something I don't like" as well. Pot calling the kettle black there.

If you see those companions quite often on the fleet, you need to go get your eyes checked.  


7 hours ago, BulbulusTheGreat said:

yeah after some consideration im 100% with this, i'd rather that we have (optional) companion with great story than nightmare we had on this GS, i'd honestly go as far as to say this is worst SWTOR story period not just GS story, it was really bad and it felt like its insulting our intellect with being dumb.

i don't understand such a massive hate for this idea, its clearly being stated again and again that comp would be OPTIONAL, so you'd be able to do GS story without recruiting if you want, at least thats how perfect GS would look like, something this one was far from.

It's not "optional" if it's linked to GS achievements and is required to complete the objectives.

I don't know if you read everything in this thread but most people are not against new companions, they are against having them permanently placed on their personal ship. Most people would be happy to do what they need to do with it for the seasons and then move on. But no, they will be on the ship forever and we have no way to get rid of them. 


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16 minutes ago, DeannaVoyager said:

If you see those companions quite often on the fleet, you need to go get your eyes checked.

on the Darth Malgus server you see alomst no gelactic season companions at all more story line companions like class OG story companions and companions like lana or shae vizla and theron shan but season companions you see almost not.

Edited by Spikanor
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On 11/5/2023 at 5:11 AM, TyrFoge said:

From my perspective Galactic Seasons really has attempted to try to "appeal to everyone" as much as possible...  Want a little story mission?✔ Like armor sets?✔ Like weapons?✔ Like Decorations?✔ Mounts?✔ Strongholds?✔ Titles?✔ Achievements?✔ New Companions?✔ (except for this season). And that makes sense to me befitting Galactic Seasons purpose. 

For the sake of not repeating myself I shall use technology to quote myself instead. 😆     

Overall I liked this GS actually. Not the hugest fan of some of the cosmetic look of some of the items but overall not much complaint. I specifically liked how the Reputation wasn't tied specifically to only characters that have the companion making CQ easier to get on whatever character you wished that 45k on. Very nice. 

From reading the thread somehow I feel like we wouldn't be having this conversation about "getting yet another companion" at all if 3 conditions were met. 

1. GS companions were not placed on ships automatically.

2. Companion sheet got an overhaul allowing us to order them and hide them as we please.

3. GS companions given were not connected to GS requirements for completion and is instead added as a cosmetic like all the rest. 

That about it?

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7 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

Are you arguing my "you get plenty of them gifts for free" with that? Because if you are, do you even understand what I said in my quote? 

We have different definitions of "plenty" unless you only play one character. I brought seasonal companions to 50 on at least 10 characters.


7 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

If there is a vendor that rotates items and even one player thinks all items are rotated and doesn't go to the vendor because of, it is not a very good credit sink. 

It's not my fault that some people don't want to familiarize themselves with mechanics of the season. And the gifts are avaliable from the "current season" vendor which does not rotate.


7 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

I don't care if you like them or not, I am not you and I don't like them. Therefore your argumentation boils down to "How dare you like something I don't like" as well. Pot calling the kettle black there.

No, you are wrong.

My solution: I get what I want, you don't need to get it if you don't want it.

Your solution: I don't get the thing I want, you don't get the thing you don't want, you are happy.

My solution doesn't impact you. Your solution impacts me negatively.


7 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

It's not "optional" if it's linked to GS achievements and is required to complete the objectives.

How many times do I need to repeat it? I don't need companion-related objectives. I don't need the companion on the ship. I prefer currency exchange being a terminal on the fleet. I don't need the companion to start the seasonal questline and I'm perfectly fine with the companion joining you (or being rejected) at the end of the seasonal questline - if there was an additional option to make the Master join you at the end of current questline and nothing else changed in terms of quests, objectives and currency exchanges I would be perfectly happy and we would not be having this coversation.

I just want a companion to run around with.

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48 minutes ago, TyrFoge said:

From reading the thread somehow I feel like we wouldn't be having this conversation about "getting yet another companion" at all if 3 conditions were met. 

1. GS companions were not placed on ships automatically.

2. Companion sheet got an overhaul allowing us to order them and hide them as we please.

3. GS companions given were not connected to GS requirements for completion and is instead added as a cosmetic like all the rest. 

^ that's about it.

Personal opinion on this GS:
Questline was a bit too short, pretty much ended when it was starting to get good. But, really liked variety of conversation choices and resulting outcomes, in that particular aspect it was best GS so far.
Found rewards decent, especially the kitten pet and the second tank mount;
Tasks are varied, naughty mouse droid missions are not too long yet cute and quite fun, nice respite from the usual killing stuff;
No new companion blocking my path on personal ship is a very good thing, I'd prefer keeping crew limited to people my smuggler trusts. No, she does not trust any of GS comps; no, she did not enjoy meeting them or working with them. Side note to devs - Amity would not survive at his spot in front of kolto tank, he'd get trampled into the deck were someone in hurry to actually use the facility 😈

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7 hours ago, Spikanor said:

if you wane know why i not wane have a new companion i can tell you.

This is not what I asked. I asked why only companions were the reward you need to buy. I mean, a reason other than you not liking new companions.

No offense but what you like and want is the least of my concerns. I'm more interested in knowing why you don't want ME to have a companion that I want if you can reject them and never think about them again.

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8 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:


It's not "optional" if it's linked to GS achievements and is required to complete the objectives. 

I don't know if you read everything in this thread but most people are not against new companions, they are against having them permanently placed on their personal ship. Most people would be happy to do what they need to do with it for the seasons and then move on. But no, they will be on the ship forever and we have no way to get rid of them. 


i know that GS's until 5 weren't optional but what im saying is that i see a lot of resistance to very thought of companion even if he will be optional, but in reality that seems like the best course - just give us an optional comp, as for ship comps in kind of torn bettween two sides here, i do like having people on my ship but not just anyone, i'd like if this was optional somehow as well, i've noticed that this game generally needs more optional things for various issues, its safest way to make people happy, give them option to choose or not to choose something, but honestly my biggest agenda is to avoid another GS5 story.

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6 hours ago, juliushorst said:

We have different definitions of "plenty" unless you only play one character. I brought seasonal companions to 50 on at least 10 characters.

We get plenty of free gifts for seasonal companions and I play nearly a hundred characters and all of them have at least one lvl 50 companion. However I wouldn't waste my credits to bring seasons companions to level 50 because I'm never going to use them. It would be stupid. Not my problem if you upgraded yours.


6 hours ago, juliushorst said:

It's not my fault that some people don't want to familiarize themselves with mechanics of the season. 

Do you understand the word "mechanics"? Because you are using it incorrectly.


6 hours ago, juliushorst said:

No, you are wrong.

My solution: I get what I want, you don't need to get it if you don't want it.

Your solution: I don't get the thing I want, you don't get the thing you don't want, you are happy.

My solution doesn't impact you. Your solution impacts me negatively.

And all the same back at you. I can say exactly the same thing about you, so that must mean you are wrong.


6 hours ago, juliushorst said:

How many times do I need to repeat it? I don't need companion-related objectives. I don't need the companion on the ship. I prefer currency exchange being a terminal on the fleet. I don't need the companion to start the seasonal questline and I'm perfectly fine with the companion joining you (or being rejected) at the end of the seasonal questline - if there was an additional option to make the Master join you at the end of current questline and nothing else changed in terms of quests, objectives and currency exchanges I would be perfectly happy and we would not be having this coversation.

I just want a companion to run around with.

And here we go again:

"You don't need" this or that, so the rest of the playerbase needs to suffer because "you want" a millionth generic companion. How again doesn't it negatively impact on the players who don't share your needs? 


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10 hours ago, juliushorst said:

I'm more interested in knowing why you don't want ME to have a companion that I want if you can reject them and never think about them again.

i give really no damm about it at all if you wane have a new companion or not.

i like not to have a new pointless companion what is only wasting space in my companion sheet and on other place's when there are other big problems i like to see the devs focus on then wasting time about a pointless thing when that is not going to help fix the game reputation more.


so let me ask you also this.

why do there need listing to the feedback about the gelactic season has a companion or not when there are  not listing to the much more important parts of the game we give feedback about since i think the gelactic season to have a companion or not is not that important at all when other things in the game are on fire right now and need there attention more then something like this.

Edited by Spikanor
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19 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

Do you understand the word "mechanics"? Because you are using it incorrectly.

Mechanics - mechanical or functional details or procedure. I think it falls under "functional details" of the season.


19 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

And all the same back at you. I can say exactly the same thing about you, so that must mean you are wrong.

No, you can't, unless me having a companion that you can reject \ kill \ send to prison and never see again negatively affects your enjoyment of the game.


19 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

"You don't need" this or that, so the rest of the playerbase needs to suffer because "you want" a millionth generic companion. How again doesn't it negatively impact on the players who don't share your needs? 

How do they suffer? How is their enjoyment negatively affected? In my scenario the season is exactly as it is only there is an option to recruit the npc for those who want to. Is seeing a line of dialog causing you pain?


16 hours ago, Spikanor said:

i think the gelactic season to have a companion or not is not that important at all when other things in the game are on fire right now and need there attention more then something like this.

And yet you and @DeannaVoyager keep arguing that there shouldn't be one.

I, for example, don't care if they make HM R4 (it would be a waste of time for a very niche audience if you ask me). But I don't go out of my way to argue against it everywhere it's being mentioned.

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5 hours ago, juliushorst said:

Mechanics - mechanical or functional details or procedure. I think it falls under "functional details" of the season.

You think? You just argued earlier that the gifts aren't on rotation on that vendor, in other words they are available all the time. You call a vendor selling some items a seasonal mechanic? It has nothing to do with seasons, if the items are up all the time.  I wouldn't even call it mechanics.


5 hours ago, juliushorst said:

o, you can't, unless me having a companion that you can reject \ kill \ send to prison and never see again negatively affects your enjoyment of the game.

I can and I just did. 


5 hours ago, juliushorst said:

How do they suffer? How is their enjoyment negatively affected? In my scenario the season is exactly as it is only there is an option to recruit the npc for those who want to. Is seeing a line of dialog causing you pain?

We've been through this already: 1) the companions are cluttering our spaceships, which negatively impacs our enjoyment.  2) as long as companions are part of the seasonal achievements or story, they are not "optional" as you keep claiming. 

Is not seeing a line of dialog causing YOU pain? 

5 hours ago, juliushorst said:

And yet you and @DeannaVoyager keep arguing that there shouldn't be one.

First of all, no-one can argue alone. You are arguing with us. Second, I'm not saying there shouldn't be a new companion, I've said over and over again I don't want a new companion to be placed on my personal spaceship until eternity. If I don't have to see it after the season is over, I don't care. So that's two different things you fail to understand.


5 hours ago, juliushorst said:

I, for example, don't care if they make HM R4 (it would be a waste of time for a very niche audience if you ask me). But I don't go out of my way to argue against it everywhere it's being mentioned.

R-4 HM has already been made, so I take it you are talking about R-4 MM. But since you use "a very niche audience" as an excuse to determine it would waste of time, I could say the same about your obsession with wanting to force a bunch of generic, boring companions to clutter everyone else's personal spacehip.  Most of the playerbase doesn't go out arguing how they want everyone else's spaceship "decorated", you are in a very small minority with that wish and by your own definition, it would be waste of time to do so. 

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6 hours ago, juliushorst said:

I, for example, don't care if they make HM R4 (it would be a waste of time for a very niche audience if you ask me). But I don't go out of my way to argue against it everywhere it's being mentioned.

who is telling i talk about HM R4.

if thats a operation contant i give no damm about it at all also since i never run opps in the first place.

the things i mean what is on fire right now are the most importent things you need to have a good reputation as a game are most the basic things.

like fixing bugs what this game still have a lot of then and only become worse and worse by each update.

deliver good new contant not the lame new contant we get in the 7.X era.

listing to the feedback from the communety and do something with it.

do no stupid things to make it only worse by adding things that only destroys the game more.

fix the problems the right way not by only making then worse what there have been doing so far.


that are things there need to focus on since if there do that not then players will leave the game and at some point this game become's death since it gets no new players anymore since it has a bad reputation on social media all. and that means also you cant play the game anymore if there close the game for good and then your love for companions is also gone then you have notting with it.

6 hours ago, juliushorst said:

And yet you and @DeannaVoyager keep arguing that there shouldn't be one.

if there not focus on the big parts of the game then your companion love is also gone when there need to close the game for good and i think you not wane see that so thats why most people give for now no crap about then at all and give feedback about it since there wane see that other big parts gets more attention now then this gelactic season problem to have a companion or not.

so that you know this also.

if broadsword fails to chance the game compleet by not going the same way bioware has done with this game and do things the right way then a big group of players are going to leave the game at the end of next year all.

Edited by Spikanor
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1 hour ago, Spikanor said:

if broadsword fails to chance the game compleet by not going the same way bioware has done with this game and do things the right way then a big group of players are going to leave the game at the end of next year all.

Broadsword has still not done ANYTHING yet. 7.4 is not even out and it's Bioware's work.

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