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Is swtor dead?


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Curious i am on vacation i have heard alot of rumors that swtor has died and lost alot of people already. Just wondering since i was really looking forward to playing when i get home.


LOL nope. Tell whomever told you that to go play Hello kitty instead.

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lol@going back to aion. good one :)



either way, if there's a decline, which I don't personally feel like there is, then it's more than likely because .. uh.. christmas holidays are over in about most countries (except for us lucky europeans who have the 6th of Jan off and usually take a few more days off :p)


apart from that I guess it's normal that people start playing a little less after about one-two weeks since evenually it's not all new and all shiny anymore. *shrug* don't think that means anything, really.

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No it's just become painfully obvious that the game wasn't ready for release and we're paying for stage 1 beta.



I've canceled until the second patch comes out. Cause I know full well the first patch will fix nothing and won't really help.



UI really bugs me beyond anything though. I hate hate hate hate not being able to move things around.


Great you cancelled now all you have to do is move along ...you think the game is a waste of your time yet the forums are not?

As was pointed out you do appear to spout lot of gloom and doom, really sorry your not happy with the state of the game but most of us have more patience and faith that things will get fixed in due time.


Also this is one of the smoothest and the largest mmo launch I have been part of, but you are entitled to your opinion that we are still in beta.

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When will all these whiners realize they are the vocal minority? SWTOR is fine, and one the best MMOs on the market!


so because those unhappy are a minority their opinions are meaningless and yours is somehow more important and valid?


this community will be fine i can tell already.

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Oh the drama...:rolleyes:


Most people don't want AC changing.


Most people don't want dungeon finder.


BioWare HAVE said what is coming soon, learn to read Dev Blog.


75% is a number you pulled out of your backside.

This.This, a thousand times over.

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jezus this game has been out for ten days or so officially and already people are convinced its dead..*** has happened to the MMO demographic that instead of trying to find ways of improving this game and getting the most out of it. They throw their hands in the air, scream this game is going to die a quick and horrible death and take off?
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Yes. All servers have been merged into a single "mini-server" which you can only log into on iPhones and certain models of graphing calculator.


Bioware is currently working to clone the seven remaining Old Republic players in order to reach the mini-server's population cap of 33.


The game went free-to-play two days ago. Next Tuesday, Bioware will be paying each player a monthly $15 "thanks for playing our dead game" fee.


this^ hahahlolol

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Lol, SWTOR dying? What SWTOR are you playing? Sure as hell aint the same.


like i said 2 days after i subbed i went on vacation so i haven't been playing any SWTOR

Edited by imolm
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I see less people online everyday, thusly, I think it is on the decline


I said it seems to be on the decline, not that it definitely was


LOL, and thus that makes it absolutely true, not because of the holidays or anything.


You used to be a good troll but now you're just sucking at it.

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not trolling just bored as hell in florida nothing to do stuck here with family. Gah wish i brought my car instead. all my grandparents want to do is watch t.v. on the plus side im growing out my neckbeard getting ready for when i get back to new york.
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Curious i am on vacation i have heard alot of rumors that swtor has died and lost alot of people already. Just wondering since i was really looking forward to playing when i get home.


OP it's just a lot of scared WoW babies trying their very best to discourage people from playing the game.


There is a reason people are STILL having to queue to get ingame...



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Curious i am on vacation i have heard alot of rumors that swtor has died and lost alot of people already. Just wondering since i was really looking forward to playing when i get home.


Its hard to tell if its dead or not. Since u are close to alone ingame even on full servers.

So for people that are used to socializing and seeing alot of other players around in a game.

I must say this game do feel dead.

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Its hard to tell if its dead or not. Since u are close to alone ingame even on full servers.

So for people that are used to socializing and seeing alot of other players around in a game.

I must say this game do feel dead.


Completely opposite for me. Zones I've quested in have lots of people around, chat is positively active, easy to get groups, general spam over /1. Seems very much alive to me. Maybe you just aren't with the main levelling curve?

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LOL... Put both sides face to face in the same room and the people who enjoy playing this game on its merits would adjourn after 5 minutes laughing their backsides off watching the rest eat each other alive. Once the loot & scoot riff raff clears out then the real party starts, and there will be plenty in attendance who will work to make it one for the ages. I'm one of 'em! Edited by GalacticKegger
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