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So, you are actually removing Unranked and forcing everybody to participate in ranked!


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11 hours ago, Jarbarian said:

It's not the cash cow it used to be anyway since they really left PVP for dead.  (aka: OP 1v1 classes like operatives just rick rolling everyone and now, balance sages way too OP, yet they nerfed Slingers to the ground).

Not just that but they never release enough consistent and good content nor do they take criticism of any kind well.

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A lot of this is gonna depend on matchmaking and how many ppl are going to queue. You'd think if there was an 8 man premade in queue it would get matched against other 8 mans, or a couple 4 man premades. Proper matchmaking is reliant upon a lot of ppl in queue, so we'll see if their strategy works.













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5 hours ago, Weswhitebore said:

Not just that but they never release enough consistent and good content nor do they take criticism of any kind well.

I don't disagree -- which is probably why SWTOR is nowhere near the same league as WOW.  And if you can't take criticism well, then we get what we get. 
A so-so game for PVE (unpopular aspect).
HORRIBLE game for PVP (which is the most popular, because facing real people is better than bot bosses).

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4 hours ago, Samcuu said:

A lot of this is gonna depend on matchmaking and how many ppl are going to queue. You'd think if there was an 8 man premade in queue it would get matched against other 8 mans, or a couple 4 man premades. Proper matchmaking is reliant upon a lot of ppl in queue, so we'll see if their strategy works.

But historically that is not happening. When a 4v4 or 8v8 team with one side being a group of ranked players, in unranked the other side will be a pug.
And that will kill this game for good.

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Oh wow I am checking the 7.2 patch notes.  Slingers/Snipers were not touched at all. How much does Bioware hate that class that they consistently praise lavish things on Operatives/Scoundrels (their healing is stupidly OP, along with all the CCs and vanishes).  They can't even give a poor slinger a "I can't do damage when behind a shield, so to make up for that, Bioware took away a very small HOT we used to have!"

That's how boned that class is.

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2 hours ago, Jarbarian said:

Oh wow I am checking the 7.2 patch notes.  Slingers/Snipers were not touched at all. How much does Bioware hate that class that they consistently praise lavish things on Operatives/Scoundrels (their healing is stupidly OP, along with all the CCs and vanishes).  They can't even give a poor slinger a "I can't do damage when behind a shield, so to make up for that, Bioware took away a very small HOT we used to have!"

That's how boned that class is.

what class do you play most often?

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Everyone who plays Operatives/ Scoundrels should be banned, me, Prum, the Devs, every OP on the DPS leaderboards, all of them. Just Delete the whole class. Nobody needs to play Operative. Even better, restrict playtime to 1 hour, only 1 hour of playtime is allowed on Operative. In the middle of a raid? Too bad. Almost finished with your weekly and in the middle of an W? Too bad, try again tomorrow. All hail the mighty Sniper.

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4 hours ago, Jarbarian said:

But historically that is not happening. When a 4v4 or 8v8 team with one side being a group of ranked players, in unranked the other side will be a pug.
And that will kill this game for good.

No it hasn't but the devs also said they were making tweaks to the matchmaking system. The other issue with matchmaking is that the queues aren't full enough to properly do any  decent matchmaking. The real solution is a cross server queue but I doubt we'll ever see that happen. Regardless tho the idea is to get more ppl into queue so the matchmaking works better. 

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19 hours ago, Samcuu said:

No it hasn't but the devs also said they were making tweaks to the matchmaking system. The other issue with matchmaking is that the queues aren't full enough to properly do any  decent matchmaking. The real solution is a cross server queue but I doubt we'll ever see that happen. Regardless tho the idea is to get more ppl into queue so the matchmaking works better. 

Then the solution is to just stop allowing groups in PVP. PERIOD!  The problem with matchmaking is your letting a group (ranked) team join in the queue with causal players. The result is people getting more and more upset with PVP in general. No one wants to play against a premade in UNRANKED PVP.

If you're going to remove ranked PVP, then the right thing to do was ban/block any premades in unranked PVP.

But that was far too logical for Bioware to act on it.  First PVP match this morning was against a premade in 8v8. Utterly DISGUSTING. People are either AFKING out or quitting during matches. IF that was biowares intention, that is what they got.

I told them not balancing classes, not allowing pvp to be fair and fun would be the end of this game.  That's the exact path its headed.

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On 12/10/2022 at 10:28 PM, krackcommando said:

I never saw much of a problem there. maybe it happened when I wasn't playing.

people afking in pvp to get season objectives is a thing i did notice too. but unlike gsf people in pvp cant find the vote-kick button and also it doesnt tell you when someone is not participating you have to see it. usually people standing just outside their own spawn where they probably wont be killed and dont have the deserter debuff anymore and then wait 12 minutes.

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Yep. I've faced nothing but premade ranked players all morning. In fact, the last match they started with 8 we started with 5 as the gates opened.

This is a debacle. I suspect many players are just going to quit the game for good. Thats what happens when you disregarding the PAYING PVP base.

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2 hours ago, Jarbarian said:

I play them all. I find Snipers/Slingers beyond WEAK and Operatives/Scoundrels and Balance Sorc/Sages beyond OP.

(virtually) everyone plays them all. it’s a decade old game based on class story with an incredibly quick leveling system. but (virtually) everyone plays one or two more often than the others….

so you play every class and spec an equal amount of time?  

it’s cool if you don’t want to answer directly or anything. free internet and all. just curious. i main an op myself. but the name kinda gives that away.

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3 hours ago, Jarbarian said:

Then the solution is to just stop allowing groups in PVP. PERIOD!  The problem with matchmaking is your letting a group (ranked) team join in the queue with causal players. The result is people getting more and more upset with PVP in general. No one wants to play against a premade in UNRANKED PVP.

If you're going to remove ranked PVP, then the right thing to do was ban/block any premades in unranked PVP.

But that was far too logical for Bioware to act on it.  First PVP match this morning was against a premade in 8v8. Utterly DISGUSTING. People are either AFKING out or quitting during matches. IF that was biowares intention, that is what they got.

I told them not balancing classes, not allowing pvp to be fair and fun would be the end of this game.  That's the exact path its headed.

No I can't get on board with an mmo disallowing ppl to group with their friends to play content. Eliminating premades should never be an option. Two solutions, stop prioritizing a fast pop. Take more time in building the right matches to make it a more fun experience. And second, figure out how to make a cross server queue pop. More premades in queue and u can match premades against eachother, more pugs in queue and u can match all the pugs together.

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