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A return to class-specific stories ( contains spoilers)


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Since SoR, none of the expansions made any sense to me, as i play non-force sensitive classes ( bounty hunter, smuggler) and the cherry on the cake was the choice i didn't wanted to make, the return to Empire or Republic. My main is a Mandalorian , so i see no reason why i should be bossed around by Krovos & Rivix. What do i have at this moment :

- The Allliance, people from different backgrounds ( Imperial officers, Sith, Jedi, smugglers and so on)

- an entire planet where can be build settlements, bases, hunting camps ( Odessen)

- a partnership with the warrior queen of a professional army ( Shae Vizla and the Mandalorians)


Now why would i want to give up my independence ? Only to be mixed in stories that are none of my business, like whatever does the artifact taken by the jedi girl, Malgus & so on? From a non-force sensitive perspective, it makes absolutely 0 sense! OK, as a bounty hunter, maybe finding the artifact and selling it to the highest bidder would be interesting, but the rest , not so much.


Now i would like to hear more opinions about this, somehow i don't think im the only one who wants the future expansions to be more class-oriented.

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Now i would like to hear more opinions about this, somehow i don't think im the only one who wants the future expansions to be more class-oriented.


You have not been the first, you will not be the last.


The boring pragmatic answer is the game likely doesn't make enough money to fund creation and voice acting of 8 individual and unique storylines going forward. We get what we get for the time being

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Since SoR, none of the expansions made any sense to me, as i play non-force sensitive classes ( bounty hunter, smuggler) and the cherry on the cake was the choice i didn't wanted to make, the return to Empire or Republic. My main is a Mandalorian , so i see no reason why i should be bossed around by Krovos & Rivix. What do i have at this moment :

- The Allliance, people from different backgrounds ( Imperial officers, Sith, Jedi, smugglers and so on)

- an entire planet where can be build settlements, bases, hunting camps ( Odessen)

- a partnership with the warrior queen of a professional army ( Shae Vizla and the Mandalorians)


Now why would i want to give up my independence ? Only to be mixed in stories that are none of my business, like whatever does the artifact taken by the jedi girl, Malgus & so on? From a non-force sensitive perspective, it makes absolutely 0 sense! OK, as a bounty hunter, maybe finding the artifact and selling it to the highest bidder would be interesting, but the rest , not so much.


Now i would like to hear more opinions about this, somehow i don't think im the only one who wants the future expansions to be more class-oriented.


I like your thoughts on Odessen. IMO by now the planet should be more developed. Even though the way the overall script has been written is to side with either the Empire or the Republic ... the option is clearly there to operate as an independent who might support (for the time being) one of the two factions. I have no problem with this whatsoever. Their planet / organization will still survive (even if strained from time to time).


From a standpoint of VA characters and "options" ( 8 story lines) I seriously doubt that we will ever see that again. Good grief we can't even get anything more from our companions .. :eek::eek::eek:

[note: companions might as well be replaced with an amulet ... same difference]


For whatever it's worth... the "story" we are getting really does need a lot more TLC ... and "meat" to it !!

Edited by OlBuzzard
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Since SoR, none of the expansions made any sense to me, as i play non-force sensitive classes

My condolences for playing KotFE and KotET as a tech class :D Some people see no issue with it, I am cringing all the way on the sheer thought. This was obviously designed for Force users and they don't even try to hide it.


Now to get real. I don't think we'll ever get back to 8 different, unique, parallel stories. Costs aside, after time skip and creation of the Alliance we kind of evolved beyond the concept of separate independent classes. It would be really hard to try and implement that at this point in time when you can choose sides and have an illusion of running your Alliance. They have also abandoned the narrative that stories happen in parallel. Now we have one linear story.

That said, I see no issue with at least creating 2 parallel stories, one for Tech classes and one for Force classes.

I.e. Force class is playing with relics and ruins while tech class is securing weapons, resources, fighting armies etc. you catch my drift, I gave it zero thought just spitballing here. Of course on some levels both styles interest align, however, I totally agree that my Trooper or Bounty Hunter wouldn't give a damn about some magic and mysticism.

Let's call Force user Lord/Master and Tech people General/Commander whatever.


Now back to running the Alliance. As far as MMOs go, our Alliance on Odessen is hardly customizable. We can't really interact with our companions and our grand Alliance just "is". I hate it that we lost our Eternal Fleet and Zakuul almost instantly without a choice. They gave us illusion of independence and took it from us right away.


It saddens me that we cannot choose how to "develop" our base. Focus on Force users training? Make it a safe Haven? An army of peacekeepers? Pirate fleet? Army of Mandalorians ready for another crusade? Nope, none of that here, go back to Imp or Rep like a good boi.

Edited by Sawarynk
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Made worse that they made Empire and Republic all one story, then they split them apart.


They could've at least had the stories remain split by which side you were on. Hunter, while saying "I'm not part of the Empire" was always treated as such regardless.

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Made worse that they made Empire and Republic all one story, then they split them apart.


They could've at least had the stories remain split by which side you were on. Hunter, while saying "I'm not part of the Empire" was always treated as such regardless.


That's exactly my point. As a Mandalorian bounty hunter and associate of Mandalore the Avenger, my loyalty lies with her, not with the Empire or Republic. How to solve this problem? The rebellion led by Heta Kol was put "on pause", so i see little to no reason for a Mando to get involved in galactic politics.

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Their best chance to un**** the story is with the Sabotage arc. If you want to stay Imp, go ahead heres the story. Likewise for Pub as well as traitors. Instead, that goes nowhere and we are back with 1 giant story between Pub and Imp.
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That's exactly my point. As a Mandalorian bounty hunter and associate of Mandalore the Avenger, my loyalty lies with her, not with the Empire or Republic. How to solve this problem? The rebellion led by Heta Kol was put "on pause", so i see little to no reason for a Mando to get involved in galactic politics.


Imho, all breaks down to the wasted potential of the Eternal Alliance. I was so full of hope before Iokath. We were a 3rd power in the galaxy and a major player. But nooo, we had to lose our ENTIRE fleet and back to square one.

My solution would be a purely Alliance story where a galaxy is stuck in a 3 way between you, imp and rep. Sometimes you'd make agreements with imp other times could support rep and sometimes you could've been attacked by both. That way you'd have to be involved in politics as it would be about the survival of the Alliance.

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Imho, all breaks down to the wasted potential of the Eternal Alliance. I was so full of hope before Iokath. We were a 3rd power in the galaxy and a major player. But nooo, we had to lose our ENTIRE fleet and back to square one.

My solution would be a purely Alliance story where a galaxy is stuck in a 3 way between you, imp and rep. Sometimes you'd make agreements with imp other times could support rep and sometimes you could've been attacked by both. That way you'd have to be involved in politics as it would be about the survival of the Alliance.


IMO there's still a couple of good ideas floating around with the Alliance (it doesn't have to be written off just yet).

** Even after the fleet was blown up ... IMO there is still a LOT that can be salvaged from those ships. They weren't turned into dust. NO it will never be the Eternal Fleet again ... but It could still be turned into a small powerful, viable fleet with significant defensive/offensive capabilities. Put Oggurobb to some good use. There's still a good story that could be told (if someone wanted to).


** As well ... with the Mandalorians in a civil war ... IMO they need to be really focused on that. Shae may have to take a longer leave of absence while still leaving a skeletal crew behind to work security. IMO there are still a number of untapped resources (and stories to be told) while making even more friends across the galaxy.


** Odessen has plenty of room to grow. It's no longer a "campsite" ... Again .. plenty of room for more good stories (if someone wanted to) .


There are always possibilities .. good ones at that. Just kind of depends on where someone wants to go with it!

(But that's just me).

Edited by OlBuzzard
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IMO there's still a couple of good ideas floating around with the Alliance (it doesn't have to be written off just yet)

There are always possibilities .. good ones at that. Just kind of depends on where someone wants to go with it!

(But that's just me).


Agree, but I don't see the will to do so. There are many possibilities for the Alliance that latest expansions are ignoring. We are back to Republic vs Sith Empire.

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Agree, but I don't see the will to do so. There are many possibilities for the Alliance that latest expansions are ignoring. We are back to Republic vs Sith Empire.


Agreed ...


AND .. there is nothing wrong with that. The Republic gets support from somewhere. Or in the case of the Empire ... subjugate others under their tyranny and still others follow willingly.


In other words: the Alliance could easily fit into this scenario as a third party ... IF someone wanted it to!


That said: IMO the production budget and personnel available to the team is stretched so thin that only the most basic of story lines is now being produced.

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Agree, but I don't see the will to do so. There are many possibilities for the Alliance that latest expansions are ignoring. We are back to Republic vs Sith Empire.


Because not everyone liked the whole third faction thing. It made no sense when we could have easily gone back to our respected factions and lead the fight from there. And that's what most people wanted anyway. A return to Republic vs Sith. Not some third faction that came out of nowhere.

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I finally played through LotS for the first time yesterday, on a smuggler. The whole thing took just under 3 hours, not quite as bad as some had said, but not great. Most of it was...kinda tedious. It was similar to Onslaught if Onslaught had only been about Operation Meridian. Also the FP was still bugged in several places, notably Lana disappearing partway through. The LS/DS choice was also idiotic but tbh most of them are, even in vanilla.


What bugged me the most though was my smuggler. Even in past expansions there was still wriggle room for characters to say class-specific stuff. Not much but....my character had no wisecracks, nothing snarky, just 'dour military professional' or 'sentimental Jedi fanboy'.


What I would like in a future storyline is something similar to the class story in Rishi where they can reflect on their choices and how they are so different--and not for the better--from where they started. Something where it actually makes SENSE that my smuggler has seen so much, done so much, that they can't go back to smuggling or charming princesses. Something similar was done with Han Solo's character in the old expanded universe, when he became so massively famous as the guy who helped bring down the empire that it was impossible for him to keep a low profile.


class-specific is ideally the best possible outcome

sensitivity to the force-specific is suboptimal but acceptable (split between Tech User and force wielder)


wish I could undue the events of Knights of expansions :rolleyes:


That would be nice. Retcon it back to just after Ziost. I sometimes think everything past chapter 2 of KOTFE is the result of carbonite poisoning.

Edited by Ardrossan
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Straight up, it's never going to happen.


The community wants it. The devs supposedly want it, but with what money?

If it was ever going to happen it would have happened back in the first expansion.


Considering that the most recent "expansion" had less voice acting, less cutscenes and less anything than a single class storyline on a single original 1-50 planet and took a year or so to make....


I'm willing to be proven wrong and want to be proven wrong, but I have lost practically all my remaining respect and faith in the dev team after 7.0.

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