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Sawbones - waste of class potential ?


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I rolled Smuggler/Scoundrel as loved whole concept of roguish character with 'melee-mid' range and have healing..


I used to play healers in other MMOs, and that was my main goal with my Scoundrel, which is now 50.

But I kinda feal out of place.

Healing can be done better by other classes, while DPS Scoundrel rips enemies apart!

Atm, there is significant lack of healer at max level.. so i keep switching between dps and heal (which costs fortune - seems Bioware hates healers =( ).

As there is to few people around to do some more FPs, my main group activity is PvP... where standing on side and doing just subpar healing (compared to Sages - who got so much more utility besude) feels kina waste of class.


Do you see any nische Scoundel Sawbones would fit, noone else do better ?

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where standing on side and doing just subpar healing (compared to Sages - who got so much more utility besude) feels kina waste of class.


Do you see any nische Scoundel Sawbones would fit, noone else do better ?



There's your problem. The Sawbone's isn't meant to be standing around. It is a mobile healer.


Sages/Commandos on the other hand have to stand still.


You can put a ton of HOTS on many characters and send out insta cast heals that only cost Upper Hand. You should be swimming in Upper Hand!

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I picked Sawbones cause of Moility in future Raid healing. U spam Slow medpacks and Kolto cload. its instant casts. Love it. And do fillers with Diag-Scan and Emergency medpack.


You shouldnt be using underworld medicin exept for few hard moments.


Keeping 2 stacks of slow medpacks on all and the Kolto ontop of that. u just need to top of with Diag-scan.


The key is for people to Hug up to benifit from your Kolto witch is 10 meters. Hug up then spread, when depleted hug up again and so on...

Edited by Donnadarco
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No, just no. Sawbones is amazing at healing, and is much better than sorcerer/sage for one important reason-we can keep on healing forever. We literally never have to worry about going oom, as long as we aren't stupid and don't watch our percentage (above 60 at all times). We have arguably the best HoT in the game, hilariously high utility, stealth, and great single target heals (especially when we skill into upper hand proccing off of SRMP, making EMP fairly spammable). Sure, sage and CM are arguably better healers than us at low levels, but after 34ish we become amazing healers.
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You can put a ton of HOTS on many characters and send out insta cast heals that only cost Upper Hand. You should be swimming in Upper Hand!


i don't know how you guys are doing that. doesn't upperhand only activate every 4.5s talented? or is it 4.5s per slow-release? i usually only slow-release one person in pve, so i wouldn't know


the reason i ask this is because people are getting rolled before i can even finish casting underworld

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I already am 50..

I can easly do 150k and more per WZ .. but all those heals feels unsignificant.

My role is limited to 'keep group stable', but dont have tools to rescue someone if suddenly got zerged.

For example in Huttball im almost completly useless.. my heals are not enough to keep ball handler, and have no tools supporting the game.

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i don't know how you guys are doing that. doesn't upperhand only activate every 4.5s talented? or is it 4.5s per slow-release? i usually only slow-release one person in pve, so i wouldn't know


the reason i ask this is because people are getting rolled before i can even finish casting underworld


if people are getting rolled before you can even get off underworld medicine that's their problem, not yours

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if people are getting rolled before you can even get off underworld medicine that's their problem, not yours


well the last game i played was rift. as a healer i could keep a tank alive while they were getting focused. even squishies could survive for a while. the idea is you go after the healer first. in this game, everyone's just dying way too fast, then they kill me last. i just feel the pvp isn't very healer friendly


but then again this game isn't focused around pvp

Edited by babymato
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