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A letter to the Devs: Please, Stop Dumbing the game down


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2 minutes ago, denavin said:

The Tax system currently in place is taking credits from the wrong players.

I had a character with a little over 100,000 credits, I had to travel to 6 different planets for a mission. That cost me 30,000 credits @5000 credits a trip, or 30% of my total income at that point.

A character with 1,000,000,000 credits has over 1 million time the wealth I have. That player paying the same amount to travel to the same 6 planets would pay less than 1% of their income.

How is that an even or equitable tax rate for me compared to them.

The tax system needs to be changed to that players with MORE credits pay a higher tax then players with fewer credits. That way the people with the vast amounts of credits will pay the majority of the tax instead if screwing over the players with little to no credits.

I have 32 characters, out of ALL of my characters I have about 25 million total but pay the same tax as players with Billions of credits which takes more of my total credits than it does for them.

Yes, the devs have gone about this process backwards. Instead of targeting players with large amounts of credits, they’ve targeted everyone and this puts undue pressure on those with little or no credits. Which means they have made the game more harsh for new or poor players. 

Since this discussion started in other threads, I’ve pointed out how they could simply remove more credits from the game through the GTN taxes than they ever could with these harsh travel taxes. 

It’s simple maths. If they increased the selling price cap on GTN to 4 billion, the tax collected off one of those higher priced items is way more than the travel costs over the course of years!

If a player travels 20 times a day at 5000 credits that = 100,000 credits.

If a player sells an item on the GTN at 4 Billion credits that have 8% tax = 320,000,000 credits. 

You would have to play 3,200 days or 8.988 years (traveling 20 times a day) or travel 64,000 times to remove 320,000,000 credits from the game. 

I understand they need credit sinks & the travel taxes are one way to do it. But they are going to use them, then they should be scalable based on character level & planet/instance level. And there should be zero travel taxes for characters less than level 20 & on all planets/instances before Nar Shad. And Quick Travel should be free. 

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This game started to go down when KOTFE/ET were launched : as a NFU ( non-Force user) Outlander, I don't give a flying.. about


the ghost of a dead dude explaining to me about the Force, former Sith Emperor's marital problems, recruiting all sorts of dudes and dudettes i don't know or want to know or care about, killing 1000000000000 skytroopers and 10000000 Knights of Zakuul, being Emperor/Empress then suddenly being replaced without any explanation about how and when did that happened. 

Then the absolutely atrocious FPs Ruins of Nul, Enclave and the Manaan "expansion": again, what makes you think a smuggler or BH cares about


Valky's multiple personalities?

I don't !!! I really really don't!!! 

The friggin' Outlander should have been a FU ( Force user) only, because for them it makes sense: Knight/Consular know about the Children of the Emperor, Sith Warrior about the Wrath/Hand/ Servants of the Emperor, Inquisitor about rituals, artifacts, jumping from one body to another. 

One other thing, the game is full of inconsistencies : how can Satele complain about


Jedi being defeated by Knights of Zakuul when the Knights are inferior to both Jedi and Sith, because they are just FU policemen, without a Code, without proper Force training ( as Lana says, they are never taught how to channel their anger..) ? 

How can the Consular break down TWO thick metallic doors during the class story ( gas facility on Taris and secret Esh-Kha prison on Belsavis) but be unable to break the


metallic door on Zakuul?? Gas facility, secret prison, vault, the thickness should be approx. the same..

Then the ability pruning : why, just why? Why not let us fully experience a secondary class the way it was meant to be played?

Gearing : ATROCIOUS! The implants system sucks the most, first charge the key, then buy implants, then pay a sh*t load of Tech frags to upgrade them and not even get the BiS like the Apex Predator, for example. 

Ahhhhh and not to forget about my least favorite people in the Galaxy, the


Voss Mystics! BOOO-HOOO, The Three, I'm not a complete moron, I actually know Malgus is bad news and I'm the savior of everyone ( again!!!) even without your "visions" and "prophecies" ! 

Sorry about this long post I didn't had my coffee yet. 


Edited by Hrafnhildur
forgot the spoiler tabs
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Not saying anything most of us haven't felt at one point or another.

Let it out man, we're right there with you. 7.0 was the first expansion I've ever played where people were rejoicing it was delayed so that they had more time to enjoy a good version before the downgrade.

The game feels empty right now & its understandable to be frustrated. All we can do is hope something changes to steer the ship back towards some semblance of what it was.

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  • 6 months later...

I want to revive this topic, as I was thinking about why this game is so bad compared to where it was 6.0. 

I think the answer is over babyification or, like I stated in the post, dumbing this game down to the lowest level. The Dev's are trying to cater SWTOR towards these casual doesn't care about MMO's players, I.E the single player RPG crowd. The problem lies is that by trying to do so, they have removed any complexity or substance this game had. 

This game isn't an MMO with an in depth combat and story anymore, its Gacha Life. 

The Dev's drove off their loyal hardcore playerbase. Ranked players? Gone, Hardcore Raiders? Gone, The vast majority of casual players who enjoyed the previous incarnation of SWTOR? Gone. 

Look at the steam charts and feel pity, this game had a slow  rising resurgence before 6.0 than drove off the players to  babify it to cater to this crowd that does not exist. 

The Dev's insistence on their design philosophy without listening to what the players want is killing this game. This recent change to Conquest? No one asked for that but the Dev's did it anyway. Story of 7.0 right there. Dev's want to make a change, Players argue against it, Dev's said "Don't care lol" and do it anyway because they are in the right here, its not like we are customers paying 15$ a month to get a quality product. 

The best thing that the Dev's could do is revert back to 6.0 Systems while taking the few good systems of 7.0, and never touching it again. Work on the 1/2 hour story updates, and creating Cartel Sets for whatever show is going on, since that is all they seem to care about nowadays.

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The dumbing down trend isn't new.    It's been going on for decades, which is why we have high school graduates who can barely count past 20 and standards that have been pushed so low that they're really not standards any longer.

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Only reacting to science: "Researchers across the globe have been tracking an apparent decline in human IQs, starting around the turn of the millennium. Theories abound as to why scores are dropping, but the smart money says our cognitive skills may have plateaued, teetering into an era of intellectual lethargy" -The Hill


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