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Normalize daily heroic rewards while leveling past 60


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Why is it that when doing daily heroics while leveling the rewards change from something useful (on level gear with spec selection) to something largely useless?


I don't recall which expansion added the Alliance these boxes can turned in but fact of the matter is: I don't know where the turn-in is? Should I care? Probably, eventually. But while leveling from 1-60 my routine is sorta like this:

1. Do planet quest. Story, exploratory, planet story etc.

2. Do heroics. After each heroic open chest for gear upgrades.

3. Go to next planet.

4. Repeat 2.

5. Repeat 3.


But past 60 at step 2. there is now these largely immedately useless boxes I'd need to turn on the Fleet instead of just being able to be consumed instantly. I can actually feel my motivation to keep leveling dopping because the happiness hit of looting the heroic chest has gone away. Now all the upgrades I can look forward are some random greens.


I'd probably feel somewhat differently if my chosen method of leveling wasn't "Finally do all the story quests for the class". But I tried just doing heroics for leveling and suddenly no more gear past 60 stopped that and my other method of leveling, doing flashpoint as healer or tank is more hazardous in SW than it is in WoW due to scaling - a level 15 healer just doesn't have the tools (as a noob) to keep 3 rushing DD alive, which is why I am not trying that anymore.


It is also annoying that there isn't at least an intro quest that tells me where I can turn in these boxes.


I therefore suggest that either these boxes can be opened in the field or rewards are bought in line with the preceding rewards.

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30 minutes ago, SentosKarum said:

I don't recall which expansion added the Alliance these boxes can turned in

4.0, Knights of the Fallen Empire.

30 minutes ago, SentosKarum said:

but fact of the matter is: I don't know where the turn-in is?

In the War Room instance on Odessen.

30 minutes ago, SentosKarum said:

Should I care?

Depends if you care about the appearance of the gear in the crates.  If not, just destroy them in the right-hand side of the "Deconstruction/Destruction" panel.

30 minutes ago, SentosKarum said:

But past 60 at step 2. there is now these largely immedately useless boxes I'd need to turn on the Fleet

You claimed not to know where to turn them in, and yet somehow you - incorrectly - assert that it's on the Fleet.

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They should drop level-appropriate stat gear for leveling characters all the way to 80 as an addition to the KotXX boxes. 

The crap inside has been nerfed so much that the gifts are mostly worthless, and the shell gear has no credit value at all.

Edited by DawnAskham
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24 minutes ago, DawnAskham said:

They should drop level-appropriate stat gear for leveling characters all the way to 80 as an addition to the KotXX boxes. 

The crap inside has been nerfed so much that the gifts are mostly worthless, and the shell gear has no credit value at all.

I got a few of them while doing stuff for the last Galactic Seasons and I just threw them in my legacy bank. Can you even go to Odessa if you haven't played KotFE and beyond? If so, it is absurd to give people worthless boxes they can't use.

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3 minutes ago, Dayshadow said:

I got a few of them while doing stuff for the last Galactic Seasons and I just threw them in my legacy bank. Can you even go to Odessa if you haven't played KotFE and beyond? If so, it is absurd to give people worthless boxes they can't use.

I think you need to make it chapter 9 in KotET to access the area that has the turn-in NPCs, or use the skips on the ship to start KotFE / Iokath / Jedi Under Seige. 

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20 minutes ago, Dayshadow said:

Can you even go to Odessa

Given that Odessa is in a war zone(1), it's probably not a good idea.  Of course, you might have meant "Odessen", in which case...

20 minutes ago, Dayshadow said:

if you haven't played KotFE and beyond? If so, it is absurd to give people worthless boxes they can't use.

... whether or not you can *go* there at level 65+(2), you can't go into the instance where the NPCs that exchange the crates are located unless you have completed the cut-scene at the beginning of KotFE Chapter IX.

(1) It's a sea port on the Black Sea coast of Ukraine.

(2) "65+" because even in 4.0, it was impossible to reach that part of KotFE without also reaching level 65.

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1 hour ago, SteveTheCynic said:

... whether or not you can *go* there at level 65+(2), you can't go into the instance where the NPCs that exchange the crates are located unless you have completed the cut-scene at the beginning of KotFE Chapter IX.

(1) It's a sea port on the Black Sea coast of Ukraine.

Yes, you can go to Odessan, and other late-game planets, without being the appropriate level or even having progressed through the story.  The only planet that has a firm level requirement is Quesh, and the only planets that require story progress before they become available are Zakuul, Iokath, and Darvanis.

Odessa is also a city in Delaware, Florida, Michigan (as Lake Odessa), Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New York, Oregon, Texas, Washington, West Virginia, Ontario, and Saskatchewan.

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If you level through flashpoints, you'll find until level 80, it nearly never matters what gear you have on since Mastery and Endurance are bolstered. You'll even get a gear piece for every boss. This bolstering is pretty funny, because it only works on players 79 and below. So an undergeared level 80 will be worse off than an undergeared level 79.

The crate issue is a major problem, and you nailed it with "I don't know where the turn-in is? Should I care?". These creates have to be turned in at the Alliance HQ, however, you cannot do this until after chapter 9 of KOTFE. Most level 60s today are not even close to being on Chapter 1 of KOTFE. Much less know about the alliance crates.

It's not a solution to Bioware's Alliance Crate problem, but if you want to stay geared for Heroics outside of Flashpoints, the Supplies section on the fleet is your best friend. There you can buy shells and mods for pennies. Next to the level 15 mod vendor is a vendor that sells some neat shells. Even if you find them all ugly, you can hide them under your outfit. Then, each section you visit in supplies will have mod vendors ranging up to about level 70. After that you'll find the level 80 endgame vendors. 



Edited by Traceguy
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