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Would you pay for an expansion ?


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I don't have enough confidence in our current team to say I would pay for an expansion. I don't trust them enough. I would, however, be willing to pay a small amount, say $10, to get bonus content like the HK chapter every once in a while for other companions.
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I would not prepay for an expansion. I don't trust the devs to produce what they say they will.


On the other hand, if they put in the time and money to produce something worth paying for, then I would probably buy it.

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As many of you, i'm very disapointed of 7.0.

What if next expansions cost you something like 20-30€/$. Would you pay for it if content is massive and real ?


I think free expansion (or sub included) is not a good way for future major content.

My point is, why others mmo players pay for expansion and have massive content and we don't ?


Don't you think that we, players, always want more and more free stuff/content, no more limitation and somehow that's killing games ?

Define expansion. ROTHC or 7.0?

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Not when the story ends with an OP.

Makeb and Oriwhatever spring to mind.

They changed the Revan one so I could do it solo.

Although they seem to be going down the grindy FP route these days.

They'll get my sub, nothing else.

Edited by Rammboo
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You know one day they will close SWTOR...and with rumors of a new Star Wars MMO in development..it may be sooner than any of us think.


I bet that the usual suspects who cry and ***** about everything will then go on a crusade to let everyone know how wonderful SWTOR was.


They did it with SWG..they will do it with this game too.

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You know one day they will close SWTOR...and with rumors of a new Star Wars MMO in development..it may be sooner than any of us think.


I bet that the usual suspects who cry and ***** about everything will then go on a crusade to let everyone know how wonderful SWTOR was.


They did it with SWG..they will do it with this game too.


SWTOR was a wonderful game - the class stories were a highlight, but after that they were not able to hold this niveau.

No further development of the class stories, but there were some other good parts Makeb, the Revan storyline, KotFE and KotET - but after this there were nothing more.


The downfalls startet with the idiotic end of KotET, they skipped the original planned third part and from that moment everyone could see that there was an unwilling, uninspired and incompetent group of people who doesn't care about the game and the base of there players - Story and solo players.


And 7.0 is the last nail in the coffin.


R.I.P my beloved Star Wars game

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Yes, but it would have to be 10x the size of the last few "expansions."


it'd have to be the equivalent of adding a COMPLETE new system like swg JTL,


I'm not saying it would need to be literally a SWTOR version of JTL (but that would be awesome) but something along the scale of that size.

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