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Bioware. please time better your releases ...


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Bioware, believe it or not, there is competition out there. And their games even though flawed, are doing much better than SWTOR. Time your expansion/patches releases better.


Legacy of the SIth was released about the same time as Lost Ark... when you knew the huge ammount of interest that there was on that game.


Then, you releasing 7.1, the very same day of Shadowlands Season 4. Yeah, do not laugh at wow, game's been increasing interest since Dragonflight alpha. But that's besides the point and im not here to talk good or bad about wow.


What im about to say tho, is that you guys need to release the game in better schedules!


Lets think about it. We know the game's been doing bad, so every bit helps, you may think not many people that play swtor play wow or lost ark, but they do, but even if you disagree, tell me something.


Wouldnt have been better to release 7.1, Along with the release of Obi Wan Kenobi series !?


Immagine that !!

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Legacy of the SIth was released about the same time as Lost Ark... when you knew the huge ammount of interest that there was on that game.


Never heard of it, don't care.


Then, you releasing 7.1, the very same day of Shadowlands Season 4. Yeah, do not laugh at wow, game's been increasing interest since Dragonflight alpha. But that's besides the point and im not here to talk good or bad about wow.


I only know this relates to WoW because you literally said so here.


Lets think about it. We know the game's been doing bad, so every bit helps, you may think not many people that play swtor play wow or lost ark, but they do


Then they can play both games i guess? Am I missing something like who cares if they sub on the day of release (when it's a buggy mess), the day after release (when it's a buggy mess) or six months after release (when I did, reasons unrelated to playing other games, still a buggy mess)?


Wouldnt have been better to release 7.1, Along with the release of Obi Wan Kenobi series !?


Immagine that !!


To be clear, 7.1 hasn't come out yet. Your argument is that they should have released it nearly 2 months ago? Yes, I agree. Not to coincide with Kenobi, which was garbage, but because we could have had 7.1 sooner? Y e s...? Do you think BW has this master plan to release content? Have you been paying attention so far? Has it occurred to you that the game is doing badly because they're always late, missing deadlines and could not release the content any sooner?

Edited by Ardrossan
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Never heard of it, don't care.




I only know this relates to WoW because you literally said so here.




Then they can play both games i guess? Am I missing something like who cares if they sub on the day of release (when it's a buggy mess), the day after release (when it's a buggy mess) or six months after release (when I did, reasons unrelated to playing other games, still a buggy mess)?




To be clear, 7.1 hasn't come out yet. Your argument is that they should have released it nearly 2 months ago? Yes, I agree. Not to coincide with Kenobi, which was garbage, but because we could have had 7.1 sooner? Y e s...? Do you think BW has this master plan to release content? Have you been paying attention so far? Has it occurred to you that the game is doing badly because they're always late, missing deadlines and could not release the content any sooner?


1. Yes you do know Lost Ark

2. You do know shadowlands


And even if you didn't, why respond? There was nothing of interest said? Oh that game? Never heard of it, must irrelevant then....


OP's points are completely valid.

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1. Yes you do know Lost Ark

2. You do know shadowlands


And even if you didn't, why respond? There was nothing of interest said? Oh that game? Never heard of it, must irrelevant then....


OP's points are completely valid.


No, I really don't know these games, nor do I care. Let me repeat my points because you seem to have trouble with reading comprehension, because it's not about when some other damn game is getting patched, it's BW's complete inability to release content on time. Should they have released 7.1 in May? That would be nice? Because of Kenobi? No, to get it out there sooner. Who cares about Kenobi? Who cares about when some other game patch is released? We're like 8 months behind schedule and OP's worried about BW's poor timing lmao.

Edited by Ardrossan
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No, I really don't know these games, nor do I care. Let me repeat my points because you seem to have trouble with reading comprehension, because it's not about when some other damn game is getting patched, it's BW's complete inability to release content on time. Should they have released 7.1 in May? That would be nice? Because of Kenobi? No, to get it out there sooner. Who cares about Kenobi? Who cares about when some other game patch is released? We're like 8 months behind schedule and OP's worried about BW's poor timing lmao.


How are you not worried? With this patch cycle you are surprised to see people leave for WoW? WHY WOULD THEY NOT? The game will be the same for at least 4 months after 7.1, why not go play one of the biggest MMO's on steam aka Lost Ark? Why not play in the early days of season 4 when everybody is around, swtor is gonna be the same when WoW gets boring again.


Yes the devs should release content sooner, but if it's not ready it's not ready. What can I do to change that?

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How are you not worried? With this patch cycle you are surprised to see people leave for WoW? WHY WOULD THEY NOT? The game will be the same for at least 4 months after 7.1, why not go play one of the biggest MMO's on steam aka Lost Ark? Why not play in the early days of season 4 when everybody is around, swtor is gonna be the same when WoW gets boring again.


Yes the devs should release content sooner, but if it's not ready it's not ready. What can I do to change that?


None of that has anything to do with OP's point about timing releases not to coincide with game patches, or my point that development is a dumpster fire and releasing patches on the same day of x game is the least of their worries.


I'm playing this game now because I'm currently subscribed to it. When my sub ends in five weeks, i'll go play some other game, though not either of the ones you mentioned. This has been BW's strategy for literal years, veterans are supposed to take time and do something else.

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Yes the devs should release content sooner, but if it's not ready it's not ready.


That is kind of Ardrosson's point. 7.0 was supposed to coincide with SWTOR's 10th anniversary back in December but was split up into different parts that were pushed back by 2 and 4 months respectfully. SWTOR is so far behind that what other games are doing should be irrelevant to them. They need to focus on getting back on track.

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This game should not schedule anything around other games. They should only concentrate on SWTOR and when something is ready to be released, it should be released.


If you want a successful lauch you should try to avoid bringing content on the same day as another big MMO it's just common sense. But they don't want a successful launch otherwise the ship would be sinking slower...

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If you want a successful lauch you should try to avoid bringing content on the same day as another big MMO it's just common sense. But they don't want a successful launch otherwise the ship would be sinking slower...


People that are going to play both games will play both games. The scheduling of two game content releases on the same day isn't going to sway a player that has little or no interest in one of the two games. The best thing SWTOR can do is put updates out as soon as they are ready for release. Holding them for longer because some other competitor has something scheduled for release on the same day is bad business. They might as well just tell everybody to go try out their competitor's new game (... "We've decided to delay 7.1 so everybody can go try out Shadowlands Season 4 for a few weeks. Enjoy the other game, let us know when you'll be back and we'll release 7.1 at that time..." ) Ford isn't going to delay the release of their newest Mustang just because Dodge scheduled to release it's latest Charger on the same day. That would be idiotic.

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People that are going to play both games will play both games. The scheduling of two game content releases on the same day isn't going to sway a player that has little or no interest in one of the two games. The best thing SWTOR can do is put updates out as soon as they are ready for release. Holding them for longer because some other competitor has something scheduled for release on the same day is bad business. They might as well just tell everybody to go try out their competitor's new game (... "We've decided to delay 7.1 so everybody can go try out Shadowlands Season 4 for a few weeks. Enjoy the other game, let us know when you'll be back and we'll release 7.1 at that time..." ) Ford isn't going to delay the release of their newest Mustang just because Dodge scheduled to release it's latest Charger on the same day. That would be idiotic.


Well I guess we just disagree. It's not that big of a deal for patches though, but for expansions you should definotely look around you, at least a successful lainch is to me when the server is lagging so hard it's barely playable, it's just a part of an expansion launch to me idk

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