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Possible to merge Satele Shan server and Star Forge server?


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Ok, Yet again I will try to explain.

On SF I have 87 characters out 102 slots. If I ended my sub I drop to 90.

I have 58 characters on SS out of 102 slots but again I drop to 90 if I end my sub, which BTW I often do as I don't sub all year round.


So if these two were merged I'd have 145 characters, my new total is then 145 characters slots as long as I remain subbed. If I end my sub I drop back to 90 characters. So loose 55 characters. Not only that but if not subbing I can only re-buy 10 more slots so would perinatally loose access to 45-characters until I resub.

It's really really not that hard and you really really need to do far more research long before you start asking for a merge on how such a merge affects other players.


Not only that, I would also loose characters on all my other 9 accounts, none of which are subbed. I have already brought extra slots for all these accounts that I lost after the last merge. Across my accounts I would after re-buy over 100-character slots at 600cc each just to play characters I have already brought and paid for. That is not even counting the empty slots I have now and would lose. 

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14 hours ago, Char_Ell said:

LOL.  You've made your position abundantly clear.  As someone who plays mainly on Satele Shan I also am not in favor of a server merge. 

That being said I wonder how you would feel if Satele Shan was your main server?  It stands to reason that your self-centered views would cause you to feel differently since you obviously value your own experience over all others.  Not to say that is wrong, just pointing out you clearly are not willing to accept any compromises or hindrances to your own gameplay experience. And yet you've had to endure at least one prior server merge and are still here.  I guess you must have had either little to no negative impact from prior server merge or got over any forced character renames.

I'm not trying to put on any airs here, Pal. My position is based on my experience and my care for Star Forge. I care about the health of Star Forge, I don't care about Satale Shan in the sense of putting its best interests above Star Forges.

We're all a little bit selfish here. I'm putting Star Forges interests ahead of Satale Shan's, and your putting it's interests above the negative effects that a server merger would have on Star Forge.

If what's being purported about Satale Shans current state is true, I can totally sympathize with your feelings on the matter. If the roles were reversed I'd feel bad about it too. That said, however, I wouldn't expect the people on the other server to be willing to take the hit for it. And if it upset me enough, I would just transfer to the other server. That way I'd get what I want [the improved experience] without effecting other players experiences negatively.

I'd certainly be willing to compromise some, but unfortunately there is no compromises available here, it's an all or nothing situation.

But just for the record, my position isn't just about my personal experience, it's also about everyone elses experience on Star Forge.

I wasn't happy when the last go of server mergers occurred [I played on the Shadowlands server than] which perhaps is why I'm not favorably inclined for a new set of server mergers.

I understand your situation perfectly, and I don't hold your position against you at all.


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4 hours ago, Addictress said:



18 minutes ago, illgot said:


Someone has already posted that if you go over the 100 character limit when servers are merged you keep all your characters.


ONLY IF YOU CONTINUE TO SUB, not sure what part of that YOU do not understand as It has now been said 3 times by me

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37 minutes ago, DreadtechSavant said:


ONLY IF YOU CONTINUE TO SUB, not sure what part of that YOU do not understand as It has now been said 3 times by me

38 minutes ago, DreadtechSavant said:

Ok, Yet again I will try to explain.

On SF I have 87 characters out 102 slots. If I ended my sub I drop to 90.

I have 58 characters on SS out of 102 slots but again I drop to 90 if I end my sub, which BTW I often do as I don't sub all year round.


So if these two were merged I'd have 145 characters, my new total is then 145 characters slots as long as I remain subbed. If I end my sub I drop back to 90 characters. So loose 55 characters. Not only that but if not subbing I can only re-buy 10 more slots so would perinatally loose access to 45-characters until I resub.

It's really really not that hard and you really really need to do far more research long before you start asking for a merge on how such a merge affects other players.


Not only that, I would also loose characters on all my other 9 accounts, none of which are subbed. I have already brought extra slots for all these accounts that I lost after the last merge. Across my accounts I would after re-buy over 100-character slots at 600cc each just to play characters I have already brought and paid for. That is not even counting the empty slots I have now and would lose. 

I get it. If a merger happens the 140 character you have now will no longer be accessible when you stop subscribing.

I agree, I wouldn't want a server merge either if it meant I couldn't access all 140 of my characters when I stopped paying a subscription...

You already paid to unlock these characters in case your subscription ends. Are you sure you lose that access if the servers merge?

Edited by illgot
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1 hour ago, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

I wasn't happy when the last go of server mergers occurred [I played on the Shadowlands server than] which perhaps is why I'm not favorably inclined for a new set of server mergers.

Specifics please.  What are the negatives of merging servers where you are concerned?  What caused your unhappiness after the last round of server merges in 2017?

Potential loss of character names due to conflicts?   That is a big one for me. 

More characters than server allows?  Someone else mentioned that in this thread.


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6 hours ago, Char_Ell said:

Specifics please.  What are the negatives of merging servers where you are concerned?  What caused your unhappiness after the last round of server merges in 2017?

Potential loss of character names due to conflicts?   That is a big one for me. 

More characters than server allows?  Someone else mentioned that in this thread.



As I stated in my previous post, my stance isn't just about me. I care about the health of Star Forge and the players on it.

I play one character and only one character. I don't have alts. Many of the negative effects of a server merge wouldn't effect me at all. - I doubt very highly there is someone on some other server who's name is 'Grim'alkun' so it's highly unlikely that I would find myself in need of renaming!! =p

Like you said, however, the name thing is a concern for you, and I wouldn't want to have to rename my character after 8+ years of using that name, and so I'm sure a lot of people wouldn't want to have to do that either.

I was against the server merge the last go around because I was happy with the state of Shadowlands at the time. I've made lots of friends in the game over the years and I heard their concerns and how that server merge would effect them and I didn't want to see my friends have to deal with those effects.

My reasons for being against a server merge this time around has additional aspects to it that the previous merge didn't. I list some -

* I'm not a big fan of Harbingerites. In my opinion, there are alot of them that are ass-O's. They were known as being the most toxic players. [I'm not suggesting all players who were Harbingerites fit that mold, of course it wasn't all of them] After the previous merger, they came on the forums and made up a bunch of lies to try and steal players from Star Forge to go over the Satele Shan because they didn't like the fact that they were no longer 'the biggest and most hardcore endgame server' anymore.

'Star Forge is the RP server'

'Satele Shan is the PVP/Raider server'

Which was a load of BS as Star Forge was 'the everything server'.

Star Forge has enough toxicity as it is, it doesn't need that kind of infusion added to it.

I envision something akin to 'turf warfare' resulting from a merger and a whole bunch of 'Gunslinger mentality' [Not the class] in trying to 'make their bones'.

* Congestion issues due to a higher population. Star Forge already has a large population as it is.

*Increased D'sync

*Log in timers/queue to get into the game. [Having to wait].

*Signing the death warrant of the game. Only having enough players for one server on the most populated continent on the planet = sinking ship.

There is less personal risk for me due to a server merger than many other players on Star Forge. Only playing one character makes me the odd man out. But it isn't just about me.

If caring more about the heath of Star Forge and it's players than that of Satele Shan makes me selfish than so be it.

I'm not without empathy for players on Satele Shan. If I had my way it would be just as good as Star Forge. But I can't have my way and so I have to choose. I choose Star Forge's well being over Satele Shans. I strongly suspect that would also be the stance of most players on Satele Shan if the roles were reversed and wouldn't expect anything less. - Were that the case, I would transfer to Satele Shan.

As I only play on Star Forge I have no way of knowing the true state of affairs over on Satele Shan, but I do see people posting who have characters on both servers and saying they think that part of the motivation for calling for a merger is based on players not wanting to pay for the transfer and in some cases that the state of affairs on Satele Shan isn't as bad as some people are trying to make it out to be.

Doesn't really matter either way, because either way my stance is still the same. Those that are unhappy with Satele Shan should either transfer to or make new characters on Star Forge.



Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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14 hours ago, illgot said:

You already paid to unlock these characters in case your subscription ends. Are you sure you lose that access if the servers merge?

Part of the changes they announced back when they put up the characters-per-server limit to 100 with maxed out expansions was that when your sub runs out, two things happen to your character count:

  • The basic unexpanded number of characters usable (i.e. with no slots bought) drops from 24 to 12.
  • Some of the applied slots are suppressed to the point that your effective limit, basic plus bought-slots, is somewhere in the 40s (I don't remember the exact figure, sorry).

EDIT: Both of those things are undone when you resub.

Edited by SteveTheCynic
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I swapped off of SatShan because the population was so low.

Both servers are in the same location physically, so doesn't impact my connection. And people are on at all times still.

Instances solve most other issues. My only qualm is that some old toxic guildies I left behind on SatShan may pop up again. lol

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A merge will never happen for Shan/Forge for two main reasons

People still pay for transfers

Technical redundancy of two servers in the same location, and I'm sorta surprised nobody has brought this point up yet.

A quick example, say there's a login issue for players on Star Forge, but players on Satele Shan aren't experiencing any issues; with the two distinct machines, the technicians onsite at the NA server hub can immediately guess it's an issue specific to the machine SF is running on, rather than a deeper game issue. If the NA team only had one machine to look at, then their only other option for quick issue diagnosis would be to contact the EU server team, and depending on when this issue occurs, it could take a very long time for even the most basic communications to be completed because of the timezone difference.


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13 hours ago, recalcitrantIre said:

A merge will never happen for Shan/Forge for two main reasons

People still pay for transfers

Technical redundancy of two servers in the same location, and I'm sorta surprised nobody has brought this point up yet.

A quick example, say there's a login issue for players on Star Forge, but players on Satele Shan aren't experiencing any issues; with the two distinct machines, the technicians onsite at the NA server hub can immediately guess it's an issue specific to the machine SF is running on, rather than a deeper game issue. If the NA team only had one machine to look at, then their only other option for quick issue diagnosis would be to contact the EU server team, and depending on when this issue occurs, it could take a very long time for even the most basic communications to be completed because of the timezone difference.


That's a really good point. If they merged the servers and the server went down, there goes all of the continental United States. Not good!

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24 minutes ago, Argomemnon said:

How about no server merge, but allow cross server queues and gtn and add a server initial behind persons name so you know what server they are from? WoW has been doing this for years. We already have cross faction queues so adding more people to queue and not server keeps everything good for queues. People who want low population server or high get it still and a larger pool of players to choose from. This could also help alleviate some of the inflation so items can be bought and sold on all servers. Equalizing them all and now you only have 1 economy to fix...

this would be awesome but I am not sure it can happen. We know they can merge servers, they have already done it, we don't know if it is possible for them to merge access GTNs and queues. It would be amazing to have one GTN for all the servers, I am not sure if pvp would benefit from this because ping time could create a massive advantage for some players and create an inverse disadvantage for others (I pvp on all servers and it is noticeable and impacts your game).

Merging access and not servers also doesn't help if the GTN is still limited to 1 billion credits and you are on a very low pop server looking for a trade or crafter in /3 chat.

FFXIV basically takes care of all these issues because you can hop around on different servers interacting with players and buying/selling (?) items off the different auction houses. I believe your queues maybe server only, I'm not all that familiar with how everything is set up.

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You'd be better off petitioning Bioware to offer a Character Transfer sale or even a permanent reduction in server transfer costs. That way you get to play on a high population server without harming other people's enjoyment of the lower population server. There's enough free CCs floating around now that you could afford multiple transfers if you wanted. Lowering the cost of transfers to that of one month of subscriber CCs would be a good place to start.

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