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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Make quick travel free on Tython, Korriban, Ord Mantell, Hutta, Coruscant, and Dromund Kaas


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The fees are outrageously too high if you don't have a legacy bank with money to give yourself.

Teleporting from Chamber of Speech to Jedi temple cost nearly 1,000 credits. As a new player with no legacy on Tython, I had but maybe 200 credits. How the hell am I to QT as a low level player?

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As I just made a new character on a second server and just encountered this for the first time, HARD AGREE. 

I hadn't minded the fast travel tax before, but for a brand new player or starting on a new server, it is brutal to have to walk literally everywhere for ages lol 

sadly, I have little faith they roll the change back completely as people have been complaining in a million posts since they first implemented the FT tax and it's still there, but I do hope they at least implement something like this, where early game is not hindered so badly.  People like me are just spoiled by fast travel and being rich so it feels very inconvenient but we'll get over it lol  But I am sure it would be a huge deterrent to brand new players with no one who can give them starter money.

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100% agree.

I recently made new characters on servers where i don't have much, and used most of whatever credits i had before that change was announced on some Legacy unlocks like no cooldown on fast travel or Rocket boost (because i really enjoy how convenient that is on my main server), so having the fast travel with no cooldown available but no money to actually use that on my new characters was painful to say the least, especially since i've already played all stories more times than i can count and running from point A to B and back to A is just plain boring and a waste of time.

It should be free at the very least on the starter planets.

Edited by Goreshaga
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On 5/9/2023 at 8:09 AM, Traceguy said:

The fees are outrageously too high if you don't have a legacy bank with money to give yourself.

Teleporting from Chamber of Speech to Jedi temple cost nearly 1,000 credits. As a new player with no legacy on Tython, I had but maybe 200 credits. How the hell am I to QT as a low level player?

You're not supposed to QT. They have effectively removed it as a QoL convenience. It is now a luxury for those with money.  

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17 hours ago, Notinthehair said:

Or just give it a lengthy cooldown and make it free everywhere.  Like a Hearthstone.  Or hell, just give us the ability to select a home point to teleport to once an hour...

It should be free if it's ready, but you should be able to pay to use it anything it's on CD. What gets me is it's way more expensive than a taxi. It cost more to go from one station in the fleet to another than it does to travel to a distant planet.

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It does suck to walk everywhere...but on the other hand...

The game was clearly intended for players to walk around for a big part of the leveling experience. The devs obviously didn't get how annoying that would be especially on alts, but there's so much ambient dialogue for companions in random areas that they wouldn't have added if they knew players would be cruising through DK on mounts and QTing everywhere. Coruscant especially has a ton of it, in the black sun zone and the southern part of the migrant merchants area practically every time you enter a new room Qyzen/Corso/T7/Jorgan will pipe up. 

The devs bent to popular opinion and have been steadily making it easier and faster to level for most of the game's history, which is why it feels so out of left field now, but a QT tax would have fit right in 2.0, especially aimed at F2P. Does this mean that they're starting to backpedal and throttle content to slow the leveling pace? Or is it just an unintended side effect of the tax and the devs just...do things, randomly without thinking through the message they're sending. You decide! :rak_01:

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7 hours ago, Ardrossan said:

The game was clearly intended for players to walk around for a big part of the leveling experience.

As I understand it (I wasn't there at launch, but did join before 2.0, by about three weeks), that's right.  Speeder Piloting wasn't available before, if I recall correctly what was said, level 40 or so (end of Hoth at the time), and cost 40K credits to train...

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On 5/13/2023 at 2:36 AM, Ardrossan said:

The game was clearly intended for players to walk around for a big part of the leveling experience.

Remember the initial MMO's where the endless grinding of mobs was required?  This is like that but more boring.  I have never played an MMO where the majority of my time is spent walking / riding from one point to another viewing the dated and reused assets that comprise whatever world I am on.  Running to the other side of the map for a "speak to" quest is not a good use of my subscription fee IMO as it doesn't represent value.  But that's what it all comes down to, milking you of the time you have paid for.  And if you are F2P (no sprint until level 10, no mount until level 20) it's even worse but instead of your time and money it just costs your time.

Edited by Notinthehair
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2 hours ago, Notinthehair said:

Remember the initial MMO's where the endless grinding of mobs was required?  This is like that but more boring.  I have never played an MMO where the majority of my time is spent walking / riding from one point to another viewing the dated and reused assets that comprise whatever world I am on.  Running to the other side of the map for a "speak to" quest is not a good use of my subscription fee IMO as it doesn't represent value.  But that's what it all comes down to, milking you of the time you have paid for.  And if you are F2P (no sprint until level 10, no mount until level 20) it's even worse but instead of your time and money it just costs your time.

Although I think i'm as sympathetic to F2P as possible, I don't think the devs are asking too much for players to spend five bucks on this game to get all the options of preferred, including sprint at level 1. If they play through one character they should be able to raise their legacy to 2 and be able to buy the unlock for speeders at level 1. And again, much love to F2P but you make it sound like costing them time is a bad thing. Back in 2013 I remember the sprint restriction being a real pain because it took a few hours to get to level 10, that's not the case anymore. It doesn't take that long to get to level 20 either anymore, even for a F2P reduced xp! Costing players time to encourage to spend a token amount--not even the full cost of a month's sub!--seems pretty reasonable. 

As far as running back to questgivers on the other side of the map, if you just finished doing the daily for Ruhnuk, I sympathize, it's a horrible setup. For any other planet, I have no idea what you're talking about, the questgiver locations are almost always located around a QT hub and seem fine imo. It was much worse back in the day when they were scattered across the map and you had to hunt around for them; I still can't find that imp on DK who's paranoid about invisible Kubaz spies. 

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16 hours ago, Ardrossan said:

raise their legacy to 2 and be able to buy the unlock for speeders at level 1

Don't forget that it's a per-character unlock...

16 hours ago, Ardrossan said:

It doesn't take that long to get to level 20 either anymore, even for a F2P reduced xp!

The F2P XP reduction begins at level 20...

16 hours ago, Ardrossan said:

I still can't find that imp on DK who's paranoid about invisible Kubaz spies.

I know the one you mean, and yeah.  I think I found him one time only.

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I made new characters on alternate serves too and using QT is not affordable. It should definitely be free on starter planets. But I wish they would roll back and have it free everywhere. It's a terrible idea for a credit sink because it punishes new and returning players. 

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