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7.2 The Removal of Scoreboards


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tbf leaderboards were far from accurate in the first place. Many things were removed from the leaderboards infographic too. For example ED was the last thing removed from it hiding the fact most juggernauts with grit teeth were doing upwards of 5k HPS on average. 
Then we have a complete bug with the board which miscalculates largest hit via failing to read the combat log correctly. 
Then throw in a factor of uptime, this is really the only important factor in determining how someone may of done throughout the match and why the leaderboard was nice.
Starparse which is an alternate way of tracking things will now favor everyone; as if they do not enter combat they won't be included and their DPS will be tracked from when they do. 
While it also tends to be far more accurate it'd need some changing to properly track a warzone from start to end to calculate overall scores like it used to but I think it'd be very possible to do so. Whether the creator would do such a thing is a different story. 

I am sad to see it go, but honestly, it didn't quite tell you things accurately. 
Maybe the thought of dying won't be so rough for some, at the end of the day they made starparse able to see everyone and what they're doing and even their APM.. Which has been fun to look at. This is likely just going to shift to more people who want to see how they did with combat log tracking on starparse. 
For those who don't, they probably don't even know what starparse is. SWTOR: The great removal of things 7.0

I hope at the very least they police some of the toxicity that's bound to come out of this, I have found both sides to be pretty vile at times so it'd be awesome to see both sides punished for contributing to this kind of behavior that's caused this in the first place. 

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11 minutes ago, Beyrahl said:

tbf leaderboards were far from accurate in the first place.

Cease, you can't actually think the scoreboards need to be removed altogether because there were a few things that were inaccurate. That's a joke. And trust me... BioWare didn't remove the scoreboard because it was inaccurate. 


13 minutes ago, Beyrahl said:

I hope at the very least they police some of the toxicity that's bound to come out of this,

I don't know where you've been. But they haven't moderated anything in the last 2 years, and are removing ranked pvp because they don't have the resources to moderate. 

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Terrible change in my opinion and I've been playing regs since the game launched. The scoreboard was a way to gauge your own impact in the match and has been there since the launch of the game. Was this really a requested change?

These designers really don't want players who focus on PvP to play their game, do they? I was going to write, I hope they don't go through with this change, but we all know they don't listen to feedback and it won't matter.

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1 hour ago, septru said:

Cease, you can't actually think the scoreboards need to be removed altogether because there were a few things that were inaccurate. That's a joke. And trust me... BioWare didn't remove the scoreboard because it was inaccurate. 


I don't know where you've been. But they haven't moderated anything in the last 2 years, and are removing ranked pvp because they don't have the resources to moderate. 

Don't imply I am for any of this. I just don't see any of this not happening. They seem to have a clear direction they want. 
Whether they have or haven't I am more than well aware. Now they just don't really have an excuse. 

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Well based on what we know from past pts this will be coming in 7.2.

I guess their goal of positive play means just that.

Anything that separates players and could potentially be toxic is being removed. 


Essentially every player is equal because there are no more measurements.

I was pushing to make everyone on a level playing field with gear but this is taking that ideal to the extreme. Everyone is Equal because they are participating. Guess pvp really is getting gutted.

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5 hours ago, septru said:

Apparently scoreboards are toxic because BioWare has removed them on PTS. 


Starting to notice a trend here...........

Now I've gotta say I like this new screen they have here in terms of showing what medals were earned and how. If they are going to make medals the most important part if PvP there absolutely needs to be better transparency for the newer players this new system is going to attract on how to obtain them. That said there is absolutely no way I can get behind removal of the Scoreboards the way they are to compare how you did against the other team and players (teammates as well as your opponents). Sure there is Starparse (as already noted) but I would imagine a vast majority of players even use it. I myself have been guilty of not even turning it on during regs at times. If this new character screen (as shown) is an ADDITION great! If it's a REPLACEMENT than this a terrible terrible idea...

Was the Scorecard perfect? No.

Were there things about it needing improvement? Yes.

Needing removed? Absolutely 100% No

How are we supposed to vote MVP medals? Uh no. I have a bad feeling about this...

Edited by TyrFoge
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Gotta love swtor's communication behind this. Not only did they tell no one about these changes, but they refuse to given any kind of solid explanation either. The only good thing to come out of this is now we know swtor never cared about pvp. There is absolutely 0 reason for pvpers to stay subbed anymore.

They want to remove remaining signs of skill and achievement left. Its why they turned all the flags into decos. Its why ranked its being deleted. Its why the damage leaderboards will be gone. Any form of evidence that distinguishes you from other players will be removed. They want every player to be as moderately average as possible so no one's feelings get hurt.

Edited by Llacertus
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20 minutes ago, -BlackDragon- said:

What a joke. Does BioWare even know what PvP is? This is a terrible change.

The devs don't even know how to do a basic rotation dude. Have you seen the balance update changes? They don't even know what the bilities for each class do. 

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Xam xam confirmed scoreboard is still there btw lol, lots of panic for no reason. However I still agree there needs to be leaderboards, one for guilds and one for solo players, 1 in 8v8 one in 4v4. Could very easily be done too. I really hate the idea of player vs player being watered down. Get more players in queue accomplished through the pvp season rewards track. Take away the auto complete with credits. Make better rewards for the best players however u want to define that. If they do all this I think the revamp will be a resounding success. 

Edited by Samcuu
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13 minutes ago, Samcuu said:

Xam xam confirmed scoreboard is still there btw lol, lots of panic for no reason.

I tuned in late to her stream. So the scoreboard lets us compare numbers? Is the same scoreboard used in warzones and arenas? 

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1 hour ago, Samcuu said:

 However I still agree there needs to be leaderboards,

one for guilds and one for solo players,

one in 8v8

one in 4v4.

Totally agree ^  and  let's hope players/influencers  like  XamXam or LadyAdmiral  ( both of whom BioWare seems to listen to )  pass along your feedback @Samcuu !

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