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New update not running on windows 10


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A friend of mine doesn't do anything anymore when he clicks play on the launcher.

Have tried everything described here. But after clicking play nothing happens.

The hardware is more than sufficient.

For me it was dx9 and compatibility mode.

Unfortunately, I don't know what kind of feedback I got during the test on the test server, but apparently Bioware didn't manage to get everything to work properly.

It cannot be that a player should clean up the errors that Bioware makes himself.

You pay your contribution every month. (subscription)

And players will run away from you if you don't fix the problem that many have at Bioware.


Sorry for my english

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Okay, so I got the download to finally finished, but I am honestly confused about what just happened, maybe someone with a little IT knowledge can shed some light.

As i Mentioned in my first post to this thread, i originally uninstalled Starcraft 2 to free up the space for the update, which was around 40GB if i remember correctly. After doing so, the download finally started, but stalled at around 8GB remaining. I checked everything mentioned in the other comments (directX, firewall, C++, etc) and nothing changed, so i gave up for the night.

Decided to try again today, and when i went to check my storage again, I saw that my SSD was full even though i removed a 40GB game the night before. Again, i decided to get rid of another game to free up space, uninstalled World of Warships which was about 50GB, and the download finally completed. Only weird thing was that when i checked my SSD space, it now says i have over 90GB free. Obviously 40+50=90, im just confused as to why my storage deemed itself full before the update, but then 90GB free afterward.

Usually a download will tell me if my space is full, but i guess SWtoR is the exception. Hope this will out others who are not able to complete their update.

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I can run the game, but I do NOT have any sound.  I can launch the game, I hear the droid sound, but when the character select screen comes up, I have no sound.  When I select a character and land in a world, I still have no sound.

I have an ASUS ROG 17" - i7 - 48Gb of RAM - NVIDIA GeForce GTX970M - Windows 10 - Samsung 50" 4K monitor @3840x2160 60fps

Everything, graphics wise, runs at HIGH / VERY HIGH 

But I have no SOUND !!           Everything is all better

Everything "in-game" is back to being without sound.  I haven't changed anything...  I guess it was just messing with me...


Edited by ChrisLinger
I do NOT have sound !!
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I can get past the launcher, but not the title screen. Launcher works fine. I click play. Title comes up. I can hear an astromech and some sounds for a bit, then sound cuts out and I get a little blue circle for my mouse pointer and it just stays on the title screen forever. SWTOR was already added to firewall allow list. I have downloaded Direct X 9 and installed it. I have checked compatibility settings and all are unchecked. My system meets all specifications. Windows 10 64-bit. I’ve done everything suggested and can’t get past the title screen. If I click the mouse after a while I get the error message that Star Wars: The Old Republic is not responding. I can close the program or what for it to respond. Waiting for it to respond does nothing. Just stays on the title screen forever.

Edited by SoonerJBD
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On 3/29/2023 at 11:51 AM, Cool_Rob said:

I have the same problem as many here do.

Can't get past the launcher. Press Play. Nothing happens. 

Lots of suggestions on what to do have been made. I did check my compatability box. Was unchecked. 

I can tell you what I will NOT do. I will NOT dowload a bunch of programs just to make your game work. I will NOT mess with Windows defender. I dont have the neccesery skills or know how to do that. 

I pay for this game. The onus to solve this is not on me. It's on EA. A big corporation that behaves like an indie developer. Release a bug fix or give me my money back. 

You cant just take my money and then make me fix your misstakes when you screw up. I meet the minimun requirements and more to play this game.

This is like going to the store to buy milk. You pay for the milk. But the cashier doesnt give you any milk. Instead you're told you have to milk the cow yourself. 

Hi there, I know you don't want to install anything but if your PC is missing the dll file from Visual C++ then it is not really anything the game devs did or did not do. It is just a random system file that you need to run it as well as some other programs. I am not sure if the devs can do anything to fix that as it is not a game file but a system file. Without reinstalling Visual C++ you may run into this issue with other programs to as it is not a game file. So even though you don't want to install anything I would still recommend reinstalling Visual C++ to avoid this issue with future programs and hopefully fix your game. Here is the link to download it if you do wish to reinstall Visual C++ https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x64.exe Now I am no PC expert, this is just info that I am partially assuming since Visual C++ is a Windows thing and not a game thing.

Edited by WilliamtheTiger
Edit1: Added the link for Visual C++ I shared in a past post Edit 2: Adding the fact that I am not a PC expert
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On 3/28/2023 at 1:47 PM, JackieKo said:

Hi all, 

I'm trying to keep track of all the updates, but if you are experiencing an issue of not being able to log in/play, can you please confirm in ONE post if: 

  • Adding the app to your Antivirus/firewall allowlist did not work
  • Updating DX9 did not work. (Note that if you had it installed before but it now no longer working, you will need to update it)
  • Unchecking compatibility did not work

This is correct. 

Additionally, I am updating this thread as needed. 

I'm having the same issues. Before the patch, I ran everything on very high. After the patch, I get as far as the play button and then nothing. I've tried everything you suggested, but I don't have time to troubleshoot this nonsense.... Smdh.... This is why I play everything else on consoles. 

Edited by ImmortalLowlife
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16 hours ago, ImmortalLowlife said:

I'm having the same issues. Before the patch, I ran everything on very high. After the patch, I get as far as the play button and then nothing. I've tried everything you suggested, but I don't have time to troubleshoot this nonsense.... Smdh.... This is why I play everything else on consoles. 

IDK if you tried this yet but you may want to reinstall Visual C++ as it fixed the issue for me

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First of all. All these links over here..... avoid! Just go to MS by googling and get your programs, dll and Cxx whatever there. Hackers can sign anything, and MS volunteer moderators on their forum are fibkings ('every update bricks yo pc!'). Just use official stuff and assume hackers 'like to help out with helpy links'

I got another tip if it still applies: Use a recovery point from the week or day of the SWTOR from before the update, opt on 'see invisible/system files' and go to C, your personal folder, appdata (the invisible one), local, swtor, settings, and ZIP settings. Move it to another drive or folder away from any swtor folder, and change the name so any swtor repair or EA program does not see it. (Let's stay constructive, lol..)


Now totally uninstall swtor. Alas this was my only way to install it since I lacked a few GB, moved some GB so the drive could install it (it freezes during install if lacking space), and yet again it freezes. It seems that if it lacks space, and you make free the needed few GB, A COMPLETE COPY OF THE ENTIRE DOWNLOAD IS ADDED NEXT TO THE PARTLY DOWNLOAD ALREADY HAVING FAILED DUE TO LACK OF SPACE!!! AND FREEING SPACE TWICE MEANS 3 COPIES OF THE DOWNLOAD ARE DOWNLOADED TO THE SAME DRIVE!!!!! EL HORROR!!!! (*After closing SWTOR to make room and restarting it again...)

Only uninstalling the game finds this out!!

How the download should happen is that during download things that are replaced get's deleted during the process!!! NOT GIVING US MULTIPLE COPIES OF 33GB!!!! SAN SALVADORÉ, CARAMBA!!!


I might already have all these weird Cxx stuff since I was tinkering with Visual Studio making Pengo for Atari... with an uzi and a droid firebreathing sidekick...


After reinstalling.... all servers EMPTY! Time to fiddle around...

I put that settings folder back, overwriting the previous one.... EMPTY SERVERS.

Alright..... totally delete this settings folder, and put the unzipped one there without overwriting.


My Eset now tells me after 1 minute delay (weird) that SWTOR needs internet access!! :)

....all servers pop up, AND I GOT MY QUICKBIND SETTINGS :D


If you use Windows Restore Points, you can still get this old settings folder on C in the appdata swtor folder. Just let the pc travel back in time.


Don't forget to untap 'invisible folders' when you are done. ('hackerz')

Also I managed to get windows to make a restore point automatically. (max one a week is allowed for the automated ones)

You can do this in Task Manager. Windows already has an entry there if you already made one restore point on your pc, and windows make one after updating too. You can either alter that one, or make a copy of it and disable the original one. Then set the new one to 'day x of the week', and 'retry x times' and 'only when pc is active'. You might want to google around for this. Disabling the original, and using a copy is ok when not sure what you're doing. It's like making ZIP's when tinkering with folders or programs. If all fails, put the ZIP back...


I think it also protects from encryptions. But you need to activate shadow copies too. Good luck with NASA shredder software 34x overwriting and the shadow copies needed to counter Murphy.... :(:) .


I can have 3 cakes and eat 4. 'Quantum'.... :D


Edited by Capt_Solbeamer
*extra info
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Sorry if this has been suggested already, but do you have the "disable full screen optimizations" tweak applied? After the update the game will not load for me if that box is ticked in the .exe file's properties. I also am capped at 60fps for some reason, but that's another problem entirely.

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On 3/28/2023 at 2:46 PM, SSBragancia said:

Ok, let's pretend for a moment that not every SWTOR player and the entire world is made up solely of game software developers. Because they're not!

If this "DX9" is suddenly critical to running the SWTOR software, why isn't it included in the patch update? Why isn't its installation as a requirement included in the patch notes? Why isn't it available for download on the SWTOR website? Why aren't instructions for its installation and use available on the SWTOR website? Sounds like EA dropped the ball in a major way here because, right now, SWTOR is completely unplayable for a lot of people who did nothing more than download EA's patch like they were supposed to, log in by providing the information that they were supposed to, and click the Play button like they were supposed to.


EDIT: And now that I've gotten the whining out of my system, I'm going to put my big boy pants on.

I got it to work. Here's how...

1) Download the DirectX 9 executable using the link posted to this forum that takes you to the Microsoft website. The download should automatically trigger; you'll need to save the file to a local file on your hard drive. If the download does not auto-trigger, click the big red DOWNLOAD button on the webpage.

2) Run the downloaded DirectX 9 executable (i.e., double-left click on it). Note this will NOT install DirectX 9; it will ask for a location on your hard drive that it will extract the installation files to. Either use a folder you already have or create one first, then run the DirectX 9 executable you downloaded from the Microsoft website.

3) Once you've extracted the files from the downloaded executable to your folder, go into that folder. Find and run the executable file named "DXSETUP.exe". At this point, it will auto-install DX9 and tell you when it's done.

4) Try logging into and running SWTOR.

Hope this helps. And EA/BioWare, 1) this should never have been a problem for the player base, and 2) if SWTOR required DX9, it should be included and auto-installed in any major client patch or at least the link and in-depth instructions should be on the SWTOR website. Speaking as a retired software developer/engineer with 24 years in the business, shame on you.

Thank you so much for posting what you need to do with directx I am now able to get on. SWTOR thinks everyone is a computer geek some of us are old and didn't grow up with computers. It would be nice if they gave the instuctions need to complete the task. Again thank you for taking the time to tell us what we needed to do.   

  • Thanks 1
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2 hours ago, Zafaria said:

Thank you so much for posting what you need to do with directx... 

Happy to help. I'm one of those people who got into computers 'way back in the early 80s designing code and user procedures for mainframes. I've been designing and maintaining software as well as writing user procs since those early days and finally finished up with the major web design languages like HTML/JAVA/C++/Python/PERL before retiring. Guess it's kind of in my blood.

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On 3/30/2023 at 7:22 PM, SoonerJBD said:

I can get past the launcher, but not the title screen. Launcher works fine. I click play. Title comes up. I can hear an astromech and some sounds for a bit, then sound cuts out and I get a little blue circle for my mouse pointer and it just stays on the title screen forever. SWTOR was already added to firewall allow list. I have downloaded Direct X 9 and installed it. I have checked compatibility settings and all are unchecked. My system meets all specifications. Windows 10 64-bit. I’ve done everything suggested and can’t get past the title screen. If I click the mouse after a while I get the error message that Star Wars: The Old Republic is not responding. I can close the program or what for it to respond. Waiting for it to respond does nothing. Just stays on the title screen forever.

you not the only one who got that, i got it as well. i did everything that was posted by the dev. best i can say try a uninstall/reinstall, & maybe steam. i have not try it let, so can't say if it work or not. will up-date if it works or not.

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6 hours ago, thejediKnightjim said:

you not the only one who got that, i got it as well. i did everything that was posted by the dev. best i can say try a uninstall/reinstall, & maybe steam. i have not try it let, so can't say if it work or not. will up-date if it works or not.

Press the [Windows] Key + [R] at the same time 

Copy the following in to the text box and press ok 

Open the client_settings.ini file in notepad and ensure the following are displayed within 

Fullscreen = false
D3DFullScreen = false
RefreshRate = 60
Check NativeHeight, NativeWidth, Height and Width ( all 4 ) match your monitor resolution.

Save and close the file.
Start the game as normal.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 4/12/2023 at 3:28 AM, OwenBrooks said:

Press the [Windows] Key + [R] at the same time 

Copy the following in to the text box and press ok 

Open the client_settings.ini file in notepad and ensure the following are displayed within 

Fullscreen = false
D3DFullScreen = false
RefreshRate = 60
Check NativeHeight, NativeWidth, Height and Width ( all 4 ) match your monitor resolution.

Save and close the file.
Start the game as normal.

i have tried that still don't work & it all match my monitor resolution

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6 minutes ago, thejediKnightjim said:

i have tried that still don't work & it all match my monitor resolution

Make a post in the swtor technical issues forum https://answers.ea.com/t5/General-Discussion-Technical/bd-p/star-wars-the-old-republic-en  provide a dxdiag per https://answers.ea.com/t5/General-Discussion-Technical/Guide-Posting-a-DxDiag/m-p/4832663/highlight/true#M70799 and the contents of the client_setting file

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I'm in the boat of getting the download (first time I've been able to log on since update), and hit the launch and nothing happens. I've done the compatibility test, and nothing. I'm ready to uninstall and reinstalling to see what happens with that. 

I'm of the mind that I shouldn't have to install something else to play. 

Playing through the direct download if that helps.

Edited by KidaSangrael
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  • 2 weeks later...

I have 2 computers: desktop (Win 11) and laptop (Win 10)

On the desktop, I had to download and install DirectX 9 to make the game work.

On my Win 10 laptop, this did not solve the problem -- clicking the button in the launcher does not get the game going (it only shuts down the launcher).

I also confirmed the app is on the antivirus/firewall allowlist (didn't fix the issue), and compatibility mode is unchecked in the launcher (didn't get the game to launch, but turning it ON now fixes the zoomed-launcher problem, which I also started having recently...)

Other than the DirectX install (which I did on both computers), is there anything else I could try to get the game to start on my laptop? I don't have a steam account to switch to the steam launcher.

[Edit: it is a couple years old but does have the specs to run the game; I checked that too]

I'm missing out on double XP + unlock sale while I'm away on a trip with only my laptop. Lol.

Edited by Riyar
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