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The Quest to Subscribe: A swtor player story


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Hey you all

Today im gonna share a story of the suffering and pain i had to go through to be able to get my subscription. On 8th of July i tried to sub over swtor webside but got the msg that there is a problem with my EA account. Weird i thought, but hey there is an option now to sub via steam, let me try that. Guess what. It didnt work. Money was transfered ofc tho. So i decided to call support. My phone runned out of money during call so i had to call again. Was told to send SS of my steam ID and purchase history. And so i did. And so i was getting no replies, i wrote emails asking if support got my emails, to what i got no reply. Alsow during phone call i learned that issue with EA acccount can be fixed by changing origin password. So a SMALL suggestion. Maybe the text should be saying something like:

,,Hey there is a problem with your EA acount and u are currently unable to purchase a swtor subscription. to handle to problem please reset your ea password and try again''.

I dont know about you folks, but to me it seems like a pretty decent idea dont you think?

And so i called again.

And the guy told me i was sending ss in wrong format and they couldnt see it. So i send them in proper format. And yep you guessed it, i got no reply.

I was told during phone call to alsow talk to EA support. I created ticket and talked to the guy live chat. Really nice guy tbh. One funny thing he told me tho, was to post on swtor forum on bug reports. Funny why? Couse i was unable to post there couse i wasnt a sub ofc :)

He told me he will forward the issue to swtor support. And so i waited 3 days i think. And yep you guessed it again! nothing!.

so yesterday i wrote EA again. they asked for email and origin id. Yep for the email i was literally writing them from.

And they marked ticket as duplicate. without solving it

So i wrote them today, a really long msg with all the details 95%of it was about the sub. And 5% about the fact that i cant view my ticket on ea webside couse its not loading.

you know what response i got?

I can see that you had contacted us regarding our website issue. I request you to kindly elaborate on your issue in order to assist you better

I didnt know whether to laugh or cry.

So i wrote from a different email, from gmail, sent 2 emails one with SS other with not, describing the whole thing, the issue, the 12 days wait time, all the ticket numbers. And finally since i am able to write this sad-funny story i got my 30 days sub.

After 12 days since i subbed

After paying the equivalent of 30 days sub in phone calls

And what more did i get?

500 cartel coins

nope dear devs

I payed as much for 30 days as i did for 60

I play this game (with breaks ofc or i would lose the rest of my mind) since launch, pre order

I dont give a single f about cartel coins. i can buy anything i want from gtn

I demand addtional sub days.

This is what i want. not your cc. I waited 12 days, phoned 3 times (payed as much for that as for 30 dasy sub), created 3 swtor tickets, and like 3 or 4 ea tickets

and i have to admit while talking to support over phone or live chat they are helpful and nice

when talking through emails i get sent a not filled copy and paste replies with no information or they focus on the god damm webside issue and not on the thing 95% of the email is.

Yes i am writing this wile being annoyed.

Never have i ever had no many problems with fixing such a minor thing.

I finally bought a new pc and can play on ultra graphics with 200 fps compared to 15 on low on old pc which i used to raid nims with, i was excited to raid again with no lag and actually being able to show what i can do.

But yeah now all that excitement is gone.

TLDR: 12 days and 3 phone calls in, payed as much for phone as i did for 30 days sub, i dont want coins i want sub time.

Hope you had a laugh when reading this

Have a nice evening

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A few weeks ago before GS ended I bought the origin deluxe pack, which gives you extra CCs along with some junk if it's your first time buying it (it wasn't in my case). They emailed me the code and i redeemed it off the swtor website. I didn't have to interact with EA or do anything complicated at all.


Have you heard of FML? There are two options: 'I agree your life sucks' or 'You totally deserved it'. Five mins of google might have saved you a lot of money and time my dude. For that matter, 30 seconds of editing might have made your textwall something I'd wanna read.

Edited by Ardrossan
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Well the issue with that is frankly i don't care whether some internet rando will want to read what i wrote


Of course, you wrote an 800 word essay in Gen Discussion because you didn't want internet randos to read it. Makes sense :rak_01:

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i wrote this tex wall couse i wanted to vent after finally getting my issue fix and to demand a proper compensation for my problems. I dont want to contact support again couse i have enough of them for a looong while. So whether some swtor forum dweller like you will find what i wrote interesting is not something i spent 1 second thinking about.
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So i wrote them today, a really long msg with all the details 95%of it was about the sub. And 5% about the fact that i cant view my ticket on ea webside couse its not loading.

you know what response i got?

I can see that you had contacted us regarding our website issue. I request you to kindly elaborate on your issue in order to assist you better

I didnt know whether to laugh or cry.


This seems to be an automatic response from them, whether it's a bot or a real person doing copy-paste, idk, but I find it insulting. No matter what and how detailed information you give them, the response is always the same: they want you to elaborate "in order to assist you better". It's like they didn't even read what you just wrote and can't be bothered to do anything more than try to exhaust the customer to give up. It's not their problem, it's not their money: they don't care.


Out of 10 tickets I've sent, only twice the response has been on topic and the CS has been able to solve my issue. The other 80% have been responses that have nothing to do with my issue, or asking for more details after I just wrote them an essay with details. Sometimes they even close the ticket after asking for more information.


I have no idea why EA is paying to some of the people in CS, they are not helping anyone, they are just making the paying customers angry.

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i wrote this tex wall couse i wanted to vent after finally getting my issue fix and to demand a proper compensation for my problems. I dont want to contact support again couse i have enough of them for a looong while. So whether some swtor forum dweller like you will find what i wrote interesting is not something i spent 1 second thinking about.




You spent enough time thinking about it to respond to them twice. If you didn't want to deal with internet forum randos giving their two cents, you shouldn't have come onto the forums to begin with. Or at least ignored your thread unless you got a response from Bioware.

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i wrote this tex wall couse i wanted to vent after finally getting my issue fix and to demand a proper compensation for my problems. I dont want to contact support again couse i have enough of them for a looong while. So whether some swtor forum dweller like you will find what i wrote interesting is not something i spent 1 second thinking about.

If you want other people to read your wall of text ...


Hint, it seems you do, as shown in the beginning of your post:

Today im gonna share a story of the suffering and pain i had to go through

Well, if you want to share *to* people, you would be wise to write so that they want to be shared *to*. That means putting your thoughts in order *before* you write, using conventional(1) spelling and grammar, and so on. All those things they taught you in school about expositionary writing.(4)

Maybe the text should be saying something like:

,,Hey there is a problem with your EA acount and u are currently unable to purchase a swtor subscription. to handle to problem please reset your ea password and try again''.

I dont know about you folks, but to me it seems like a pretty decent idea dont you think?

Depends. What if the problem in a specific case is something else and the person has already reverified their Origin password, but the internal errors that the website itself sees say the same thing as before? Would you appreciate being told to do the same thing you just did?

so yesterday i wrote EA again. they asked for email and origin id. Yep for the email i was literally writing them from.

What makes you think that *everyone* uses the same email account when emailing support that is registered with the account? What makes you think that *nobody* ever loses access to an email account and emails support from a different account in an attempt to resolve the issue?

So i wrote them today, a really long msg with all the details 95%of it was about the sub. And 5% about the fact that i cant view my ticket on ea webside couse its not loading.

you know what response i got?

I can see that you had contacted us regarding our website issue. I request you to kindly elaborate on your issue in order to assist you better

When emailing support organisations about issue X, write only about issue X. Do not introduce issue Y as an adjunct, or you're likely to get feedback only about issue Y. I chalk this one up as being your fault.


One last thing. This:

My phone runned out of money during call so i had to call again.

is 137% your fault. Wherever possible, do not use mobile/cell phones for calling support organisations. Above all, do not use pay-as-you-go mobiles. "Toll-free" (or whatever it's called in your country) numbers are rarely toll-free when called from mobiles, and you absolutely do not want to be forced to drop a call because you've used up the paid-for minutes. (Although I generally ignore the "no mobiles" rule, it's thirteen years since I last had a PAYG mobile...)


(1) No, I'm not trying to say that spelling and grammar are dictated by rules - they are not. They are just *conventions*, but they are *useful* conventions that aid mutual comprehension. If reading someone's writiing feels like a struggle because I have to spend time and brain cells (I only have two, including the one that was on my T-shirt(2) that I threw away twenty years ago) on working out what the person wanted to say, then I'm not going to bother.


(2) One like this: https://www.grailed.com/listings/32209461-arts-science-x-hanes-x-vintage-brain-cell-bang-on-the-door-1994-t-shirt-vintage-hanes


(3) There is no footnote 3.


(4) Before you jump in, I have personal experience of how schools teach expositionary writing from two countries, the UK and the US, and a theoretical idea of what French schools expect people to learn in school.

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You spent enough time thinking about it to respond to them twice. If you didn't want to deal with internet forum randos giving their two cents, you shouldn't have come onto the forums to begin with. Or at least ignored your thread unless you got a response from Bioware.

sorry i guesss you know better. gues il just put you and him on ignore to prove my point right?


is 137% your fault. Wherever possible, do not use mobile/cell phones for calling support organisations. Above all, do not use pay-as-you-go mobiles.

yep i agree that one is deff on me, should have checked my phone acc before calling


What makes you think that *everyone* uses the same email account when emailing support that is registered with the account? What makes you think that *nobody* ever loses access to an email account and emails support from a different account in an attempt to resolve the issue?


well yeah i had to use a different email to solve issue xd

which does not change the fact that i was loggen on the ea account with the email i was putting tickets from


When emailing support organisations about issue X, write only about issue X. Do not introduce issue Y as an adjunct, or you're likely to get feedback only about issue Y. I chalk this one up as being your fault.


do not agree here, if thats how it works its just plain stupid


Regarding spelling and grammar: didnt really care about eighter of those when writing, its not a school essay, its a forum rant

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sorry i guesss you know better. gues il just put you and him on ignore to prove my point right?


Maybe you'll see this, maybe you won't either way, you still care enough to continue to respond to randos on the internet. So your actions betray your words and it does indeed appear as if you care that others read your post, you are just mad that everyone isn't falling in line and clamoring to support you.

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sorry i guesss you know better. gues il just put you and him on ignore to prove my point right?


Sadly, ignore doesn't work very well on this forum imo. You're better off just making lots of cutting comments and hope to escape the automod. I don't report anyone though so you're fine there.


do not agree here, if thats how it works its just plain stupid


It is stupid but it is also reality, so your agreement really doesn't much matter.


Regarding spelling and grammar: didnt really care about eighter of those when writing, its not a school essay, its a forum rant


Are you trying to trigger Steve? Dude, he uses footnotes. A lot :eek:. If you want to be illiterate, fine but keep the anti-intellectualism to the downlow.

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