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SWTOR Central Network nails it with latest (possibly last?) YT vid


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It's mind-boggling... Due to the Obi-Wan Show there were many new or returning players... This could have been a huge opportunity, because there is an interest in Inqusitor-like weapons or armor sets, droids, Obi-Wans mount, decorations and so on. Everyone knew this show was coming 6-12 month in advance. But they didnt manage to get out one new thing.


Now the usual apologists will say thatt the can't do that because of copyright aso... but thats not true. There were very similar Mando armor sets an decorations, even a Lil (but empty) Yoda craddle. Maybe with 7.1 we get a Fenec Shand like armor set. But 6 month after the Boba Fett show ended.

Disney literaly print money for them, if they would do the bare minimum to capitalize on that.

But like its said, it seems they don't want money at all.:confused:




btw. one of the easiest ways to make money, would be to increase the useable hooks on strongholds.

The mandalorian series inspired items, including the Pod, came close to release of season2 of the show.


I do think they might have a "period" in between they are allowed to release things inspired by new series/movies releases.


Still, they already had Obi-Wan directly inspired/copied items since the movies have decades old before the the new series and still it took them WEEKS to even show them in the featured main screen.... that was lazy marketing.

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I just wish at least one dev would make a post saying "We over promised, we messed up, and we're sorry."


They over promised and never delivered it and yet i didnt hear they said sorry or we let you down we failed. They just has really really thick skin.Remember how they advertised kotfe as your choices are gonna matter story will change with your choices and it ended up complete lie and they never said anything about it. You choose evil option and kill the guy or you choose good option and save him but he dies anyways and same death cinematic and cut scene (Heskal death scene).Your choice wont even matter next cutscene but they claimed whole story will shape with your choices.


When they released 3.0 it was terrible with performance issues and game breaking bugs and what they do? They went a month long holiday leaving game almost unplayable state they lost so many players that period and lost more a few months following that terrible act. And again they didnt said they are sorry about what they did. So dont expect them to apoligise in their defence they do everything right players are to blame ****** situation of the game. They dont buy enough cartel coins or they unsub and go play games with actual new content wşth real developer team.

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Yeah gosh darn, those companion upgrades... you really stand no chance in story content without them.


Gear upgrade mats? Which one exactly I don't remember throwing that garbage away? Galactic seasons P2W... you can't even win in galactic seasons! Don't think I've heard anybody say something this stupid ever before.


It's simple: If a microtransaction positively impacts a game system, that mechanic is pay-to-win.

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It's simple: If a microtransaction positively impacts a game system, that mechanic is pay-to-win.


It's a subscriber reward system. It's completely different than a gearing path. Can you link one reputable site that defines "pay to win" as something other than "being able to pay for upgrades that give the player an advantage against other players."

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It's a subscriber reward system. It's completely different than a gearing path. Can you link one reputable site that defines "pay to win" as something other than "being able to pay for upgrades that give the player an advantage against other players."


Paying to win is absolutely applicable to PvE gameplay. How could it not be?

Edited by FlatTax
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nOt TrUe YuO gEt CoMpAnIoN giFtS aNd tHen thE hEroIc wiLL bE pOsSiBle

But you can get them without paying money, and they work *exactly* the same as if you paid money.


So paying to complete GS doesn't give you an advantage compared to completing it solely through gameplay. At best, it's what I call "Pay to Accelerate". (I'd also point out that completing GS by paying, whether in CCs or credits, actually has a *negative* effect on one thing, since by the time you've completed GS - by paying, that is - you've done fewer levels by gameplay and therefore gained fewer Syndicate Plans (for completed GS objectives) compared to if you had gained all those levels exclusively by gameplay.)

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Here's what you guys don't get:


Whether something is pay-to-win or not is a question of kind, not degree.


When microtransactions leak into impacting game systems, the red line, on the question of kind, has been crossed.


Corporations like EA tune these intrusions mildly until they're normalized, lulling us into excusing away warning signs in Never Land. They'll turn out the lights, and when Michael Jackson turns out to not be our friend, the damage will be done.


Resist corporate grooming. Educate yourself.

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Here's what you guys don't get:


Whether something is pay-to-win or not is a question of kind, not degree.


When microtransactions leak into impacting game systems, the red line, on the question of kind, has been crossed.


Corporations like EA tune these intrusions mildly until they're normalized, lulling us into excusing away warning signs in Never Land. They'll turn out the lights, and when Michael Jackson turns out to not be our friend, the damage will be done.


Resist corporate grooming. Educate yourself.


As the community has discovered years ago, you simply do not understand what P2W means.


P2W means you can purchase the top end PvE gear. (330 item level currently) directly for real life $ (not CC's), and there is no other way to get that gear in game for FREE. This is the only definition of P2W.

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Here's what you guys don't get:


Whether something is pay-to-win or not is a question of kind, not degree.


When microtransactions leak into impacting game systems, the red line, on the question of kind, has been crossed.


Corporations like EA tune these intrusions mildly until they're normalized, lulling us into excusing away warning signs in Never Land. They'll turn out the lights, and when Michael Jackson turns out to not be our friend, the damage will be done.


Resist corporate grooming. Educate yourself.


We get it just fine and we don't need to educate ourselves. The vast majority in this thread, and frankly, every person I've spoken to about this subject in the broader MMO community just disagree with your definition of Pay to Win (P2W).


Here's why: I don't care if people pay for cosmetic items to make their character look cooler or ride a cooler mount. In fact, I think there is considerable evidence that the Cartel Market actually saved SWTOR. Without whales like me (though I have since stopped purchasing Cartel Coins until I hear about changes / additions post-7.1), the game would have ended long ago.


As Cynical Steve points out (correctly, I might add), you can Pay to Accelerate (P2A) on things like Galactic Seasons. Similarly, you can essentially launder Cartel Market items for in-game currency to purchase augments.


You think that impacts the "game system" in a deleterious way. I (and many others) do not. In fact, we consider it a good thing because it keeps the game afloat. The positive impact far outweights whatever jealousy you may have about not having a fancy speeder, lightsaber, or Baby Yoda pod.


Bottom line: We simply disagree on the definition of P2W. I'm quite certain we are not to going to change your mind; conversely, you are not going to change mine (or many others). For me, the redline is when it impacts my ability to complete encounters / quests / acquire top tier gear. SWTOR is nowhere close to crossing that redline.





Edited by Jdast
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Buying top of the line ships in STO is pay to win. LOTRO locking certain classes behind subscription is arguably pay to win--imagine if only subs could play stealth classes lmao--and Fallout 76 locking inventory size by sub is also pay to win insofar as the game is largely unplayable otherwise. SWTOR may have fit that same model back in 2.0, but it's changed a lot.


In fact I would argue....


Here's what you guys don't get:


Corporations like EA tune these intrusions mildly until they're normalized, lulling us into excusing away warning signs in Never Land. They'll turn out the lights, and when Michael Jackson turns out to not be our friend, the damage will be done.


Resist corporate grooming. Educate yourself.


oh ok. I get it. gr8 b8. :rak_03:

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Here's what you guys don't get:


Whether something is pay-to-win or not is a question of kind, not degree.


When microtransactions leak into impacting game systems, the red line, on the question of kind, has been crossed.


Corporations like EA tune these intrusions mildly until they're normalized, lulling us into excusing away warning signs in Never Land. They'll turn out the lights, and when Michael Jackson turns out to not be our friend, the damage will be done.


Resist corporate grooming. Educate yourself.

If it wasn't for capitalism, there wouldn't be games. As much as you seem to hate the evil, greedy game industry, you keep on subscribing to this game. If people like you subscribe, the model clearly works.

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** Solves a lot of problems. It is a necessity. None of us can survive (let alone live a real life) without it. This will never change. Not in this world/society or any yet to come. While many seek Utopia or perhaps even that of imperturbability in this realm ... reality is quite different.


** NO greed is not good. (To counter a quote from a movie) ... There is the necessity for EA / BW to make money. And (as several have already done a more than adequate job of explaining) SWTOR is not P2W.


** That said .. that does not mean that there are some areas (including companions) where the game has shifted to where "the good stuff" is all too often found on the GTN items which have direct roots to the CM. It should be noted that "so far" none of these items give an edge to the player thus creating the foundation of P2W.


** Yes .. most (if not all) of what is on the CM is eye candy. So what!! Aside from supporting the game (and lining EA's pockets) there's not really to much more to be said. It's just that simple.


BTW... it should be noted that it is not a crime to offer a product ... for someone to buy said product and to earn money.

It should also be noted that this does NOT mean that I have changed my mind about the current condition of SWTOR. It is without question in serious trouble.


**** Divided community?? Some might say yes. And there may even be a degree of truth to that. BUT ... IMO that is only as long as we insist on "either or" approach to the game. By that I mean:

** Either very difficult or very easy ( I personally don't like either)

** Either cater to solo players or to large group only (why have both available with appropriate levels of difficulty available. Why be forced into either one?)

** Either PvP or not at all?? (Really ... BTW so far, from what I have seen, few (if any) promote this philosophy).


BTW... I personally don't think we are as divided as some would unquestionably LIKE TO THINK. Yes ... there is a lot to be debated. Yes we have differing opinions from time to time. Since when is that always a bad thing??


Yes SWTOR has some issues to overcome : BUGS and a significant drop in content is at the top of the list.


It should also be noted: How much money BW (EA) is actually taking in from the game ?? Regardless of how much we debate this matter the simple fact is that the money that IS coming in needs to be put to better use. (IMO).

Edited by OlBuzzard
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[quote name='Toraak']As the community has discovered years ago, you simply do not understand what P2W means. P2W means you can purchase the top end PvE gear. (330 item level currently) directly for real life $ (not CC's), and there is no other way to get that gear in game for FREE. This is the only definition of P2W.[/QUOTE] Your definition allows so much malevolence it renders itself meaningless. Edited by FlatTax
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"We over promised, we messed up, and we're sorry."

So do I! It's July and there's no sign whatsoever of any continued story content which is what I play & pay for. Do they have it written into their contracts that they can't say anything negative about the game? Real life has gone to s**t for just about everyone everywhere; gaming is an escape for many, so keeping the game updated as was said in the 7.0 livestream would have been great. If this has come to a stand-still because BW need to recruit story writers, designers, new voice actors etc., stuff like this happens. I would appreciate someone from BW being honest about the delays/lack of promised content, even if they can't tell us the exact reason.

Come on boss man Keith*; don't be embarrassed; many of us would love some honesty about what's going on and many of us would not be rage quitting :) The not knowing is more likely to result in mass unsubs, so let us know a revised time line. And chuck some free stuff our way (I vote for double CC reward for those of us who stay subbed).



And I'm sure Malgus must have developed some ridiculous force mind powers being chained in that prison for so long! We're doomed



*Unless he's gone :(

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We get it just fine and we don't need to educate ourselves. The vast majority in this thread, and frankly, every person I've spoken to about this subject in the broader MMO community simply disagree with your definition of Pay to Win (P2W).


Here's why: I don't care if people pay for cosmetic items to make their character look cooler or ride a cooler mount. In fact, I think there is considerable evidence that the Cartel Market actually saved SWTOR. Without whales like me (though I have since stopped purchasing Cartel Coins until I hear about changes / additions post-7.1), the game would have ended long ago.


As Cynical Steve points out (correctly, I might add), you can Pay to Accelerate (P2A) on things like Galactic Seasons. Similarly, you can essentially launder Cartel Market items for in-game currency to purchase augments.


You think that impacts the "game system" in a deleterious way. I (and many others) do not. In fact, we consider it a good thing because it keeps the game afloat. The positive impact far outweights whatever jealousy you may have about not having a fancy speeder, lightsaber, or Baby Yoda pod.


Bottom line: We simply disagree on the definition of P2W. I'm quite certain we are not to going to change your mind; conversely, you are not going to change mine (or many others). For me, the redline is when it impacts my ability to complete encounters / quests / acquire top tier gear. SWTOR is nowhere close to crossing that redline.






Pretty much this !! ^^^

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Your definition allows so much malevolence it renders itself meaningless.


everything you say about P2W is considered by the larger MMO industry, and community meaningless.


Paying to speed up a grind= Not P2W

Paying to purchase cosmetics= Not P2W

Cartel Market in General= Not P2W, since nothing in the CM can give you higher stats then anything in game.

Galactic Seasons= Not P2W

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Bottom line: We simply disagree on the definition of P2W. I'm quite certain we are not to going to change your mind; conversely, you are not going to change mine (or many others). For me, the redline is when it impacts my ability to complete encounters / quests / acquire top tier gear. SWTOR is nowhere close to crossing that redline.






You're defending systems that make crossing your red line possible.


It's important to recognize models that are problematic in kind, regardless of how mild they are in degree.

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You're defending systems that make crossing your red line possible.


It's important to recognize models that are problematic in kind, regardless of how mild they are in degree.


It's not that important. If a game such as this truly went to a pay to win format, they would lose customers and long term profit potential. In other words, if pay to win was a successful model, they would have done that long ago.


What you're complaining about is a redesigned subscriber reward system. The old system required you to be subbed on or by a certain date or for a certain duration of time. The new system gives players flexibility and a platform to get the rewards at a later date. It also gives subscribers the choice of getting the rewards through game play, through game currency (credits) or through premium currency (CCs). So it provides a means to support the game financially, keep players participating in various content, and provides a much needed credit sink. It also rewards subscribers that choose the "play" path a chance to get extra premium currency in their account. The more servers you play on, the more you can acquire. I chose to play on two servers in GS1 and GS2. So I have accumulated 16000 CCs from Galactic Seasons so far. It's $100 to buy 14500 CCs. So I have saved money. There are some diehards out there that did all 5 servers and have 40000 additional CCs after 2 seasons.

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So do I! It's July and there's no sign whatsoever of any continued story content which is what I play & pay for. Do they have it written into their contracts that they can't say anything negative about the game? Real life has gone to s**t for just about everyone everywhere; gaming is an escape for many, so keeping the game updated as was said in the 7.0 livestream would have been great. If this has come to a stand-still because BW need to recruit story writers, designers, new voice actors etc., stuff like this happens. I would appreciate someone from BW being honest about the delays/lack of promised content, even if they can't tell us the exact reason.

Come on boss man Keith*; don't be embarrassed; many of us would love some honesty about what's going on and many of us would not be rage quitting :) The not knowing is more likely to result in mass unsubs, so let us know a revised time line. And chuck some free stuff our way (I vote for double CC reward for those of us who stay subbed).



And I'm sure Malgus must have developed some ridiculous force mind powers being chained in that prison for so long! We're doomed



*Unless he's gone :(

Well: https://www.swtor.com/info/news/article/20220718 :eek: Did not expect them to tell us anything when I posted the above.

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