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Galactic Seasons 5 story unlock 3v-1L


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5 x 50 cartel coins = 250cc to unlock all 5 parts of the story account wide.  Highway robbery I tell ya. Even with free CC from the track as a subscriber, this feels like a robbery. Should have been free. Why are you charging for story on alts? I'm very disappointed.

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They started this with the high increase to the seasons companion unlock with GS3..You needed the companion to do the storyline, it cost 150cc to unlock the companion. Players accepted this, apparently enough paid the CCs that the dev's were happy with the change.  (for the record I didn't pay the increased unlock prices for ANY of the season 3 items, even though I unlocked all the season 1 and 2 items.)

This season is just more of the same.  Pay CCs for story.

Complaints will be meaningless if players still end up coughing up CCs for the unlocks.

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So, you technically don't have to pay to unlock it for all characters. They made it where it's just bound to legacy, even if you get it out of collections. So what you can do, and I think there was an attempt to explain it in a recent announcement, reclaim it from collections on a character you used it on, then move it into legacy storage.

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12 hours ago, LadyLynk said:

So, you technically don't have to pay to unlock it for all characters. They made it where it's just bound to legacy, even if you get it out of collections. So what you can do, and I think there was an attempt to explain it in a recent announcement, reclaim it from collections on a character you used it on, then move it into legacy storage.

I'll have to try this, see if it works.  If it does then that's good news.

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34 minutes ago, LD_Little_Dragon said:

I'll have to try this, see if it works.  If it does then that's good news.

It works, i just tried it in-game and  got an onscreen message in chat that  said:   " __ has been unlocked in your collections"  ,  and it double checked my Collections tab  too.

So yeah,  mistake was made ( probably more so by greedy  EA  than Broadsword )  but then mistake was rectified.

Move along.  Move along. :csw_trooper:

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Apparently, I can now download a copy of each of the 4 unlocks WITHOUT paying CC. Didn't buy any with CC.
Dark Tidings, Peace is a Lie, Power through Strength and Price of Victory. Not Chains Or Freedom yet.  So, it is free for all alts once you move it around in legacy. I haven't even gotten to the third or fourth story unlock in the seasons levels yet. sitting around 18. All good though.

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Odd. there are only 3 mission unlocks in the Seasons Rewards track but there are 5 in the Collections. does this mean that two are auto unlocked based on time/story progression? I'm confused. Does anyone have more information?
Three in Seasons track:
"Dark Tidings" Mission Unlock
"Small Victories" Mission Unlock
"Chains or Freedom" Mission Unlock

Two additional in Collections:
Peace is a Lie
Power Through Strength

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Found a "trick" to have 4 out of 5 GS Story mission unlocks in collections:
1. First toon you have completed the first mission, download a copy and put in legacy bank.
2. On a fresh alt, grab the token from your legacy bank and put it back. This unlocks it in collections.
3. Go to collections and download the mission and use it.
4. Go to collections again and you can download the first 4 mission tokens..

Chains or Freedom doesn't unlock yet

Then what I do is put the 4 tokens in legacy and then whatever alt I want to do 3V-1L story on, I just pull from legacy bank and then put them back. Unlocks the missions in collections. Then I can download the tokens and use them when I want on that alt.

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21 hours ago, LadyLynk said:

So, you technically don't have to pay to unlock it for all characters. They made it where it's just bound to legacy, even if you get it out of collections. So what you can do, and I think there was an attempt to explain it in a recent announcement, reclaim it from collections on a character you used it on, then move it into legacy storage.

Nice! I tested this after seeing your post and was indeed able to reclaim it on the character who had already completed it and then pass it to another alt. 
When I first replied I hadn't logged in on that character yet so didn't realise it could be done.

Though that does beg the question, why did they set the unlock cost to 50 instead of 0 if you don't even need to unlock it to pass it to alts? Does seem a bit devious hoping people will just waste CC on it. 

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1 hour ago, khamseen_air said:

Nice! I tested this after seeing your post and was indeed able to reclaim it on the character who had already completed it and then pass it to another alt. 
When I first replied I hadn't logged in on that character yet so didn't realise it could be done.

Though that does beg the question, why did they set the unlock cost to 50 instead of 0 if you don't even need to unlock it to pass it to alts? Does seem a bit devious hoping people will just waste CC on it. 

Honestly, hard to say. They could have been hoping some people would pay to skip having to do things in a round-about way.
It's also possible 50 was just the default unless set otherwise and they forgot to set it otherwise.

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5 hours ago, khamseen_air said:

Nice! I tested this after seeing your post and was indeed able to reclaim it on the character who had already completed it and then pass it to another alt. 
When I first replied I hadn't logged in on that character yet so didn't realise it could be done.

Though that does beg the question, why did they set the unlock cost to 50 instead of 0 if you don't even need to unlock it to pass it to alts? Does seem a bit devious hoping people will just waste CC on it. 

I think it is probably an oversight. Usually, they create two items. The one given by the reward track is bound to legacy and the one given by Collections is bound to the character. In this case, I think they were rushing to get this done for the patch and forgot to create the second item. I expect this to be patched in the next update (7.3.1b?).

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6 hours ago, khamseen_air said:

Though that does beg the question, why did they set the unlock cost to 50 instead of 0 if you don't even need to unlock it to pass it to alts? Does seem a bit devious hoping people will just waste CC on it. 

Every single BtL item from collections except mounts, pets, titles, flairs* and emotes* can be sent freely to alts. It's a convenience feature for lazy players. I wouldn't call it devious. Some players 'waste' their Cartel Coins like that solely for the convenience reason. On this very forum, some even admitted to 'waste' thousands of Cartel Coins to unlock items from Galactic Seasons.

* if and when any of these kind will be introduced

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I have no idea how this is supposed to work now. I had an "unusable" Dark Tidings unlock on my main character, that I put in the Legacy bank, and nothing in Collections. Then I pulled it out with an alt and put it back, and now I have "Dark Tidings," "Peace is a Lie," and "Power through Strength" in collections, but I don't have "Price of Victory" or "Chains of Freedom" in Collections. I haven't unlocked "Price of Victory" or "Chains of Freedom" in the GS rewards yet, but still, what happens when I do? Am I going to have to go through the whole rigmarole of steps again to unlock these two missions for alts after using the items from the GS rewards on my main?

WTH kind of "fix" was this, anyway? It's just bizarre.

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I think you have to do the second chapter in the 3V-1L to get Price of Victory to unlock. I have a set of the first 4 (not Chain) in my legacy bank and just pull to each alt I want to run the story on. then I put it back in legacy and download the 4 from collections.

The fix for at least subscribers should have been: after the first toon you did Dark Tidings on, mail Dark Tidings to each of your characters on your server when you log in and make sure it unlocks each story step for all characters.

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On 9/13/2023 at 11:20 PM, LadyLynk said:

So, you technically don't have to pay to unlock it for all characters. They made it where it's just bound to legacy, even if you get it out of collections. So what you can do, and I think there was an attempt to explain it in a recent announcement, reclaim it from collections on a character you used it on, then move it into legacy storage.

I can't get that to work.  The 'Dark Tidings' can't be claimed from my Collections, regardless if it's the first alt I completed the mission with or not.  So unless I can get a GM to fix it, I'll have to blow a token to get one more Dark Tidings item from the vendor.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/16/2023 at 5:02 PM, Highlandscot said:

I can't get that to work.  The 'Dark Tidings' can't be claimed from my Collections, regardless if it's the first alt I completed the mission with or not.  So unless I can get a GM to fix it, I'll have to blow a token to get one more Dark Tidings item from the vendor.

Have you tried claiming it on the character that did it? It actually works fine for me now. But I did buy 1 from the collections vendor. Not sure if that's the reason.

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On 9/13/2023 at 6:50 PM, Saeten said:

5 x 50 cartel coins = 250cc to unlock all 5 parts of the story account wide.  Highway robbery I tell ya. Even with free CC from the track as a subscriber, this feels like a robbery. Should have been free. Why are you charging for story on alts? I'm very disappointed.

Monetizing story progression on top of a subscription is an alarming change in direction.

I asked @EricMusco to address it in another thread, but there's only been silence.

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32 minutes ago, FlatTax said:

Monetizing story progression on top of a subscription is an alarming change in direction.

I asked @EricMusco to address it in another thread, but there's only been silence.

It might be a bug, sort of feels like that, but you don't have to pay CCs to get the missions unlocked.  Claim the GS reward one, unlock it, then get unlimited copies of the mission unlock from collections to put into your legacy bank.  The mission unlock is legacy bound and your other alts can do the same thing. Unlock the mission, claim the mission unlock from collections, put into legacy bay for another alt.

I've done that with 3 alts so far, and never paid any CCs or had to buy the mission unlock from the GS vendor.

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9 hours ago, LD_Little_Dragon said:

It might be a bug, sort of feels like that, but you don't have to pay CCs to get the missions unlocked.  Claim the GS reward one, unlock it, then get unlimited copies of the mission unlock from collections to put into your legacy bank.  The mission unlock is legacy bound and your other alts can do the same thing. Unlock the mission, claim the mission unlock from collections, put into legacy bay for another alt.

I've done that with 3 alts so far, and never paid any CCs or had to buy the mission unlock from the GS vendor.

Story progression is still walled behind GS levels, which are monetized.

Like all 'free' paths in a monetized grind, the intent is to frustrate players into cash sales.

We are, indeed, in ugly new territory.

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3 hours ago, FlatTax said:

Story progression is still walled behind GS levels, which are monetized.

Like all 'free' paths in a monetized grind, the intent is to frustrate players into cash sales.

We are, indeed, in ugly new territory.

How are GS levels monetized?  Yes you can pay CCs or credits to skip, but you can also do them really easily by just doing the GS objectives, you don't even have to do the maximum, about half of them a week will let you finish the season.  You don't have to be subbed to get the levels or missions, you just have to play the game.

Are you saying that players are frustrated just by playing the game? 

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On 9/26/2023 at 11:05 AM, LD_Little_Dragon said:

How are GS levels monetized?  Yes you can pay CCs or credits to skip, but you can also do them really easily by just doing the GS objectives, you don't even have to do the maximum, about half of them a week will let you finish the season.  You don't have to be subbed to get the levels or missions, you just have to play the game.

Are you saying that players are frustrated just by playing the game? 

GS levels are monetized because they're cash-purchasable.

Monetized systems have one purpose: drive cash sales. Once a system is monetized, any 'free' path is no longer "just playing the game." The grind gets tuned to produce frustration and drive sales. Over time, the tuning will become more aggressive.

The new, ugly land we're in is one where story progression is walled behind a monetization scheme on top of a subscription.

Edited by FlatTax
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