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7.2 The Removal of Scoreboards


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On 11/11/2022 at 6:41 AM, septru said:

Apparently scoreboards are toxic because BioWare has removed them on PTS. 



10 hours ago, Skettitangles said:

So this 2nd SS looks to me like the "Personal" category like shown in the first SS is an addition as well as the "Season" category and in this case both "Round 1" and "Round 2" on the Scorecard. This is the case or have I missed something? This means the Scorecard is getting MORE features and not removed as first thought? Because if this is indeed the case and the Game is actively recording your characters "Season" then it seems this could easily be displayed on the Leaderboard page in some capacity.

Edited by TyrFoge
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1 hour ago, TyrFoge said:

So this 2nd SS looks to me like the "Personal" category like shown in the first SS is an addition as well as the "Season" category and in this case both "Round 1" and "Round 2" on the Scorecard. This is the case or have I missed something? This means the Scorecard is getting MORE features and not removed as first thought? Because if this is indeed the case and the Game is actively recording your characters "Season" then it seems this could easily be displayed on the Leaderboard page in some capacity.

I think you're right. But I can't be sure. I've tried to log onto PTS several times, but its bugged with steam. So rip

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Oh hi, Xam here!

So this is how the scoreboard is structured from what I've seem on the PTS so far (my screenshots are from a PvP Challenge Arena Match BTW).

The scoreboard shows you Valor Ranking, Season Points, Credits and XP earned and is divided into multiple tabs.

  • Personal – this shows you detailed personal stats for the whole match as well as all the medals you earned.
  • Seasons – this tab shows your progress through the PvP Season Reward Track and Objectives.
  • Overall – shows the overall stats for everyone in the match including (this MIGHT be arenas only)
  • ------ Medals
  • ------ Damage
  • ------ Healing
  • ------ Protection
  • ------ Damage Taken
  • ------ Kills
  • Round 1, 2, 3 – shows stats per round (arenas only).

Here are my screenshots:



The scoreboard is definitely not complete yet. To my knowledge, Warzones have not popped at all on the PTS. I am personally very curious to see what the medals are like ie. are they more objective based and less 'PvP' (combat) focused? Lol. But it would appear that Arena Medals at least are similar to what they are now...

Shameless plug - https://mmobits.com/2022/11/10/game-update-7-2-pvp-revamp-overview/ (more revamp info, being updated as I find more stuff on PTS) 😊

Edited by Pandoras_Jar
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25 minutes ago, septru said:

Apparently, they have also removed /spit and MVP votes.

The  decision to remove "MVP votes"   is sorta unnecessary yeah.   ( Although it was pretty flawed stat, since most players either  EXIT the warzone before voting  or just simply vote for their "friends"  lol )

However,  i like the removal of   /spit  emote , for 2 reasons:  First , from a pure STAR WARS lore standpoint , it  should've only been unlockable for SITH characters. :sy_darkside:  And secondly, just from a more philosophical & anthropological standpoint,  it has been proven (through various 'studies' ) that there definitely is a direct correlation between the prolonged effect of  DIGITAL behaviors eventually merging into the  subconscious, thereby confusing humans into thinking that type of behavior is also okay in RL.   ( Just try spitting---one of the Top 3 displays of primal disrespect---on anyone in your neighborhood and see what happens. :ph_danger: )

25 minutes ago, septru said:

Thank god for our safe spaces though. 

Well, from a certain point-of-view, the true "safe space"  is actually with the spitter , no?  (aka:  keyboard courage x 1000 :rolleyes: )

Edited by Nee-Elder
Reason: don't worry , u guys can still 'teabag' to your heart's content!
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1 hour ago, TyrFoge said:

Or just /laugh. Players already spam that one. So many emotes that /spit seems like a strange one to single out... 

It's not about individual actions like removing /spit, pvp banners (flags), or MVP votes, or any other specific features like scoreboards (even though they're not). 


It's about BioWare's overall philosophy and approach to 7.2 PvP... BioWare wants to incentivize casual players to play PvP. That's great! But BioWare believes the only way to do this is to eliminate elitism and toxicity; essentially create a "safespace." That's wrong!


You're never going to create a "safespace" in PvP. PvP is inherently a competition between two players. Trying to remove competition from PvP to establish a safespace is completely counter-productive to the nature of the game mode. That's why removing features like MVP and /spit are so dumb. It's literally pointless.


Now things like removing pvp flags are so much more insulting. A lot of players spend hundreds of hours improving and building their skills to earn those rewards. BioWare is essentially telling these players they don't care about them, as long as they can pursue some kind of nonsensical, pointless safespace. 

Edited by septru
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40 minutes ago, septru said:

. BioWare is essentially telling these players they don't care about them,

And this surprises you?! :ph_lol:

40 minutes ago, septru said:

I as long as they can pursue some kind of nonsensical, pointless safespace. 

sep, you can ignore my previous reply all you want, but it doesn't change the fact  that the real  'safespacers'  are the  /spitters  who hide behind keyboards and would NEVER  dare  to actually  spit at those same people in RL.

A true alpha doesn't need to  /spit  nor  /laugh  nor  plant a silly flag (or teabag) to compound their digital dominance.

Just simply  /bow and move onto the next kill. :sy_bountyhunter:

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11 minutes ago, Nee-Elder said:

A true alpha doesn't need to  /spit  nor  /laugh  nor  plant a silly flag (or teabag) to compound their digital dominance.

Just simply  /bow and move onto the next kill. :sy_bountyhunter:

That's cool... but I don't really see what that has to do with anything I said. 

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36 minutes ago, septru said:

That's cool... but I don't really see what that has to do with anything I said. 

Sure it does.  You're sitting here trying to defend  keeping a  /spit emote  in the game.


Then you keep trying to reinforce your argument by  hurling around the internet trope term of  "safespace" , when the truth is  anyone who tries to flex with  a  /spit emote is doing their flexing  from behind a  SAFE  keyboard. :ph_lol:

Edited by Nee-Elder
Reason: septru should be better than this
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23 minutes ago, Nee-Elder said:

Sure it does.  You're sitting here trying to defend  having a  /spit emote  in the game.


I don't defend /spit. I say that "removing features like MVP and /spit are pointless" because "PvP is inherently not a safe space." This is the appeal for anyone who calls themselves a PvPer: the competition. This is my argument.

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1 hour ago, Nee-Elder said:


sep, you can ignore my previous reply all you want, but it doesn't change the fact  that the real  'safespacers'  are the  /spitters  who hide behind keyboards and would NEVER  dare  to actually  spit at those same people in RL.

A true alpha doesn't need to  /spit  nor  /laugh  nor  plant a silly flag (or teabag) to compound their digital dominance.

Just simply  /bow and move onto the next kill. :sy_bountyhunter:

That's not exactly a great argument  point. We also wouldn't run around pretending to be Jedi irl because this is a video game. Removing /spit is just to make it seem like the devs are trying to be more inclusive. When like I said earlier you can still do /pointlaugh which has your toon point and audibly laugh at the other player when /spit is just something that appears in the chat. If they really wanted to fix toxicity through emoted 98% of the emotes would be gutted and we'd be left with /wave and /hug. This did absolutely nothing.

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5 hours ago, septru said:

Apparently, they have also removed /spit and MVP votes. Not sure if you can confirm or not @Pandoras_Jar


Thank god for our safe spaces though. 

Unless by some miracle I can get an actual PvP match (arena or wz) to pop on PTS (not enough people queuing lmao), then I won't know for sure about MVP votes or spitting. :(

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16 minutes ago, septru said:

I don't defend /spit. I say that "removing features like MVP and /spit are pointless" because "PvP is inherently not a safe space." This is the appeal for anyone who calls themselves a PvPer: the competition. This is my argument.

And imho, your  argument would be much stronger (and more respectful)  if you left out the  " /spit "  part.

14 minutes ago, Prapcaster said:

That's not exactly a great argument  point. We also wouldn't run around pretending to be Jedi irl because this is a video game.

I'm not  "arguing" anything.  I'm stating a FACT:  Anyone who  uses  /spit emote is  doing so  within just as much of a so called  "safespace"  as the person getting but-hurt by it.

And your other sentence i quoted is a ridiculous  non-equivoalent  comparison.  ( nice try though ;) )

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1 minute ago, Pandoras_Jar said:

Unless by some miracle I can get an actual PvP match (arena or wz) to pop on PTS (not enough people queuing lmao), then I won't know for sure about MVP votes or spitting. :(


...Maybe if BioWare ever fixed PTS we'd be able to log on and help

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1 minute ago, Nee-Elder said:

And imho, your  argument would be much stronger (and more respectful)  if you left out the  " /spit "  part.

I'm not  "arguing" anything.  I'm stating a FACT:  Anyone who  uses  /spit emote is  doing so  within just as much of a so called  "safespace"  as the person getting but-hurt by it.

And your other sentence i quoted is a ridiculous  non-equivoalent  comparison.  ( nice try though ;) )

Weirdly passive aggressive but ok lol. Only time I've ever actually seen people use /spit is to use it on people who killed them. And there's an easy way to get rid of a person who uses it on you. Typle /ignore and they can't emote you on any toon ever again. Like I said there's way more toxic emotes then /spit idk why this is taking people's attention off of arenas tbh.

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7 minutes ago, Prapcaster said:

Weirdly passive aggressive but ok lol. 

Typle /ignore and they can't emote you on any toon ever again.

 add-ignore  still shows the emote , as a  *blank* space for the name.  ( Not that i care either way, since i welcome  haters & spitters , cuz  video-game entertainment & all :sy_companion: )

And umm, "passive aggressive" ?!  HUH ?  I'm being very straight forward with my posts and simply responding to those who quote me.

Nothing "passive" about it.  Literally the definition of  forum debate here.

Edited by Nee-Elder
Reason: i think he meant "aggressive" without the "passive" lol
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16 hours ago, Prapcaster said:

Like I said there's way more toxic emotes then /spit idk why this is taking people's attention off of arenas tbh.

Exactly this. Removal of "certain" emotes and flags (especially flagging) is not the hill I'm going to die on in this conversation. I for one enjoy having players who are "poor sports" (forum rules/etiquette edit)  have the ability to out themselves in matches. It lets me know easily who to target for the matches duration. But that's just me and I get how other players find it off putting no matter how silly I think that is.

More importantly however at this point I feel that arguing for keeping flags and emotes is counterproductive to the real and more important topic at hand. Removal of Ranked and the ability to see Leaderboards. 

Edited by TyrFoge
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MMA is just a little more competitive than a computer game and it seems to survive without spitting and flagging. Most fighters even seem to respect each other.

Any kind of public measure like scoreboards drives behaviour. If that behaviour is "how much dps can I do in a warzone" then it is behaviour that undermines the point of warzones being objective based pvp.

If you want to see how much dps or protection or healing you can do then q arenas.

Losing MVP is a shame but premades were just voting for each other so it became a meaningless gesture a long time ago.

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On 11/13/2022 at 3:02 PM, septru said:

Now things like removing pvp flags are so much more insulting. A lot of players spend hundreds of hours improving and building their skills to earn those rewards. BioWare is essentially telling these players they don't care about them, as long as they can pursue some kind of nonsensical, pointless safespace. 

yeah. that needed to happen. those flags were very poorly thought through. it's one thing to use them in a ranked match (where they are earned in the first place), but all the flagging going on in regs...iunno man. I don't think those flags ever had any place in regs. afaik their sole purpose (practical use) was to taunt others, and anyone who pulled crap like that at the RL playground would get the everlasting crap kicked out of him.

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45 minutes ago, krackcommando said:

yeah. that needed to happen. those flags were very poorly thought through. it's one thing to use them in a ranked match (where they are earned in the first place), but all the flagging going on in regs...iunno man. I don't think those flags ever had any place in regs. afaik their sole purpose (practical use) was to taunt others, and anyone who pulled crap like that at the RL playground would get the everlasting crap kicked out of him.

Can you read the description on the flags? It says it is to honor your skill or something like that. If you take it in a bad way, sounds like a you issue.

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