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Having to update every time I log in


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On 4/11/2023 at 8:14 AM, OwenBrooks said:

@Fenrirxero @KathiosLorano @AlainaFlute

I raised if support knew the cause of this , at this point they seem to think it is antivirus/firewall blocking the file 

What antivirus are you all using and are the swtor folders and files in the exception list ? need to try and see this is not the cause to build a case to look deeper if necessary 

It's seemingly random and will go away for days then re-appear. Connecting to a non-English Server seems to make it go away, sometimes for a day or two, then it comes back. This is NOT a local Anti Virus Issue. You've got a bad version number on one of your North American English patching servers. If the user happens to hit that particular instance they get nailed with the problem.

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I also have the problem. I've never had the game log in and tell me the server version doesn't match - it will just redownload the whole patch about half the time when I log in. The other half the time it will work as it should. 

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I tried the "change language" thing and now all of my in game text is missing and replaced with strings like, "loc:263:portraitbar". The menus have no text, the character abilities have no text, the maps have no text, etc. I couldn't even quit the game without alt-f4ing because there was no button to quit. 

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Just starting running into this issue tonight.  Last night it was the game version/server version error that I've never seen before.  Tonight, I am downloading 14GB, and it's not checking files, it's downloading.

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Not sure if it's related, but after I finally got the game to actually complete the download and run tonight, many of the animations are just sortof... "missing," For example, on my Gunslinger the Aimed Shot will fire, but the character won't do the actual animation of raising his arms and firing. 

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16 minutes ago, Fenrirxero said:

Update:  Got the big 36 gb update again...  I was really hoping it wouldn't come up again.  Please fix this game!  I'm getting tired of having to download this freaking patch every 3 or 4 days.

I feel like it's getting worse. I used to have to do it every 3 or 4 days, but the past several days it's been every time I log in. 

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This started happening to me yesterday. It re-downloaded the 35 GB of game files, then said I had the game version mismatch.

I logged out and back in, and it downloaded the whole thing AGAIN.

Today, it *only* downloaded  2-ish GB patch before I got in.

Comcast has a data cap. I can't be downloading 35 GB of data every day.

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Also having these issues (NA, Rise Broadband) - need to DL about 2 GB every day or two, which is really irritating when my antiquated ISP charges for exceeding monthly DL limits (especially when my wife and I started again a week before the last major update only to have to reDL 35 GB x2, heh). It's looking like we're just going to have to cancel our subs and wait until we move in the next year or so if this keeps up. Really glad we haven't had to DL the entire game like some of you have had to post-7.2.1 =/ (We've also gotten the version mismatch error a few times after "updating," but fortunately we've been able to get right in after restarting the launcher so far).

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Having this issue since installing the 64 client. Europe - English Server - no test server.
Older Laptop, close to not passing requirements ;)
Luckily it does not install the full 35gb-ish (3 - 5 hrs for me) but it seems that it does a recovery (only ~15mins) ... with the wrong client version ?!
Small DL => BIG recovery => Start Game => wrong version => automatic exit
Wait 15mins => small DL => start game => works fine

For me it seems to happen when i switch charakters. Changing Language does NOTHING (for this bug) but DL 9gb

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I'm having the same problem. Up until yesterday, the launcher was working fine, and then it started downloading some 120Mb update. I shut it down, relaunched it and it worked fine until this evening, where it started downloading the 36Gb patch. I'm in EU (France), usually playing on StarForge and my ISP is FreeTelecom. Why is this happening?


EDIT: Now I also get the "game version not matching the server's" error message, but I can still log on my toon...

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5 hours ago, ShockForce said:

Same thing is happening to me. The game version doesn't match server version.

It started today. Had to download 35 gig fist log in. when I was on the character screen it told me the game version doesn't match server version. Second log in it downloaded about 2 gig and I had the miss-matched sever warning again.  But I could log into my toon.

I am in NA on AT&T fiber and i have swtor cleared on my firewall list.

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1 minute ago, Traceguy said:

Everything. This is a bug in the EA launcher. The Steam launcher has no such problem.

And what exactly does 2023 have to do with any of that?  Could you stop derailing please?

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6 minutes ago, Fenrirxero said:

And what exactly does 2023 have to do with any of that?  Could you stop derailing please?

The fact that steam has been around since 2003. 20 years, and people are still  frustratingly refuse to install Steam.

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9 minutes ago, Traceguy said:

The fact that steam has been around since 2003. 20 years, and people are still  frustratingly refuse to install Steam.

....And you continue to derail.  Thanks.


People refuse to install Steam because it's a system on a system to run a game.  It's like adding an unnecessary middle man.  I personally add only the minimal software to my computers, and since there are no games I play that even need Steam. 


That being said, I might consider installing it just to keep this from happening, assuming my old computer can even handle the extra resources needed to run it.

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