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Master Mode Flashpoints in 7.3

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Hello. To preface this I'm a fairly long-time player who's spent the last few years primarily playing solo content (it was simply easier to rank up renown doing heroics and dailies, so I fell off from group content completely). It's only recently that I decided to return to the swing of things and started queueing for veteran flashpoints again. In some time I managed to figure out the current endgame gearing quite well and got a few toons fully geared with blue 336 mods from Hyde and Zeek.

I still gotta ask though, how difficult are the current hardest flashpoints? Are they tooled to be doable in 324 gear with enough effort and anything beyond 336 is utter overkill, or are even augments strictly necessary? I'd want to say I play my characters well enough, but wouldn't want to stumble with gear and get booted from the first flashpoint I queue to. Feel like my already dreadful social anxiety would kill me in that case.

I assume everything from the older days applies, with the classic trinity, kill order from weakest to strongest, etcetera, etcetera. I'm asking only about MM flashpoints because I was never too keen on running ops in any difficulty. It was too much of a spectacle with so many players at once, and my PC likes to drop frames like mad with 8+ players anyway, as I've learned fighting world bosses.

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Most of the MM fp are relatively easy, some still have heal checks due to poor retuning, but there's no real dps checks that I can think of. 

Of course by 'relatively easy', I mean if you have a decent group.

Gear doesn't matter so much as actually knowing what you are doing.  There are an appalling number of dps who can't even match the tank's dps.  Gear won't help those players. 

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There are a couple of bosses with dps check and a few more bosses with healing check. But yeah as LD_Little_Dragon said, knowing your class is more important than gear rating.

For some reason there's a lot of people who queue for MM FPs in subpar gear, doing barely 10k dps and who think it's fine. It's not fine, it's Master Mode. Recently I had to kill adds as a healer because the dps didn't bother, which  lead to one of the dps dying because I didn't have time to heal him through stupid AND kill the add both dps ignored. After a wipe tank left the group, and so did I. 


So I'm really glad to see someone is at least interested to showing up prepared and performing well. It's so rare these days. Know your class and you'll be fine. 

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I am also a returning player from a few years back. I main jugg tank and did some MM fp's over the weekend with green 324's. The difficulty of the bosses is fine, the far more challenging bit is the group.

The majority of difficulty is from the apparent lack of knowledge of group roles in the current player base. in the 4 runs I did over the weekend ive seen healers pulling, dps completely ignore adds, no cleansing on associated mechanics, completely ignoring insta-death mechanics etc.

Though its not always those people's fault, if my experience playing a sniper a few years back is anything to go by, most "tanks" are not tanks now-a-days so they probably dont expect me to want to pull first, or want to keep the boss in a suitable place instead of running around after adds that should already be dead.

I am pretty sure you already know this as you say you are an old player returning, and this used to be common knowledge, but just in case, outside of the obvious group roles:

DPS: attack adds, interrupts, kill order (go weak to strong)

Healer: cleansing

Tank: pulling, positioning, stacking enemies up, turning boss away from group (for cleaves or dps that do more damage from behind).


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