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GSF suicide


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8 minutes ago, Toraak said:

It should not matter why they are there. If they don't like the activity they shouldn't do it. They should not have the right to ruin the game mode for other players that want to participate in it.


People that intentionally Self Destruct and do not participate in any way should be Banned PERIOD.

Or the devs could change the scoring system so there is no reason to join unless the player participates. Why spend money, time, and development just to ban players instead of fixing the problem?

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9 minutes ago, Darkestmonty said:

Or the devs could change the scoring system so they have no reason to join unless they participate. Why ban players when you can fix the actual issue of why people are joining.

Why spend money, time, and development just to ban players?


It isnt a case of David the Developer literally getting off his developer chair, walking out of the office, leaving the waterfall of fancy green matrix code flood his screen all by itself as he walks behind the barn to get some ban hammering done instead. Different people worry about banning exploiters, different people worry about game development. 

They absolutely should look into GSF objectives and make them more similar to ground pvp. Pref at same time as they add GSF to Pvp Season track...There's always gonna be griefing and some need for some people to look into it. Making objectives more performance based would def help though.

....And it'd also mean even more premades and even more uneven matches.





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15 minutes ago, Darkestmonty said:

Or the devs could change the scoring system so there is no reason to join unless the player participates. Why spend money, time, and development just to ban players instead of fixing the problem?

thats something i not understand at all since its super super easy to fix the problem.

i not understand at all in the first place who's idea it was from the develoment team to add a system that if you crash or suicide in the GSF that the enemy team gets the point more since people are more feeding the other team points by doing things like that more so who's idea was it to inplant something like this in the first place.

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On 8/1/2023 at 11:37 AM, Stradlin said:


It isnt a case of David the Developer literally getting off his developer chair, leaving the waterfall of fancy green matrix code flood his screen all by itself as he walks behind the barn to get some ban hammering done instead. Different people worry about banning exploiters, different people worry about game development. 

They absolutely should look into GSF objectives and make them more similar to ground pvp. Pref at same time as they add GSF to Pvp Season track...

You are fixated on punishment which does not solve the real issue which is lack of participation. If suiciding gets you banned, wanna know what those players are going to do next to end the game quickly? Fly into the enemy and stop moving. Let themselves be destroyed over and over.

  Fix the reason why they are suiciding and eliminate the benefit to that play style if you want to change player behavior.

On 8/1/2023 at 11:50 AM, Spikanor said:

thats something i not understand at all since its super super easy to fix the problem.

i not understand at all in the first place who's idea it was from the develoment team to add a system that if you crash or suicide in the GSF that the enemy team gets the point more since people are more feeding the other team points by doing things like that more so who's idea was it to inplant something like this in the first place.

or why the devs are focused on wins and losses instead of awarding the majority of points to complete a daily or weekly based on participation aka medals earned (which would still need to be tweaked).

I can earn half the points doing nothing and ending the game as fast as possible, or drag the game out, make it last 2-3 times longer... and still receive half the points. Players have a grind mindset when it comes to MMOs so make it worth their time to participate and earn as many medals as possible which will speed up finishing their dailies and weeklies while making it worth nothing to join a game and suicide the whole time.

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5 minutes ago, Darkestmonty said:

You are fixated on punishment which does not solve the real issue which is lack of participation. If suiciding gets you banned, wanna know what those players are going to do next to end the game quickly? Fly into the enemy and stop moving. Let themselves be destroyed over and over.

  Fix the reason why they are suiciding and eliminate the benefit to that play style if you want to change player behavior.

or why the devs are focused on wins and losses instead of awarding the majority of points to complete a daily or weekly based on participation aka medals earned (which would still need to be tweaked).

I can earn half the points doing nothing and ending the game as fast as possible, or drag the game out, make it last 2-3 times longer... and still receive have the points. Players have a grind mindset when it comes to MMOs so make it worth their time to participate and earn as many medals as possible which will speed up finishing their dailies and weeklies while making it worth nothing to join a game and suicide the whole time.

Sounds like lesser of two evils to me! That alone would prolly  render mass suiciders unable to single handedly ruin the match.

Don't get me wrong,I'll be mostly glad if they make GSF objectives bit more performance based.Thise fly ship X  Z times dings def should be replaced with medals earned for one.  Then again,were I a planetary mission grinding solo enhuasist, I'd begin feeling increasing amounts of unease if conq dings ever became tied behind quality of performance, rather than completion.






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18 minutes ago, Stradlin said:

Sounds like lesser of two evils to me! That alone would prolly  render mass suiciders unable to single handedly ruin the match.

Don't get me wrong,I'll be mostly glad if they make GSF objectives bit more performance based.Thise fly ship X  Z times dings def should be replaced with medals earned for one.  Then again,were I a planetary mission grinding solo enhuasist, I'd begin feeling increasing amounts of unease if conq dings ever became tied behind quality of performance, rather than completion.

think long term

Is our player pool small? Yes. What happens when devs take time, money, and resources to start banning people who suicide? SWTOR loses revenue, our player pool shrinks, remaining players change tactics on the fastest way to end a game. Nothing really changes, people figure out a new way to join GSF or Warzones, do as little as possible for maximum amount of gain. What follows on this track is more dev time, more money, more resource to ban the players that adapted. Thank goodness this game is super popular and we have more than enough players, devs, time, and revenue to keep throwing away... /s

How about instead of wasting dev time banning players (which will not and had never happened for suiciding in GSF), and losing revenue, the devs shift their development into making participating in GSF more beneficial than not participating.

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There will always be exploiters and griefers, so there should always be a mechanic for dealing with them.   People dealing with this are not people who dev the game.


Trying to get some widely known griefer to stop with your own actions  vs  just hoping Broadsword  someday changes things instead. Pick your poison or pref, enjoy some of both.  Neither eats from the other for as long as game  still has customer support and devs both.   


Game mechanics alone will never completely  stop griefing. 

I cba arguing about this any further.




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4 hours ago, Stradlin said:


Firstly,  just recoding the match is the most important thing.


No it's not. Doing your best in the match is. 

If you think trying to get other people banned from the game is "the most important thing"  you can do, then you aren't fully contributing either and should be banned as well, according to your own standards. You are not any better, you are also griefing them. 

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1 hour ago, Darkestmonty said:

or why the devs are focused on wins and losses instead of awarding the majority of points to complete a daily or weekly based on participation aka medals earned (which would still need to be tweaked).

i think there have make it win/losses since its fair for the players that are not good at it to give then a chance to become good and upgrade there ships.

then you get complains from other players that try to become better but have almost no chance to get any medals at all.

i have all trouble to make kills in the GSF match so i am all happy and lucky if i get a lucky kill.

then why there not chance it to how much damage you give the other players not as challance thats more fair for a lot of players that are not good at GSF.

remove the medals and win/lose challance and only give damage challance from 500k or something like that then its also fair for the one's that are not good but still keep trying.


1 hour ago, Darkestmonty said:

I can earn half the points doing nothing and ending the game as fast as possible, or drag the game out, make it last 2-3 times longer... and still receive have the points. Players have a grind mindset when it comes to MMOs so make it worth their time to participate and earn as many medals as possible which will speed up finishing their dailies and weeklies while making it worth nothing to join a game and suicide the whole time.

the medals is something not all the players are good at since there are players like me where getting a kill is super hard to do since there are not good at it.

the other reason why some people are doing suicide in the GSF is to end the match fast since there hate to wait when the timer runs out or the other team gets 50 kills to end the match.

you most also see good that most people hate to do things what take's a lot of there time so there like it to be easy since there can get it quick done without spending a lot of time in to it.

why you think the story line contant has become super easy more since people wane be done quick with it and hate it when there need to put some effort in to it.

why you think the last expension 7.0 story line give's you 2kk exp as reward more that you jump from lvl 75 to 80 in a instant since people not wane put some effort in to it anymore.

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51 minutes ago, DeannaVoyager said:


No it's not. Doing your best in the match is. 

If you think trying to get other people banned from the game is "the most important thing"  you can do, then you aren't fully contributing either and should be banned as well, according to your own standards. You are not any better, you are also griefing them. 


Are you consistent with this stuff? I mean, do you always fight battles on behalf of griefers, cheaters,exploiters and win traders, or do you limit it exclusively to GSF?


Recording a video of a match doesn't affect the way person recording flies. Most important thing in recording the mass suicider is about capturing the "X has self destructed" spam, and the score  window in the end. Technically, Broadsword can see almost all, if not all of this via their own telemetrics, but I have a feeling video has a good effect anyway, good underlining.

-- -


Once again folks, if you see a mass suicider, here is what i suggest:

* Record the match on video! Let the mass suicider know you are recording it. Also tell them you post it on youtube and mail a link to the video, along with description of what happened to every single relevant and on-topic Broadsword mail you can think of.

* Do just as you promised to mass suicider. Upload the video (youtube works great) and mail it to   pvpReports@swtor.com and/or  communitysupport@swtor.com    both prolly work. Mail the video link and description of what happened.

* Write an in game ticket about it for a good measure. Mention legacy name and character name of the griefer both in every ticket and mail you send. 


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56 minutes ago, DeannaVoyager said:


No it's not. Doing your best in the match is. 

If you think trying to get other people banned from the game is "the most important thing"  you can do, then you aren't fully contributing either and should be banned as well, according to your own standards. You are not any better, you are also griefing them. 

If you see an SD'er in the match and start recording, that doesn't mean your not going to fly your best the rest of the game. Let the devs watch and see that person Self Destruct as your doing everything you can to win.

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1 hour ago, Spikanor said:

why you think the last expension 7.0 story line give's you 2kk exp as reward more that you jump from lvl 75 to 80 in a instant since people not wane put some effort in to it anymore.

That had more to do with how little content was released with 7.0.  They had to inflate the quest XP to get people to 80 quickly.   If they had only given enough XP to get you to, say, 77 then it would have required grinding a lot of daily areas to get to 80 and you didn’t get DRMs for doing that until 80. That would have caused even more discontent than the anemic content they released. 

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28 minutes ago, Darcmoon said:

That had more to do with how little content was released with 7.0.  They had to inflate the quest XP to get people to 80 quickly.   If they had only given enough XP to get you to, say, 77 then it would have required grinding a lot of daily areas to get to 80 and you didn’t get DRMs for doing that until 80. That would have caused even more discontent than the anemic content they released. 

what you are telling is the same thing more that there put no effort in to it at all since it has to become the easy way so what the developers have done with the 7.0 expension is the same way the Self Destructs do in the GFS match's to take the easy way to reach there goal and that is to compleet the daily and weekly missions so fast and make sure the match end quick.

and the developers goal was so that the new armor system can be use so its the same thing there are doing only there goal is compleet diffrend.


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11 hours ago, Stradlin said:


Are you consistent with this stuff? I mean, do you always fight battles on behalf of griefers, cheaters,exploiters and win traders, or do you limit it exclusively to GSF?


Recording a video of a match doesn't affect the way person recording flies. Most important thing in recording the mass suicider is about capturing the "X has self destructed" spam, and the score  window in the end. Technically, Broadsword can see almost all, if not all of this via their own telemetrics, but I have a feeling video has a good effect anyway, good underlining.

-- -


Once again folks, if you see a mass suicider, here is what i suggest:

* Record the match on video! Let the mass suicider know you are recording it. Also tell them you post it on youtube and mail a link to the video, along with description of what happened to every single relevant and on-topic Broadsword mail you can think of.

* Do just as you promised to mass suicider. Upload the video (youtube works great) and mail it to   pvpReports@swtor.com and/or  communitysupport@swtor.com    both prolly work. Mail the video link and description of what happened.

* Write an in game ticket about it for a good measure. Mention legacy name and character name of the griefer both in every ticket and mail you send. 



You guys are more focused on being toxic towards people and trying to get them banned than actually playing the game, and you are judging me? That's funny, really.


As I said to the OP, if you don't like suiciders in GSF, getting hostile doesn't make them go away. You will only cause more friction and anger. Having incentives to do something else would. Why aren't you fighting to get them incentives to do something else? Their problem would disappear, your problem would disappear. Seems like a win-win to me. But no, you choose a lose-lose situation instead. No wonder the playerbase is shrinking. 




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1 hour ago, DeannaVoyager said:


You guys are more focused on being toxic towards people and trying to get them banned than actually playing the game, and you are judging me? That's funny, really.


As I said to the OP, if you don't like suiciders in GSF, getting hostile doesn't make them go away. You will only cause more friction and anger. Having incentives to do something else would. Why aren't you fighting to get them incentives to do something else? Their problem would disappear, your problem would disappear. Seems like a win-win to me. But no, you choose a lose-lose situation instead. No wonder the playerbase is shrinking. 




No rly, I'd love to hear if you are consistent about this stuff? Like..are you some sort of pro exploit person, who feels griefing, win trading etc makes just a fun social experiment that should be allowed to happen as needed? " This part of the game and way it has been balanced ANNOYS me. Therefore, it deserves to be ruined. Most certainly from those who like it:) If they change it so it doesn't annoy me anymore, then maybe it doesn't deserve to be ruined:)"  Nice.


As a fun personal experiment, consider "GSF" and "Mass suiciders" as variables there, and replace both with game aspects you actually enjoy and care about and see how you sound to your own ears.


And nobody here is getting hostile to mass suiciders! That'd indeed be useless. If you consult my friendly Mass suiciders and you-guide few posts back I even advice against it. Some sort of miserable self righteous  trolling is a huge aspect of it for most of them, when is it ever useful to get angry at a troll? It is useless to insult or  flame them, and it isn't for players to threaten them with bans or something either. Just record the match and proceed to tell the mass suicider you are indeed recording it and sharing the recording with every single relevant Broadsword email you can find. In their heart of hearts they know what they are doing is griefing and should/could be bannable. You are  simply documenting them in the act. Just that they know their "act" is griefing that ruins the game, so notion of being caught in the act feels insulting and as a threat of ban in and of itself.  "Hm, I and or my guild might actually get banned from doing this" is a thought that has every reason to enter in their head. It doesn't repel all of them, since some are o their way out nof the game anyway, and just want to watch the world burn on their way out. But  it prolly repels some of them, since some actually care of their guilds and accounts.




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47 minutes ago, Stradlin said:

No rly, I'd love to hear if you are consistent about this stuff? Like..are you some sort of pro exploit person, who feels griefing, win trading etc makes just a fun social experiment that should be allowed to happen as needed? " This part of the game and way it has been balanced ANNOYS me. Therefore, it deserves to be ruined. Most certainly from those who like it:) If they change it so it doesn't annoy me anymore, then maybe it doesn't deserve to be ruined:)"  Nice.


As a fun personal experiment, consider "GSF" and "Mass suiciders" as variables there, and replace both with game aspects you actually enjoy and care about and see how you sound to your own ears.


And nobody here is getting hostile to mass suiciders! That'd indeed be useless. If you consult my friendly Mass suiciders and you-guide few posts back I even advice against it. Some sort of miserable self righteous  trolling is a huge aspect of it for most of them, when is it ever useful to get angry at a troll? It is useless to insult or  flame them, and it isn't for players to threaten them with bans or something either. Just record the match and proceed to tell the mass suicider you are indeed recording it and sharing the recording with every single relevant Broadsword email you can find. In their heart of hearts they know what they are doing is griefing and should/could be bannable. You are  simply documenting them in the act. Just that they know their "act" is griefing that ruins the game, so notion of being caught in the act feels insulting and as a threat of ban in and of itself.  "Hm, I and or my guild might actually get banned from doing this" is a thought that has every reason to enter in their head. It doesn't repel all of them, since some are o their way out nof the game anyway, and just want to watch the world burn on their way out. But  it prolly repels some of them, since some actually care of their guilds and accounts.




Are you some kind of a personal attacker when someone disagrees with your agenda? Because it sure seems to me that you are now shifting your hostility from GSF suiciders towards me instead of sticking to the topic. Stick to the topic and leave me alone. 


The difference between you and me is that you want to shrink the playerbase while I want to retain it. You want to keep wrong people out from your precious GSF while while I want everyone to have equal opportunity for equal conquest points. You don't like that? That's your problem and attacking me doesn't solve it.






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37 minutes ago, DeannaVoyager said:

Are you some kind of a personal attacker when someone disagrees with your agenda? Because it sure seems to me that you are now shifting your hostility from GSF suiciders towards me instead of sticking to the topic. Stick to the topic and leave me alone. 


The difference between you and me is that you want to shrink the playerbase while I want to retain it. You want to keep wrong people out from your precious GSF while while I want everyone to have equal opportunity for equal conquest points. You don't like that? That's your problem and attacking me doesn't solve it.







Your desire to defend/justify  actions of griefers, exploiters and the like just seems so...unlikely, I'm just trying to figure out where you are coming from. Do you welcome  stuff like this to all aspects of the game, or just in GSF?


People who'd get warnings and bans from their own actions usually don't even leave for good. If they do  come back, they prolly don't repeat the thing that got them banned. Beyond that,  It is the eternal question of how many players does exploiter make leave by ruining their experience  vs just the exploiter leaving. Usually latter is considered  the better option.




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8 hours ago, Stradlin said:


Your desire to defend/justify  actions of griefers, exploiters and the like just seems so...unlikely,





Of course it seems unlikely, you're using strawman argument, duh. You are making up false accusations that have nothing to do with me or the topic to attack me as a person, only because I called out your hypocrisy regarding "ruining games". 

If you ran out of arguments regarding the topic (and it seems like you did), move along. Why are you still harassing me? 

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49 minutes ago, DeannaVoyager said:


Of course it seems unlikely, you're using strawman argument, duh. You are making up false accusations that have nothing to do with me or the topic to attack me as a person, only because I called out your hypocrisy regarding "ruining games". 

If you ran out of arguments regarding the topic (and it seems like you did), move along. Why are you still harassing me? 

In this thread, you've repeatedly defended these exploiters and griefers, implying it is okay  and  inevitable to do that in GSF, since it is so  rewarding. Most cheating, exploits etc happens for this exact reason, exploiting usually is efficient,  beneficial and rewarding.  That doesn't give some  moral green light to do it.  Nor does it render players who have an issue with their matches being ruined as hypocrites. 

When players discuss what could be done about them, you get strangely defensive, fight their battles and suggest nothing should be done by the community. This is what you're saying. Pointing out as much is neither strawman nor harassment.  If you don't want to have an argument, then don't argue.

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Suiciders are griefers. They deserve to be reported and banned. Same with afkers in GSF and WZs, or dps who queue tank/heals for faster pops in group finder. These are all negative behaviors that should be hunted down and purged from the game.

At the same time, clearly some performance standards would be an attractive fix. Unfortunately, a significant percentage of GSF games are ruined by premades looking for easy wins (sorry, I mean to say they are "really" looking for super competitive matches against other elite premades, but those games don't exist, so they are forced to take the easy matches against randos) . So getting stomped 1000-14 or 50-2 wouldn't get you credit for a game if the performance standards were high enough to discourage suiciding in normal games.

GSF is in serious need of dev attention on multiple fronts, and should that attention ever actually arrive, robust systems need to be put into place that will last until the end of SWTOR (because at seven year intervals, if GSF ever does get any more attention, that's likely to be the last it ever sees).

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i still not understand why people still are complaining about the GSF suicide problem since its have been a problem all for years.

if people is use the search function there see there are a lot of threads about this problem in any forum section so all is it in the general section or server section or suggestion section the point is more that the developers are going to do notting against it to fix it so in the end there not give a damm about the GSF or PVP at all.

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15 hours ago, Stradlin said:

In this thread, you've repeatedly defended these exploiters and griefers, implying it is okay  and  inevitable to do that in GSF, since it is so  rewarding. Most cheating, exploits etc happens for this exact reason, exploiting usually is efficient,  beneficial and rewarding.  That doesn't give some  moral green light to do it.  Nor does it render players who have an issue with their matches being ruined as hypocrites. 

When players discuss what could be done about them, you get strangely defensive, fight their battles and suggest nothing should be done by the community. This is what you're saying. Pointing out as much is neither strawman nor harassment.  If you don't want to have an argument, then don't argue.

Read my first response to this thread again, here, I'll make it easy for you: 


Getting hostile towards players who don't want to be there doesn't solve anything. You need to undestand why people are doing it, and the demand actions based on that. Look at the conquest points GSF gives, sometimes it also gives seasons points. All PVE content is a waste of time compared to the amount of conquest points people get from GSF (and PVP). 


The only way to get rid of suiciders and afk'ers is to balance the conquest so that people can play the content they like and still get something out of it instead of being forced to do content they don't like (such as GSF and PVP). You can't blame the players for this massive, unbalanced conquest design failure. 


Fact: You are getting hostile towards people who want to get the same conquest points you are getting from their game time. Fact: You are actively trying to get them banned, and you are actively encouranging other people to do the same. That is toxic and I have a right to defend anyone from that kind of toxic behaviour. As I said earlier, you are trying to shrink the playerbase, I am trying to retain it. That alone tells who's in the wrong here. You don't fix a paper cut with amputation. 

I have offered a possible solution (second paragraph). You have offered personal attacks and even more uncalled hostility. You have also repeateadly thrown false accusations at me to create a strawman, because you don't have any real counter arguments left.  Stick to the topic. I am not the topic, so your personal attacks are out of line and uncalled for. 






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3 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

Read my first response to this thread again, here, I'll make it easy for you: 


Fact: You are getting hostile towards people who want to get the same conquest points you are getting from their game time. Fact: You are actively trying to get them banned, and you are actively encouranging other people to do the same. That is toxic and I have a right to defend anyone from that kind of toxic behaviour. As I said earlier, you are trying to shrink the playerbase, I am trying to retain it. That alone tells who's in the wrong here. You don't fix a paper cut with amputation. 

I have offered a possible solution (second paragraph). You have offered personal attacks and even more uncalled hostility. You have also repeateadly thrown false accusations at me to create a strawman, because you don't have any real counter arguments left.  Stick to the topic. I am not the topic, so your personal attacks are out of line and uncalled for. 






It is a rare thing to see somebody brazenly suggest such an open form of griefing is legitimate  or fully excusable gameplay. You know it ruins the match from everybody else. Yet. Since people gain from it, it is alright. Usually people aren't -for griefing- this openly. Wanting to know if you are consistent about this stance is not a "personal attack"   

It is remarkable you manage to accuse somebody of wanting griefing to stop!.  That's what it is all about. Making it stop. Not about banning, though that certainly  can help. Warnings, few week bans prolly work for most. People realizing they -might - get banned work for some. Certainly there are some people playing who are so determined to ruin the game for all else that they should be banned for good .


There will always be griefing. Ruining something you don't like from others is enjoyable for cerrain type of trolls. Is why there has always been mechanics for dealing with griefing. 


One can sit on their hands and hope bw/bs devs do something about it eventually via mechanics. One can report them and hope bw/bs customer support does something about it. Both can work.


Report chain self destructors folks. Record the match where you encounter them if possible.  Share recording with Broadsword.

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1 hour ago, Stradlin said:

It is a rare thing to see somebody brazenly suggest such an open form of griefing is legitimate  or fully excusable gameplay. You know it ruins the match from everybody else. Yet. Since people gain from it, it is alright. Usually people aren't -for griefing- this openly. Wanting to know if you are consistent about this stance is not a "personal attack"   

It is remarkable you manage to accuse somebody of wanting griefing to stop!.  That's what it is all about. Making it stop. Not about banning, though that certainly  can help. Warnings, few week bans prolly work for most. People realizing they -might - get banned work for some. Certainly there are some people playing who are so determined to ruin the game for all else that they should be banned for good .


There will always be griefing. Ruining something you don't like from others is enjoyable for cerrain type of trolls. Is why there has always been mechanics for dealing with griefing. 


One can sit on their hands and hope bw/bs devs do something about it eventually via mechanics. One can report them and hope bw/bs customer support does something about it. Both can work.


Report chain self destructors folks. Record the match where you encounter them if possible.  Share recording with Broadsword.

Banning people for self destructing in GSF has never happened and will never happen.

time might be better spent suggesting how to fix why people self destruct so they stop self destructing.

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18 hours ago, Stradlin said:

It is a rare thing to see somebody brazenly suggest such an open form of griefing is legitimate  or fully excusable gameplay. You know it ruins the match from everybody else. Yet. Since people gain from it, it is alright. Usually people aren't -for griefing- this openly. Wanting to know if you are consistent about this stance is not a "personal attack"   

It is remarkable you manage to accuse somebody of wanting griefing to stop!.  That's what it is all about. Making it stop. Not about banning, though that certainly  can help. Warnings, few week bans prolly work for most. People realizing they -might - get banned work for some. Certainly there are some people playing who are so determined to ruin the game for all else that they should be banned for good .


There will always be griefing. Ruining something you don't like from others is enjoyable for cerrain type of trolls. Is why there has always been mechanics for dealing with griefing. 


One can sit on their hands and hope bw/bs devs do something about it eventually via mechanics. One can report them and hope bw/bs customer support does something about it. Both can work.


Report chain self destructors folks. Record the match where you encounter them if possible.  Share recording with Broadsword.

Here we go again.. Can you not read? I even copied my first post in this thread to you for easier access, so please read it through again and point where I'm saying griefing is legitimate. Because you are lying. You are putting YOUR words into my mouth and your own BS to attack me. They are your words, not mine.  Stop attacking me as a person with your false accusations. 


And yet again you are encouraging people to stop playing the match and exploit the report system to get someone banned. Talking about griefing, that sounds griefing to me. You are angry because people don't play GSF according to your standards, but trying to bully them, instigating others to bully them is hurting the community and you should stop it as long as we still have a few players left. 




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