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PVP pass progress skip


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Welcomed communication the major fail of 3V1L GS story unlock on alts.  NOTHING responded to here. Can't figure out why they don't communicate better. The communication has been so bad in the past. I hoped there would be an improvement with Broadsword. I also hoped for better bug fixing. Guess I will go into my own "maintenance mode" on this game......

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So I was just checking if it is fixed and it is - kind of...

I could unlock level 1 today again, but not 2-15, something that shouldve been possible since yesterday (September 9th, 2023).
As a lot of you players who read this post probably did the unlocks for tokens and getting nice items, im afraid we all have to wait 2 weeks for the level skip of the pass being fully unlocked again and then wait up to 4 weeks for the PVP Vendor to reach the weekly rotation group where the desired item(s) are.

That this is not standing on the known issue list and there was no respond from any official side is kind of disappointing. We know you guys work very hard on this game, but please, writing a short answer should not be impossible @JackieKo.

Nevertheless, I wish you a nice weekend and hope to hear news about anything this topic related soon!

Kind greetings,


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  • Dev Post

Hi everyone,

Thanks for flagging this. I was out for a couple days, so I didn't have eyes on the tags, but I did receive info from the team that will explain what is happening with the PvP Seasons track.

First, let me go over how the season catch up is intended to work from start to finish. When a PvP Season goes live, it will remain active for a total of 12 weeks, or 84 days. Players should not expect to see the credit catch-up mechanic turn-on until just before week 8 into the season or day 55. Once the catch up is active, it will progress at a pace of 1 level per day up to the maximum purchasable level, which is level 15.

Everything stated above is what is supposed to happen when a season begins. However, with PvP Season 3, players saw the catch up way earlier than intended. Essentially, that was a bug and it was patched with 7.3.1.

Secondly, this was something that was being worked on but we missed with internal comms and it didn't get communicated earlier or picked up on patch notes. Hence some of the player confusion on what was intended or not.

I hope the explanation above provides more clarity and sets the expectation on how PvP Seasons will work moving forward.

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23 minutes ago, JackieKo said:

Hi everyone,

Thanks for flagging this. I was out for a couple days, so I didn't have eyes on the tags, but I did receive info from the team that will explain what is happening with the PvP Seasons track.

First, let me go over how the season catch up is intended to work from start to finish. When a PvP Season goes live, it will remain active for a total of 12 weeks, or 84 days. Players should not expect to see the credit catch-up mechanic turn-on until just before week 8 into the season or day 55. Once the catch up is active, it will progress at a pace of 1 level per day up to the maximum purchasable level, which is level 15.

Everything stated above is what is supposed to happen when a season begins. However, with PvP Season 3, players saw the catch up way earlier than intended. Essentially, that was a bug and it was patched with 7.3.1.

Secondly, this was something that was being worked on but we missed with internal comms and it didn't get communicated earlier or picked up on patch notes. Hence some of the player confusion on what was intended or not.

I hope the explanation above provides more clarity and sets the expectation on how PvP Seasons will work moving forward.

Alright so working as intended!

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