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Why are you charging me to walk out of my stronghold....


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Why are you charging me to walk out of my Stronghold door to a planet I'm already on.....    Mek-sha for example is 5,000cr just to exit area.  I mean, really?  Charge me to travel to a stronghold I understand, but to simply open a door to exit my stronghold Anywhere is just plain stupid.

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I take it you are not new to the game and are aware of the high GTN prices? Broadsword has embarked on a campaign to reduce the in-game inflation by charging us for menial tasks, which combined with other tactics, is meant to bring the economy back to a "reasonable" state. 

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46 minutes ago, Saeten said:

Charge me to travel to a stronghold I understand

That's how it was on the PTS but people lost their literal minds about it, so the devs changed it so you only get charged when you actually use your stronghold to bypass travel costs. I agree that it would make more sense to charge for entering the stronghold, but people with billions of credits threw a tantrum over a few thousand of them. 

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50 minutes ago, xordevoreaux said:

Broadsword inherited what Bioware started. Fees were in place before the transfer.

Yes, correct, and I am aware they, Bioware, started it. I chose to type Broadsword because that is what they, the devs, are called now. 

Edited by TonyTricicolo
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5 hours ago, Whykara said:

That's how it was on the PTS but people lost their literal minds about it, so the devs changed it so you only get charged when you actually use your stronghold to bypass travel costs. I agree that it would make more sense to charge for entering the stronghold, but people with billions of credits threw a tantrum over a few thousand of them. 

The complaining was about the fee in general, not charging to enter vs. leaving. Charging to leave is a lot better because it allows new level 1 characters access to the legacy bank by going to the stronghold. (New characters have 0 credits). Sure, it's just convenience, but it's a lot nicer than having to wait until getting to the fleet. I think convenience is a good thing.

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Charging to Enter a stronghold would interfere with People who like to spend time - and CARTEL MARKET coins - to decorate their strongholds. So they would be kicking themselves in the wallet if they kept that "feature".

The other way of charging - for people to use traveling to SH then exiting to avoid travel costs and SHIP Travel time - I admit I have been doing that for years, and it is a pain to have to pay every time I want to get to a planet.  Many quests in vanilla require you to travel in a ship the first time you visit a planet, but thereafter you can get there via your SH.

Additionally, some planets don't have a "rest area" to exit to when you're done for the day with that character (I.e. Oricon). So you park the character in a SH.

Both of these options suck, but the first one would be worse for their own.

Additionally, it penalizes the entire player base for the exploitation antics of a few players. Most players DON'T have billions of credits. I certainly don't, and I've been playing since 2013. (subscribed in 2014). A more proper approach would have been to tax the rich.

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13 minutes ago, Eckrond said:

Your contention is disingenuous, of course, but if you "understand them charging you to travel" to your stronghold then you should, logically, have no problem whether the fee comes from the entering or the exiting.

entering by itself is not bypassing the travel costs, and it would make it impossible to get there on brand new toons. its not the same.

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On 10/9/2023 at 8:41 PM, Eckrond said:

Your contention is disingenuous, of course, but if you "understand them charging you to travel" to your stronghold then you should, logically, have no problem whether the fee comes from the entering or the exiting.

I would, indeed, have a problem depending on which of the two charges.  Think: it costs nothing to *return* to where you were before you went into the stronghold, and going there and back *surely* doesn't bypass other travel costs, so it is very much better to charge on exit.

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Increasing the rate at which credits leave the game is needed, so I support exit costs and I'd support entry costs. However, like everything Biosword devs do, there's no thought about how those costs are imposed, they just slam fees across the board.

First, subscribers should get a flat reduction rate, for being subscribers. Second, characters below a certain amount (like 50k, though it should also check for legacy credits) should be able to travel for an essentially nominal fee. Third, travel costs should decrease the longer your play session is, to encourage playing and to reduce the punishment aspect of frequent traveling by active players.


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/9/2023 at 11:55 AM, MotherCrusher said:

entering by itself is not bypassing the travel costs, and it would make it impossible to get there on brand new toons. its not the same.


On 10/10/2023 at 1:34 PM, SteveTheCynic said:

I would, indeed, have a problem depending on which of the two charges.  Think: it costs nothing to *return* to where you were before you went into the stronghold, and going there and back *surely* doesn't bypass other travel costs, so it is very much better to charge on exit.

I was speaking to OP's contention and nobody's else, of course it makes sense to charge on exit so that we can freely use our strongholds, my point was if you do think there needs to be some lore reason for the charge, you shouldn't care at which point it happens.  If you do not care about this then I am not speaking to you.

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6 hours ago, Spikanor said:

what there is a stronghold where you most pay 1k credits entrance fee.

Technically speaking, there is an 'fee' to enter the opposite faction strongholds (Capital City and Fleet) you own, but they are the exception.

It's been a while since I've done this (there is really no point to it), but I believe it was 500 credits for Smugglers/Bounty Hunters and 5,000 credits for the other classes?

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35 minutes ago, Ominovin said:

It's been a while since I've done this (there is really no point to it), but I believe it was 500 credits for Smugglers/Bounty Hunters and 5,000 credits for the other classes?

for the other class its 2k credits but thats for a lvl 80 char.

so its base on there level what there most pay and the max is 2k credits if you wane enter a DK stronghold or imp fleet stronghold with your rep char and also the same for the other side.

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Well, you don't get charged for exiting your SH if you are already on the planet when you go to said SH. On Nar, go to Nar SH, exit back to Nar for free. The problem is that there was not a charge to exit our SHs on whatever planet they were on, and now, it is seen as some grotesque attempt to game the system to expect to have the same thing we've always had.

No one is trying to cheat travel costs by using their SH to get from point A to point B (particularly on stupid mission chains that require you to visit multiple planets for five seconds each) because we already paid for the SH (and its numerous expansions) with the knowledge that meant we could then exit on that planet. That was always part of the deal. Therefore, we should be able to use them to go wherever we can via our SHs if our SH is completely unlocked (at least). It would take decades to spend travel costs to a SH planet that equals what most SHs cost with all the unlocks included! This is just another way to flail at inflation without touching its root causes and drivers. And it stinks.

Charging to exit our SH, on whatever planet it's on, is new, and it's not welcome to me. At all. I spent hundreds of millions of creds to first purchase and then open each of my SHs, it's not like I didn't sink any creds into them at all! The least I should get for that vast credit sink on ALL the SHs is the ability to exit on that planet without incurring additional costs on top of what I already paid.

Edited by TahliahCOH
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