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7.2 PvP Feedback


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To add to my previous post, here's some further feedback and comments based on my experience from the various testing sessions. I’m glad we got some matches in on Friday and Saturday as well. Thank you to everyone who came on and thank you to the devs for organising and coming on! It was fun getting to play with people I don't normally get to play with. Hopefully we'll got some more test sessions once some of the kinks have been fixed eg. scoreboard, medals, group queueing, seasons objectives etc.

No more MVP Voting

Why was MVP voting was taken away?

Parts of Scoreboard Buggy

The Personal and Season Tabs don't appear to be working correctly but maybe they are still a work in progress.


The scoreboard doesn't really properly show you what medals earn (doesn't help that the personal tab is bugged). The old scoreboard you just hover over a player's medals and it'll tell you which ones they got. Medals do however show up highlighted in chat (different to how they sow up in chat on live).

Here’s a list of SOME of the medals as they appeared while testing. Most appear to be incomplete and/or missing some zeros.

  • Defense Basic Medal awarded for gaining defender points!
  • Defense Bronze Medal awarded for gaining 2.5k defender points!
  • Combatant Medal for dealing 0 total damage
  • Destroyer Medal for dealing 0 total damage
  • Annihilator Medal awarded for dealing 6,200 dmg in a single blow!
  • Demolisher Medal awarded for dealing 12,400 dmg in a single blow!
  • Trauma Surgeon Medal awarded for a 98,900 heal!
  • Savior Medal awarded for delivering 0 total healing
  • Healer Medal awarded for delivering 3,900 total healing!
  • Paladin Medal awarded for preventing 2,400 dmg to your allies without dying once!
  • Guardian Medal awarded for preventing 0 damage to your allies
  • Protector Medal awarded for preventing 1,000 damage to your allies!
  • Shield Medal awarded for preventing 0 damage to your allies
  • Offense Bronze Medal awarded for gaining 2.5k attacker points!
  • Offense Medal awarded for capturing a pylon!
  • Offence Basic Medal awarded for gaining attacker points!

My suggestions for damage and healing single hit/heal medal values (could maybe go a little higher?)

  • Demolisher - 20k
  • Annihilator - 35k
  • Medic - 20k
  • Trauma Surgeon - 40k

For total healing for warzones, I would say maybe... 

  • Healer - 2 mill
  • Saviour - 4 mill

PvP Seasons

  • Didn't get progress on any of the objectives.
  • It would make more sense if we got multiple copies of decorations, instead of just one (at least 10 of each).
  • And to bring this up again, please remove the credit catch-up mechanism. If there has to be a catch-up mechanism, make it cost WZ-1 Accelerants instead. 

Rewards Vendor (Giradda)

I noticed that there is a mix of old-ranked rewards and new season rewards. The new rewards include the old trophy art decorations (which I find quite odd) and new placeable flags (haha). 

I still really do not like that the old ranked rewards are available with Seasons Tokens. I prefer for most of those rewards to remain exclusive. However, I think a compromise could be to not bring all the ranked rewards such as the Mounts and maybe some of the Weapons and armour sets to this vendor. That way PvPers still get some exclusivity to their hard-earned rewards (that PvE raiders get to have). It really is a slap in the face to everyone who grinded for the Ranked Rewards only to now see them easily be obtainable by players AFKing in matches.

Also, what's the go with old trophy art, that's currently tied to achievements, being removed from achievements and added to the vendor? Just keep them in achievements...

Onderon Arena

Overall, I do like the new Onderon Arena Map. My only complaint is in the underground/tunnel area there are too many pillars. I found it quite frustrating as both a healer and DPS. My heals and damage would often not go through because of los (line of sight) issues. I think there should only be a maximum of four pillars (same as the Mandalorian Arena Map 'underground' part). 


And finally just wanted to reiterate my plea for a leaderboard system. Especially since there's the new Battle Record system which could be used as the backbone of a leaderboard system (and maybe helps determine hidden MMR?). As I've previously stated, this would be a decent compromise for the removal of ranked and give us something competitive for all modes of PvP.

Edited by Pandoras_Jar
bolding text for emphasis :)
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  • Do you think you'll PvP more or less than you did before the update?


  • Do the rewards on the reward track make you want to PvP specifically to earn them?

Partially. The gear itself looks okay, and I'll probably put it into an outfit at some point or another, however I'm more interested in completing the track for the pvp tokens.

  • Do you think you'll queue for 8v8 Warzones or 4v4 Arenas equally?

Tentatively yes, depending on the atmosphere of both environments. 

  • Do you feel the new Warzone medals will encourage objective play?

Unsure until I'm able to see them in action, but based off of my impressions so far I'm inclined to lean towards no.

  • Is it clear how to earn PvP points and progress the Season reward track?


  • What is your overall impression of the changes to the PvP season system?

I like it. I think having an accessible incentivization for all PvPers will be a good thing for the game's activity. While it's a shame to lose some of the competitive elements of having a ranked leaderboard, having an overall reward system for players to participate in pvp, as well as being able to progress by playing both 8v8s and 4v4s, I think adds a fair amount of incentivization that will encourage players to try to actively participate in the pvp elements of the game beyond grinding for seasons objectives or gearing currencies like tech fragments or conquest commendations.

  • What do you like the most about the changes to the PvP season system?

Accessibility for F2P players is a big plus, as well as the freedom to participate either in 4v4s or 8v8s and progress at a hopefully equal rate. Overall, I do like the reward system in place, although I think it could use some adjustments.

  • What do you like the least about the changes to the PvP season system?

There's nothing that I think is particularly egregious about it, however what stands out to me as a negative as of the time of this post is the current pricing system for old replica/ranked rewards available to purchase with PvP tokens. I like the idea overall of having rewards be accessible for everyone, but with their current prices, the reward for many of the pvp items available far outweighs the investment of time that would be required to get them.

  • What is one change or adjustment you would like to make on the new PvP Season system, what would it be, and why?

Copying/adjusting this from another post I made for visibility here:

"I think if the current plan is to have players able to acquire a maximum of 20 tokens per season, and the absolute most expensive rewards available on the live client cost 200,000 ranked currency, it would make complete sense for prices to be valued at a 10,000:1 ratio.

For example, an armor set that costs 100,000 ranked tokens should cost no more than 10 of the new pvp tokens, and a mount that costs 200,000 ranked tokens can be available for the maximum 20 pvp tokens that can be acquired during a given season. For items that cost <10,000 ranked currency, a baseline price can be set of 1 pvp token per item."

I think that, with a change like this, ranked rewards would both retain their value as rare items, as you wouldn't be able to acquire more than one or two of the top-end items per season as has been mentioned by the devs on other posts, while also managing to avoid a system where some rewards feel far less worth it than others to invest one's very limited pvp tokens into acquiring.

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Today's updates to pvp seasons:

  • I'm still confused about how long a Season is supposed to last, how many weeks?
  • The requirements being upped for the weekly objectives feels harsh. I'm tying to figure out how many matches are expected to be played per week to reach the 1,000 weekly, and I came to around 30 matches. (400 points worth of objectives at 100 pints each, plus 30 matches at about 20 points each) That feels like a lot as someone who plays variety content, compared to how I complete Galactic Seasons and can bang out 4-6 objectives in 2 hours, which makes me happy even though I can't do all 7 per week. I'm worried I will look at the pvp objectives and say "I can't even complete one of these in the limited time that I play".
  • I know you get points from matches now, but I'm not sure new players will know that from the interface. I'm still not sure how exactly points per match are awarded.
  • I still feel uncomfortable with the Ranked rewards being on the vendor for casual PvP play. I understand you made them expensive and you'd be lucky to get 1 per season, but I think I'd still rather not see them on there at all, or at least those specific versions. (I would feel ok with a quick reskin/recolor, as I'd still be able to see who earned it the old fashioned way through competitive pvp - for example I'd be excited for say... a green version of the Battleworn Holo-Rancor, no one would confuse me for someone who had the skill to run ranked back in the day if they say me on fleet, just like no one confused the Cartel Market rancor with the glowing one from the Ranked vendor back in the day,)
  • Credits Unlock up to Level 15 (not all the way to 20) I think this is more ok than having them all unlockable with credits. That means someone can get 6 PvP Season Tokens with credits per season, so it would still take them a whole year to unlock a bigger reward like a rancor mount. And it would still encourage people to actually play, since casual players could buy the 15 then play as much a they can to try and get the final 10 levels. I might actually check this route out myself on live once I know what the prices are.
  • The "art" trophies being on the vendor rather than achievements seems really dumb, especially with them costing even more than some of the former ranked rewards. They should either cost like 1 token and be a consolation prize, or just be in achievements instead.
  • Will the Cartel Delegate Armor Lockbox / Cartel Enforcer Armor Lockbox / Season 1 Toys be going away at the end of Season 1? Do I have to spend my tokens on these two armors if I want to get them before they retire forever?
  • Will the other items be in collections? I see the Cartel Prospect's and Cartel Combatant's and Title: The Profitable are currently. I can not see the unlock cost, but can it be kept low at 1 CC / 10 CC compared to Galactic Seasons this season 3? How does this interact with "buying" the season on multiple servers to get extra PvP Tokens?
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On 11/10/2022 at 12:26 PM, JackieKo said:


  Hi there! As someone who formerly played ranked I can full heartedly say that unfortunately much of that game mode was sunken into an unfortunate realm of toxicity leaving people being harassed in /whispers and new PVPers being turned away from the idea of trying it out as they did not wish to become a target leaving ranked to be a very slow queue. Not every player was toxic, but having a majority falling into those lines leaves it as something that should be replaced.

  As for ranked rewards, I understand some people are upset that the rewards are being made available to everyone. In my opinion, you still have to work for them and it's not like you can buy everything in one season. Some people complaining just want it to take as long as possible for other players who don't have any or some of the rewards to be left discouraged in even trying. I believe 20 tokens is too high as I don't believe we can even earn that many in a season, playing on the PTS last week I believe the max was 16 or 10. 1,000 ranked tokens should equal 1 PVP Season token, so if an armor set costs 100,000 ranked tokens, it should cost 10 season tokens so people can at least pick out one or two rewards per season for working towards the finish line.

  Thank you guys for all your hard work, I look forward to enjoying this next update!❤️

Edited by KaiserImperium
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4 hours ago, KaiserImperium said:

I believe 20 tokens is too high as I don't believe we can even earn that many in a season, playing on the PTS last week I believe the max was 16 or 10. 1,000 ranked tokens should equal 1 PVP Season token, so if an armor set costs 100,000 ranked tokens, it should cost 10 season tokens so people can at least pick out one or two rewards per season for working towards the finish line.

^ this.

while I welcome the price increase that was sorely needed (6, 5, 3 and 1 tokens for the replicas was too cheap), the new numbers are definitely WAY over the top - we only get 16 tokens per season iirc, as an example, one armor set now costs 20 tokens instead of 6 - so I have to play grind basically 2 seasons before I can actually buy it... 16 tokens should be the absolute max for a replica, this way at least one item can be bought per season


EDIT: just checked XamXam's updated info on the PvP revamp.... so... we can win 20 tokens per season - so far so good... BUT and this is a big but - the tokens are capped at 15 ... so no one will ever be able to buy the 20-tokens-replicas... well played BW, well played :D

Edited by Dekibra
new info
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So a few more things...

PvP Seasons Tokens

The amount of PvP Seasons Tokens we can get has been upped to 20 (12 Track, 8 Achievements) which is nice.

But... We are capped at 15 PvP Seasons Tokens. https://mmobits.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/pvp-seasons-tokens.png

So you guys might want to fix that given the majority of the ranked replicas cost 16+ tokens.

Giradda Ranked Replicas

I can respect that the costs are super high for the Ranked Replicas (as much as I dislike that people will be able to get them). But I would still like to see some rewards not be on the vendor at all (see previous post). 

Here are tables of the Ranked Replica Reward Rotations for anyone interested (PTS is currently on B).

Rotations A and B - https://mmobits.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/giradda-replica-rewards-rotation-a-b.png

Rotations C and D - https://mmobits.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/giradda-replica-rewards-rotation-c-d.png

Seasonal Objectives Changes

Not sure how I feel about increasing the requirements yet. I think it's okay for most of them but for the wins not so much. I would max Arena wins at 3-4 and max Warzones wins at 2. My only concern for the other objectives is being able to do them on lower pop servers *cough* Satele Shan *cough*.

Trophy Decos

I still don't like that the Trophy Decos have been moved from achievements. But having them cost 12 Tokens on the vendor is a bit obscene especially given they have nothing to do with the Ranked. Make them 1 token each if they have to stay on Giradda. However, I would honestly prefer a different means of obtaining these decos given they have been tied to achievements for years. It feels weird to go from being able to get 100's of the existing trophy decos from achievements to barely being able to buy the new ones...  

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On 11/10/2022 at 7:26 PM, JackieKo said:
  • Do you think you'll PvP more or less than you did before the update?
  • Do the rewards on the reward track make you want to PvP specifically to earn them?
  • Do you think you'll queue for 8v8 Warzones or 4v4 Arenas equally?
  • Do you feel the new Warzone medals will encourage objective play?
  • Is it clear how to earn PvP points and progress the Season reward track?
  • What is your overall impression of the changes to the PvP season system?
  • What do you like the most about the changes to the PvP season system?
  • What do you like the least about the changes to the PvP season system?
  • What is one change or adjustment you would like to make on the new PvP Season system, what would it be, and why?


If you had difficulties queueing, please answer the following: 

  • How long were you waiting in the queue for?
  • What was your group composition? 
  • Can you confirm if all players who made up this group have PvP-ed in the past? 


EDIT: Added additional questions for queuing feedback. 

*I will pvp likely a bit more then usual atleast first month to see how these changes playout
*I think the rewards are motivating although I already have most of the ranked rewards I really wanted there are some stuff I could use
*I will que 4vs4 only until I have done all the weeklies on my pvp toons then if time left do 8vs8.
Individual skills should Matter and carrying your own weight. These people who only play 8vs8 shouldnt call themselves pvp players.
*NO opinion on objective gameplay other then if you increase the requirments for other medals and objective medals reamin the same - that will work
*It is imperative imo that if 20 tokens is the maximum achieveable/season 10 of them should be earned by Warzones (8vs8) and the other 10 by Arenas (4vs4). So that Each game rewards appropriately equal tokens
*The Overall impression is getting better the more devs listen to the player base which it is doing. So positive.
*The least positive aspect is removal of reasons to play Arenas - hence why it is imperative that if 20 tokens is the max obtainable. They should be split even across Arenas and Warzones.
*I think 20 tokens is fair for max amount tokens achieveable considering there will be 3/seaosons a year. No more no less.

if you accomplish every pvp objective every season.  You can get 3 very nice ranked items with 20% of the effort you would put in ranked to get similar reward.  Also a ranked season would take toughly 12 months from the day it starts to the day you get your rewards for that season. This seems fair and also those who get it will feel a sense of satisfaction and exclusivity just as it should be. But its Absolutly IMPERATIVE imo - that to get 20 tokens/seasons 50% of it should be earned by doing Warzones and 50% of it should be earned by doing Arenas. Otherwise Arenas will be DEAD and it will be impossible to complete those Arena objectives since everyone want to take the dumb easy route of doing 8vs8.

To get the coveted rewards = you need to show you can do both Arenas and Warzones. As it should be. Anyone can semi-afk their way in 8vs8 hence why 4vs4 is imperative.

Edited by assatrap
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exactly, arenas are only fun if most people use keyboards.

I'll just do 8v8 anyway bc... why would I not? 4v4 is like 8v8 but with extra steps, I'm just gonna farm damage in 8v8

the best thing is the people raging in voidstar or huttball, ranked wasn't that toxic lmao

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On 11/10/2022 at 1:26 PM, JackieKo said:
  • Do you think you'll PvP more or less than you did before the update?
  • Do the rewards on the reward track make you want to PvP specifically to earn them?
  • Do you think you'll queue for 8v8 Warzones or 4v4 Arenas equally?
  • Do you feel the new Warzone medals will encourage objective play?
  • Is it clear how to earn PvP points and progress the Season reward track?
  • What is your overall impression of the changes to the PvP season system?
  • What do you like the most about the changes to the PvP season system?
  • What do you like the least about the changes to the PvP season system?
  • What is one change or adjustment you would like to make on the new PvP Season system, what would it be, and why?


If you had difficulties queueing, please answer the following: 

  • How long were you waiting in the queue for?
  • What was your group composition? 
  • Can you confirm if all players who made up this group have PvP-ed in the past? 


EDIT: Added additional questions for queuing feedback. 

I'll pvp alot more, for the 8v8's. The reward tracks are a welcome addition to pvp, and will encourage alot more pvpers I think. I'm looking forward to seeing the changes in action, and the new pvp season system is great for pvp mains. 

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19 hours ago, Dekibra said:

^ this.

while I welcome the price increase that was sorely needed (6, 5, 3 and 1 tokens for the replicas was too cheap), the new numbers are definitely WAY over the top - we only get 16 tokens per season iirc, as an example, one armor set now costs 20 tokens instead of 6 - so I have to play grind basically 2 seasons before I can actually buy it... 16 tokens should be the absolute max for a replica, this way at least one item can be bought per season


EDIT: just checked XamXam's updated info on the PvP revamp.... so... we can win 20 tokens per season - so far so good... BUT and this is a big but - the tokens are capped at 15 ... so no one will ever be able to buy the 20-tokens-replicas... well played BW, well played :D

   Bump, I completely agree. Though I'm sure they intend to raise the cap to be able to hold 20, but 20 for a single replica armor box is excessive. Not only this, but last I checked furnishings cost 12 tokens too? Keep in mind folks for those who don't own any ranked furnishings, you cannot donate these to any guild strongholds so you're going to be farming for half of the duration of a season to fill one hook in one of your strongholds. 

   Replica armors should cost 12-15 tokens max, individual weapons should cost 6, and furnishings 3-5. I know haters will want to dismiss this pricing because it'd be "too easy", no it wouldn't be too easy, what they propose is just making it way more time consuming than it already is and doesn't make any sense, you don't follow a rainbow only to find an empty pot with a letter telling you to follow the next rainbow to finally get your reward. The haters want to delay people from getting rewards because they want to feel special a little while longer. Yet no matter what, the haters propose something that will delay people from getting a couple rewards they want by a year max which is not okay, but their spiteful proposals will not change the inevitable. We've got our ranked flairs which cannot be purchased, there's no reason to deprive people from at least purchasing an armor set or two per season over ego.

    I mean this with as much respect as possible to any of my fellow players reading this, but as it stands now casuals cannot just pay their way through the entire season, only 3/5 of the way after week 7, people who want these rewards will work for them through time and dedication. Not win trading and screaming at so many people it deters them from playing such a game mode which is why ranked is going out the window. Not all ranked players are guilty, I certainly have never spammed hate whispers towards someone over messing up or because I was upset that I lost. Blame the toxic players for these changes and let the good people of this mmo enjoy the coming update with reasonable prices.:ph_agree:

Edited by KaiserImperium
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so - as others have mentioned - what I really don't understand and I think that change is absolutely not necessary:

why did you take the Trophy Art out of the achievments?!
Those could still be earned by playing PvP regularly even when 7.2 drops, so why put those on the vendor too?!

Just leave them with achievements!

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On 11/10/2022 at 12:26 PM, JackieKo said:
  • o you think you'll PvP more or less than you did before the update?
  • Do the rewards on the reward track make you want to PvP specifically to earn them?
  • Do you think you'll queue for 8v8 Warzones or 4v4 Arenas equally?
  • Do you feel the new Warzone medals will encourage objective play?
  • Is it clear how to earn PvP points and progress the Season reward track?
  • What is your overall impression of the changes to the PvP season system?
  • What do you like the most about the changes to the PvP season system?
  • What do you like the least about the changes to the PvP season system?
  • What is one change or adjustment you would like to make on the new PvP Season system, what would it be, and why?


1. I think I will definitely PVP less than before the update. There is no real reason or incentive to play.

2. The rewards on the reward track would surely make a PVP casual or non-pvper play in WZs to get them, but earning them, no. Why? Because they are not earning them, they are old ranked rewards that were actually earned through skill being practically given as participation trophies, it's insulting. Participation medals aren't earned.

3. If anything, I would queue for 8 vs 8 WZs since 4 vs 4 almost servers no purpose.

4. Many Warzones do not encourage objective play, there are some WZs you can win without playing a single objective.

5. Yes, it is very clear.

6. My overall impression of changes to PVP is that it is geared towards the PVP casual. It removes competition from the game which is a base element of PVP, rewards participation instead of skill, and does not incentivize individual improvement in any way. The removal of Ranked PVP and no system of ranking while offering Ranked rewards as participation rewards is simply discouraging, disrespectful to anyone who actually earned them, and quite frankly petty. If you are going to give rewards kinda similar to ranked rewards then make them clearly distinguishable. Also, flagging. What sense does it make to removed Ranked Flags but to simply put generic flags that accomplish the same goal or purpose? For PVP Casuals this is a step forward but for PVP as a whole it is a step back. It is clear that the PVP community has not been getting listened to for quite sometime and has been neglected.

7.What do I like most about the changes? I like that there are unranked arenas, that's it. However, I would've liked the unranked arenas years ago in addition to the Ranked arenas. You implemented a solution then threw out the thing it was supposed to help solve. You bought the milk for the cereal but threw out the cereal.

8. What do I like least about the changes? Well that is already quite well started in the other points, no need to beat a dead horse.

9. What is one change or adjustment you would like to make on the new PvP Season system, what would it be, and why? Reskinning or changing of the participation rewards, make them distinguishable from Ranked rewards people actually earned. Make the rewards MUCH harder to get if you refuse to change or reskin them to be distinguishable. Add some type of ranking system or system that rewards or incentives good play. A system that send players who won more than lets say 60-70% of their games. Maybe an opt-in leaderboard would do some good, so the players who wish to play with some competition can do so, while the players who don't do not have to worry about it. Also make currently players Ranked tokens convertible to the new currency. Like make 1000 Ranked tokens, a currency you actually had to earn =  1 new PVP currency. You're already punishing people who played Ranked enough by offering up the rewards as participation trophies and removing ranked. They deserve at least that currency conversion.


Edit: Additional suggestions to Section 9.

Edited by Weswhitebore
Added more suggestions to Section 9
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On 11/10/2022 at 10:26 AM, JackieKo said:

If you had difficulties queueing, please answer the following: 

  • How long were you waiting in the queue for?
  • What was your group composition? 
  • Can you confirm if all players who made up this group have PvP-ed in the past? 

over an hour, but I think no one else was on when I PTS. on Live during those times , sometimes same thing.

wasn't in a group

On 11/10/2022 at 10:26 AM, JackieKo said:

What do you like the least about the changes to the PvP season system?

credit catchup - should never happen in PvP. Doesn't matter if it can't be used till after 7 weeks. Just NO

Even if you just do/earn enough PvP for 7 weeks, credit catch up, is just no no no, who ever is PvP'ing still , the population will drop after the 7th week, because now you can just Pay not play the rest of the season

On 11/10/2022 at 10:26 AM, JackieKo said:

What is your overall impression of the changes to the PvP season system?

My impression about PvP hasn't changed, in War zone. I still can't stand the  Tab/click Targeting. Why The dUck would I target some one out of my melee range, when there are enemies right in front of me in range?  or someone behind me that can't see? or even have to press TAB or click on them, When they are right there?!?! AND in range.

So yeah, my overall impression of the changes, no different then before the changes 👨‍⚖️

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On 11/10/2022 at 1:26 PM, JackieKo said:

Do you think you'll PvP more or less than you did before the update?

More, provided the queue times are faster. With that said, I have some pretty serious worries about that.

On 11/10/2022 at 1:26 PM, JackieKo said:

Do the rewards on the reward track make you want to PvP specifically to earn them?


On 11/10/2022 at 1:26 PM, JackieKo said:

Do you think you'll queue for 8v8 Warzones or 4v4 Arenas equally?

No. I prefer 8v8s in most contexts.

On 11/10/2022 at 1:26 PM, JackieKo said:

What is your overall impression of the changes to the PvP season system?

It's more or less a non-factor for me. I don't pay much attention to Galactic Seasons, either.

That said, I don't enjoy the catch-up mechanics for PvP seasons. Something about catchup like that for PvP in particular feels off or wrong; I think it diminishes the nature of competitive play. If we're not going to have ranked, at least having some measure of reward for players who perform better or with more dedication (i.e. - faster or farther progress in the season) is a good idea.

On 11/10/2022 at 1:26 PM, JackieKo said:

What do you like the most about the changes to the PvP season system?

Being able to queue for 8v8s or 4v4s when I want one or the other.

On 11/10/2022 at 1:26 PM, JackieKo said:

What do you like the least about the changes to the PvP season system?

I really don't understand why ranked PvP had to be removed entirely, and I feel like tis removal will be a net harm for the game and the PvP community. I don't think that removing all forms of ranked, competitive play is a good or healthy decision for the game in the long run, even considering how difficult it can be to start breaking into ranked PvP.

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On 11/23/2022 at 4:59 PM, Pandoras_Jar said:

So a few more things...

PvP Seasons Tokens

The amount of PvP Seasons Tokens we can get has been upped to 20 (12 Track, 8 Achievements) which is nice.

But... We are capped at 15 PvP Seasons Tokens. https://mmobits.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/pvp-seasons-tokens.png

So you guys might want to fix that given the majority of the ranked replicas cost 16+ tokens.

Giradda Ranked Replicas

I can respect that the costs are super high for the Ranked Replicas (as much as I dislike that people will be able to get them). But I would still like to see some rewards not be on the vendor at all (see previous post). 

Here are tables of the Ranked Replica Reward Rotations for anyone interested (PTS is currently on B).

Rotations A and B - https://mmobits.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/giradda-replica-rewards-rotation-a-b.png

Rotations C and D - https://mmobits.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/giradda-replica-rewards-rotation-c-d.png

Seasonal Objectives Changes

Not sure how I feel about increasing the requirements yet. I think it's okay for most of them but for the wins not so much. I would max Arena wins at 3-4 and max Warzones wins at 2. My only concern for the other objectives is being able to do them on lower pop servers *cough* Satele Shan *cough*.

Trophy Decos

I still don't like that the Trophy Decos have been moved from achievements. But having them cost 12 Tokens on the vendor is a bit obscene especially given they have nothing to do with the Ranked. Make them 1 token each if they have to stay on Giradda. However, I would honestly prefer a different means of obtaining these decos given they have been tied to achievements for years. It feels weird to go from being able to get 100's of the existing trophy decos from achievements to barely being able to buy the new ones...  

if the token is capped at 15 and total token can be earned are 20 , then what happen if you over that token ? where is the extra 5 token go ?

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On 12/3/2022 at 4:48 AM, Prapcaster said:

@EricMuscoAre you guys planning on replying to this thread like the others? It's been almost a month with no news after the announcment with zero middleground being met.

Not to mention the 7.2 livestream was pitifully vague, omitted many nontrivial details, and at times contradictory. 


@JackieKo @EricMusco Don't insult your player base by asking for our feedback, and then ignoring the overwhelmingly consensus of that feedback:


We want meaningful incentives for competition and skill that cannot be grinded.

Edited by septru
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On 11/10/2022 at 12:26 PM, JackieKo said:
  • Do you think you'll PvP more or less than you did before the update?
  • Do the rewards on the reward track make you want to PvP specifically to earn them?
  • Do you think you'll queue for 8v8 Warzones or 4v4 Arenas equally?
  • Do you feel the new Warzone medals will encourage objective play?
  • Is it clear how to earn PvP points and progress the Season reward track?
  • What is your overall impression of the changes to the PvP season system?
  • What do you like the most about the changes to the PvP season system?
  • What do you like the least about the changes to the PvP season system?
  • What is one change or adjustment you would like to make on the new PvP Season system, what would it be, and why?


If you had difficulties queueing, please answer the following: 

  • How long were you waiting in the queue for?
  • What was your group composition? 
  • Can you confirm if all players who made up this group have PvP-ed in the past? 


EDIT: Added additional questions for queuing feedback. 

Looking through the changes I don't see balance/madness engineering being addressed at all, are those notes coming later? 

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There is a new news post about PvP Seasons though it wasn't announced on the forums: https://www.swtor.com/info/news/article/20221209

• 12 weeks long
• December 13, 2022 – March 6, 2023
• Rotating reward vendors
• Group Queue with a group of up to 8
• Wins + Medals points count


New Clarity Feedback based on post:

  • Thanks for clarifying stuff like how long the season is and where points come from. It feels very clear.
  • Credits: I am unsure if you can unlock levels 1-15 starting in the 7th week, or if they unlock over time after the 7th week starts. I would like to find out how much PvP you can “skip”, pay credits, and then PvP a bunch at the end of the season to earn levels 16-25. I do not know how much the credits cost unlock is yet.
  • Can we have a new medals list if you have it available. On PTS they were kinda broken.
  • Ok... so I did the math the best I could. On the test server, you could earn up to 1,000 points per week – so up to 400 points from your 4 weekly objectives, and the rest of the 600 points from actual matches. To get those final 600 points and maximize your points for the week, If you played only 8vs8 Warzones, and got 8 medals or more each game, you’d need to play 25 winning matches to earn the final points (24 points each, not including group q bonus). And then you'd need to do that 7 times to get your final-level 7,000 points. So at a very minimum, if you were god-like, you could complete the track with 175 winning warzone matches, or about 30 hours of in-warzone match time, over the course of 12 weeks of the season. Is that correct? In Galactic Seasons there are some weeks where I can get 7/7 for max points, and most weeks I get at least 4/7 for decent points out of max available. In PvP Seasons, since I don't expect to win more than 50% of the time.... I don't think I'm gunna get anywhere close to that. What is the expected number of matches a player should play if they are average, to get to the end of PvP Reward Track at level 25? This was not clear on pts so feedback could not be given.  
  • With SO MANY points coming from winning (example warzone win at 24 points vs warzone loss at 8 points, for player who get eight or more medals) there will be more toxicity towards players who make a mistake. Right now it's frustrating to lose a match as it makes getting your weekly very slow, but the weekly doesn't have amazing rewards anyway, that can't be gotten elsewhere. PvP Season rewards are really rare / special, and limited-time at 12 weeks, putting a lot more pressure on winning. I know I will experience more feelings of frustration when I feel like I'm doing my best and my team still sucks, and I'll feel more anxious but I perform badly, than I do right now. This was not clear on pts so feedback could not be given.
  • At first I thought the bonus grouping points were kinda cool, encourage you to play together which is always a good thing. We know friendships build long-term play in MMORPGs. But with the high focus on winning, I'm actively hurting my points if I decide to group up with players who aren't as good or better than me (the 24 points vs 8 points again.) This was not clear on pts so feedback could not be given.
  • Is the only perk that subscribers have that they can choose which of the 6 objectives they do, versus have to do the 4 they are assigned like free and preferred? Interesting. I thought Subscribers would have an actual boost of some sort.
  • Will the Token rewards, especially the expensive ones, be in collections? At a reasonable price?


  • I'm still not a fan of the ranked rewards for casual play, though they do seem pretty grueling to get. I'm not sure I'll be able to buy one by the end of the season based on my personal win/loss rate and gameplay times.
  • I'm still not feeling great about the credits unlock, even if its only to 15.
  • I'm still sad to see there is no alternative at all for competitive players, even though I don't play competitively.



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