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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Finally an MMO designed for Gamers.


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Agreed with OP! AnOther brilliant bioware star wars game, even better I can play with friends:) thanks bio! Much love, Valim x


Ya remember when in Baulder's Gate when you slew that dragon got excited looked around and realized there was no one there to share the moment with:( was the one thing that drives me crazy when I play a single player.

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I'm especially pleasantly surprised by the combat system. My hotbars are chock full of abilities, my keybinds are maxed out, and yes, I do need to know every ability, I need to use them, and know when to use them in order to succeed.



I haven't been this enthusiastic about a game since I took my very first steps in Quake.


which is one of the reason that combat system is so good here. Much better than a game where you have a 3 skill rotation. As a healer I am called upon to do more than just heal which makes the fights more fun. Plus the added bonus that not only do i get to watch the fights but i have to watch the fights to do my job correctly instead of just sitting there watching a box of health bars doing a heal and cleanse rotation.

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OP has been spamming to try and troll the trolls, while leading the blind.


It's fine and well if someone likes or dislikes the game, but there's no need for multiple threads.


I agree. I mean I don't understand how people get off on this. I guess its like the people that love to ruin things for other people. Especially with the internet, he has total anon immunity.


*shrugs* I mean, if it makes him happy thats cool.

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Pretty good, except all the zones feel just about empty.


ya know the more i think about this complaint I have come to this conclusion. BW wanted the worlds the to be as realistic and as close to the ones in the movie. So they tried to recreate how desolate Hoth was in this game as an example. It really does feel like Hoth to me. There really are alot of players out there atleast on the server I am on. hell i was on tat with an alt yesterday there were close to 200 repubs in the zone let alone any imps. The world is just so large and the quests spread out ( great when you need to kill some sand people. do you realy want 20 other people trying to kill the same group)

Edited by Baaddare
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Bioware you managed to put FUN into an MMO.


- Storylines that matter.

- Character Development.

- A game that starts at level 1 and not at the end-cap.

- Balanced PvP.

- Awesome combat (say goodbye to button smashing)

- Companions that actually do something.


From an old-time gamer I salute you.


Absolutely Correct.

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Bioware you managed to put FUN into an MMO.


- Storylines that matter.

- Character Development.

- A game that starts at level 1 and not at the end-cap.

- Balanced PvP.

- Awesome combat (say goodbye to button smashing)

- Companions that actually do something.


From an old-time gamer I salute you.


Are you high?

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- No incentive for open world pvp, other than ganking low levels.

- Unfinished engine - force medium graphics

- No guild hall

- No guild bank

- No guild based rvr

- Issues with the GCD still remain

* Trooper and Jedi Sentinel have the most known issues.

- Raid frames in warzones are constantly broken.

* At times the limit of 8 players exceed and brings in even more, then you see 10 vs 8 games.

* HP do not always update properly on the raid frame, it keeps it up at max hp, while I see a ally dieing from a gank.


Personally I am waiting for open-beta to end.


Can't tell if serious or just a whiner.

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WoW is the best mmorpg ever made, FACT



how is that a fact? Did WoW have the largest sub base at its peak yes. However, you have to take into account the fact when WoW launched more people had access to personal computers and the internet than when games such as EQ, UO and AC were at their peaks. Second, remember that not only does WoW's numbers include the chinese version ( which is not owned by Blizzard) but that those games among many others are not licensed to play there. Finally, size does not automatically equate to quality. I am quite sure that eve players ( one of the smallest sub bases for a highly successful game) would disagree with you.


i can not think of one thing except addons ( and even that they may not have done first) that wow did that was not already out there in an MMO. Even instances where done prior in games such as City of Heroes. Skill trees? EQ had their AA system years before wow was even announced.

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As a Jedi Sentinel, my class is severely underpowered and hampered by design game flaws (refer to ability-stuttering).


However, I find the overall game enjoyable. The story is interesting, the levels are well designed (I wish it was a bit more open-world, but you can't have everything), and the lore seems well-researched/presented.


There are many flaws, but I won't get into them here. The OP has the right to his opinion and, on the whole, I have to mostly agree.

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Bioware you managed to put FUN into an MMO.


- Storylines that matter.

- Character Development.

- A game that starts at level 1 and not at the end-cap.

- Balanced PvP.

- Awesome combat (say goodbye to button smashing)

- Companions that actually do something.


From an old-time gamer I salute you.


With the exception of the PvP elements, which I don't know nor care about, I couldn't agree more. This game is a breath of fresh air in a stagnant genre.


This is the first MMO I've ever played where I actually cared about characters because of what happened in-game rather than because of how much time I had invested in them. It's also great to be able to play a game from level one and not feel like you need to rush to the end so you can play the actual game.

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then u have no clue on how ur class works


the only problem i have is i never know when all thehealers are healen


ya ain't dead yet is always a good sign :) Of course being a healer that is my standard for is the tank doing a good job when they ask me.

Edited by Baaddare
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although i agree with the OP i cant help but point out the game crafting is quite poor , as an armstech i cannot craft anything thats better than can be obtained from running dailies and pretty much everyone i know who decided to seriousely level a craft is of the same opinion , so the game gets an 8/10 from me , as the money invested into crafting so far has born no fruit , atleast for me .
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Huh? How exactly do you hit fewer buttons in this game during combat? Auto-attack reduces how much button smashing you do. As a trooper, even when I'm trying to get ammo back I have to keep hitting hammer shot over and over.


I think you missed the intent. It is not the act of hitting the buttons it is the fact you have to think and not just hit the same 3 attacks in a rotation while having an auto attack going. I believe this is what the OP was referencing.

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Bioware you managed to put FUN into an MMO.


- Storylines that matter.

- Character Development.

- A game that starts at level 1 and not at the end-cap.

- Balanced PvP.

- Awesome combat (say goodbye to button smashing)

- Companions that actually do something.


From an old-time gamer I salute you.


I have to disagree with every point I'm afraid. Game is already on the decline. Players leave in masses.


Shame on you BW

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