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GSF suicide


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On Star Forge, I had repeatedly players in gsf deathmatches who did nothing else than suicide immediately after they launched, i.e., >20 death over the entire matches, which obviously resulted in losses. They did not participate in anyway.

Simple solution would be that the possibility to kick them out (hence, their inactivity time) does not reset after their death, i.e., take death from the list of occurences that reset this timer. This would not affect any player actively participating in the match.

Furthermore, automatically kicking someone who suicided the third time within 10 sec after launch over the entire match (i.e., not only consecutive suicides) should be implemented as well. This auto kick should be independent of the inactivity time.

Last but not least, apply the same lockout times as used for leaving pvp in case players are kicked that way.


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3 hours ago, The_Hightower said:

On Star Forge, I had repeatedly players in gsf deathmatches who did nothing else than suicide immediately after they launched, i.e., >20 death over the entire matches, which obviously resulted in losses. They did not participate in anyway.

Simple solution would be that the possibility to kick them out (hence, their inactivity time) does not reset after their death, i.e., take death from the list of occurences that reset this timer. This would not affect any player actively participating in the match.

Furthermore, automatically kicking someone who suicided the third time within 10 sec after launch over the entire match (i.e., not only consecutive suicides) should be implemented as well. This auto kick should be independent of the inactivity time.

Last but not least, apply the same lockout times as used for leaving pvp in case players are kicked that way.


there are going to do notting about this problem since its a old problem that has been report all lot of time's since the first gelactic season people have this type problem in the GSF all.

and this problem is on all the 5 servers and not only on star forge is it happing.

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11 hours ago, The_Hightower said:

On Star Forge, I had repeatedly players in gsf deathmatches who did nothing else than suicide immediately after they launched, i.e., >20 death over the entire matches, which obviously resulted in losses. They did not participate in anyway.

Simple solution would be that the possibility to kick them out (hence, their inactivity time) does not reset after their death, i.e., take death from the list of occurences that reset this timer. This would not affect any player actively participating in the match.

Furthermore, automatically kicking someone who suicided the third time within 10 sec after launch over the entire match (i.e., not only consecutive suicides) should be implemented as well. This auto kick should be independent of the inactivity time.

Last but not least, apply the same lockout times as used for leaving pvp in case players are kicked that way.



Getting hostile towards players who don't want to be there doesn't solve anything. You need to undestand why people are doing it, and the demand actions based on that. Look at the conquest points GSF gives, sometimes it also gives seasons points. All PVE content is a waste of time compared to the amount of conquest points people get from GSF (and PVP). 


The only way to get rid of suiciders and afk'ers is to balance the conquest so that people can play the content they like and still get something out of it instead of being forced to do content they don't like (such as GSF and PVP). You can't blame the players for this massive, unbalanced conquest design failure. 

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To OP and anyone else, my suggestion:

* Play with Geforce Experience or some other video recording software ready to be fired up.

* You spot a pure bread mass suiciding win trading griefer pretty fast, like 1 minute in to a match. Begin recording the match, encourage everybody else to do the same. Inform win trader you'll upload his performance and proceed to mail the video link  to  every single relevant  Broadsword email you can find. Be sure not to leave it as an idle promise,  actually do as much. It is super easy to upload videos to youtube. You can leave video unlisted so only people who get the link can find it. Leaving it unlisted also makes it handy to see if  it has gotten any views: did anybody on Broadsword actually bothers to check it out.

* Be sure to also write an in-game customer support  ticket of the person. /ignore playername tells you his legacy. Include character name, , legacy name and encourage the GM  person reading it to check the griefers GSF stats. Namely total   matches played and total deaths. If you can't record a video of  his actions, please be sure to do at least this much.

* In case you are a somewhat  experienced pilot, try following the mass suicider around as he is doing his routine.  Just to get juicy footage of his numerous  hits to asteroids! Match is already being ruined by them, so getting the griefer  live on camera is prolly most meaningful thing you can do. It takes at least base level of competence to be a "good" mass suicider, Getting the sheer degree of intent, boosting, manouvering  visually on video prolly helps.

* Obv just mailing some random   link with 0 context  won't do. GM tickets and mails alike, express yourself with some amount of clarity. What happened, who  did the griefing, how is it obvious they were griefing?

* Tbh I bet the most important bit in all of the above is informing the gfriefer immediately, right as you begin recording, that you are recording it, reporting it, and sending the video to Broadsword. Maybe some of them sometimes end up with " Hm, I  and/or my guild might actually be banned for this." type of a realization. Don't insult them, don't flame them, don't get stuck in some ridiculous trollish argument with them. Just let them know you do your best to send a video link of their in-game  actions to every single relevant Broadsword mail you can find.

Apparently People HAVE eventually gotten banned over  mass suiciding in GSF  in past, just matter of gathering enough evidence, so don't just be a victim of the griefer, do your part in shooting the griefer from GSF sky for good. One video by you likely won't  get the griefer banned. Your video followed by somebody else doing the same next week, plus few tickets written by others here and there? It'll prolly eventually work.

I've only ever done this whole video bit once,  seen pure mass suiciders only 3-4 times over last six months or so. I assume I've been very  lucky. Then again, I play very little and as a result  fly very little nowadays.Plus apparently, the most prominent one did finally get banned like a year back.



3 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:


Getting hostile towards players who don't want to be there doesn't solve anything. You need to undestand why people are doing it, and the demand actions based on that. Look at the conquest points GSF gives, sometimes it also gives seasons points. All PVE content is a waste of time compared to the amount of conquest points people get from GSF (and PVP). 


The only way to get rid of suiciders and afk'ers is to balance the conquest so that people can play the content they like and still get something out of it instead of being forced to do content they don't like (such as GSF and PVP). You can't blame the players for this massive, unbalanced conquest design failure. 


Heheh, """being forced""". Broadsword drags them from their beds and forces them to do GSF, lest they won't get their breakfast or something? It is a videogame, nobody is forced to do anything.  Aye it is true, GSF is among the things that earns  great conquest. Nothing prevents people, completely inexperienced pilots included,  from showing up and earning it. Do it by intentionally  ruining experience of everybody else and it is trolling, griefing and basically amounts to win trading. It deserves bans, rather than a single  ounce of sympathy.

It is completely obscene to even have a debate over " is it ok to go and  ruin the experience of people doing what they like if I don't like the thing they choose to do?"


Also, planetary heroics and weekly areas like CZ  is great conquest. In either-or situation and in the long run (as in, over 3 days or something) it is likely faster than GSF. Though this is somethign I've not really checked in a long time. it is entirely likely multiplayer content is bit better conq than solo pve content. Which..doesn't sound all that wrong rly,  considering how precise and versatile the solo stuff is. When solo farming conq you can scatter it across your legacy in very optiomized way, with great accuracy, You can also turn it into a minute by minute science, if you're busy irl etc. Multiplayer version of conq is less precise for multiple reasons.


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The solution already exist with Galactic Season.

PvP dailies and weeklies should be based on medals earned which denotes participation. GSF medals would need to be reworked, but having PvP dailies and weeklies only count wins and losses means that there is no incentive if you know your team can not win.

You want to make it so people intentionally self destruct less? Make joining warzones and GSF pointless unless they are going to play and earn medals.

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2 minutes ago, Darkestmonty said:

The solution already exist with Galactic Season.

PvP dailies and weeklies should be based on medals earned which denotes participation. GSF medals would need to be reworked, but having PvP dailies and weeklies only count wins and losses means that there is no incentive if you know your team can not win.

You want to make it so people intentionally self destruct less? Make joining warzones and GSF pointless unless they are going to play and earn medals.


Making sure personal performance&teams performance matter when it comes to conq and seasonal objectives goes together with spirit of pvp quite well.Would def be better than what we have now. 

....This does give people further incentive to make playefield as unlevel as they manage though, seeing one big premade that includes like 75% of good pilots online at that moment would become even  more common. That ruins the fun in the  long run.


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2 hours ago, Stradlin said:


Making sure personal performance&teams performance matter when it comes to conq and seasonal objectives goes together with spirit of pvp quite well.Would def be better than what we have now. 

....This does give people further incentive to make playefield as unlevel as they manage though, seeing one big premade that includes like 75% of good pilots online at that moment would become even  more common. That ruins the fun in the  long run.


That is already happening on SS and SF. A lot of the top pilots are now in one guild making premade fights as fun as punching a baby in the stroller. I've been on and off their team, none of the games were fun even when we won.

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6 minutes ago, Darkestmonty said:

That is already happening on SS and SF. A lot of the top pilots are now in one guild making premade fights as fun as punching a baby in the stroller. I've been on and off their team, none of the games were fun even when we won.

Yeah I know the feels. ..If wins start getting rewarded much more than defeats, or defeats yield no reward at all, I'm sure it'd turn much worse everywhere.It could be better to make GSF and pvp in general solo queue only. One could leave premades vs premades as tournaments to be had via the custom battle tool.  Rewarding Individual performance instead of team's performance or participation is another alternative, but that doesn't sound right either.


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Just now, Stradlin said:

Yeah I know the feels. It could be better to make GSF and pvp in general solo queue only. Leave premades vs premades as tournaments to be had via the custom battle tool. 

Going to do more harm and drive people away from gsf if premades stay since the population is much smaller. You tend to see the same people every game and if it's a premade team people have given up and quit. At least Warzones have a much larger population and you may get lucky and not see the premade for a couple of rounds.

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3 hours ago, Stradlin said:


To OP and anyone else, my suggestion:

* Play with Geforce Experience or some other video recording software ready to be fired up.

* You spot a pure bread mass suiciding win trading griefer pretty fast, like 1 minute in to a match. Begin recording the match, encourage everybody else to do the same. Inform win trader you'll upload his performance and proceed to mail the video link  to  every single relevant  Broadsword email you can find. Be sure not to leave it as an idle promise,  actually do as much. It is super easy to upload videos to youtube. You can leave video unlisted so only people who get the link can find it. Leaving it unlisted also makes it handy to see if  it has gotten any views: did anybody on Broadsword actually bothers to check it out.

* Be sure to also write an in-game customer support  ticket of the person. /ignore playername tells you his legacy. Include character name, , legacy name and encourage the GM  person reading it to check the griefers GSF stats. Namely total   matches played and total deaths. If you can't record a video of  his actions, please be sure to do at least this much.

* In case you are a somewhat  experienced pilot, try following the mass suicider around as he is doing his routine.  Just to get juicy footage of his numerous  hits to asteroids! Match is already being ruined by them, so getting the griefer  live on camera is prolly most meaningful thing you can do. It takes at least base level of competence to be a "good" mass suicider, Getting the sheer degree of intent, boosting, manouvering  visually on video prolly helps.

* Obv just mailing some random   link with 0 context  won't do. GM tickets and mails alike, express yourself with some amount of clarity. What happened, who  did the griefing, how is it obvious they were griefing?

* Tbh I bet the most important bit in all of the above is informing the gfriefer immediately, right as you begin recording, that you are recording it, reporting it, and sending the video to Broadsword. Maybe some of them sometimes end up with " Hm, I  and/or my guild might actually be banned for this." type of a realization. Don't insult them, don't flame them, don't get stuck in some ridiculous trollish argument with them. Just let them know you do your best to send a video link of their in-game  actions to every single relevant Broadsword mail you can find.

Apparently People HAVE eventually gotten banned over  mass suiciding in GSF  in past, just matter of gathering enough evidence, so don't just be a victim of the griefer, do your part in shooting the griefer from GSF sky for good. One video by you likely won't  get the griefer banned. Your video followed by somebody else doing the same next week, plus few tickets written by others here and there? It'll prolly eventually work.

I've only ever done this whole video bit once,  seen pure mass suiciders only 3-4 times over last six months or so. I assume I've been very  lucky. Then again, I play very little and as a result  fly very little nowadays.Plus apparently, the most prominent one did finally get banned like a year back.




Heheh, """being forced""". Broadsword drags them from their beds and forces them to do GSF, lest they won't get their breakfast or something? It is a videogame, nobody is forced to do anything.  Aye it is true, GSF is among the things that earns  great conquest. Nothing prevents people, completely inexperienced pilots included,  from showing up and earning it. Do it by intentionally  ruining experience of everybody else and it is trolling, griefing and basically amounts to win trading. It deserves bans, rather than a single  ounce of sympathy.

It is completely obscene to even have a debate over " is it ok to go and  ruin the experience of people doing what they like if I don't like the thing they choose to do?"


Also, planetary heroics and weekly areas like CZ  is great conquest. In either-or situation and in the long run (as in, over 3 days or something) it is likely faster than GSF. Though this is somethign I've not really checked in a long time. it is entirely likely multiplayer content is bit better conq than solo pve content. Which..doesn't sound all that wrong rly,  considering how precise and versatile the solo stuff is. When solo farming conq you can scatter it across your legacy in very optiomized way, with great accuracy, You can also turn it into a minute by minute science, if you're busy irl etc. Multiplayer version of conq is less precise for multiple reasons.



Anyone who is following a possible suicider around the map trying to record what he is doing to get him banned, is just as guilty of trolling and ruining other people's game than the suicider. According to your own words, you are encouraging people to ruin the match from the rest of the group and should also get banned. 


Dailies are nowhere near the level of conquest points with GSF and you know it. Besides, why are you telling people what they should do with their game time? If they want conquest points, they will do what gives most for the time. Dailies are not it. You want changes? Talk to BS to balance conquest, and the suiciders can play the content they want to and still earn their points. 



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2 hours ago, Darkestmonty said:

The solution already exist with Galactic Season.

PvP dailies and weeklies should be based on medals earned which denotes participation. GSF medals would need to be reworked, but having PvP dailies and weeklies only count wins and losses means that there is no incentive if you know your team can not win.

You want to make it so people intentionally self destruct less? Make joining warzones and GSF pointless unless they are going to play and earn medals.

the unrankend warzone and GSF have both the same problems with people that give no damm about it the game mode how it works since there only join to compleet things like for conquest points and GS missions.

but has tech fragments farming in the GSF also not the same reason why there not care about the game mode at all still.

you forget also some things with both the GSF and PVP unranked since that are 2 of the easy missions there are to compleet in the gelactic seasons.

and if there chance the missions from winning or losing to medals earning then there are going to complain about it since people like to do things easy nowaday's since there hate to put some work in to it.

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5 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:


Getting hostile towards players who don't want to be there doesn't solve anything. You need to undestand why people are doing it, and the demand actions based on that. Look at the conquest points GSF gives, sometimes it also gives seasons points. All PVE content is a waste of time compared to the amount of conquest points people get from GSF (and PVP). 


Sorry, but

a) there are 10 galactic seasons objectives each week and you can only complete 7 of them, i.e., no one is forced to do gsf for galactic seasons (or any other reason as explained above);

b) even assuming, arguendo, that the large amount of conquest points obtainable via gsf "forces" somebody to do gsf (which it is not as already explained above), this is no excuse, exculpation, reason or whatever to suicide 20 times and/or to tolerate such a behaviour in any way, especially not for the alleged "reasons" given above;

c) rewarding someone with conquest points for suiciding 20 times in gsf is like paying someone for sitting in his car in a parking lot in the city centre all day and doing nothing except preventing other from using said lot;

d) in arena pvp (where afk players are a bigger problem than in warzones), the other team at least needs to kill this player, i.e., do around 400k damage on this player, i.e., it is not completely useless, unlike in gsf;

Hence, in case somebody sucks at gsf, fine, as long as their is at least some degree of participation.

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1 minute ago, The_Hightower said:

a) there are 10 galactic seasons objectives each week and you can only complete 7 of them, i.e., no one is forced to do gsf for galactic seasons (or any other reason as explained above);

you can compleet 7 missions from the 10 but nobody is going to take the hard one's to compleet its basic normal that there are going to compleet the easy one's and GSF is a easy one to compleet in each gelactic season since there know you not to have any skill to compleet it or do something.

and here is also 1 problem you forget is that people that is suiciding in the GSF know really good how to bypass system to get then kickt that means if there do it the first 5 time's the 6th time there let then be killt by the enemy team and start again with suiciding 5 time's to bypass the system and the 6th time there become dummy food for the enemy team again.



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23 minutes ago, DeannaVoyager said:


Anyone who is following a possible suicider around the map trying to record what he is doing to get him banned, is just as guilty of trolling and ruining other people's game than the suicider. According to your own words, you are encouraging people to ruin the match from the rest of the group and should also get banned. 


Dailies are nowhere near the level of conquest points with GSF and you know it. Besides, why are you telling people what they should do with their game time? If they want conquest points, they will do what gives most for the time. Dailies are not it. You want changes? Talk to BS to balance conquest, and the suiciders can play the content they want to and still earn their points. 



That's not reality. Even when ranked PvP existed, I don't know a single person that got in trouble for using /stuck and some players used it all the time when they threw a tantrum.

The devs aren't banning people for suiciding in GSF, one of the least popular game modes in SWTOR.

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1 minute ago, Darkestmonty said:

The devs aren't banning people for suiciding in one of the least popular game modes in SWTOR.

and if there have done that then we have see it all with the first gelactic seasons that people got a bann for it and since it was not happing in the first season that means its never going to happing.

and its also to much work to keep a eye on it also since there are all understaff with the developing of new contant means keeping a eye on things like that is something there cant do at all.

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1 hour ago, DeannaVoyager said:


Anyone who is following a possible suicider around the map trying to record what he is doing to get him banned, is just as guilty of trolling and ruining other people's game than the suicider. According to your own words, you are encouraging people to ruin the match from the rest of the group and should also get banned. 


Firstly,  just recoding the match is the most important thing. It doesn't in itself  have any effect to how you fly.  Making sure Broadsword person sees the constant "X has Self-destructed"  - spam as match goes on, and the scoreboard at the end should suffice.If you wish to actually visually track the griefer, that does have an effect in your performance. Even so, what you said remains wrong in every possible way and I will explain how:

Mass suicider costs his team something like -20 or -25 points through the course of the match. Efficiently ruining the match from both sides. If we assume person fimling this does literally no flying during the entire game(or focuses on nothing but getting visual of mass suicider)  then he is 0-0-0 at the end. Quite different to the  0 0 -25 of mass suicider.  In case person filming  the mass suicider is opposing side to the mass suicider, then flying evasive and tracking him marginally helps your team, assuming you are a good, evasive pilot. (=When tracking the griefer, you prolly get a trail of  legitimate people of the opposing team chasing you. If you are hard to catch, them chasing you helps your team. ) 


Assuming person filming helps his team in no other  way, then (when isolated from good intentions, morals and wider context) he is just a player not pulling his weight. Quite a difference to somebody who in active fashion sabotages the game for all else.


Filming the match has no effect to how the person filming flies, unless you choose to focus on filming a griefer in a match that already ruined. Precisely how important is it to find some sort of a hill to figh on  from this?? 








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1 hour ago, Darkestmonty said:

That's not reality. Even when ranked PvP existed, I don't know a single person that got in trouble for using /stuck and some players used it all the time when they threw a tantrum.

The devs aren't banning people for suiciding in GSF, one of the least popular game modes in SWTOR.


Lots of people got banned from griefing and win trading in ranked pvp. Lots of talk about some of the most prominent GSF trolls having gotten banned too. I assume it is pattern of behaviour they are looking. One guy reports you late February? You are fine. You get some yellow letters next to your name in Broadsword's own files though. Other guy posts video of your griefing early March, they go hmmmm and write more yellow letters. Few more reports from few more people during late MArch and Early April, oops, banned.


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They aren't banning people for suiciding in GSF anymore than they are banning people for AFKing in Warzones.

You can fantasize about this all you want, it's just not happening. It barely happened in ranked during an active season, people on discord would have made noise if they were banned.

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40 minutes ago, Darkestmonty said:

They aren't banning people for suiciding in GSF anymore than they are banning people for AFKing in Warzones.

You can fantasize about this all you want, it's just not happening. It barely happened in ranked during an active season, people on discord would have made noise if they were banned.

It is a suggestion box. You could say "They haven't been doing it like  that" to everything ever suggested in here.  

Hopefully players keep reporting and recording the griefers.  Griefers prolly  don't like to talk about their bans. BW has never been very vocal about handing them out  either. 

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25 minutes ago, Stradlin said:

It is a suggestion box. You could say "They haven't been doing it like  that" to everything ever suggested in here.  

Hopefully players keep reporting and recording the griefers.  Griefers prolly  don't like to talk about their bans. BW has never been very vocal about handing them out  either. 

Telling people that suiciding in GSF will get you banned is false. It won't happen, it doesn't happen, and it will probably never happen. You may think it's clever and might trick the very few people who visit this forum into not suiciding fearing they will get banned, but spreading false rumors is not constructive in solving the root of the problem.

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6 minutes ago, Darkestmonty said:

Telling people that suiciding in GSF will get you banned is false. It won't happen, it doesn't happen, and it will probably never happen. You may think it's clever and might trick the very few people who visit this forum into not suiciding fearing they will get banned, but spreading false rumors is not constructive in solving the root of the problem.


I hope move over from BW to Broadsword went well for you!! Howcome you don't have a fancy yellow name like all other game devs tho? I assume you must be a dev, I mean, why else you'd make such sweeping self assured statements so matter of factly??

Nobody who gets banned for griefing will make it his 1st priority to come inform you about it. I know for a fact plenty of people got banned from ranked pvp for various reasons. At one point, it was at least rampart enough for tor discord and GSF discord alike having couple of people talking about their " false positive" griefer ban in ranked ground pvp, and detailing how they were finally able to overrule it. It is completely fair to assume griefing matches in GSF is just as bannable. What on earth is the point of your crusade here?  


OP has an issue with mass suiciders, rightly so. It is a suggestion box, so I made my suggestion how to try and  fight it right now, rather than waiting and seeing if BW ever comes up with a mechanic to combat it.







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42 minutes ago, Stradlin said:


I hope move over from BW to Broadsword went well for you!! Howcome you don't have a fancy yellow name like all other game devs tho? I assume you must be a dev, I mean, why else you'd make such sweeping self assured statements so matter of factly??

Nobody who gets banned for griefing will make it his 1st priority to come inform you about it. I know for a fact plenty of people got banned from ranked pvp for various reasons. At one point, it was at least rampart enough for tor discord and GSF discord alike having couple of people talking about their " false positive" griefer ban in ranked ground pvp, and detailing how they were finally able to overrule it. It is completely fair to assume griefing matches in GSF is just as bannable. What on earth is the point of your crusade here?  


OP has an issue with mass suiciders, rightly so. It is a suggestion box, so I made my suggestion how to try and  fight it right now, rather than waiting and seeing if BW ever comes up with a mechanic to combat it.

What makes you think they do?

I know people who exploit various aspects of this game and are still here. Trust me, suiciding in GSF and AFKing is a non-concern compared to the things players are getting away with and have been getting away with for years. Ranked arena match fixing during an active season was one of them.

Telling people "don't worry, it will be fine, the devs ban people who play the way we don't want them to, just record them" is pure fantasy and does not help solve the actual problem of why people join games just to end them as quickly as possible (or AFK the whole game like they do in Warzones). Think about it logically, if the devs actually banned players for suiciding in GSF, the serial suiciders we see and recognize by name would not still be here.

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1 hour ago, Stradlin said:

hope move over from BW to Broadsword went well for you!! Howcome you don't have a fancy yellow name like all other game devs tho? I assume you must be a dev, I mean, why else you'd make such sweeping self assured statements so matter of factly??

Nobody who gets banned for griefing will make it his 1st priority to come inform you about it. I know for a fact plenty of people got banned from ranked pvp for various reasons. At one point, it was at least rampart enough for tor discord and GSF discord alike having couple of people talking about their " false positive" griefer ban in ranked ground pvp, and detailing how they were finally able to overrule it. It is completely fair to assume griefing matches in GSF is just as bannable. What on earth is the point of your crusade here?  

if there have time to bann people that are suiciding in the GSF and afking in unrankend warzone why are there not puting there engery and time in fixing the game by do something about the big long list of bugs this game has and make sure we get a good contant flow also good contant why are there not doing that if there have time to bann players.


1 hour ago, Stradlin said:

OP has an issue with mass suiciders, rightly so. It is a suggestion box, so I made my suggestion how to try and  fight it right now, rather than waiting and seeing if BW ever comes up with a mechanic to combat it.





all the threads about the same topic this links are.

so we talk here about years of years complain when in the mean time the developers have done notting against.

to take also a note about this links this are only a few from the long list of threads there have been about it all.

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9 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:


Getting hostile towards players who don't want to be there doesn't solve anything. You need to undestand why people are doing it, and the demand actions based on that. Look at the conquest points GSF gives, sometimes it also gives seasons points. All PVE content is a waste of time compared to the amount of conquest points people get from GSF (and PVP). 


The only way to get rid of suiciders and afk'ers is to balance the conquest so that people can play the content they like and still get something out of it instead of being forced to do content they don't like (such as GSF and PVP). You can't blame the players for this massive, unbalanced conquest design failure. 

It should not matter why they are there. If they don't like the activity they shouldn't do it. They should not have the right to ruin the game mode for other players that want to participate in it.


People that intentionally Self Destruct and do not participate in any way should be Banned PERIOD.

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49 minutes ago, Darkestmonty said:

What makes you think they do?

I know people who exploit various aspects of this game and are still here. Trust me, suiciding in GSF and AFKing is a non-concern compared to the things players are getting away with and have been getting away with for years. Ranked arena match fixing during an active season was one of them.

Telling people "don't worry, it will be fine, the devs ban people who play the way we don't want them to, just record them" is pure fantasy and does not help solve the actual problem of why people join games just to end them as quickly as possible (or AFK the whole game like they do in Warzones). Think about it logically, if the devs actually banned players for suiciding in GSF, the serial suiciders we see and recognize by name would not still be here.

This is quite backwards. It is you who is conducting these dontworry exorcisms. It is you telling people  "don't worry, it will be fine, devs won't ban you if you grief. Trust me bro. I know plenty of exploiters and they're all fine!"

I'm suggesting certain people prolly have every reason to worry in long enough timeline.  BW has had stance against win trading, griefing and exploiting in past. It is a fair bet they deem mass suiciding bannable. How often they look into banning anyone at all is another matter. Sometimes? Without a doubt. How often is sometimes? That is something that at least partially depends on players reporting the exploiters.

Beauty of making such recordings and reportings on mass suiciders? Deep down inside, most griefers prolly know it is entirely possible, if not likely, that stuff they do is bannable. Record mass suicider and contact them, there's no reason for you to be some backseat admin-judge threatening them with bans; it isn't for a player to do. All you need to do is tell them you recorded the match and are sending it to every correct, relevant Broadsword email you can find. Only threat of ban  in it comes from their own heart of hearts, and rightly so.


Edited by Stradlin
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