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GSF suicide


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18 hours ago, Darkestmonty said:

Banning people for self destructing in GSF has never happened and will never happen.

time might be better spent suggesting how to fix why people self destruct so they stop self destructing.

Exactly. But haters are gonna hate I guess. And with examples seen in this thread, it's no wonder people self destruct. Who would want to give their best to the match when regular flyers are actively trying to get them banned, even when it hurts their own gameplay. 


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19 hours ago, Darkestmonty said:

Banning people for self destructing in GSF has never happened and will never happen.

time might be better spent suggesting how to fix why people self destruct so they stop self destructing

the only thing i see what is going to work 100% is that there most chance the point system in the GSF's.

that if you self destruct for what for reasons that the enemy team get's no points from it for something like that.

since now if there self destruct there give the enemy team free points so that system needs to go.

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Just now, Spikanor said:

the only thing i see what is going to work 100% is that there most chance the point system in the GSF's.

that if you self destruct for what for reasons that the enemy team get's no points from it for something like that.

since now if there self destruct there give the enemy team free points so that system needs to go.

That can be exploited. You have a missile lock, know you are going to die, you self destruct not allowing the enemy team the kill point. Even now players will self destruct when they know they are about to die just to deny you the kill.

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3 minutes ago, Darkestmonty said:

That can be exploited. You have a missile lock, know you are going to die, you self destruct not allowing the enemy team the kill point. Even now players will self destruct when they know they are about to die just to deny you the kill.

but the end result is the same way.

if there not kill you but you self destruct the points go to the enemy team.

there kill you the points go to the enemy team.

so if its left or right the end is always going to be the same.

the only diffrend it if you chance it that the points not go to the enemy team if you self destruct.

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1 hour ago, Spikanor said:

but the end result is the same way.

if there not kill you but you self destruct the points go to the enemy team.

there kill you the points go to the enemy team.

so if its left or right the end is always going to be the same.

the only diffrend it if you chance it that the points not go to the enemy team if you self destruct.

the end result of the enemy team gaining a point is the same but by suiciding before a missile reaches the target, they deny you the kill on your stats.

I run into this a lot, I will lock onto an enemy until they use their evasion, then relock on them and let my missile loose and they will self destruct to deny me the kill.

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6 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

Here we go again.. Can you not read? I even copied my first post in this thread to you for easier access, so please read it through again and point where I'm saying griefing is legitimate. Because you are lying. You are putting YOUR words into my mouth and your own BS to attack me. They are your words, not mine.  Stop attacking me as a person with your false accusations. 


And yet again you are encouraging people to stop playing the match and exploit the report system to get someone banned. Talking about griefing, that sounds griefing to me. You are angry because people don't play GSF according to your standards, but trying to bully them, instigating others to bully them is hurting the community and you should stop it as long as we still have a few players left. 




This is quite a wild alternate reality. Reporting griefers and exploiters to Broadsword is not griefing. They take griefing, cheating and wintrading so seriously they opened a specific email for these cases alone.  Recording your own gameplay is not griefing.  It gives  one a pause to realize that, assuming you are not trolling, such sentence legitimately needs to be written here. "Recording your own gameplay is not griefing". Recording your own gameplay does not change how you fly. Chain self destructor is present on stat screen in the end,and as a  frequent red name on your screen mid fight.

It is all about whose battles one fights. I suggest a  way that could stop some  of the griefers. You seem more disturbed about people reporting the griefers. You suggest reporting an exploiting win trader /griefer/exploiter is "bullying him".  In your latest post you suggest it makes sense these people are mass self destructing, since people who don't like their game ruined keep reporting them. That's quite a loop in logic! 

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On 8/2/2023 at 7:46 PM, sharpenedstick said:

Suiciders are griefers. They deserve to be reported and banned. Same with afkers in GSF and WZs, or dps who queue tank/heals for faster pops in group finder. These are all negative behaviors that should be hunted down and purged from the game.

At the same time, clearly some performance standards would be an attractive fix. Unfortunately, a significant percentage of GSF games are ruined by premades looking for easy wins (sorry, I mean to say they are "really" looking for super competitive matches against other elite premades, but those games don't exist, so they are forced to take the easy matches against randos) . So getting stomped 1000-14 or 50-2 wouldn't get you credit for a game if the performance standards were high enough to discourage suiciding in normal games.

GSF is in serious need of dev attention on multiple fronts, and should that attention ever actually arrive, robust systems need to be put into place that will last until the end of SWTOR (because at seven year intervals, if GSF ever does get any more attention, that's likely to be the last it ever sees).

I guess difference is in severity. When encountering this stuff, imo one can ask " Does it ruin the match  for all else?"   Being afk in an ops or in gsf/wz doesn't necessarily ruin the whole thing. Chain self destructing almost certainly ruins the match for 15- 23   other people. This is why there is a way to deal with griefers that goes beyond simpmy hoping BW changes game mechanics:  Change to ruin experience of others is always so tempting to some that it'll always happen no matter how rewarding the exploit is. Trolling is its own reward fof many.


People, my self included, been suggesting changes to gsf conq mechanics for a long time.  Simply changing "fly ship x" weekly into like a three tiered  "earn x medals" weekly  would go a long way. Afaik devs haven't done   any conq related devving/balancing  in a long time. You can keep hoping and  asking for stuff. Maybe something will eventually happen. Maybe not.

My suggestion is more likely to work to some degree right now. BW has taken exploits, griefing and win trading in pvp seriously. Nobody here knows how rarely they act on this stuff. It is reasonable to assume they prolly do act on it sometimes.  Brazen, exploiting win trader knows stuff he does is possibly actionable. He doesn't like hearing you are recording and reporting him. Reasonable to assume that

a)  Some of them believe they are fine! 

b) some rightly realize they might have every  reason to worry for their account. They don't want warnings or bans, so mayve they stop.

c) some are bored with the game and are burning things down on their way out, they truly don't care.


It is group B that matters. Player reporting and recording an exploiter has no idea what his report does. Neither does the exploiter. That's the beauty of it. Not knowing iwhether Broadsword acts on their griefing prolly makes some of them  stop griefing,once they realize they've frustrated enough people to earn them some reports.


Do this to a brazen win trader today  and there is a small change he stops today. Instead, focus on hoping Broadsword one day comes up with game mechanic based solution and well, I promise it achieves nothing relevant today, at least.

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5 hours ago, Darkestmonty said:

the end result of the enemy team gaining a point is the same but by suiciding before a missile reaches the target, they deny you the kill on your stats.

I run into this a lot, I will lock onto an enemy until they use their evasion, then relock on them and let my missile loose and they will self destruct to deny me the kill.

but in the end your team still gets the point so thats the problem more some people hate about it.

what i told before on this thread is that there most be a big reason why a lot of people do self destruct.

and the most commen reasons people do it is to end the match quick and get the points from it and to compleet the Gelactic seasons challance's.

and thats the problem most people are doing it.

sure you reasons why there do it can also but the most commen reason there do it is to end the match quick so that the enemy team wins and there get there challance compleet.

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3 hours ago, Stradlin said:

Simply changing "fly ship x" weekly into like a three tiered  "earn x medals" weekly  would go a long way

The "fly X ship" objective is probably the most widely abused objective in all of conquest. It should be replaced with something else. The infinite CQ points for just flying matches (doesn't matter if you win or lose or even get any medals) is problematic as well but if you take care of the "fly X ship" problem it may decrease in severity due to the reduced "stacking" of objectives making it less beneficial to speed through the match..

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4 hours ago, DWho said:

The "fly X ship" objective is probably the most widely abused objective in all of conquest. It should be replaced with something else. The infinite CQ points for just flying matches (doesn't matter if you win or lose or even get any medals) is problematic as well but if you take care of the "fly X ship" problem it may decrease in severity due to the reduced "stacking" of objectives making it less beneficial to speed through the match..

yes but GSF pops so infrequently the play a game conquest can never truly be abused to amass enough conquest points to matter. It's faster to do Heroics esp when some of the heroics can be done in under 2 minutes.

I do like the Fly X ship conquest, it makes people at least try more ships, but I wish the dailies and weeklies would swap completely to medal based missions like Galactic Season (with a rework in how medals can be earned).

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18 hours ago, Stradlin said:

blaa blaa blaa

Yet again you are putting words into my mouth.  Are you incapable of responding to what I said instead of what you would need me to say to justify a personal attack?  Disagreeing with someone doesn't justify a personal attack, in case you didn't know.


14 hours ago, DWho said:

The "fly X ship" objective is probably the most widely abused objective in all of conquest. It should be replaced with something else. The infinite CQ points for just flying matches (doesn't matter if you win or lose or even get any medals) is problematic as well but if you take care of the "fly X ship" problem it may decrease in severity due to the reduced "stacking" of objectives making it less beneficial to speed through the match..

Yep. Especially when you compare it to some pve objectives, such as heroics, where only one heroic per planet counts for conquest. It's no wonder people go GSF for conquest points, even when they have no desire to be there.  And because they have no desire to be there, they will do whatever is needed to get those points as fast as possible, including suiciding. If no-one comes to shoot you under a satellite, the only way to be able to change ships is to suicide. 


The only way to fix the suicider problem is to balance conquest points so that everyone can do the content they want and still be rewarded for their time. Either pve and solo content needs a serious buff or gsf and pvp points need a heavy nerf.

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Me arguing things you say is not a personal attack.  In general, if you don't want to have arguments, stop arguing.

I'm not putting words in your mouth as much as summarizing what you are saying. If you want to highlight what is off with my attempt,  then there are more useful ways to do it than putting words such as  "quote by stradling: bla bla bla"in my mouth.

When it comes to words in mouths of others, here's another example for you-. You know well core of what I say is " report and record griefers" and I've outlined in great detail what I mean by it. You have no issue to dishonestly twist that into:


On 8/4/2023 at 9:19 AM, DeannaVoyager said:

And yet again you are encouraging people to stop playing the match and exploit the report system to get someone banned. 

It is very unusual for same person to manage this and repeated accusations of others putting words in your mouth just few posts apart.

In multiple posts on this thread, you suggest it is toxic and griefing to report people who exploit in GSF. Therefore, it is perfectly fair to say you are defending exploiters. 


On 8/4/2023 at 9:23 AM, DeannaVoyager said:

with examples seen in this thread, it's no wonder people self destruct. Who would want to give their best to the match when regular flyers are actively trying to get them banned,


This is a literal schoolbook example of circular reasoning. "No wonder people who exploit in GSF do it. I mean,  just look at how people who like GSF treat those who exploit in GSF!"

Two teachers talk about kids on their class.

T1: "I don't like Jim so I  made sure Jim ends up in group that starts playing hockey this winter"

T2:"What? Why don't you like Jim?"

T1: "There is something suspicious about kids who play hockey"




Yep. Especially when you compare it to some pve objectives, such as heroics, where only one heroic per planet counts for conquest

Everything you do planetside earns conquest points. Sometimes only via XP and standard mission completes, often via numerous overlapping conq objectives. Person who spends entire day playing GSF prolly spends less hours in GSF than person spending entire day chasing planetary conq  objectives  for conq points. Both of these are such massive undertakings that I've no clue how much either truly nettoes in total conquest earned. You run out of juicy GSF objectives to ding in 5-10 matches or so. I'm not sure if anyone has enough hours in the day to complete all planetary daily repeatable conquest objectives though. You can do something like CZ weeklly in  9-10 mins. It nettoes you 34k conq. In practice, you aren't even done with your first GSF match of the day yet in bit under 10 mins. If you combine that juicy CZ ding with things such as a reputation ding, (for companion and for a faction both) and run some 5 crew  missions while at it,  you're pretty much at 110k conq or something in 10 minutes. 

When it comes to daily repeatable objectives, reaching personal conq target of a character in 10 minutes of  daily playtime  is doable with a solo-only combination that involves planetary missions. It is not reliably doable with any combination that involves  GSF or ground  pvp. 

When it comes to daily objectives,huge portion of conq you earn via GSF inevitably falls on one single character. With daily planetaries, you can much more efficiently scatter the conq across numerous characters of your legacy. Conq via planetaries nettoes more encryptions/week for those who run multiple characters.

Beyond that, if soloable mission and a comparable slice of multiplayer content give same amount of conq, then soloable mission is always vastly superior due to how predictable and versatile it is to..solo things. You don't need activity from others. Want a GSF match? Join a queue and hope a match happens. Sometimes you wait for 10 mins, sometimes an hour. Sometimes it won't pop at all. Depending on time of the day. On the other hand, if you wake up 4 am feeling you absolutely must solo a mission called Toxic Bombs in Balmorra? Go wild! You can get busy soon as you log in, no matter how quiet the server, how dead the hour. You know more or less presicely how long it will take. Meanwhile, you have no idea if you have the time it takes  from moment you join GSF queue to the moment match is over. Maybe that is 17 mins total? Or 30 mins? an hour? 


Finally, once more, exploiting being benefical is not some moral green light to exploit. It usually IS benefical, that's why it is considered an exploit and that's why people do it. There are plenty of examples of Bioware not being very...understanding towards people who knowingly  exploit a loophole for unfair advantage. 

Your evident desire to nerf content you don't like is basically a different conversation to the one OP here opened. Chain self destructing was a thing even before conquest was implemented as a mechanic. Trolling is its own reward for many.


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22 hours ago, Stradlin said:

Me arguing things you say is not a personal attack.  In general, if you don't want to have arguments, stop arguing.

Dude, you are the one who started arguing. You want it stopped? Stop attacking me as a person. Stop putting words into my mouth so that I don't have to point out what you are doing.  


22 hours ago, Stradlin said:

Everything you do planetside earns conquest points.

And that pretty much proves you are just trolling now. Glad you put that as first sentence, saved me the trouble of reading the rest. Everyone who has ever opened the conquest tab in their game knows that pve points are pathetic compared to gsf points. 


Everyone should have equal opportunity to equal points in this game. Right now pve needs buffed. Pve more repeatable objectives and more big score objectives, or gsf and pvp needs to be brought down to the same level. You must be the only one who disagrees with that, which is silly because that would solve your suicider problem. 

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37 minutes ago, DeannaVoyager said:

Dude, you are the one who started arguing. You want it stopped? Stop attacking me as a person. Stop putting words into my mouth so that I don't have to point out what you are doing. 

And that pretty much proves you are just trolling now

Everyone should have equal opportunity to equal points in this game. Right now pve needs buffed. Pve more repeatable objectives and more big score objectives, or gsf and pvp needs to be brought down to the same level. You must be the only one who disagrees with that, which is silly because that would solve your suicider problem. 

If you can neither counter my arguments nor have desire to  read what I say, it is so  curious you keep replying anyway!!  Wonder what dark forces compell you. Me, I absolutely  just love to argue this with  you. Mostly due to curiosity; It is such a rare thing to see somebody so brazenly defend exploiters and spin it around, accusing those who'd report undeniable exploit to Broadsword as being  griefers or "bullies" themselves, as you put it. It is why I'd love to hear if you are consistent with this stuff.  Like..should all of SWTOR be freely exploited if Broadsword has fotgotten loopholes to be abused here and there? Or is that ok only when it affects content that somehow displeases you personally?


You can earn like 110k conq in around 10 mins by combining soloable planetaries and other solo  content. You can do this every day of every week.  Doing any multiplayer content can never reliably reach such numbers as fast as that. Once person soloing things happily is done with his 10 mins and 100k+ conq, person who entered a GSF match isn't usually even done with his 1st game yet.


In general, if you try to accuse somebody else of attacking your person, it is prolly a bad idea to call them a troll in the same post. You know, for sake of credibility. Everything planetside does give conq points. XP is conquest. Kill a mob and get a tiny bit of conq. Kill a silver or gold mob, and get quite a bit larger bit. Complete a mission and it always earns you a lump sum of conq, this includes bonus missions. Complete story mission and you get the static bit plus an actual infinitely repeatable conq ding. Besides giving some conq via xp, those mobs you killed prolly count towards a 25/50 killed conq ding.  There's a great deal of synergy and overlap with this stuff. Meanwhile, different ways to earn conq in GSF or PvP aren't anywhere nearly as numerous. You don't get conq from destroying an enemy ship, or from capturing a satelite. Even if you ignore xp=conq and static conq yields from completed missions and rather, rather exclusively stick with actual soloable planetary conquest objectives, you prolly run out of daily game time long before you run out of daily repeatable conq objectives.  








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24 minutes ago, DeannaVoyager said:

Everyone should have equal opportunity to equal points in this game. Right now pve needs buffed. Pve more repeatable objectives and more big score objectives, or gsf and pvp needs to be brought down to the same level. You must be the only one who disagrees with that, which is silly because that would solve your suicider problem. 

Honestly, this right here feels like you just don't know the game very well. There's a ton of very fast, easy points in pve. GSF is better in some cases for seasons, or for some alts when you've already got some of the objectives primed from other characters (like the play 5 games as x ship, or GSF achiever), but pve is a fast and easy way to do conquest.

If you think the fastest way to do conquest is to suicide in GSF, you're wrong. And even if you were right, which you're not, that doesn't justify suiciding. Griefing games because it's faster than other conquest methods is not a reason. It's not even an excuse.

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On 8/5/2023 at 8:19 AM, DeannaVoyager said:

The only way to fix the suicider problem is to balance conquest points so that everyone can do the content they want and still be rewarded for their time.

do you really think its going to help fix the problem.

the only way to fix the suicider problem in the GSF good is to chance the points system that the enemy team gets no points from the other teams that do suicider.

thats the only fix that is going to work 100% without any backfire at all.


really i have see a lot off threads about idea's to fix this problem and all of then are not working at all since there was always a back door there can abuse but if you chance the point system what is the core of the problem then you fix it good without any back door there can abuse at all

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8 minutes ago, Spikanor said:


the only way to fix the suicider problem in the GSF good is to chance the points system that the enemy team gets no points from the other teams that do suicider.


This would be a classic example of cure being worse than the disease.   Intentional self destructs would often  become a wise move in context of helping your team to win. You could heal from a red hull back  to green by self destructing. You could escape a bad situation by self destructing.  It'd be optimal for Gunships to snipe til they are targeted, then quickly self desstruct, respawn  and repeat.

It would not be good. It would be bad.

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2 minutes ago, Stradlin said:

This would be a classic example of cure being worse than the disease.   Intentional self destructs would become a wise move in context of helping your team to win. You could heal from a red hullback  to green by self destructing. You could escape a bad situation by self destructing.  Avoid missiles. It'd be optimal for Gunships to snipe til they are targeted, then quickly self desstruct and repeat.

It would be very bad.

what most people keep forgetting is that why are there self destructing in the first place.

and the most commen reason what also can become the nummber 1 reason there do it is that there wane end the match quickly by feeding the enemy team with points and there self destructing there selfs to feed the enemy.

that people do that to avoid missiles can also be a reason to do it but a big part of then are doing it to end the match quickly by self destructing there self and give the points fast to the enemy team.

what people most do is look good in the GSF match's and most of all the team deathmatch's game type is how fast the enemy points go up and look the diffrend then you see that something is wrong since if a team has 40 points and the kill counts is 20 that means the other 20 are from self destructing from the other team.

or how fast the point go up when the kills are low.

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22 hours ago, Stradlin said:

If you can neither counter my arguments nor have desire to  read what I say, it is so  curious you keep replying anyway!! 

Just like I said in my previous post (you really do have trouble reading...) I keep replying as long as you keep attacking me. You can stop attacking me any time you want.


22 hours ago, sharpenedstick said:

Honestly, this right here feels like you just don't know the game very well. There's a ton of very fast, easy points in pve.

Claiming that pve is objectives are just as good as gsf objectives says you don't know the game very well. Sometimes people who claim that lump all pve objectives into one basket saying "there's plenty", without realizing there are different kind of objectives, and not everyone wants to do everything in the basket. For example operations and flashpoints: the points you get from those are pathetic compared to gsf and you can only do them once per day. That's just an example, not that it's really needed.


Point is, as long as someone is doing gsf just for conquest points, there are going to be issues. Instead of trying to solve the issue, some people decide to attack the people who point at the issue. Arguing that this or that pve content produces points as well makes no difference either, as long gsf is still better. First step is to acknowledge that. 


19 hours ago, Spikanor said:

do you really think its going to help fix the problem.

the only way to fix the suicider problem in the GSF good is to chance the points system that the enemy team gets no points from the other teams that do suicider.

thats the only fix that is going to work 100% without any backfire at all.


Yes. The only reason I ever set my foot on gsf was conquest points. I had no interest in the outcome of the match because there was literally nothing I could do to change it with no skill and undergeared ship, I just wanted the conquest points and so do many others.  I would have rather done heroics, ops, flashpoints instead, but those are not an option as their conquest points are limited to once per day. Also MM flashpoints don't pop for a dps, so those points are basically out of reach too.

Before 7.0 you could still cap several alts to 50k with those limited points, but it's been made impossible now with the 100k point requirement. 


Changing so that suicides don't count to the enemy team would help on death match, but it still wouldn't prevent people from suiciding to chance the ship. The practically free conquest points gsf gives is way too lucrative compared to any other game mode.



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1 hour ago, DeannaVoyager said:

Before 7.0 you could still cap several alts to 50k with those limited points, but it's been made impossible now with the 100k point requirement.

now then you really do something good wrong with the conquest since its super easy for me to make 6 chars to get 100k conquest points still.

the problem you have and some others with it how to do get it still quick and there make a lot of people still mistake's in how to get then fast still with the 100k limit so i have no problem at all.

since if you split more the conquest missions then you can do it super easy between your chars and it is super easy to do and to learn.


1 hour ago, DeannaVoyager said:

Changing so that suicides don't count to the enemy team would help on death match, but it still wouldn't prevent people from suiciding to chance the ship.

that some people suiciding to chance there ship since there took the wrong one.

or there suiciding to avoid lock on missiles.

that are all low % off the problems the GSF has the bigst problem is that there wane end the match quick to compleet there challance and most of all the one's from the Gelactic seasons.

so if there remove it that the enemy gets no points from the suiciding in the GSF then you stop the bigst problem there is in the game mode more and people stop doing it since its become pointless to do since its not helping to end the match quickly anymore.

i also have done suiciding sadly that was always from the same mistake i do and never have learn from it.

i suiciding always from the 180 back flip skill since i always crash to something since i use it always on the wrong place to avoid lock missiles.


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3 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:


Claiming that pve is objectives are just as good as gsf objectives says you don't know the game very well. .  I would have rather done heroics, ops, flashpoints instead, but those are not an option as their conquest points are limited to once per day




You keep making all these claims but never back it up with anything concrete, such as numbers. Like this:

- You can reach 100k conquest in 10 minutes via a method that includes doing some soloable planetary missions and combining that with some other soloable content. You can not  reliably do this with any combination including any  multiplayer content. 

- You earn like 32k conquest just from doing any weekly patrol such as CZ or Black Hole.. Fastest of these take like 10 minutes. You usually aren't even done with a single GSF match in 10 minutes.

-Planetary heroic conquest objectives, kill X mobs conquest objectives, weekly patrol conquest objectives sum up to   80+ (eighty) different daily repeatable planetary  conquest objectives. I checked this on a character&legacy that hasn't done any new story content in 7 years or so. List is longer for somebody who has actually done latest patches.  Things such as infinitely repeatable story time dings, Chapters, Star Fortress and other soloable  FPs aren't even included in that number.  In addition,  you have 11-12 different weekly areas.  I've always wondered how long it'd take to complete them all within one single day. I've never had time to try it mysef. In practice, anyone whose workday doesn't  exclusively  consist on doing planetary stuff on TOR won't be able to see it all through in one single day.

-If you set out to spend 12 minutes on every single planet on TOR, doing just one  single mission on each  that alone would  take you bit under 6 hours. This is just as an example of time scales involved. On busiest  servers, GSF queue reliably pops for 10 hours or something.  Person who wants to do nothing except complete various  daily repeatable soloable planetary  missions&rampages  takes much longer to run out of them than it takes for a person who likes GSF to run out of GSF matches.


So..Why did you end up feeling forced to do GSF again? It takes at least 9-11  hours or something  to tackle all daily repeatables on all planets, and on all  weekly areas. Much more than this if you combined it with other soloable content.  Just how much conquest you feel you need to earn/day? How many hours you want to spend doing it/day?


It might be a great idea for you to take these posts not as arguments or...attacks, but as advice. Like @Spikanor suggested above, you're doing something wrong if you have difficulty earning tons of conquest fast via planetaries, or if you feel GSF is somehow exceptionally lucrative by comparsion.






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43 minutes ago, Stradlin said:

It might be a great idea for you to take these posts not as arguments or...attacks, but as advice. Like @Spikanor suggested above, you're doing something wrong if you have difficulty earning tons of conquest fast via planetaries, or if you feel GSF is somehow exceptionally lucrative by comparsion.

what i also do is with 1 char i compleet the corresent heroic's + bonus missions + killing 20 monsters the same time and most of the time i have my 100 conquest points all since i get the one time bonus mission conquest mission compleet.

after that i go with a other jedi char to tython to compleet there the 2 heroic's + 20 enemy's and go to a other daily place to compleet the daily challance's for the daily conquest points.

and the same you can do on the imp side also with DK and the 2 starter planets there.

what also helps is to go to place's where you still have reputation points left to go or what is also hard save the reputation items you get from events for the conquest points later on and not spent then all at the same time.

the only diffrend is that for some people have become harder to compleet the 100k conquest points goal is if you have like 20 chars or so then i can understand why there complain about it if there cant compleet it on all there 20 chars on diffrend accounts.

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37 minutes ago, Spikanor said:


the only diffrend is that for some people have become harder to compleet the 100k conquest points goal is if you have like 20 chars or so then i can understand why there complain about it if there cant compleet it on all there 20 chars on diffrend accounts.

I don't understand it even then:p Doing conq on 20 different characters sounds incredibly hardcore to me. Having to do incredibly hardcore things to be incredibly hardcore sounds about right.


Those less dedicated have an option to ding 100k in 10 mins for 7 different characters within  a week. (or on one character, if they so choose) To put things in perspective, this alone  is enough for a low yield guild's weekly target, heh.




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2 hours ago, Stradlin said:

Those less dedicated have an option to ding 100k in 10 mins for 7 different characters within  a week. (or on one character, if they so choose) To put things in perspective, this alone  is enough for a low yield guild's weekly target, heh.

i can get the 100k conquest points easy in 2 or 3 day's for all my 10 chars i play on so thats not a problem at all.

i can also get 500k points for my own guild super easy in 2 day's on both side's for the guild conquest's.

and the GSF conquest points are a bonus one's i always do if i am close to the 100k goal of that char and wane save some other conquest challance for the other char to make it there what easyer i do something like that.


2 hours ago, Stradlin said:

I don't understand it even then:p Doing conq on 20 different characters sounds incredibly hardcore to me. Having to do incredibly hardcore things to be incredibly hardcore sounds about right.

same here i have never ever understand it all.

the one thing i have learn more is that the one's that have complain about the conquest goal chance from 50k to 100k are only the one's that have more accounts and a lot of chars that its only harder from then to get it compleet on all there chars.

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20 hours ago, Stradlin said:

You keep making all these claims but never back it up with anything concrete, such as numbers.

I just did in the previous post. Let me quote myself:


23 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

Sometimes people who claim that lump all pve objectives into one basket saying "there's plenty", without realizing there are different kind of objectives, and not everyone wants to do everything in the basket. For example operations and flashpoints: the points you get from those are pathetic compared to gsf and you can only do them once per day. That's just an example, not that it's really needed.


Do I care enough to log in to the game to see the exact points with my personal SH bonus and guild perks? No, because this topic is not about conquest and the exact points are different for different people. They depend on SH bonus and guild perks. If I would post an exact number, you would just argue about that next, because it might not be the same points you would get. You are not interested in solving the GSF suicider issue, you really just want to argue. 

I repeat to you and Spikanor: just because there are a few big score objectives, doesn't mean everyone who prefers pve want to do those specific objectives.  Where are the big points from operations, flashpoints and infinitely repeatable heroics? They don't exist. And let's not forget the FP requirements either: you only get the special points for specific flashpoints if you do them in MM. Most of the playerbase is not good enough for MM FPs, and getting a MM FP pop as a dps can take up to an hour (that's the longest I've bothered trying before logging off).


Is it really that difficult to understand that just because someone like let's say flashpoints, they are not going to be happy for having to do Black Hole for the millionth time for conquest points, just because it's also pve.  The only way to get me to do Black Hole weekly for the millionth time would be getting 100k conquest points for it. Nothing would get me to do Iokath weekly. Nothing.

Not all pve content is something all pve players want to do. If I have to do content I don't like, gsf is still going to be the fastest and easiest way to get those conquest points. When you get a lot of people who don't want to be there, you're gonna get suiciders too, or people who don't care about the outcome.


If you would have to choose, would you prefer less suiciders & less conquest points or more suicider & more conquest points? Because those two come hand in hand. 


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