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What should I upgrade on my PC to improve FPS?


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I am really enjoying the game, but I have a slight problem. I'm experiencing rather bad FPS in game. It goes something like this:


Flashpoints: This is where I get the highest FPS, and even that isn't great. Around 30-50


Imperial Fleet: I'm lucky if I EVER push 10 FPS here, it's dreadful getting around on here.


Planets (Not in Combat) : Depends on the planet, but I'm getting around 20 FPS average on the planets, I'd be happy if I could get at least 40 fps.


Planets (In Combat): Around 15 FPS, making the game barely playable for me. Makes it hard for me to enjoy the game to it's potential because of my system.


Warzones : Literally Unplayable, I have around 20-30 FPS at the start but as soon as the Warzone begins, I won't push 5 FPS.


In case you are wondering I'm playing with shadows off, Bloom off, and settings turned down to low.


Here are the specs on my PC

*Windows 7 64 bit

* 4 GB RAM

*AMD Phenom 9600 Quad-Core Processor 2.30 GHz

*Radeon HD 4800 Series


I want to hear what you think I should upgrade to make the game a more playable experience. It be nice if I could get a reasonably priced upgrade. Perhaps under $150. I'm not sure whether my GPU or CPU are causing more damage so any help would be great. Thanks!

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Don't buy anything yet. The game is poorly optimized and has several broken graphics features. For instance, shadows look terrible and put an enormous strain on your GPU well out of proportion to what is actually being rendered. Also, neither nVidia nor AMD have put out drivers optimized for this game.


Give it a couple of patches and a driver release and if you still have terrible performance then plan your upgrade accordingly. In the meantime, use .ini tweaks to increase performance. For example, you can gain 5-10 fps by simply running the game in a window, even if you maximize it to your screen resolution. (This also eliminates the annoying loading every time you alt+tab.) Here's a handy guide:



When you finally do make your upgrade, don't go cheap. Buy a card that will last you a long time. Use the Tom's Hardware buying guides (released monthly) to make your purchase--they never steer you wrong and will tell you the best buy in every single price category.


Lastly, make sure the card you get will work with your motherboard and that you have an adequate power supply. If your power supply is too weak you'll get terrible performance.

Edited by DannyInternets
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the GPU + RAM are your weak points. why have 64bit computing with 32bit ram limit ?


at least go to 8GB ram to get that overall system boost.




the point made about drivers is also very valid. game is less than a month old. stands to reason bioware will tweak some things. and GPU vendors will roll out drivers after awhile that fit better with the game.



take the next month or two to squirrel away the scratch to upgrade gpu and ram in one fell swoop.



ps. be careful if upgrading gpu/ram etc that your power supply still cuts the mustard.

Edited by louisfriend
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Don't buy anything yet. The game is poorly optimized and has several broken graphics features. For instance, shadows look terrible and put an enormous strain on your GPU well out of proportion to what is actually being rendered. Also, neither nVidia nor AMD have put out drivers optimized for this game.


Give it a couple of patches and a driver release and if you still have terrible performance then plan your upgrade accordingly.


When you finally do make your upgrade, don't go cheap. Buy a card that will last you a long time. Use the Tom's Hardware buying guides (released monthly) to make your purchase--they never steer you wrong and will tell you the best buy in every single price category.


Lastly, make sure the card you get will work with your motherboard and that you have an adequate power supply. If you power supply is too weak you'll get terrible performance.


Alright, I'll wait a bit. I feel like my system should be doing at least a bit better. I was get better performance on AoC. If I'm still having problems I'll follow your instructions, Thanks!

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I have a HD 5850 and running the game fine on max settings, no frame rate drops at all no matter where i am.


Calling BS on this. I'm running a 5870, the higher end version of your card (backed by an i7 quad core CPU, 8gb RAM, Win 7 64-bit, dedicated sound card, etc.), and there are significant slowdowns in the Imperial Fleet in addition to some stuttering while taking taxis. The game has well-documented issues with rendering shadows that stress cards far beefier than yours.

Edited by DannyInternets
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Calling BS on this. I'm running a 5870, the higher end version of your card (backed by an i7 quad core CPU, 8gb RAM, Win 7 64-bit, dedicated sound card, etc.), and there are significant slowdowns in the Imperial Fleet in addition to some stuttering while taking taxis. The game has well-documented issues with rendering shadows that stress cards far beefier than yours.


Why the hell would i lie?


my Pc specs i7 920, 12 Gb ddr3 ram, win 7 64 bit, and i am running the game on max settings.

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So what video card would you all recommend to someone trying to stay around $150 on this purchase?


You don't need to wait to get a video card.. I'm sure this isn't the only game he plays.. For a $150,you might as well forget it. Your gonna have to spend about $220 or a little more. Get a 560 ti,don't screw around with AMD right now. Their drivers are never right. The Video card will make a huge diff even right now with the game. My frame rate is usually pretty steady at 60 fps. It does dip at times and does need optimization,but with the new vid card you will be able to enjoy it a lot more..

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I have a HD 5850 and running the game fine on max settings, no frame rate drops at all no matter where i am.


Maybe,but I want to see your settings.. There is no way your getting 60 fps on max..Also,what resolution are you playing at? I'm guessing 1680 x 1080 at the very most.. If I had that vid card,I'd already have a new one ordered.. :cool:

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I have a nice 6800 HD series and I have no problem with graphics on high all the way around. It was a 200$ card so it isnt cheap or expensive personally. I would get 2 sticks of 4 gig RAM each since they are very cheap right now. Other than that I dont see a way to upgrade ur system unless u get a new CPU
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