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PVP Season 2 Review


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So today I finished Season 2 for PVP and I figured I'd leave some feedback for the Devs. 

The Good

-First off, The lowered Req's for the Arena/WZ Achievement is appreciated, the 12 is far more attainable than in season 1 where it was 25. 

-The Medal Req of 2000 I'm close to getting, but I'm thinking the changes of 7.3 will make getting medals alot faster. 

-The Reward for the track was also definatly improved, I really like the Samurai Esqe inspired armor, I really was not a fan of Seasons 1's weird "hutt" armor. 

The Meh 

- I do wish bioware gave more chances to get more PVP tokens, right now you can basically only get a weapon set or armor set, or one mount. Deco's are also expensive considering you only get one. There needs to be either more chances to get more Tokens, alongside increasing the amount of Decos you get for their token cost (Like a stack of 10) 

-I also think Bioware should add in a vendor that sells the old Battlemaster gear, Obviously you have to get valor rank 60 to wear it, but it makes acquiring the pieces easier than trying to find it on the GTN. 

The Bad 

-Premades, Premades, Premades, They are still abundant everywhere, I apprecaite Biowares attempt at priortizing them higher against other Preamdes, but the problem is that more often than not its usually one Big premade that is Q'ing. Just today as part of finishing the Track, I had to against an entire premade guild. Usually I can tell its a premade that when I start fighting one person in the premade I have the horde of Horrors converge on me. The other issue with Premades is they kill the Q, no one Wants to Q up for PVP when they know that there is a premade, I see people quit mid match, most times my team and I just give up and stop trying to PVP altogether, There is no point in fighting a premade. Point is, that Premades exist to give players an advantage and or to clearly bully the other team, this has been pointed out numerous times on the forums. Premades either need their own Q, or it should be limited to just two people to Q. 

-Matchmaking is also really bad right now, The game is throwing new players against ranked/Veteran players. I don't hold it against these new players for dying alot or loosing us the match, The problem is that the game doesn't balance the teams accordingly. 

-There should be a limit of one healer per team in arenas, Just today I had to fight against two Merc healers, a PT Tank, and a Sin DPS. We won in the end, but the match literally could have gone on forever. Sorc healers and OP healers we could burst through, but Merc healers are an absolute headache to get through their multiple layers of Defensives (Kolto, ED, Trauma Stabilizers, Medpac). Having one healer per arena saves people the headache of having a match go on far longer than it needs to. 

-Madness Sorcs dominating everything, Im sorry but this spec is far overtuned for PVP. Its been over a year and this spec has not been nerfed, in fact specs that were not OP were nerfed even further while this one got buffed. Faltun basically broke it down regarding this spec in one of his vids where he played this spec 


- It has one of the best mobility.

- Best self heals.

- Best passive dmg reduction

- Only ranged to have a stun by default, not behind a combat choice

- Have 2 combat reset just lol......

- One of the best control with death brand(infinite 50% slow), overload(20 sec cd aoe 5sec root) and creeping terror's root (9 sec cd 2 sec root)

- Good dmg but not the best dmg

- Only force dmg(Ignoring defense), most of them internal(ignoring armor) Best undefendable type of abilities

- Best utility with the ability to off heal with heals, bubble and pull

I've played Madness, and can dominate with it, When I'm playing Madness I barely go below 60% health and it basically takes the entire other team to focus me to kill me. Compare that to my main Commando where I get CC'd and controlled so much. 


Season 2 definalty did improve some things but going into season 3, there are still issues from season 1 that are still lingering and need to be addressed. 






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1 hour ago, SentinalMasterWW said:

There should be a limit of one healer per team in arenas,

matchmaking is pretty bad. I would expect it to be difficult for WZs, but it's bad in arenas too. it's bad in ways that there's no excuse for such as all 8 players being solo q'd, and the two worst, 324 ilvl players w/o augs are on the same team, while the only healer or tank is on the other team.

rather than elo, the MM should be looking at role and gear. that's it. stop over-complicating the system. this is basically regs. the (hidden) elo is ridiculously unreliable for all manner of reasons such who you are/were grp'd with, how many matches you have on that toon, and how well you're geared. just stick with role and gear. it's regs. I promise you role and gear are more important in these generic mixed queues.

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22 minutes ago, krackcommando said:

matchmaking is pretty bad. I would expect it to be difficult for WZs, but it's bad in arenas too. it's bad in ways that there's no excuse for such as all 8 players being solo q'd, and the two worst, 324 ilvl players w/o augs are on the same team, while the only healer or tank is on the other team.


That's the worst part of pvp imo. And nobody can say it's becasue there's not enough healers and tanks in the queue. Because more times then I can count I've seen one team can a 3 stack of pug healers and the other team gets a 3 stack of tanks. I don't believe all this talk of them saying there's a hidden mmr and a role based match making in the queue. I think they say all these things exist and never actually added them.

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1 hour ago, SentinalMasterWW said:

The Bad 

-Premades, Premades, Premades, They are still abundant everywhere, I apprecaite Biowares attempt at priortizing them higher against other Preamdes, but the problem is that more often than not its usually one Big premade that is Q'ing. Just today as part of finishing the Track, I had to against an entire premade guild. Usually I can tell its a premade that when I start fighting one person in the premade I have the horde of Horrors converge on me. The other issue with Premades is they kill the Q, no one Wants to Q up for PVP when they know that there is a premade, I see people quit mid match, most times my team and I just give up and stop trying to PVP altogether, There is no point in fighting a premade. Point is, that Premades exist to give players an advantage and or to clearly bully the other team, this has been pointed out numerous times on the forums. Premades either need their own Q, or it should be limited to just two people to Q. 








QFT they need to leave solo players to fight against other solo players. premades ruin pvp for everyone, specially new player experience.

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i wish bioware lower the cost to buy things that now is too expensive, whole season for 1 item ? thats excessive 

lower it to 10 token for armor and weapon and mount , i think it is more rewarding since getting the achievement basically you just get extra 5 token dan title 

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The easiest fix for matchmaking in Arena is just make the Arena queue solo only & implement the same matchmaking algorithm that solo ranked had.

WZ is much more complicated & I don’t ever see matchmaking having a chance to work while ever there are premades mixed in with solo players. 

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I am not done with my PVP Season yet, but I can already give some feedback.

First of all: Thanks for the adjustments of the Achievements. That was a lifesaver and it's just fair to the Player. I have seen, that you're doing more adjustments on the Weekly's, so Thanks for that also! In my eyes, you are listening to the critique that matters.

One of my favourite maps is now Alderaan. The adjustments there work really well! Can't wait for every map (especially Huttball :D) to get their update. It's just easier and more relaxed to get the medals needed for the Season. Keep at it :)

Season 2 going into the right direction is also visible in the participation of my friends in the Season. They usually wouldn't touch PVP, but me and the rewards got them convinced. They are also sighing in relief and cheer every time I read them planned updates :D

I also noticed that the catchup system started earlier! That's a nice bonus :)

Only critique from me would be the first 2 weeks when huttball was not counting for the season goals. That could have been fixed faster, but I can understand, that you had your hands full with the galactic Season and the whole Update.

All in all, you are going into the right direction to let us casuals play PVP without getting a burnout. This is on the right track. I see the progress and I am patient (and fair^^) enough to not expect everything in one update. Keep up the good work!


At the end, maybe an idea for the future. It's just the same goals over and over again. Maybe, for lesser points, just to switch it up a little, add a few changing goals? For example, we have this achievement with the Party-Jawa. Something like "Kill 5 Players while having the Party-Jawa out". Maybe a Daily, like in the Galactic Season. Just a thought. ;) I am also on board with putting Galactic Star fighter into the roster. But I can understand, when you concentrate on updating the maps first.


P.S. Keep the typing and translation errors^^ English is not my native tongue and I had a long day :D

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Steps in the right direction. 25 Arena weeklies was too much, 12 is quite manageable. More restrictions to premade queues and stacking tanks in regs please. Also stucking and afking or just in general griefing in arenas is currently not punished at all. For example, there's one lovely bloke on DM who stucks (and when he cant stuck due to CD, AFKs) every match for about 3 months now and he is still not banned. It's not even satisfying to get him in the opposing team because the griefers are holding 7 people hostage in queue every time they queue up without any ramifications lol. You are just coin-flipping who gets him on their team.


And finally I seriously hope that BW rethinks their balance changes. Madness is still extremely good, and more to the point really aneurism inducing to play against with its Death Brand slow and double root from Creeping Terror + Overload if you are melee. This really becomes a problem when there are more than 1 Madness Sorcs in a match because they are both able to apply the root from Creeping Terror back to back - you are constantly rooted (and permaslowed because death brand keeps re-refreshing). Considering how much the spec can face-tank and reset engagement it has too much control imo, especially when there are 2-3.

Edited by vTempus
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On 5/19/2023 at 3:44 AM, SentinalMasterWW said:

-I also think Bioware should add in a vendor that sells the old Battlemaster gear, Obviously you have to get valor rank 60 to wear it, but it makes acquiring the pieces easier than trying to find it on the GTN

bruh I 200% support this.  There are threads wanting to bring back the old style armors, either through some special PvP vendors or even just schematics so crafters can finally craft the belts and bracers.  Is it doable? Definitely because the armors are in game. Will they listen and implement? Slim chance but I still hope. 

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Additionally, give us gear templates for below 80 that normalizes stats. You completely get outgeared so often when you meet up alts that run around with 410k hp on a level 15. This makes the already unbalanced 7v8 warzones unplayable when a player can carry on his own because he outgears everybody.

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