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7.3 Credit Economy Initiative: Updates and the GTN

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1 minute ago, TrixxieTriss said:

If they really did do it for that reason, then their easiest fix would have been to just raise the GTN sales cap to 100 billion & character credit cap to something similar. They wouldn’t have bothered with trying to create new credit sinks or closing the GTN tax avoidance loophole with trades. 

But what was driving players away were the prices they were seeing on the GTN. Most players don't have any idea what things sell for off the GTN (effectively for most players if it isn't on the GTN it isn't for sale). Increasing the GTN limit would just have made it more obvious how out of control prices had gotten. It wouldn't have done much to cool off the economy (the current taxes are disincentivizing trading off the GTN which is exerting a downward pressure on prices)

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12 minutes ago, DWho said:

It wouldn't have done much to cool off the economy (the current taxes are disincentivizing trading off the GTN which is exerting a downward pressure on prices)

what about other way's to cool off the economy by adding more items in the vendor's as exemple: more new items in the event vendor's or creat new vendor's that sell stuff people wane see in the game like some idea's from the suggestion section on the forum there can add to cool down economy and make then legacy bind so that there cant sell it to other players?

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14 minutes ago, Spikanor said:

legacy bind so that there cant sell it to other players?

This is what, up until now, they have been unwilling to do because of player complaints (just look at how poorly the suggestion of having items become bound to legacy after a player to player trade was received). The players do bear some responsibility in the overheated economy because they disliked the things that could have cooled it down. If they sold something neat for a billion credits, how long do you think it would be before someone came to the forums to complain how unfair it was that only rich players could afford it. It might even drive credit sellers more if it was particularly desirable. They've been hurt, but they are still sitting on lots of credits.

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1 hour ago, DWho said:

It wouldn't have done much to cool off the economy

Agreed. But that’s not what I was suggesting.

What I meant was “if” they only cared about letting the credits & inflation increase to make people buy from the CM (as you suggested), then all they had to do was raise GTN sales cap to keep that plan going.

Instead they are trying to get inflation under control with their current measures. Which leads me to think they weren’t manipulating like you suggest & we’re just lazy or lacked development funds to fix those mistakes they made during 5.x-6.x game development. 

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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1 hour ago, Spikanor said:

make then legacy bind so that there cant sell it to other players?

Do you mean people buying from vendors & reselling to others on the GTN?

I’ve always believed that anything you can buy from a vendor, should not be allowed to be listed on the GTN or resold to other players. The devs can easily prevent this with some code that makes the items legacy bound as soon as they are purchased. 

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59 minutes ago, DWho said:

The players do bear some responsibility in the overheated economy because they disliked the things that could have cooled it down

Agreed. But if the Devs are doing their jobs properly, they just need to explain to players like theyre children and convince them it’s in their best interest.

Sadly, when ever the devs do something decisive, they go silent if there’s any push back. And instead of trying to convince the players & get them onside. They rely too much on certain community members to try & be the voice of reason & it causes lots of division & creates lots of misinformation. A bit like this thread. 

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27 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

What I meant was “if” they only cared about letting the credits & inflation increase to make people buy from the CM (as you suggested), then all they had to do was raise GTN sales cap to keep that plan going.

I don't think there was a plan really though. They saw CM sales increasing as the economy inflated. The only decision they made was to let it go (sort of no harm no foul in their eyes). I don't think they planned to introduce hyperinflation to drive CM sales, they just took advantage of it. Then someone on the sales team looked at the numbers and saw something distressing in the declining sub numbers, and reading the complaints on the forums, they decided the hyperinflation was doing more harm than good, so they changed direction.

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35 minutes ago, DWho said:

Then someone on the sales team looked at the numbers and saw something distressing in the declining sub numbers, and reading the complaints on the forums, they decided the hyperinflation was doing more harm than good, so they changed direction.

It only took them 3+ years.

Which shows someone wasn’t doing their job properly in providing player feedback from the forums to the dev team. Pretty sure Musco was in charge of that 3+ years ago. 

I say that because I personally predicted  and warned the team that it would end up affecting subscriptions & CM sales if they didn’t address it. 

We had very robust discussions for several months on the forums about this topic. So it’s not like it wasn’t front and centre for them to see it. 

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4 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

But if the Devs are doing their jobs properly, they just need to explain to players like theyre children and convince them it’s in their best interest.

you know that the devs cant explain things to the players at all since there is still a long list of things there need to explain to us in the first place before we come up to that point.

4 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

I’ve always believed that anything you can buy from a vendor, should not be allowed to be listed on the GTN or resold to other players. The devs can easily prevent this with some code that makes the items legacy bound as soon as they are purchased. 

for a lot of items i give no crap about if other players resell then on the GTN since there have almost no inpect at all in the economie.

but the biger items like the legendary ember and the RPM-13/OEM-37 are a compleet diffrend story.

since that are 3 of the big items you can super easy get now thanks to the tech fragments and resell then on the GTN for a lot of credits and that is now something we now not need at all to make it easyer to get stuff like that to resell then.

4 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

Do you mean people buying from vendors & reselling to others on the GTN?

i mean more if there add more credit sinks idea's in the game and are using some of the idea's people have come up there wane see return or something compleet new that some of the idea's are good but also need to become legacy bound so that players are not selling then to other players.

like the a new dye system where you can use a primery dye only and secondary day only to make a compleet new dye color then players are happy since there can use the color's there wane use and it also is a good credit sink idea since you can ask 1 mill credits for it to comebine a primery only dye and secondary dye only to a compleet new dye and the new dye become's automatic legacy bound so the only way to get the new color's are by spending credits on it. sure there are some limits of dye's you cant use like the black primery or secondary only and the white primery or secondary only.

then we have also the old crafting schematic's suggestion that all the old weapons and armor crafting schematic's return and can be use again for the outfit designer that a lot of people wane use. then there can ask 1mill credits for each crafting schematic to learn at the crafting vendors but the item you craft become's then legacy bound for personal use only so that it will never end up as a sell item again.

its the same with the reputation vendors there need to add sometime's new items in it since keeping the same items always is becoming boring and that is then for all the reputation vendors there can do that from event to planet reputation vendors.

5 hours ago, DWho said:

If they sold something neat for a billion credits, how long do you think it would be before someone came to the forums to complain how unfair it was that only rich players could afford it. It might even drive credit sellers more if it was particularly desirable. They've been hurt, but they are still sitting on lots of credits.

was that not the problem with the hypercrate's that at some point it was reaching more then 1bill credits that at some point you only see in the trade channals on the fleet that people are selling hypercrate's for a lot of credits since it was the best selling item to get fast credits from also.

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55 minutes ago, Spikanor said:

was that not the problem with the hypercrate's that at some point it was reaching more then 1bill credits that at some point you only see in the trade channals on the fleet that people are selling hypercrate's for a lot of credits since it was the best selling item to get fast credits from also.

When the crystal vendor opened up on fleet in 2012 that is exactly what happened. People complained the prices were too high and it wasn't fair they couldn't buy them.

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here is something i think nobody and really nobody has think about it also in the first place.

if this game has a credit problem and the game is making to much credits.

why are there keeping the grade 1 t/m 10 credit case still in the slicing skill missions and also on the field.

why not remove the grade 1 t/m 10 credit case boxen from the game and replace the slicing field items with sliced tech parts.

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Yes i have purple augments and yes i used to raid in 4.0 and ive done nim and guess what there were no gold augments. Thats when everbody used the companion gift bugged and made billions in 5mins. I was like im not doing that im going to lose my account, Nah Instead of the players being punished nothing happened and all that credits went into the gtn by crafters abusing the system and lil by lil everything went of range of the normal raider/endgamer.

You have to go full whale now to keep up since they did nothing. And yea gold augments is p2w anything thats giving u an advantage taht you can buy against others is p2w. Every dying mmo does it so its not a big shock. If they fixed bolster in pvp and white bar so you cant be spawned camped and cc'd over and over again by a stacked premade maybe augments wouldnt be a problem but missing 5k health is a problem in a game were gear matters way to much. its like 1.0 all over again but ten times worse since u can just open your credit card and buy gear. Idk why im here still ffxiv and wow are way better mmos.

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6 hours ago, Skummy said:

have to go full whale now to keep up since they did nothing

Be sure to keep up with the more  current  thread & info here: https://forums.swtor.com/topic/930929-731-credit-economy-initiative-update/

6 hours ago, Skummy said:

 And yea gold augments is p2w

Gold augs on Star Forge are now selling for barely over 150mil ,  so i'd say  something is def. working better than before.

Also:  Anyone who's ever PVP'd or done NiM's  knows that  RL skill  trumps  miniscule stat-padders  any day. ;)

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I can buy one gold augment thanks, Group up with me when im being farmed by a premade i spend aobut 70% of the game in spawn. But yea im sure skill matters so much in 7.0 so much counter play when trinket is 3mins and dcds . white bar and bolster doenst work kekw


If it takes alot of skill grp up with me and use purple augs going against a stack premade let me see you skill big boi.................................................ppl like to talk alot on here but best believe no action.



crickets crickets

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8 hours ago, Skummy said:

Thats when everbody used the companion gift bugged and made billions in 5mins. I was like im not doing that im going to lose my account

That’s not entirely true.

Musco actually came onto the forums & said you wouldn’t lose your account. And that they would keep the 1 credit buy price so others could take advantage of it too & get their companions up. 

Plus, at the time, you couldn’t make billions in 5 mins from it. You couldn’t resell them back to the vendor for more credits than they cost & they were worthless on the GTN because everyone had them (except you apparently 🤦‍♀️)

It wasn’t until BW put the price back up at the vendor & the quantity still in the community started to decline about 2 years later, that you could make good credits off them. But it didn’t create the credits, it just moved them from people who had them to the person selling the gifts. 

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8 hours ago, Skummy said:

You have to go full whale now to keep up since they did nothing. And yea gold augments is p2w anything thats giving u an advantage taht you can buy against others is p2w

You can literally farm the mats you need to make the augments. That isn’t p2w 😂

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37 minutes ago, Skummy said:

how much cartel coins did you buy for your augments lol?  🐳🐳

Zero. I crafted all mine, farmed the resources myself and bought my RPM and OEM off the vendors.

I have a few hundred billion credits and only spent 20 dollars on CC when the CM first opened.

The argument that "only whales can afford Aug 77's" is lazy and inaccurate.

Edited by Darkestmonty
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8 hours ago, Skummy said:

i have 100 mil credits i cant buy one lol if you wanna farm 1.0 content for the past ten years go for it lol.


@Nee-Elder Make you feel big and strong calling people bad what a toxic person kiss kiss xoxo

Putting aside that the difference in stats between Aug 74s and Aug 77s is less than 2% of your total stats at level 80 with 336 gear, why do you deserve Aug 77s for less when everyone else who has them was able to craft or save up credits to buy them?

Being smart in PvP, knowing how your skills stack, and understanding how to use your defensive cool downs has a bigger impact than a 2% increase to your stats (the difference between Aug 74s and  Aug 77s).

Your issues seem to stem more from your refusal to take part in the player economy and learning the updated combat system than an increase in less than 2% of your stats.

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22 hours ago, Skummy said:

i have 100 mil credits i cant buy one lol if you wanna farm 1.0 content for the past ten years go for it lol.


@Nee-Elder Make you feel big and strong calling people bad what a toxic person kiss kiss xoxo

Lazy players buy crafted stuff off the GTN. But crafting isn’t hard, it just takes some of your play time to do it. That’s why the Augs aren’t cheap. Because it costs players game time to craft them.

And the mats aren’t from 1.0. They are from 6.x to 7.x content. Most people get them from normal game play.

If you are time poor then your only option is to buy them on the GTN. But non lazy people either craft their own or make credits other ways to buy them from the GTN.

Only fools buy credits from credit sellers. And only people with more money than brains buy CC these days to just convert to credits through CM GTN sales so they can buy Augments you can make for free 😂

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