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Who feels better about SWTOR's future now that we've heard from Broadsword's president?


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32 minutes ago, Pirana said:

Staff rarely listens, that's part of the problem as to why the game is where it is now. I certainly won't make a list of the dozens and dozens of times they refuse to listen to feedback, because we're thrown a bone few times doesn't negate all the other times they haven't listened. The biggest issue with this game has always been, they think they know what's in the best interest of the players, when the population decrease over the years has proven otherwise. Being able to develop content means just that, you can develop content. Look no further than the most successful MMO's on the market, they listen to player feedback regularly and shockingly enough... lol their numbers smoke this game, and it's not even close, with similar tenures to this game. 

On topic, no, this public relations statement hasn't changed the opinions of quite of few, notably the people expressing their opinions in this thread. Unless things change, the players will get more of the same as they have for years, vote with your wallet.

Statements, discussions or talking in order to get an idea or message across ... is not necessarily communication.  IMO this is where things are already breaking down.  

Over the years many of us have engaged in many forms of discussion ... all designed to achieve numerous goals.  Sometimes those goals were to create awareness.  Other times we were just having fun or perhaps being very passionate about a particular subject that centered around the Star Wars universe and how that was seen through the eyes of SWTOR.  In the end the results may or may NOT have achieved the desired results.  IMO to a large degree there has been a total lack of regard to the art of communication and concern when actually ... well you know ...  LISTENING to what has been said.  I'm quite certain that there more than enough blame to go around as to why things are today as they are.  And frankly this thread can continue on indefinitely .... and the same "nothing" will be accomplished.

I am not personally angry with any member of the development team.  BUT ... they have continuously made their choices.  The game is theirs.  They will continue to make choices.  That is (after all) their job.  No one ever said it was an easy job.  And (for the most part) many would complain regardless of what is done.  I get that part too.  Recent history in several areas:
** PvP
** Armor
** Companions
** Content
** 10th anniversary (or a total debacle and lack thereof) 
** Countless bugs
Some now conclude that SWTOR is ALREADY in maintenance mode.  REALLY??  Perhaps!  Perhaps not.  Time will tell.

Discussion time is over now.  Action is needed:  Not just words!  (Probably the most concise evaluation and accurate statement of all).  Fix what has been broken.  Restore SWTOR... then build on a solid foundation.  That will in turn restore confidence and the game will stand on its own merit (once again).

Edited by OlBuzzard
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27 minutes ago, OlBuzzard said:

Statements, discussions or talking in order to get an idea or message across ... is not necessarily communication.  IMO this is where things are already breaking down.  

Over the years many of us have engaged in many forms of discussion ... all designed to achieve numerous goals.  Sometimes those goals were to create awareness.  Other times we were just having fun or perhaps being very passionate about a particular subject that centered around the Star Wars universe and how that was seen through the eyes of SWTOR.  In the end the results may or may NOT have achieved the desired results.  IMO to a large degree there has been a total lack of regard to the art of communication and concern when actually ... well you know ...  LISTENING to what has been said.  I'm quite certain that there more than enough blame to go around as to why things are today as they are.  And frankly this thread can continue on indefinitely .... and the same "nothing" will be accomplished.

I am not personally angry with any member of the development team.  BUT ... they have continuously made their choices.  The game is theirs.  They will continue to make choices.  That is (after all) their job.  No one ever said it was an easy job.  And (for the most part) many would complain regardless of what is done.  I get that part too.  Recent history in several areas:
** PvP
** Armor
** Companions
** Content
** 10th anniversary (or a total debacle and lack thereof) 
** Countless bugs
Some now conclude that SWTOR is ALREADY in maintenance mode.  REALLY??  Perhaps!  Perhaps not.  Time will tell.

Discussion time is over now.  Action is needed:  Not just words!  (Probably the most concise evaluation and accurate statement of all).  Fix what has been broken.  Restore SWTOR... then build on a solid foundation.  That will in turn restore confidence and the game will stand on its own merit (once again).

Yeah, pretty much, I'm still holding out hope, but I'm also realistic about things. SWTOR has had a good run, approaching twelve years is very good in the MMO world, but when you look at other games such as GW2, ESO, WoW, FF14, even Lotro, most with similar tenures, who are regularly getting expansions, listen to player feedback, and it's easy to see why their populations dwarf this game. The launch of this game was significant, we had queues across the board, to the point to where servers were added, at least until people got to end game, then the exit gates were flooded, so there is a niche for a SW MMO in what is mostly a medieval fantasy dominated MMO landscape, but there is also a reason this game is down to a handful of servers now. I know you're aware of this, but I'm throwing it out there anyway.

This is their job and game, that is a fact and cannot be argued, no different than our money and what we spend it on is our decision. Same as you, I have no ill will towards anyone on staff, most of us want this game to succeed or we wouldn't be here complaining about what's should be abundantly clear to the developers, at this point though, it won't change. I hope I'm wrong, and it wouldn't be the first time, but the player base needs new content, not tired PR statements.

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20 minutes ago, Toraak said:

The post they made for adding GSF to the PvP season 3, and said 2 days later nope we're not going to do that after all was also a slap to the GSF community.

I'm willing to bet 50 cents on GSF being added to PvP Season 4 or maybe 5.

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56 minutes ago, Toraak said:

@OlBuzzard Add GSF to that list. That community has been ignored since patch 5.5.


The post they made for adding GSF to the PvP season 3, and said 2 days later nope we're not going to do that after all was also a slap to the GSF community.

Unquestionably!  Frankly ... I'm surprised that @Nee-Elder didn't beat ya to posting that!


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3 hours ago, Whykara said:

I'm willing to bet 50 cents on GSF being added to PvP Season 4 or maybe 5.

PvP seasons will be dead by season 4-5 if they don’t make actual changes to the current PvP eco system. Adding GSF won’t help matters if they don’t fix the other pvp issues first because there won’t be enough people playing PvP to make it work. 

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1 hour ago, FlatTax said:

Broadsword getting BioWare's in-progress work out the door doesn't say much.

Christmas '25 is when we'll know what the future looks like.

Because development cycles are are least 6 months or longer. We really won’t see what BS can do till the next major patch in 2024. If they haven’t made any progress in impressing or improving things by then, the game won’t have many players left by Xmas 2025 

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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13 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

PvP seasons will be dead by season 4-5

You really shouldn't underestimate the amount of people who play for the PvP seasons. I too agree that PvP needs some changes and a better reward structure, but PvP seasons are so far doing their job of increasing participation among casuals. Actual PvPers deserve some love too though.

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They didn't really say anything which is better then being dishonest lol.

With this being the same Dev team that brought us 7.0 it is very much not a hopeful outlook when comparing Broadsword's other titles. 

I would have loved a harsher more critical response that was filled with brutal honesty about Swtor falling short of players expectations in recent years, but I don't know if I would have believed it amount to anything.

This dev team has their work cut out for them to undo about 3 years at least of bad design decisions, destroying the morale of the community, and overall disappointment.

Anything short of "we're sorry for 7.0, here's how we're undoing the biggest mistakes" just feels like further burying their heads in the sand vs. progress.

So we'll see but not optimistic about it at all. 

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4 minutes ago, TheVoyant said:

"we're sorry for 7.0, here's how we're undoing the biggest mistakes"

I feel like 7.1 and 7.2 was exactly that. They fixed the gearing, added story content, weapon outfitter, gave us a new arena map and "overhauled" PvP. The game is quite far from perfect, but I think we can all agree that it is now in a better state than it was in 7.0. 
Yes I'd too like a verbal acknowledgement of all the things wrong with the game, but I being this open an honest is simply not company policy here. Actions, not words, as someone said in this thread ^^

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i have read it now also and i mis really a lot of points there need to clear up more if there wane chance this game in a good way.

what i see what there need to do now more is make goals there wane work on with this game in the long therm.

goals like: we are going to fix a lot of bugs this game has so far we can do it, we wane chance the relationship with the community more that we listing and do something with the feedback there give, we try or best to clear things up if it needs to, we are going to explane things more by also telling why we choose this way or why it needs to be chance.

things like that i miss now more what it really needs now to make sure its going to good way and not become's bioware 2.0.

sure action is then needed also hard to show it there are going to do it.

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1 hour ago, Whykara said:

You really shouldn't underestimate the amount of people who play for the PvP seasons. I too agree that PvP needs some changes and a better reward structure, but PvP seasons are so far doing their job of increasing participation among casuals. Actual PvPers deserve some love too though.

I’m not. But each season is now seeing less & less participation. At the current rate, if no improvements are made to the PvP eco system, PvP seasons will be dead by season 5 & be very unhealthy in season 4. Even in season 3 there weren’t enough players to make matchmaking even have a chance of working properly. 

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14 hours ago, Whykara said:

I feel like 7.1 and 7.2 was exactly that. They fixed the gearing, added story content, weapon outfitter, gave us a new arena map and "overhauled" PvP. The game is quite far from perfect, but I think we can all agree that it is now in a better state than it was in 7.0. 
Yes I'd too like a verbal acknowledgement of all the things wrong with the game, but I being this open an honest is simply not company policy here. Actions, not words, as someone said in this thread ^^

The 7.2 PvP patch took 2 steps forward & 3 steps back. And they haven’t fixed the issues that made it take 3 steps back 😡😞.
Seasons had so much potential to bring in new pvpers and they squandered it with stupid design choices, like 8 man premades vs solo in WZ’s & 4 man premades vs solo in Arena. 

And that’s before we even start on BioWare removing any incentive for players to learn to get better at PvP. Because those new pvpers have zero incentive to get better, many will never improve & just AFK or fluff around to get their participation rewards. Which is why PvP skills are the worst this game has ever seen & why participation is dropping, especially between seasons because the majority of “actual pvpers” have stopped playing it.

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i will make my decision about this game in 2024, if content update both in terms of quality and quantity is same as BW ( maybe even better) then ill stay, if both quality and quantity of content drops then i am out, before that it does not matter to me who said what, PR talk does not effect me, 2024 is a critical year for swtor in my opinion, we have to wait and see.  

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People have real shoddy memories. Did y'all forget the past few years where we had a snails pace of content? Did y'all forget who's running this game? Anyone expecting anything more than what we've been getting lately is I'm sorry to say delusional. A revival akin to BDO is pie in the sky and simply not going to happen. Appreciate what we have left of this game and let it sail off in the horizon. 

Edited by TonyTricicolo
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2 hours ago, TonyTricicolo said:

People have real shoddy memories. Did y'all forget the past few years where we had a snails pace of content? Did y'all forget who's running this game? Anyone expecting anything more than what we've been getting lately is I'm sorry to say delusional. A revival akin to BDO is pie in the sky and simply not going to happen. Appreciate what we have left of this game and let it sail off in the horizon. 

The writing has been on the wall for a few years now. I've seen this happen on more than one occasion, but I'll use SWG due to some in that community still blaming this game for its closure, when in reality it was poor decisions on SOE's part that led to their closure. Both games, SWTOR and SWG had poor launches, including one of SOE's servers being wiped on day two, both games launched without space, both games had very limited end game content. In SWTOR's case, this game launched without a group finder, no space, a handful of FPs on both sides, one Operation, Eternity Vault for those wondering, so you had people leaving in droves once people got to end game, server consolidations soon followed. Without this game going FTP in under a year and introducing the CM, this game would have shut down years ago, that doesn't account for the Star Wars skin. This isn't me hating on this game, I've been here since launch and have supported it throughout the years, those are simply the facts.  

Tony is right on par, some are delusional, naive, hopeful, you name it, if people actually believe things are going to get better after this transition over to BS. Most people that have been here for awhile know exactly how this will turn out. The best that will happen is a miniscule of content being released, bugs being addressed and the game being in maintenance mode. There's enough content in this game to keep new players busy for a long time, and I can assure people, that is what they're counting on, but the days of expansions are over and level cap increases extremely unlikely. Now, if I and many of us are proven wrong, so be it, I'm sure we would love to be proven wrong, but this game's history states otherwise. I learned at a very young age, your actions do your talking, not the other way around.

Play the game and enjoy it for what it is, and if anyone has any doubts, simply play something else. 

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4 minutes ago, Pirana said:

The writing has been on the wall for a few years now. I've seen this happen on more than one occasion, but I'll use SWG due to some in that community still blaming this game for its closure, when in reality it was poor decisions on SOE's part that led to their closure. Both games, SWTOR and SWG had poor launches, including one of SOE's servers being wiped on day two, both games launched without space, both games had very limited end game content. In SWTOR's case, this game launched without a group finder, no space, a handful of FPs on both sides, one Operation, Eternity Vault for those wondering, so you had people leaving in droves once people got to end game, server consolidations soon followed. Without this game going FTP in under a year and introducing the CM, this game would have shut down years ago, that doesn't account for the Star Wars skin. This isn't me hating on this game, I've been here since launch and have supported it throughout the years, those are simply the facts.  

Tony is right on par, some are delusional, naive, hopeful, you name it, if people actually believe things are going to get better after this transition over to BS. Most people that have been here for awhile know exactly how this will turn out. The best that will happen is a miniscule of content being released, bugs being addressed and the game being in maintenance mode. There's enough content in this game to keep new players busy for a long time, and I can assure people, that is what they're counting on, but the days of expansions are over and level cap increases extremely unlikely. Now, if I and many of us are proven wrong, so be it, I'm sure we would love to be proven wrong, but this game's history states otherwise. I learned at a very young age, your actions do your talking, not the other way around.

Play the game and enjoy it for what it is, and if anyone has any doubts, simply play something else. 

Pretty much the same ... with just a couple differences:
**  A mans word is his bond!  Once the transition to BS became "official" ...  a couple statements were released that seemed to indicate that things MIGHT improve.  To that end I felt it was important to see if certain key personnel would make good on their promises.  That seems to be fading in the distant past along with so many other statements that were generated to create excitement (AKA keep people looking to the future for things that MIGHT happen ...but never materialized).
** The transition to BS MIGHT have HAD (past tense now) the potential of seeing some positive changes that would take time to develop BUT would make clear-cut changes.   IMO ... recent weeks show differently (I have my own thoughts on why and don't see the necessity to waste time and space on the forum board to even discuss it.
** Actions DO speak louder than words.  It's been said that what we DO defines us more than what we appear to be underneath (to borrow a phrase).  I believe that is true to a very large extent.
As for the future if I had to guess ... I'd say that the story will continue to progress.  The map areas will continue to be the same as the last release (very small).  Things that need to be fixed MIGHT see some attention ... but on a small scale.  Aside from new and exciting things on the CM ..  and MAYBE a good story from time to time I really don't see much happening past 7.4  Heck .. for that matter there's almost nothing happening NOW!

IMO for this to have such a rich heritage, things have really been difficult the last 12 to 18 months.

There are a lot of people who would dearly LOVE to see SWTOR recover from the 7.0 / 10th anniversary debacle ... get back up on its feet and grow once more.  If there was ever a time for the team to step up to the plate and get things done ... this is unquestionably that time.  This is one time I wish I were wrong.  But it just doesn't look very promising.  IMO the next 6 months will determine the future of SWTOR.

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16 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

The 7.2 PvP patch took 2 steps forward & 3 steps back. And they haven’t fixed the issues that made it take 3 steps back 😡😞.
Seasons had so much potential to bring in new pvpers and they squandered it with stupid design choices, like 8 man premades vs solo in WZ’s & 4 man premades vs solo in Arena. 

And that’s before we even start on BioWare removing any incentive for players to learn to get better at PvP. Because those new pvpers have zero incentive to get better, many will never improve & just AFK or fluff around to get their participation rewards. Which is why PvP skills are the worst this game has ever seen & why participation is dropping, especially between seasons because the majority of “actual pvpers” have stopped playing it.

Even though I'm not a part of the PvP aspect of SWTOR ..  I personally support those who are.  I know that you and several others have been passionately pleading for YEARS now that a more positive direction be given to that part of the game!

The same might be said of the GSF.  It's been needing a lot of TLC for a long time now!  

So much of SWTOR has been hurting for so long!!!  

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1 hour ago, OlBuzzard said:

There are a lot of people who would dearly LOVE to see SWTOR recover from the 7.0 / 10th anniversary debacle ... get back up on its feet and grow once more.  If there was ever a time for the team to step up to the plate and get things done ... this is unquestionably that time.

why most the team now step up to the plate and get things done when there are the same team that make the 7.0 / 10th anniversary debacle in the first place.

its the same with the inflation problem that the same team that are now fixing it also have creat it in the first place.

so the question is why screw up first and fix it later again.

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23 minutes ago, Spikanor said:

so the question is why screw up first and fix it later again.

Everyone can screw up. Everyone has to screw up now and then. The important part is realizing when one has made a mistake and working on fixing it. 

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2 minutes ago, Whykara said:

Everyone can screw up. Everyone has to screw up now and then. The important part is realizing when one has made a mistake and working on fixing it. 

we all can screw things up.

but screw things up when you compleet ignore the community feedback first and fix it later is total diffrend.

same for the 7.0 / 10th anniversary debacle still not has been fix at all when there screw up back then big time also.

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