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This forum is starting to scare me.


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Somone is upset.


Have a cookie!


I am upset actually. I've been looking forward to this game for years and had hopes that it might actually be a good Star Wars game (one of which has not been released for over 5 years).


You must understand how disappointed I am with getting a mediocre WoW clone with poorly done machinima added on.

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I am upset actually. I've been looking forward to this game for years and had hopes that it might actually be a good Star Wars game (one of which has not been released for over 5 years).


You must understand how disappointed I am with getting a mediocre WoW clone with poorly done machinima added on.


I wish people knew what clone mean't.


And that WoW cloned Everquest and every other MMO before it.


Maybe this game wasn't just for you...

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I only come to the forums when I'm in a queue, or now that I turned 50 and want a break. Most people are just having fun in game. You get the trolls, people unhappy with queues or power levelers for the most part.


This is nothing compared to the Age of Conan forums on release. I didn't buy the game, but I had a lot of fun reading their official forums.

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I wish people knew what clone mean't.


And that WoW cloned Everquest and every other MMO before it.


Maybe this game wasn't just for you...


Maybe you're unaware of the Ohlen statements regarding using WoW as a model, and maybe you're just blind and delusional, but yeah it's clearly using WoW as a model.


Don't you worry your little blistered behind, I've already canceled my subscription and will never be playing this game again.


In the mean time I may as well ventilate my disappointment and at least get some semblance of bang for my buck and some catharsis.

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1) No PvP

2) No end-game

3) terrible focus (story, which is poorly done with fanfic writing and bad amateur machinima)

4) bad UI with bad features (horrible chat, horrible group, horrible guild system, etc)

5) sharded to all hell, game feels very small and unpopulated (furthest thing from a "massive" game I've ever seen)

6) engine cannot handle large amounts of people on screen

7) extremely linear theme-park, adds to the small static nature of the game

8) gets boring quick


This game will fall faster than Age of Conan, because it's like Age of Conan but done even worse.


I agree with the following points: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

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Maybe you're unaware of the Ohlen statements regarding using WoW as a model, and maybe you're just blind and delusional, but yeah it's clearly using WoW as a model.


Don't you worry your little blistered behind, I've already canceled my subscription and will never be playing this game again.


In the mean time I may as well ventilate my disappointment and at least get some semblance of bang for my buck and some catharsis.


WoW is the model of a successful MMO model, because it took what MMO's had before it and refined it, bringing them all together. So yes, they are choosing it as a model for MMOs but not soley for it. WoW did the same thing with Everquest pretty much.

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I play with a group of RL friends. Every last one of us is having a blast, barely run into any bugs, enjoy the content and generally enjoy ourselves.


Then I come here during lunch break and read the threads, and it's like they're playing a totally different game. It boggles my mind.


Then I remember the WoW forums... Just a repeat.



Totally the same experience. I play and have an incredibly fun time...then see all these posts and think, "What game are they playing?"


It's weird. But hey, each to their own. I guess when I don't like a game, I just chalk it up to my own preferences, rather than diabolical plots by the devs to ruin my life.


General Forums tend to be full of just whiny posts. Try to avoid it when possible. But, like a car wreck...sometimes you just gotta stare.

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What the Forums tell us :)


  • Say Anything Positive = Blind TOR Fanboi
  • Say Anything Negative = WoW Troll, or Hater
  • If people are unsure of the cause of something you blame casual players
  • If people do not understand something you blame Bioware for that
  • If you do soemthing stupid its clearly Biowares fault for not anticipating players doing that and Bioware should be more prepared in the future for their mistakes.
  • The devs know what they are doing
  • The devs do not know what they are doing.
  • The game is far too easy I afk faceroll
  • The Game is too hard I cant beat a quest
  • The game needs to be changed to X or I will quit!!!!!
  • If the games changed to X i will Quit!!!!
  • Interested in pvp = 12yo ADD child with head injuries
  • Interested in PvE = 30yo basement dweller who is afraid of other people
  • Carebear = a term you can use for anyone if they dont agree no matter the subject
  • Hardcorez = people who spend a hardcore amount of time talking about themselves rather then actually being a hardcore player and playing the game
  • Casuals = The bads, the lazy the scourge and ruiners of everything because they all want the same thing and haveit all brought out ona silver platter the moment they logged in.
  • Playing WoW gives you authority to speak on any subject in TOR with a respected point of view
  • Achievements in other games need to be stated in the forums or people will not respect you.
  • The first response to any complaint is LOL L2P I do that afk all the time lolz
  • You can be a professor, game developer, industry expert, or an actress named Jessica Grove simply by saying so to give your argument more credence


Well said.

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When reading through the posts in this forum Im left with a scary feeling inside.



1. Crafting is useless

2. PvP is a joke

3. End game is boring

4. Sith is more powerful than Jedi (but we know)

5. UI is utterly crap

6. FPS is a huge problem

7. BW dont listen

8. Its impossible to find a group without LFG spamming

9. Everything cost too much

10. Some is making way to much credits

11. Its to fast to get up to 50, where apparently it is now very lonely and booring

12. the list goes on and on.


I think i will just stop reading the forum and go back and enjoy the game as it is...


Have fun all!


That scary feeling is good if it makes BioWare change their stance on the current "end game" they have created.

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This is a Star Wars setting. You should have said, "I have a bad feeling about this" instead.


I'm hoping for my Jedi Knight to say "Hi there." at some point :)


Edit: *cough* "Hello there." is what I meant to write.

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When reading through the posts in this forum Im left with a scary feeling inside.



1. Crafting is useless

I don't really know why "crafting is useless". I can tell u that, at least, it's useful to make credits.


2. PvP is a joke

Maybe they expected Bayonetta Online? :o


3. End game is boring

Dunno about this


4. Sith is more powerful than Jedi (but we know)

Of course they are :cool:


5. UI is utterly crap

It is.


6. FPS is a huge problem

It is...


7. BW dont listen

Don't think so.


8. Its impossible to find a group without LFG spamming

I have never had a problem finding group, but they should improve the LFG chat.


9. Everything cost too much

10. Some is making way to much credits

Don't 9 and 10 contradict theirselves?


11. Its to fast to get up to 50, where apparently it is now very lonely and booring

I'm not lvl 50, however, I agree that you can level in this game pretty fast. But this is because the game is so much fun, that u can really rush it without getting bored. In others like wow, leveling like 15 lvl non-stop is BORING. Here, it isn't.

Edited by soujirop
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When reading through the posts in this forum Im left with a scary feeling inside.



1. Crafting is uselessI have not found it to be so

2. PvP is a jokeHave not done any so I can not say

3. End game is boringlet see, not even a month out and people are at end game their own problem

4. Sith is more powerful than Jedi (but we know) not true

5. UI is utterly crap same as any UI in any MMORPG

6. FPS is a huge problemI kind of have to agree untill I read about the work around now its smooth as silk, of course it's not as smooth as WoW because that game is old

7. BW dont listennot to any one person

8. Its impossible to find a group without LFG spammingnot really, takes about 4 tries.

9. Everything cost too muchit seems it does, but then at lvl 20 i have 50k credits so it evens out

10. Some is making way to much creditsnot me

11. Its to fast to get up to 50, where apparently it is now very lonely and booringonly if you dont have a life

12. the list goes on and on.the list is as flawed as the people makeingit


I think i will just stop reading the forum and go back and enjoy the game as it is...


Have fun all!


I am having fun

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WoW is the model of a successful MMO model, because it took what MMO's had before it and refined it, bringing them all together. So yes, they are choosing it as a model for MMOs but not soley for it. WoW did the same thing with Everquest pretty much.

everquest is way superior to wow,wow is just marketed better.

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No doubt! I've been logging in and playing every evening I can, and having a blast. Every time I look on the forums, I see all these posts trying to convince me that I'm not having fun and that the game is so broken and horrible that no one could possibly enjoy it.


In other words, same experience I've had with every other MMO I've played. Every game I've ever played, I find that I'm having fun, but to read the game's forums you'd think people were seeing rl hit squads come to their homes and torture them with red-hot irons every time they log in.


Your solution is the correct one -- go back to playing and having fun, and let the complainers have their fun on the forums. :D


That about sums it up. I'm still here mostly because the forums were pretty decent (as gaming forums go) until the re-launch. I'm holding onto my hope that the genre-typical whining and crying will subside, and the forums will once again become a place where Man can go and actually have a civilized chat about the game.


And now I will go back to playing and having the most fun I've had in a game since a very long time.

Edited by Muesliac
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