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Bounty Hunter was Good, until Tatooine


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I can't get over the fact that the game forces its companions on you without a choice in the matter. The FIRST companion, I understand somewhat, but the Bounty Hunter's second companion, Gault, is just plain infuriating.

Tyresius is my target. I, to paraphrase a dialogue option I chose when confronting him, slogged through Tatooine (generally my least favourite planet) with the sole goal of shooting him in his face. This is after the first time I find him at the spaceport, draw my gun to attack him as my first course of action and he just... runs off screen, while I'm aiming a gun at him. And promptly bloody vanishes?!?! Then, THEN, he does this again! When you confront him with his droid and beat him, you can again just say "No deal" to anything he offers and try to shoot him. Again, you have your gun drawn, aiming right at him, and just... just watch him turn around and run away to his ship, without even trying to shoot?!

But then... god AND THEN... he gets to his ship, and asks, "Hey, give me a job". Instantly, Mako goes, "Good idea! :D" and you can tell him that it's a laughable idea and the only thing you ever wanted to do was kill him.


Then there is blatantly, insultingly, infuriatingly, no option to say no. You are railroaded to bring him with you for no goddamn reason.

He is your great hunt bounty! He has tried to kill you numerous times while escaping you (even though he rightly shouldn't have escaped at all)! Why are we forced to cheat the Great Hunt and spare this target just because he could potentially be a companion?! You know who else can also be a companion? Ashara, a Jedi padawan for the Sith Inquisitor. You get a dialogue prompt to kill her if you would rather not bring a Jedi with you though.

Gault has done nothing but squirm out of his fate and try to kill me in the process every time I met him. Why would I let him on my ship where I sleep so he can easily stab me instead of shooting him 17 times in the chest?

Rant (and probably my Bounty Hunter character 😕) over. I don't even care how much of a potentially "likable" or "fun" companion he might be when the circumstances of taking him in are so infuriating and forced; especially if you've spent the entire game being outraged and disgusted by Blood cheating every way he can, and then are forced to also cheat for literally no reason just because whoever made Gault at Bioware liked him too much to dare give players the option of not taking him in.

It's not like he has dirt or blackmail or some outstanding unique power, he's just some guy, and from the sounds of her implant and backstory, Mako would be better for contacts and information than him anyway. So, what the hell, you know?

I don't know much about companions, but can someone, anyone, just completely spoil if there is some way to get rid of him or change this outcome? It so fundamentally goes against the spirit of the Bounty Hunter to me that it put a hard stop to me wanting to play that storyline.

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I had already read a lot about Skadge and thought i was warned, it won't be that bad, i can handle him - but i was wrong , I was totally shocked when I had to take this painful idiot on board of my ship. Gault, on the other hand, is Mother Theresa beside him.

Edited by Menaur
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Yeah, I get it. The bounty hunter is my least favorite class. Probably because the storyline and companion interactions are polar-opposite to the very fiber of my personality. I love Mako & Torian, but the rest I'd send out an airlock. Mako is sweet, but has an intelligent and unique outlook on the world, plus she's resourceful. A jack of all trades, backed up by genuine honesty. And Torian is equally sweet. Kind of dumb, though. But a man of integrity and honor none the less, so he's reliable at least. 

But Gault is a back stabbing, pathological liar & narcissist. If the game allowed us to reject origin story companions, I'd definitely either shoot him between the eyes, or make some deal where I never have to see his smug face again! That being said, "Okay Gault, I let you live, we go our separate ways, but you owe me big. Not credits, but if I ever have to change my face & identity, then you help me change identities free of charge!"

Blizz is an annoying little sand-rat and every chance my sith characters get, we go on Jawa killing sprees! lol But anyways, I'd probably shoot him, stuff him, and sell him to a taxidermist.* 

Skadge is a moronic thug. Reminds me of the kids who used to bully me back in the 90's. I'd literally have him killed, dismembered, and then ship a severed houk finger to every family who suffered under his brutality as a message to all: "Skadge is no more, he suffered for his crimes at long last!"


*Cartel Market Suggestion: Jawa Taxidermy decorations.


Edit: Does anyone know the twitter feed "Crap Taxidermy"? I feel like someone could make a real life horror that looks like Jawa Taxidermy and it will be both nightmare fuel & hilarious at the same time.

Edited by OctavianDavis
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On 10/15/2022 at 9:08 AM, Menaur said:

I had already read a lot about Skadge and thought i was warned, it won't be that bad, i can handle him - but i was wrong , I was totally shocked when I had to take this painful idiot on board of my ship. Gault, on the other hand, is Mother Theresa beside him.

Yep. When I first played Bounty Hunter I too was upset I had to take Gault. I always chose the hate him dialogues. Then came Skadge, and suddenly Gault wasn't so bad anymore. I started to choose friendlier dialogues. It may be forced script, but Gault does right by you once he's your Companion. When you reunite in Eternal Throne as his nature he didn't try that hard to find you when you went missing, but he is glad you're back in the picture. Whether you're Bounty Hunter or not he is loyal to the Cause. The second time I played Bounty Hunter I decided to be nice from the start once he became a Companion. You have plot armor to back you up, but the new found friendship is enjoyable.


As for Skadge, forget it. Hate him always. Never want him. The only good thing is when he's part of the Alert with Rusk on Odessen you get to kill him. That's a pleasure.

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22 hours ago, xordevoreaux said:

My personal feeling with BH was the story was tedious, predictable, and repetitive.

"Here, take this piece of paper. It's got someone's name on it you're supposed to murder in cold blood."

"Then what?"

"Come back, I'll give you another piece of paper."

That's exactly my opinion about IA story. Tedious, predictable, repetitive and extremely boring. 

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I wasn't happy with the fact I had to take Gault as a companion way back when I started (been here since launch). He was a target and I needed to eliminate the target. Although he made some good points as to why I shouldn't kill him, I felt a little miffed over the fact that I just cheated on the Great Hunt (with Mako encouraging me to cheat to boot!) after vowing to kill Blood for cheating.

Then I met Skadge and found no reason to take that pile of steaming womp rat doodoo on my ship yet I had too. I would have rather shot him in the face with a bazooka instead of letting him anywhere within a parsec of my ship. Gault annoyed me because of the cheating aspect but Skadge was just on a whole different level of disgust for me. I hate people like that in real life, why on Earth would I take someone like that as companion to pal around with.

Back at launch, you only had 5 companions and each one had a specific role to fill. I generally used Mako from the time she joined my hunter as a partner and then later as his romantic interest. Torian was like a brother to my hunter and I still regret a choice I made as the alliance commander with him. Blizz cracked me up and I took him in like a lost puppy that really just needed a home. I warmed up to Gault over time and came to appreciate his weird outlook on life.

But Skadge can go die in the heart of star being sucked into a 12 parsec wide black hole. 

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Have to consider - the Bounty Hunter is someone who kills (or takes into custody) other people (or sentients) for a living.  In the very beginning - you get a job working for a Hutt. A crime-lord. So, you aren't exactly playing someone who is pristine.  So like you (as commander of alliance) you are basically getting someone who is "muscle". And Skadge is supposed to have connections with (he is leader of) Black Sun which becomes an important criminal organization in Star Wars lore both in "canon" and "legends" - see Wookiepedia article. So basically you are making connections to an organization that just began at the end of the Great Galactic War and gradually extends its influence thousands of years later into the time of the original trilogy (Luke's time) and beyond.  So Skadge is more than a "hit-man" in this sense.


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I had to some significant headcanon activity with my BH. The only companion that really "fit" for him was Mako, and she does provide a plausible premise for tagging along when the BH objects. Gault would have been dead (someone else could have filled his post-BH role later), Skadge too. Blizz and Torian would have both left. That one Padawan you're eventually forced to kill would have been a maybe for team inclusion if that was allowed.


Nowadays he sees action when its Bounty Week.

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