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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Finally an MMO designed for Gamers.


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Bioware you managed to put FUN into an MMO.



- Storylines that matter.

Ya, I haven't seen a huge affect but I still feel as though they do matter.


- Character Development.



- A game that starts at level 1 and not at the end-cap.

This is probably the best thing about the game. But also, the worst thing about it. Because they focused on the process of getting to max level, their primary focus wasn't on once you get to end level, which is what people subscribe for. Though, it's worth noting, they're spitting out content pretty fast. 3 months from now and we'll have a new raid, 2 new Flash Points, a new planet, and a new warzone.


- Balanced PvP.

I wouldn't say perfectly balanced, but it has better balance that most polished MMOs.


- Awesome combat (say goodbye to button smashing)

Agree and disagree. Combat is solid, but it's got quite a few kinks to work out. While it's also true that auto attack and spam normal attack are gone, there's quite a bit of repeat with the normal attack for each class.


- Companions that actually do something.

Totally agreed.


One I feel I have to add, even though it still has some kinks that need worked out.


- Crafting while doing WHATEVER.


There's nothing more ownage that pwning people in PvP, except when you're doing it while crafting sick stuff.

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TOR is designed for a gamer 5 years ago.


this game is such a steaming pile of crap.


I hate to think of how sad a player must be to play past the first 30 free days.


why do people say this, like 5 years ago was even a long time ago.


if we are talking about UO or EQ, that was way mroe than 5 years ago, and if you were to compare those games to this game, this would be the biggest carebear game of all time.


No challenges, all the content is a snoozefest aside from story time, cause it is so basic and so simple, and the odds are massively stacked in your favor, it is nearly impossible to die to a boss. When it comes to PvP I am fighting the UI just as much as the players trying to heal, since I am playing a healer, sure I do great, but that is just because everyone else is fighting the UI just as much as me. Heck dealling with the archaic UI and ability responsiveness is more of a challenge than the players.

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- Balanced PvP.

This brought me many LOLOLOLOLOL's


Considering I can jump on certain characters and be nearly unstoppable and score at the top with medals while jumping on others and just get pounded non-stop...I don't think so.

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You guys played Contra? With cheats?




So you could beat it once or twice, memorize where everything was, and then beat it without cheats.


Also, I'd use warp zones/whistles in Mario games, though usually to go to a particular level I thought was fun(level 5 in Mario 3 was my favorite!)

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Bioware you managed to put FUN into an MMO.


- Storylines that matter.

- Character Development.

- A game that starts at level 1 and not at the end-cap.

- Balanced PvP.

- Awesome combat (say goodbye to button smashing)

- Companions that actually do something.


From an old-time gamer I salute you.


Unfortunately for me, my standards and yours are very different. Already cancelled my sub.

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Bioware you managed to put FUN into an MMO.


- Storylines that matter.

- Character Development.

- A game that starts at level 1 and not at the end-cap.

- Balanced PvP.

- Awesome combat (say goodbye to button smashing)

- Companions that actually do something.


From an old-time gamer I salute you.


lol? really?

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Bioware you managed to put FUN into an MMO.


- Storylines that matter.

- Character Development.

- A game that starts at level 1 and not at the end-cap.

- Balanced PvP.

- Awesome combat (say goodbye to button smashing)

- Companions that actually do something.


From an old-time gamer I salute you.


yup it is a nice game. A few issues to fix as in all MMO's but over all a blast to play. Nice to see a game you have to stay on your toes for during some fights instead of the WoW combat type you could do in your sleep.

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Balanced PvP?


Its not PvP when its balanced.... when a level 10 has the same stats as you and youre level 36 in warzone, and they have more chance of killing you than in open world pvp.


um you have many more skills than the lvl 10 first off. Second, how is a lvl 10 killing you in open world pvp? If they truely are and you are not trolling then i suggest you practice your pvp skills a bit more.

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the op is off his head!!! its not realy that fun!!! its entirely level restricted. items gear everything!!! its exactly button smashing !!!! and its incredibly linear..


it is wow with a starwars skin.





it could be a good game!! it doesnt have to continue down this mindless path all other games go down!! they can choose to stop now and do something diffrent. i dont think i would ever see the day when the entire starwars universe !!!! would be a hand held adventure of boredom being told where to go and what to do untill you run out of quests and finally do the end game flashpoint or heroic encounter!!!! FOR WHAT EXACTLY ??? to spend the rest of your starwars tor life pvp'ing ??????? im not sure who else has noticed this but pvp is just one team ganking the other.. it consists mainly of premade lvl 50's that have to have set specific gear load outs just like the premades expect you to have in wow..



starting new charecters is the same old tedious thing too. the game is lacking spice and i have never fealt so detached from my charecter in any mmo ever !!!!


come on !!!! just look at the obvious problems ???? all jedi knights have the exact same companions with the exact same items for them !!!!! every class has the same exact armour at every set level... there is no variation no customisation no feel no depth and absolutely no emersion!!! emersion to me is being able to make my charecter my own and fashion him as i see fit and to create his story myself!! to tell his story myself to play his story myself!!!! but nooo!!!!! instead we get shoved down the quest chain.


the worlds are tiny too!!! these are supposed to be planets ??? they feel like nothing more than zones.



space is an absolute joke and should be removed before it poisons peoples oppinions of the game!!


this game also needs a viable crafting system!!! the whole upgrade thing is just ugly and desgusting!!! its not good. its not even ok. its just a waste of resources which could be better speant making charecters more customizable!!!


ive also skipped pretty much all the voice over dialogue too so that was a waste also.


pvp is just a bunch of premade lvl 50 guys with best armour ganking low levels... its so lame.


now for the good points


it looks nice combat is fluid although not very exciting, i havnt experienced any lag either so thats good too. and i love seemless transitions between zones!!! just wish it was the same between ground and space travel.

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Gotta love it.. We're all sitting in computer chairs, probably a little chub, talking about a video game and calling each other lazy.


What's more, the more grindy mmos that the 'serious' mmo players enjoy allow for even less time to get exercise and a proper diet, thus making them even chubbier.

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Bioware employee no way any person could be that seperated from reality.


People who defend the game: Bioware Employee.


People who trash the game: Blizzard Employee.


People who believe the above is the case with every post: People who are separated from reality.

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Most fun I've had with an MMO since classic EQ. Agree 100% OP


I agree, altough, nothing will beat EQ for the first time i had all my slots filled, had polished a rusty 2 hander and made my own bow and arrows. This comes to closest though.

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This. Not a bad thing but yeah, my lag and that delay makes me button smash. I say fix the delay and make the controls responsive, the combat is fast (when not lagging) and the fix on the delay would perfect this.


They have a fix on the test server which seems to be working

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I love SWTOR very injoyable in my part. Yes there is bugs but hey do you remmber how the bugs in WoW launch was? I am having hopes for this game. And i am sure i will play this for a long while. The people in my server are pretty funny and friendly sofar so i enjoy alot of aspects of the game! :D
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Its because they cared absolutely nothing about this game until they bought it in December and ran into problems/things they did not like so they decided to come on the forums and spoil it for everybody else. Prior to this they were probably on the WoW forums complaining about things in that game.


Most of those who joined the forum community a lot earlier actually care about the game instead of just jumping on the new MMO bandwagon. I bet most of the new Dec forum members bashing on people and the game will disappear at the end of January.


I would tend to agree. Those that care about the game are more inclined to see that fixs for problems are coming rather than just QQ about an issue that is being patched in 2 days.

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I agree with OP, mostly.


Short version, I'm having a lot of fun in SWtoR, it's "my kind of MMO" as it were.


Are there things that can be improved? Sure.


Are there systems that probably should have been in place before launch, as expected by a 21st century MMO? Sure.


But none of these shortcommings are deal-breakers, and their absense doesn't detract from the over-all game play, for me.


I didn't get into LotRO until it had been out for a year, and when I joined, it was the "perfect MMO" for me at the time.


I wonder how SWtoR will look in another year, I bet Bioware sweetens it up pretty quickly with some more MMO / Group friendly tools, like Instance Finders and stuff...

They already announced they are working on an improved LFG system that will let you filter for who or what you are looking for and be server wide.

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