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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Finally an MMO designed for Gamers.


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Agree with the OP.


Sidenote: Anyone have an explanation as to why the vast majority of whiners seem to be December 2011 forum handles? December saw a relatively low amount of pre-orders compared to July/Aug/September so it's not based on quantity of pre-orders.


Just seems that if the forum handle is Dec 2011...the post will likely be negative :D


See this thread as an example....four Dec 2011 posters, 3 of those being negative. Only 1 of the 4 trying to be constructive.


Has gotten to the point that I usually skip the replies by the Dec 2011 crowd instantly and scroll down to ANYONE with another signup date be they positive or negative.


Hey I joined in Dec. 2011 and I've never said anything bad about this game, but rather argued points for pages why this game doesn't "suck". Well, I did say 1 bad thing: that English accents dont sound as badbutt as American accents...But thats it, I swear!

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So later on, when you have beat the bad monster, capped your gear, grinded out to be at the top of the PvP ladder, and completed everything the game has to offer, you can tell your family and friends that you are not lazy. You have been hard at work, 12 hours a day, grinding away, trying to accomplish something with your life. I want to see how that conversation goes.


Accomplishing something in a game means **** all in the real world. So rather than waste my life with endless time sinks, I prefer a game that offers something more. If that makes me lazy, so be it.


Well said.

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TOR is designed for a gamer 5 years ago.


this game is such a steaming pile of crap.


I hate to think of how sad a player must be to play past the first 30 free days.


Hmmm...no i feel quite delighted actually. In fact, i love it so far.


This game is pretty much the first mmo since Maple Story that has really got me hooked on.


Well done bioware! :)

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Bioware you managed to put FUN into an MMO.


- Storylines that matter.

- Character Development.

- A game that starts at level 1 and not at the end-cap.

- Balanced PvP.

- Awesome combat (say goodbye to button smashing)

- Companions that actually do something.


From an old-time gamer I salute you.


Pretty good, except all the zones feel just about empty.

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Been playing games a loong, loong time but a lady never reveals her age....;)


My hubby and I are having a blast in this game. Sure, it has its flaws and things that I would love to see down the road. We are having an absolute blast so far and haven't been this immersed into a game in years.


One edit to the post above me. My only negative observation is about the zones feeling quite empty. We really don't come across others players all that much. Are folks just so spread out in levels or is the game just that massive in terms of zones? This game feels a great bit bigger than Rift for example but I remember games of old like Asheron's Call 1 where we would rarely come across a soul out in the wilds. Haven't played enough SWTOR to gage this accurately. We are slow pokes and have only hit 27 or so but just wondering.

Edited by Florial
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Ive played mmos since pre tram UO..... this is the funnest ive had in an mmo since then.... of course nothing will ever compare to pre tram UO.....


Just to add on to Riotus' post I have played since Meridian 59 and the original EQ, I too played UO and I LOVE SWTOR. Have not had this much fun in an MMO in years.

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One edit to the post above me. My only negative observation is about the zones feeling quite empty. We really don't come across others players all that much. Are folks just so spread out in levels or is the game just that massive in terms of zones? This game feels a great bit bigger than Rift for example but I remember games of old like Asheron's Call 1 where we would rarely come across a soul out in the wilds. Haven't played enough SWTOR to gage this accurately. We are slow pokes and have only hit 27 or so but just wondering.


Maybe it's your server? Mine is one of the Early Access Servers and still has one of the longer queues, there's people everywhere when I'm roaming about. (I kind of wish there weren't, quests with limited claims can get frustrating... ;P)

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Never played WoW huh?



nothing screams lazy like waiting in a capital city for a queue for ALL endgame activities.


Also QFT, lol. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a WoW hater. I was actually feeling too lazy to level in TOR the other night, so I loaded up WoW and bummed through a few dungeons. >___> It was kind of weird when I realized I was playing WoW because I felt lazy.

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Bioware you managed to put FUN into an MMO.


- Storylines that matter.

- Character Development.

- A game that starts at level 1 and not at the end-cap.



- Companions that actually do something.


From an old-time gamer I salute you.


Indeed. Great game!


Dunno about pvp. Gotta gather more intel and see for myself. I have not played that much classes and warzones yet, but so far it looks great, certainly will need an update in the future tho.


Oh and highres textures are not working.

Already confirmed by devs.


Also while the grass is nice, the drawdistance for it is quite low even on max settings.

Edited by Ommm
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Balanced PvP?


Its not PvP when its balanced.... when a level 10 has the same stats as you and youre level 36 in warzone, and they have more chance of killing you than in open world pvp.


if you lose to a lvl 10 and ur 36 in warzone 1 on 1 reroll...

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I am taking it slow and leveling with friends, and I have not felt so much alive since the starting days of UO, and maybe AO. To live again, is the greatest gift of all time.


Yes there are bugs, and suboptimal stuff in there. Like in EVERY other MMO ever made. Shocking eh? Not really.



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Bioware you managed to put FUN into an MMO.


- Storylines that matter.

- Character Development.

- A game that starts at level 1 and not at the end-cap.

- Balanced PvP.

- Awesome combat (say goodbye to button smashing)

- Companions that actually do something.


From an old-time gamer I salute you.



What scares me is you being serious.

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- No incentive for open world pvp, other than ganking low levels.

- Unfinished engine - force medium graphics

- No guild hall

- No guild bank

- No guild based rvr

- Issues with the GCD still remain

* Trooper and Jedi Sentinel have the most known issues.

- Raid frames in warzones are constantly broken.

* At times the limit of 8 players exceed and brings in even more, then you see 10 vs 8 games.

* HP do not always update properly on the raid frame, it keeps it up at max hp, while I see a ally dieing from a gank.


Personally I am waiting for open-beta to end.


1. Some people don't want to be bothered while questing

2. Get a real computer, this game looks amazing.

3. Guild ships are coming out in the next patches (I actually payed attention to Gamescon)

4. Probably coming out

5. ?

6. ?

7. Never encountered any issues

8. Never encountered any issues

9. Agreed.

10. Never encountered any issues

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SWTOR was designed for cusual gamers, not gamers in general. Because gamers contains all type of gamers, including hardcore gamers.


Cusual gamer player base are bigger than hardcore gamers, so it is understandable for most developers to aim for the cusual gamer base.

The problem is, everything have good and bad side effects. Cusual gamers comes and goes, play when it suits them. While hardcore gamers play when it suits them, and when it dont suits them.

Hardcore gamers are smaller playerbase, but they are the group that willing to pay and play for years if the game appeals to them.


Why choose 1 when you can have both?

If Bioware were smart, they would have aimed for both groups.

Edited by aerovihn
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