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Hide Titles Nameplate Options


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I'm not sure if anyone has suggested this already but, I didn't find any topic on it.
I would like to suggest the option of "Hide Titles", "Hide Legacy Titles" and "Hide Guild" as toggle buttons for the Nameplate Options.
This would help in a couple different manners.
Nameplates are a major lag issue when playing 16m. Removing them completely reduces the lag drastically, however reduces the positional awareness of players.
Players usually will disagree on removing their titles because they worked for it and want the aesthetics
Players with attention complications and/or during heavy encounters, might have a hard time calling the name of someone if his name if "Champion of the Gread Hunt John Doe Saurus", Fully Armed and Operational of the guild double trouble.
Gives a cleaner look to the game (for those who wants if, the ones who doesn't want it can untoggle it and see every title).
And i haven't even started talking about the psichological effects of putting titles just to show of like putting "from Beyong" while pugging a tfb HM (other players might feel "opressed" or shamed for causing wipes). - Before people start saying "stop trying to hide the titles of other players who fought for it only because you don't have them"... i have every PVE operation title and most of the gold  tier pvp titles so this is not the issue (personally, playing as a healer, i like to see people names, not 6 or 7 giant titles crossing eachother).

People who didn't toggle the option would still be able to see every title
Players would be able to see their own title (since they have control over it)
Lag would be reduced during big encounters without having to remove completely player nameplates

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I really wish titles (and anything that shows up before the names) could be either hidden or at least be visually different from the names. As is, it makes it much harder to identify players in PVP setting (or Ops) when you may only have a split second to do so for the necessary action.

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10 hours ago, LuisViana said:

And i haven't even started talking about the psichological effects of putting titles just to show of like putting "from Beyong" while pugging a tfb HM (other players might feel "opressed" or shamed for causing wipes).


That's the first time I hear someone might get traumatized if they are seeing titles they don't have... 👀 C'mon now, be realistic. Your concern is lag in 16m, you don't need to make up silly reasons like this to justify your suggestion. Your suggestion is good enough as it is. But like Spikanor said you can disable quite a lot already. Titles disappear with the nameplates, don't they? 

Personally I don't care if titles and nameplates are visible or not, I haven't experienced issues with them on. I have found disabling flytext more helpful regarding lag. In 16m environment I usually disable all flytext except damage taken, because then I can see better if I'm standing in stupid, or maybe have an orb on Brontes. On a couple of 16m fights I take nameplates off if everyone is stacked on tiny spot. Tyrans is a good example: you want to see exactly where on the tile you are standing and having everyone's nameplates covering the tile, it can be difficult. 


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10 hours ago, LuisViana said:

Players with attention complications and/or during heavy encounters, might have a hard time calling the name of someone if his name if "Champion of the Gread Hunt John Doe Saurus", Fully Armed and Operational of the guild double trouble.

This is why I the only title I use is "Lord". People should tremble before my name, not my title. 

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Agree with op.

Nameplate setting (for the display of nameplates of others) setting should have range of: full, name+gang, name only, off.
On/off is is too restrictive.
It does have clutter issues (i'd bring up pvp & fleet instead of 16man ops) when loaded with titles, "guild", flairs, legacy tiles, surname.
And performance issues, to the point where I suspect it is constantly being regenerated by slow UI code (rebuilding the strings and rerendering the text each frame) instead of a "run once on notification of change" conversion to a texture, because of visual fidelity reasons of ages past when the game was more pressed for VRAM on peoples computers to store a decent resolution nameplate - something WoW had demonstrated could be a visual issue some years before when going for lowres and poor filtering. But it absolutely tanks the time it takes to build a frame.


- emperor knows this old turd of a engine is horribly inefficient at some things as it is.

Just an few obvious examples: by the force, this thing has been converted to 64bit yet we are still stuck with it using that '1GB diskcachearena' method that was out of date when it launched and really intended as a performance workaround for games that had to load highly compressed assets from slow opti-mechanical media (dvd/cdrom) on ps2/ps3 generation hardware that had very little in terms of RAM, VRAM and local storage, compared to a contemporary 2012-ish PC for which it was incredibly stupid and just served to increase load times.
Another obvious one: Loading inventory, cargo bay, etc. is very very slow. Clearly no caching or brains involved in that process. Try that in poe and it is as fast as you can blink, only slows down when you apply custom searches. And that is almost as old as swtor. But, because they had the sense to load that into the background at character login and only have to deal with changes, it flies through every time. In swtor: slow on first use, slow on every use, performance that does not even indicate caching between uses while staying in your stronghold, making it feel like a full db pull, every time you open such a window, from a remote server that needs time to find your stuff in a sea of everyones stuff and going full amnesia after closing the window.


6 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

Personally I don't care if titles and nameplates are visible or not, I haven't experienced issues with them on. I have found disabling flytext more helpful regarding lag.

The two are highly related. But "flytext" aka damage numbers etc, should be such a lightweight that it would be almost imperceptible regarding framerate. That it isn't speaks pages about how badly the game handles flytext and nameplates from a performance viewpoint.
Some of us do warzone pvp. We WANT to have names on, to track enemies in a useful way. We just don't care for all their title/legacy/surname/flair stuff, it is visual clutter and tbf also a performance issue. At most we care about their clan as well, to help spot bigclan premade groups vs microguild/clanless randos.
It's nice to have on a mouseover of the targetframe, but not in full detail on every player all the time just to not go without any nameplate at all. It is too all-or-nothing and underperforming as it is.

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why are people not doing some research first before there complain on the forum.

if there have done that then there find out that this game runs on a BETA version of the hero engine that means its not a compleet version so it has a lot of problems and limits then the compleet version has.

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