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New Companions


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This was something on my mind since the start of GS3, and really not liking Phalanx (PH4-LNX) as a companion. It's just now that I'm getting around to talking about it.  I'm sure there are some people that might like her, but overall the majority of people I've talked to over this long stretch of time had a meh to negative reaction to her as a companion. Where as many people have used Fen or Altur during season, almost no one uses PH4-LNX. She's just very blend. So instead I'd like to suggest some more unique companions rather than another droid or another w/e that we already have.  I know some of these might be a bit lore inappropriate but honestly, I feel like lore went out the window a long time ago, and even more now with 7.0 when your game has Jedi Padawans running around shooting force lightning at people and everything is hunky dory.

1) Rakata.  I know most are supposed to be dead. Heck they're not even supposed to be force sensitive going by the lore anymore.  Yet the game has Rakata mystics and many others still around in Legacy of the Rakata FP.  I would much rather have a Rakata Mystic companion than some generic Scorpio wanna be in the future.  Please do this instead if you're not sure on what your options are. 

2) Massassi.  Similar to Rakata most are supposed to be dead. Yet Yavin 4 proves otherwise. Same as the Rakata I'll take this over generic droid, #6 or w/e.

3) Bothan. Here's a more realistic companion.  Bothans are alive and well, they usually make good spies, and someone that would probably fit well into our Alliance roster.

4) Voss.  We have Rokuss the Gormak, why not a Voss? I know we technically have Sana-Rae and Bey'Wan as both a Voss & a Bothan in the alliance but they don't count as you can't actually use them.

5) Selkath. Feel like Manaan was a missed opportunity for this.  The Republic got to team up with one, which was nice, but we don't get an actual Selkath companion.  Again something I wouldn't mind rather than a of something we already have. 

6) Rishii. Another more unique companion. The bird people could be interesting, if nothing else at least unique compared to what we have. 

7) Sand Person. Honestly back when book of Boba was starting up, I thought there would be some new sand people armor or a companion with how the first few episodes were going.  Then after a few more episodes I realized why none of that came to be...  Now I get that sand people are tribal, but so are Mandalorians. Yet we have people like Akavi, or Torian who are some of the only members of their tribe, and they decide to join you. I don't see why this couldn't be similar.  A Sand Person similar to the Matriarch from The Book of Fett who's a survivor that wants your help avenging her tribe would have been awesome in my opinion. Honestly felt like that was the best part of that show anyways. 

 I know there are a lot more options for companions too, and anyone who made it this far can feel free to add their own.  I just think this would be a good start going forward in the future.

Edited by Setta
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15 minutes ago, bluehufsa said:

Why not a Taung? 

Cause I need people like you to suggest things like that =D

There's far to many unique races that could (should) be put in, instead of something like another droid, or another human, or w/e else we have an over abundance of.

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I mentioned it once before, but I think the Vurk deserve time to shine. A Force-sensitive Vurk companion could make an excellent new padawan/apprentice for Force user commanders. For tech classes, he could be someone leaning towards joining the Jedi or Sith and values the commander's input.

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13 minutes ago, TheOneWhoLives said:

I mentioned it once before, but I think the Vurk deserve time to shine. A Force-sensitive Vurk companion could make an excellent new padawan/apprentice for Force user commanders. For tech classes, he could be someone leaning towards joining the Jedi or Sith and values the commander's input.

What exactly is a Vurk?

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22 minutes ago, TheOneWhoLives said:

I mentioned it once before, but I think the Vurk deserve time to shine. A Force-sensitive Vurk companion could make an excellent new padawan/apprentice for Force user commanders. For tech classes, he could be someone leaning towards joining the Jedi or Sith and values the commander's input.

That's actually a good one, and for some reason it jogged my memory about Falleen, which is another species I would also love to have. +1 for sure.


And to answer Blue's question, it's a reptilian species with a very dinosaur looking head. 


Edited by Setta
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Remember this certain Gormak person you save from Voss and allow to board your ship? Cant say anymore cause of "spoilers", but that one needs to be companion. I mean, what would be the point of having him onboard your ship? Missed opportunity, Bioware...but maybe you can actually redeem yourself and make him a new possible future companion 😛


Also, a Vurk companion would be interesting. I've always wanted a dinosaur like companion. Maybe even a raptor like companion for my Sith Warrior so it can hiss at Dark Sided Jaesa every-time she thinks about world domination...

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My biggest disappointment of GS comps is that they are no unique. I mean, Altuur has at least two unique abilities that are quite powerful. Why Fen and Phalanx don't have? I use Altuur the most from all three JUST because of those abilities. Same with e.g HK-51. Maybe he is weaker than most, but I love his unique abilities as well as char in general and I quite often run with one or another. For me making new comps even with one or two new abilities, either completely new or just give them new that we never saw comp had and I'd be fine as hell.
Phalanx in general was good idea, but how it was done is meh imo. Gemini droid purposed to gamble, sounds nice but somehow it was all meh and plain. Even skins for her are meh, where is black skin???
Anyway. I'd love to see such comps: (Derived from similiar post of mine)
- Selkath (force user?) (Infinite Army tech?)
- Kel Dor (force user?)
- Gree
- Anomid (From Schism Collective and Malgus's New Empire to connect it to previous stories)
- Skytrooper (I'd kill to have one as comp, especially if in lore it'd be for example a advanced model with real AI like HK or something)
- New HK unit? Or Sentinel droid from Kotor?
- Daichyura? Quite nice looking species ngl
- Krex (I like Daeruun, but I'm imperial player so would want one as comp or something)
- Iokath Purifer Droid (Not the one from CM. He is rusted. I'm talking about the ones who are clean silver and gold) or something like Aries from Kotfet. I love his design as hell. SO either Aries/Aries-like or Skin for some droid like Iokath or Skytrooper

For sure those.

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I really want a Chevin one. Would be perfect for a GS. With a Chevin Conglomerate reputation. Or just make an event one if they'd bring the Chevin event back (like they have Vrik for Pirate Incursion and Phrojo for Nightlife). I really like their design, language and background with being funded by crime syndicates etc.

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10 hours ago, Setta said:

almost no one uses PH4-LNX.

I really do not like arguments founded on egregious and unsubstantiated generalizations. Show the receipts. Please indicate the research you've done across the entire population of players across all servers across all playing times to demonstrate almost no one uses this companion.

If you've toddled around fleet a few times and didn't see many PH4-LNX companions out, you've made a really big leap, there. And it works the other way: Did you perhaps see a plethora of Gus?  Scourge? Did you really sit there and count?



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41 minutes ago, xordevoreaux said:

I really do not like arguments founded on egregious and unsubstantiated generalizations. Show the receipts. Please indicate the research you've done across the entire population of players across all servers across all playing times to demonstrate almost no one uses this companion.

If you've toddled around fleet a few times and didn't see many PH4-LNX companions out, you've made a really big leap, there. And it works the other way: Did you perhaps see a plethora of Gus?  Scourge? Did you really sit there and count?



Literally have asked people over months now since the first week of GS3 across 3 different servers, dozens of guilds, and I don't even know how many people at this point on their view on Phalanx, and GS3 in general. Sure what I have is still anecdotal, but by the same token what exactly do you have to say otherwise? I know, I know it'll be some bs about how I have to back up my claim since I made it, but let's be real. We both know there's no actual tracker for which companions are used the most, used the least and what not.  I suppose we can throw out a poll, but I'm sure you wouldn't be satisfied with that either so /shrug, this "egregious" claim is what you're going to get. 

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