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Do people not know how to use cardinal directions when answering callouts?


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Since day 1 I've always stuck to cardinal directions when calling out for help, I.E East and West. It's pretty simple, someone says East help, that means the East node on your map. Pretty easy.


Why do people still use nonsense like Grass, Snow, Jungle and Relics, when East and West is so much simpler and easy to understand?

Edited by Loadsamonie
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Because many people don’t know whether you’re referring to the direction on their mini-map or the direction their character is facing. The two can become conflated, especially in the middle of a battle. Besides, as long as people know what you’re talking about, why does it matter what language you use to call out?


And it’s not like most teams actually heed callouts, anyway. I’ll make callouts, but nine times out of ten, I don’t actually expect help to come.

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Because many people don’t know whether you’re referring to the direction on their mini-map or the direction their character is facing. The two can become conflated, especially in the middle of a battle. Besides, as long as people know what you’re talking about, why does it matter what language you use to call out?


And it’s not like most teams actually heed callouts, anyway. I’ll make callouts, but nine times out of ten, I don’t actually expect help to come.


I can understand the confusion if you just say left or right, because that's vague and can be interpreted as a matter of perspective, but East and West is very clear. You look at the minimap, east is whatever is on the right side of the map, west is whatever is on the left side of the map. It's not hard.

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There is no improved value in compass directions on small well known maps.


You get value from compass directions when there's absolutely nothing else to refer to.


This can be seen and heard in various competitive game streams.


But above all, people don't care. They are in a disorganised group with you and have no prior agreement on calls or even giving a damn. An organised team could use anything and get the job done.

Edited by Gyronamics
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There is no improved value in compass directions on small well known maps.


You get value from compass directions when there's absolutely nothing else to refer to.


This can be seen and heard in various competitive game streams.


But above all, people don't care. They are in a disorganised group with you and have no prior agreement on calls or even giving a damn. An organised team could use anything and get the job done.


People should start caring then. No matter how bad my team is or how bad of a day I'm having myself, I try my best and play to win every game. It's not just about "oh ill try to get my 8 medals and then afk for gear."

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Then join or start a pvp guild get on discord and join in groups. Its generally the only way to ensure at least half the team isn't uncoordinated or a pvp deathmatch in the middle type.


I've been looking for one on Satele Shan, one that almost exclusively does Warzones and GSF. Haven't had any luck finding one that actively does both.

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Some people struggle with cardinal directions. I try to say East/west, but I will admit that sometimes I have to stop and think for a second. Voidstar, for example. When defending, the spawn point faces south. So the left side is east and the right is west. Normally when you are looking at a map, the compass needle points north. So it’s the opposite - left is west, right is east.


So unless you always maintain a sort of rotating compass view of the map in your head, you have to stop and think about which direction you are facing and translate. It takes extra time and is often easier to just say “left” or “right” in the moment. The left and right in voidstar will always be from the perspective of the defender spawn point…or at least that’s how I see it. Because people waiting to exit the spawn area won’t have to think very hard about which way to go.


I know somebody who is great with cardinal directions but often confuses left and right. I also know people who couldn’t tell you which way is east if their life depended on it. People think differently and that’s ok.

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People should start caring then. No matter how bad my team is or how bad of a day I'm having myself, I try my best and play to win every game. It's not just about "oh ill try to get my 8 medals and then afk for gear."


Clearly you aren't trying your best since you are refusing the adapt to the players on your team and use the terminology the vast majority of pvp players are used to and better at understanding. Instead you choose to complain about it and justify it as being everyone else who is wrong, and you who are right.


Both terminologies lead to the same result-which is pretty much nothing most of the time, so just use the terminology that most people are comfortable with using. You up your chances of actually getting a response.

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I prefer locations ( snow, grass, etc) for maps that have named areas. NSEW for those that don't. Think that's what most are used to and its pretty much understood in the community. Those that call right or left just need to be informed of the nomenclature.
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