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Thanks for discouraging me playing your game


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So I logged in yesterday just to find out that my main (deception assassin) has been nerfed to the ground.


As a relatively new player (started playing in january) I don't have alts of all classes which are capable to pull the necessary numbers for higher-ranking group content.


The reason for this is: I played the game as you wanted it. After deciding which class I want to priorize And learning the abilities, mechanics and rotation I did my farm for gear and after that the (ridiculously long) farm for techfragments for the necessary augments (no way buying it at the gtn as new player. simply can't afford that).


in the meantime I also started to learn most of the raid- and groupmechanics and was starting to do my first few nim-runs to get a feeling for it.


And now you decide to simply destroy the blade of the elements build. Simply out of the blue.

In the past few weeks you encouraged people here to discuss the coming "balancing" changes for dps-classes and never mentioned, that deception assassin will recieve a major nerf. So simple did it secretly.

sorry guys, but that is not the right way to treat a customer. Simply not worth the money anymore.

time for me to cut the losses and move on to another game, there is not that much new content anyways besides new bugs, unwanted changes in gameplay and shiny new cosmetics.

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Well, I need to clarify my problem then:


First of all the reason, as I mentioned, for not having as many alts as most of you have is that I'm telatively new to the game. So thats not a matter of the content.


"Higher-ranking group content" is of course meaning especially raids in nightmaremode ( I'm not playing a mmo for solocontent primarily. There are, at least for me, better options to do so).

 But you are right: The problem with the nerf are not the numbers but the complete destruction of a working rotation. After the patch deception rotation is simply hoping for enough critical force-hits. Not very enjoyable to use force-stun or low slash just for that for example.

and for what? What is anyone gaining through this changes? Does deception become more viable in any content? Was it overpowered before?

that brings me to the second problem and my personal "red line" with this changes: In difference to most of the other nerfs (think of lightning for example) this wasn't communicated at all beforehand. It hit just out of the blue.


why exactly is this necessary?

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OP: So were you employed in a job that you really liked, and suddenly a corporate-wide reorganization eliminated your job title and position altogether, but you were offered another position with the company in a completely different role, you'd quit? That's about where you are, even more extremely so, because the class/build you're talking about still exists and despite anyone's opinion all classes are playable.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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Well, not necessarily quit but definitely would spend my unused holiday and look if things get better in meantime 😅

This would be especially true, if I were employed at a company which management's mental sanity and ability to take rational decisions I unfortunately have to doubt.

Nerfing mediocre dps-specs to the ground while leaving the "flavour of the developers"-classes untouched seems quite irrational, don't you think so?

and a last idea to your post: let's take yor reprganisation as example. The company informs your about an reorganisation of various jobs, for example in the depatments of hatred and lightning. No information regarding The department of deception.


and then one monday your superior sends you a memo: you will be reorganized today. Have fun and enjoy yourself!


i see no reason to defend such behavior

Edited by BraffinTheReal
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7.x has continued to get worse and worse.  I don't blame you for leaving.  Staff got let go, then senior staff left.  Who even knows how long the current people are gonna be there at this rate.  But this whole year, we keep getting more and more bugs, poor decisions that mess up the gameplay for the majority of players, an inability to listen to and give the players what they want/need to enjoy the game.   So yeah, leaving is a very reasonable choice for the players at this point if management is not gonna do anything to improve the situation.  Just remember, we're paying to play a game that we can enjoy, and well, we're not enjoying it right now.


Less Enjoyment --> Less Money --> Lost Jobs

oh, Execs, that applies to you too, not just your staff.


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It was an absolutely absurd stealth nerf.  I don't know why anyone is defending it.  Bioware acted as if they wanted feedback and then proceeded to nerf Blade of the Elements on patch day without ever revealing their intentions.  It is absolutely disgusting behavior and it's fairly obvious they didn't reveal it because they would obviously get backlash.


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@BraffinTheReal, I'll tell you what was told to me when I complained about mercenary being nerfed to the ground on so many occasions: " you must adapt and try new things". Yes, I'm aware that's not what you want to see right now, but give it a thought, please. Try an operative, it has stealth and a very simple rotation, 5-6 skills, nothing complicated.  Also, I'm aware of the fact that you might not like the IA story or companions, I don't either, that's why I suggest you try an operative over BH story. 

Personally, I do not support this nerfing of assassin, even if I don't play that class at all (too complicated for me).

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Thanks for your ideas. I have indeed various alts of different classes, which I use for crafting and experiencing the storys.

I also think I will stay around at least as long as There is story I haven't seen yet.

unsubbed though.

There is simply no benefit for me in paying money when the class I really like to play is excluded from interesting groupcontent on purpose as I never was a big fan of "space barbie"-dress-up simulators. Especially not for real money.


btw: I'm not complaining about the numbers (the around 5% dps nerf is unnecessary and idiotic, but not classbreaking) but the complete elimination of a interesting, fast-paced and fluid rotation.

now we have a broken rotation which is not only unintuitive and inconsistent or we switch to the traditional boring and brainlessly easy build which a passive-DoT-tactical.

If this is the "vision" of the class developers, bioware should fire them immediately.


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1 minute ago, BraffinTheReal said:

Thanks for your ideas. I have indeed various alts of different classes, which I use for crafting and experiencing the storys.

I also think I will stay around at least as long as There is story I haven't seen yet.

unsubbed though.

There is simply no benefit for me in paying money when the class I really like to play is excluded from interesting groupcontent on purpose as I never was a big fan of "space barbie"-dress-up simulators. Especially not for real money.


btw: I'm not complaining about the numbers (the around 5% dps nerf is unnecessary and idiotic, but not classbreaking) but the complete elimination of a interesting, fast-paced and fluid rotation.

now we have a broken rotation which is not only unintuitive and inconsistent or we switch to the traditional boring and brainlessly easy build witch a passive-DoT-tactical.

If this is the "vision" of the class developers, bioware should fire them immediately.


You're welcome! :)

Sorry if my post sounded wrong, I wasn't accusing you of complaining, was just talking about my own unpleasant experience when the class I like the most got nerfed. 

And about story: there's a lot of it, so you won't get bored :)


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4 hours ago, BraffinTheReal said:

the class I really like to play is excluded from interesting groupcontent on purpose

You seriously believe Bioware set corporate expectations to preclude a given portion of its game offering (a class in this case) so that players wishing to engage that offering could not?
That's like saying a college professor purposefully gave 5 people in a class a D grade so they'd withdraw from the class. Complete disconnect there.

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23 minutes ago, xordevoreaux said:

You seriously believe Bioware set corporate expectations to preclude a given portion of its game offering (a class in this case) so that players wishing to engage that offering could not?

Explain then for what reason they nerfed deception assassin without informing the players/customers of their game about it.

Or do you believe the de facto elimination of the "blade of the elements"-build happened unintentionally? ;)

Btw: I don't think they want assassin players drive away from their game or group-content. They just want us to play a class they can manage to "balance". The holy annihilation marauder for example.

Cynism aside: The nerf seems to be a last-minute pvp-oriented decision (makes no sense there either cause after the opener your enemy was either dead or you had to survive till the next burst-window to finish the job).

So no, I don't think they are vicious. It's just simple stupidity and unwillingness to listen to their playerbase. Since the beginning of mmo-gaming a sure recipe to kill a game.


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