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This forum is starting to scare me.


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Because the people supporting this game are playing it. Only the trolls are left on the forums so that would give the game a bad rep if you read the forums first before playing the game.


I totally agree. Frankly I did read some of the forums before playing and It gave me a sense of uncertainty. However, I've been playing the game and having a blast.


Need to add - the planets are too tiny - to that list.


Honestly, I'm finding that some planets are smaller than others but easily the size of several zones in other MMOs. I do like exploring but I'm not exactly sure what going out into some barren area would really accomplish. It's almost like there's some "secret thing" that is hiding behind the landscape blocking you that MUST BE FOUND - type of scenario?


Crafting is much better than many of the MMOs out there. You can actually use the things you make, they are competitive with quest and flashpoint rewards (generally) and it's not "end game only" stuff. I think there is a lack of "fun, fluff" crafted goods but that's really a minor gripe.


The Graphics engine needs some tweaks in performance but generally things are smooth. Especially in less populated areas. It's a lag fest on the fleet but that's more an issue of too many pings in one area than graphics. All MMOs suffer from this.


I can't really comment on the other things as my main character is mid-level and I am simply enjoying the journey.

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Yeah I agree with OP, I am starting to question why I visited this forum and read through several doom and gloom and drama posts..


I guess there is just not much else to post about. Not really worth reading though... xD


Try the Community / Fan Art section - some nice stuff there :)

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Funny, I come on here look at forums for 15minutes, make a similar thread as yours. People are insane. Most of the stuff they write about is also complete BS. Bioware needs to clean the forums up, I almost did not buy the game because of things people said and wrote,some similar to what you find on these forums. After I got the game I realise 99% of all of what I read and was told was complete lies and ********. Enough is enough. I thought theofficialboard at least would not be filled with obvious trolls, claiming the game is not an MMO is an obvious troll to say the least.
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Funny, I come on here look at forums for 15minutes, make a similar thread as yours. People are insane. Most of the stuff they write about is also complete BS. Bioware needs to clean the forums up, I almost did not buy the game because of things people said and wrote,some similar to what you find on these forums. After I got the game I realise 99% of all of what I read and was told was complete lies and ********. Enough is enough. I thought theofficialboard at least would not be filled with obvious trolls, claiming the game is not an MMO is an obvious troll to say the least.


Funny thing is you don't cite what made you question the game just that people who voice their concerns are liars... Hmmm. Are you a paid BW "Chet"?

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Funny thing is you don't cite what made you question the game just that people who voice their concerns are liars... Hmmm. Are you a paid BW "Chet"?


I made a thread, just a minute ago, called "I almost did not buy the game becauseof.." go read it, I list everything. Also I am from Sweden, in Sweden and I doubt Bioware has an office here, I wish...


Oh and honestly, do you agree with the things OP listed? really? what areyou? an EVE fanboy? If you are, be happy I cancelled my eve account since I got this game.

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We are still in the first free month. It should get a little more constructive once that has passed.


But, considering WoW, it probably won't. Make your own decisions about the game, ignore anything Shadysketchy says, and you will be fine.


If you don't like it, hey, you made your own decision. Leave if you don't like it; maybe come back later and play after some of this stuff has been fleshed out.


Don't do what some are doing, trolling the forums until their free time runs out, even though they clearly do not like the game.

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When reading through the posts in this forum Im left with a scary feeling inside.



1. Crafting is useless

2. PvP is a joke

3. End game is boring

4. Sith is more powerful than Jedi (but we know)

5. UI is utterly crap

6. FPS is a huge problem

7. BW dont listen

8. Its impossible to find a group without LFG spamming

9. Everything cost too much

10. Some is making way to much credits

11. Its to fast to get up to 50, where apparently it is now very lonely and booring

12. the list goes on and on.


I think i will just stop reading the forum and go back and enjoy the game as it is...


Have fun all!

If you walk down the streets of New York and read all the signs the goofballs are carrying, you'd think the world was going to end soon and humanity was doomed.


Best to do what you said.

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This forum seems to have its disproportionate share of whiners and brats. I've never really seen it before, except in a certain forum for another game, which I blame for the ruin of the MMO playerbase.


Really tired of seeing the complaining, which is why I'm not coming to the forums as often anymore. Sad, but maybe in a month it'll calm down.

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I made a thread, just a minute ago, called "I almost did not buy the game becauseof.." go read it, I list everything. Also I am from Sweden, in Sweden and I doubt Bioware has an office here, I wish...


Oh and honestly, do you agree with the things OP listed? really? what areyou? an EVE fanboy? If you are, be happy I cancelled my eve account since I got this game.


I do agree with the problems listed above, but I am willing to give BW time to fix this mess.


That doesn't mean I think only BW should not be criticized, in fact, I think they need to be scrutinized to a further degree to make sure this game is the best. And because I will continue to pay for it, for now, I believe I have as much a righ to be heard too. Or do you not believe in the Democratic process?

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This forum seems to have its disproportionate share of whiners and brats. I've never really seen it before, except in a certain forum for another game, which I blame for the ruin of the MMO playerbase.


Really tired of seeing the complaining, which is why I'm not coming to the forums as often anymore. Sad, but maybe in a month it'll calm down.


so youve never seen this before, except in forums for other games.

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Because the people supporting this game are playing it. Only the trolls are left on the forums so that would give the game a bad rep if you read the forums first before playing the game.


Actually the people who care about the maximizing of SW:TOR's long term success and "are supporting this game" are attempting to raise awareness with the developer that there are some serious issues that need considering...

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A lot of Bounty Hunters are completely unable to complete their Class Quest at 48-50ish, when they're at the end of it


How is that not a major issue?


While it -is- an important issue, is it truly gamebreaking? Are those bounty hunters unable to participate in other facets of the game because of the issue? Does it keep them from using the GTN, PVP'ing, working on other missions, talking with their friends, running FP's or ops? I haven't experienced the bug myself, so I honestly don't know.

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Well, people come on the Forums for a variety of reasons, but a common factor; is to complain


Since there's a lot of pretty major issues with SWTOR, it only makes sense that there's a lot of Threads to reflect that


You do especially I've noticed.

Edited by Mandrax
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Well, people come on the Forums for a variety of reasons, but a common factor; is to complain


Since there's a lot of pretty major issues with SWTOR, it only makes sense that there's a lot of Threads to reflect that


Major issues...*sigh*


Shady, you're in every thread professing the end of this game. What game breaking issues does SWTOR have? A clunky GTN interface? A guild page that doesn't show all guildmembers online? The lack of a /roll abililty?


Oh no, those will surely cause the game to crash and burn and will never ever be fixed.

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I take your point.


Its because:



1. Crafting is useless

2. PvP is a joke

3. End game is boring


5. UI is utterly crap

6. FPS is a huge problem

7. BW dont listen

8. Its impossible to find a group without LFG spamming

9. Everything cost too much

10. Some is making way to much credits


12. the list goes on and on:



13. graphical bugs

14. Options not being retianed past a loading screen

15. abiliity delays due to badly synched animations

16. apalling GTN interface

17. no global chat

18. Excessive travel times

19. Pointless time waste zones (orbitals, spaceports...)

and so on...

Edited by Cameirus
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When reading through the posts in this forum Im left with a scary feeling inside.



1. Crafting is useless

2. PvP is a joke

3. End game is boring

4. Sith is more powerful than Jedi (but we know)

5. UI is utterly crap

6. FPS is a huge problem

7. BW dont listen

8. Its impossible to find a group without LFG spamming

9. Everything cost too much

10. Some is making way to much credits

11. Its to fast to get up to 50, where apparently it is now very lonely and booring

12. the list goes on and on.


I think i will just stop reading the forum and go back and enjoy the game as it is...


Have fun all!


Oh that's just Shady manipulating everyone into his beliefs.


Don't believe what they say, the game is one of the best MMORPGS released in years, it just needs minor improvements :)

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Major issues...*sigh*


Shady, you're in every thread professing the end of this game. What game breaking issues does SWTOR have? A clunky GTN interface? A guild page that doesn't show all guildmembers online? The lack of a /roll abililty?


Oh no, those will surely cause the game to crash and burn and will never ever be fixed.


1) No PvP

2) No end-game

3) terrible focus (story, which is poorly done with fanfic writing and bad amateur machinima)

4) bad UI with bad features (horrible chat, horrible group, horrible guild system, etc)

5) sharded to all hell, game feels very small and unpopulated (furthest thing from a "massive" game I've ever seen)

6) engine cannot handle large amounts of people on screen

7) extremely linear theme-park, adds to the small static nature of the game

8) gets boring quick


This game will fall faster than Age of Conan, because it's like Age of Conan but done even worse.

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1) No PvP

2) No end-game

3) terrible focus (story, which is poorly done with fanfic writing and bad amateur machinima)

4) bad UI with bad features (horrible chat, horrible group, horrible guild system, etc)

5) sharded to all hell, game feels very small and unpopulated (furthest thing from a "massive" game I've ever seen)

6) engine cannot handle large amounts of people on screen

7) extremely linear theme-park, adds to the small static nature of the game

8) gets boring quick


This game will fall faster than Age of Conan, because it's like Age of Conan but done even worse.


Somone is upset.


Have a cookie!

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What the Forums tell us :)


  • Say Anything Positive = Blind TOR Fanboi
  • Say Anything Negative = WoW Troll, or Hater
  • If people are unsure of the cause of something you blame casual players
  • If people do not understand something you blame Bioware for that
  • If you do soemthing stupid its clearly Biowares fault for not anticipating players doing that and Bioware should be more prepared in the future for their mistakes.
  • The devs know what they are doing
  • The devs do not know what they are doing.
  • The game is far too easy I afk faceroll
  • The Game is too hard I cant beat a quest
  • The game needs to be changed to X or I will quit!!!!!
  • If the games changed to X i will Quit!!!!
  • Interested in pvp = 12yo ADD child with head injuries
  • Interested in PvE = 30yo basement dweller who is afraid of other people
  • Carebear = a term you can use for anyone if they dont agree no matter the subject
  • Hardcorez = people who spend a hardcore amount of time talking about themselves rather then actually being a hardcore player and playing the game
  • Casuals = The bads, the lazy the scourge and ruiners of everything because they all want the same thing and haveit all brought out ona silver platter the moment they logged in.
  • Playing WoW gives you authority to speak on any subject in TOR with a respected point of view
  • Achievements in other games need to be stated in the forums or people will not respect you.
  • The first response to any complaint is LOL L2P I do that afk all the time lolz
  • You can be a professor, game developer, industry expert, or an actress named Jessica Grove simply by saying so to give your argument more credence

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Actually the people who care about the maximizing of SW:TOR's long term success and "are supporting this game" are attempting to raise awareness with the developer that there are some serious issues that need considering...


Unfortunately, it takes them a while to realize who the real trolls are...

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