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Musco, Please get rid of Expiring Missions


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I would love to hear what BioWare's rationalization was to make missions expire out of our logs.  Did you think it was going to force people with limited playtime to give up their other life responsibilities and grind out more mission objectives each week?  Weeklies that expire seem especially cruel because many players can't even start them until the weekend and don't get a whole week to do their weekly.  Do you just want to get rid of more casual players by frustrating them by dangling the carrot just out of their reach until they just plain quit?  I don't see any real benefit served BioWare or players with this choice. 

Get rid of it and revert back to the old system and let us play how we like on our own schedules.


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I came back after a 1 year hiatus and found that to be the worst idea (admittedly I missed 7.0 as I decided to leave due to the announced and tested state of affairs back then). Progress against weeklies being reset does not make sense, "weekly" should not imply having to finish it within a week. If I recall Eric's response correctly this was explained with some kind of technicality to be able to rotate missions...

Purging dailies is more of an inconvenience/annoyance, but I'd still like to see it reversed to the previous state.

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1 hour ago, Sundown said:

If I recall Eric's response correctly this was explained with some kind of technicality to be able to rotate missions...

I missed Eric's post but it's probably to do with having one version of the mission for when it's a "focussed" mission for the purposes of Galactic Seasons, and one for when it isn't, that is, that the differences in the mission effects (granting or not progress on GS) are done by it being part of the mission rewards.  In that schema, they almost *have* to reset the weeklies on weekly reset (when the GS objectives change), or people would complain mightily (and rightly) about not getting their GS points.

But on that basis, expiring dailies makes no sense.

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6 hours ago, MaximusRex said:

I would love to hear what BioWare's rationalization was to make missions expire out of our logs.


2 hours ago, Sundown said:

. If I recall Eric's response correctly this was explained with some kind of technicality to be able to rotate missions...


24 minutes ago, SteveTheCynic said:

I missed Eric's post

i believe u guys are referring to THIS one? --> https://forums.swtor.com/topic/914517-changes-and-new-features-in-70/#comment-9647824

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7 hours ago, SteveTheCynic said:

I missed Eric's post but it's probably to do with having one version of the mission for when it's a "focussed" mission for the purposes of Galactic Seasons, and one for when it isn't, that is, that the differences in the mission effects (granting or not progress on GS) are done by it being part of the mission rewards.  In that schema, they almost *have* to reset the weeklies on weekly reset (when the GS objectives change), or people would complain mightily (and rightly) about not getting their GS points.

But on that basis, expiring dailies makes no sense.


Yeah, I think it was related to Galactic Seasons, and I also remember people were not happy about it. Sharing mobs on some area would be fine and working as intended, but when you can't share clickies it means a lot of people are fighting over the same ones. GS 1 objectives were random and everyone had different ones, so friends couldn't do their objectives together. GS 2 fixed that: everyone has now same objectives, so there is no reason to rotate anything anymore.


Let people play whatever content they want, whenever they want. Get rid of the timer too, it serves no purpose, except annoyance.

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32 minutes ago, DeannaVoyager said:

Let people play whatever content they want, whenever they want.

We mostly can, subject to some limitations regarding this reset time thing resetting/dropping missions, but you should be focussing on a slightly different aspect:

>>> Let people get similar(1) rewards no matter what kind of content they want to play.

But I'm going to come back to something else I've thought (and maybe even mentioned before) (and not just me, either):

>>> If the studio wants to see a more balanced mix of the activities that players play(2), they should make the less-played activities more appealing.  Note that this does not mean that the studio should attach important crafting materials (RPM, OEM, EMC, CMT, etc.) to those less-played activities.  No, they should make the activities more appealing in and of themselves.  Make them *fun*.

(1) measured in reward-given per time-consumed, so shorter things give smaller rewards, and longer things give bigger rewards to compensate for the extra time consumed.

(2) That isn't, in my opinion, a goal they should be pursuing, not as such.

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