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It's time you remove bolster for good


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Currently for ranked bolster isn't even working. People in 330 Rakata gear 10x outperforming those who are in 310-318 gear and 3x outperforming those who are in 326 gear. And that's in most competetive pvp mode? Omg. In most decent MMO games pvp stats are balanced and gear means too little or means nothing when it comes to performance in rated pvp.

I know you confirmed on developer tracker that you are aware of the problem but bolster exists for a long time and every pvp season it screwed up in different ways. In season 9 it was some old relics which bugged them and gave tonnes of stats, in season 8 there was a terrible dark vs light bug when bolster gave 3x more stats than any other gear which worked only for tanks and gave them tonnes of stats. In season 3 there was a bolster bugg which made pve relics more efficient than pvp one. In season 10 it was covert torso energy armor which bugged bolster and gave double stats etc.


And now we have once again a bugged bolster which screws up augments, 306 gear giving more stats than 320+ gear etc. At current moment it's turned off lol.


So please, if bolster is so buggy in pvp, always getting breaked and requires interim or even constant fixes and maintenance maybe just remove it then? Swap it with pvp gear or something. People have been suffering from bolster way too much ! Make pvp competetive AGAIN

Edited by omaan
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Swap it to "anyone enter as they are naked", so the winner is not the one who have more free time to farm gear, but the one who can use their character in a better way.

Totally remove gear and set stats to fixed numbers. Isn't this the most honest way to pvp?

Skill should worth more then money/farmingtime

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Ranked PvP should be treated like sPvP is in Guild Wars 2: everyone having sets of standardized gear to choose from. It levels the playing field and makes the competition about skill without the extra variable of gear score.
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Ranked PvP should be treated like sPvP is in Guild Wars 2: everyone having sets of standardized gear to choose from. It levels the playing field and makes the competition about skill without the extra variable of gear score.

That goes back to a thing I've said in the past.


Lots of people will harp on about "skil > gear", to which my response is "sure, but skill+gear > skill".

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Swap it to "anyone enter as they are naked", so the winner is not the one who have more free time to farm gear, but the one who can use their character in a better way.

Totally remove gear and set stats to fixed numbers. Isn't this the most honest way to pvp?

Skill should worth more then money/farmingtime


Okay, good. Swap it with stats! Or if devs still want to have element of "progretion" and development then makes so that players with much greater gear would have only 2-4% more stats than players with low gear. This would give a little advantage to those who spent time on farming pvp gear over those who started pvp or played pvp for a long time but started to farm gear.

BUT what iam confident in that they must remove this bolster and swap it with another system. Bolster screwed up too many times to still have any hopes on it and now it showed the worst result we ever had....

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Okay, good. Swap it with stats! Or if devs still want to have element of "progretion" and development then makes so that players with much greater gear would have only 2-4% more stats than players with low gear. This would give a little advantage to those who spent time on farming pvp gear over those who started pvp or played pvp for a long time but started to farm gear.

BUT what iam confident in that they must remove this bolster and swap it with another system. Bolster screwed up too many times to still have any hopes on it and now it showed the worst result we ever had....


What I meant was divide the players in brackets of levels like it was in the past (10-20 21-40...have to be though a little) and then give them fixed stats. Everyone keep their current skills and tree.

No more pvp gear cause it become useless.

No more need to farm it.

Probably lot of ppl complaining cause they wouldn't start the match with big advantage on some other players.

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I stopped reading at this point. Bolster also affects PvE situations.


If you would have read a few more lines, you would have noticed how the post was all about pvp. So if they add pvp bolster to the title, now it become interesting?...

Im quite sure they can remove bolster from specific contents in half a minute if they really want. It's not a whole game or nothing thing.

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If you would have read a few more lines, you would have noticed how the post was all about pvp.

Exactly, I knew that from the first 3 words.


So if they add pvp bolster to the title, now it become interesting?...

No, because bolster affects the same stat foundation as PvE since they're one in the same.


Im quite sure they can remove bolster from specific contents in half a minute if they really want. It's not a whole game or nothing thing.

That would require different stat foundations, meaning separate stats specifically for PvE versus PvP.

Good luck waiting for that. Currently, it very much is a zero sum situation. Any call to change PvP also changes PvE, which was the point of my original post.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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What I meant was divide the players in brackets of levels like it was in the past (10-20 21-40...have to be though a little) and then give them fixed stats. Everyone keep their current skills and tree.

No more pvp gear cause it become useless.

No more need to farm it.

Probably lot of ppl complaining cause they wouldn't start the match with big advantage on some other players.


They won't divide anything in brackets like wow and some other MMO do because swtor population is too low. If you they devide players in brackets there will be no pops for certain brackets considering overall swtor population and quantity of ranked players. Even now on SF and DM servers you need to wait pretty long to get a pop, sometimes even during prime time (iam not even talking about mornings or early day time when it's dead lol). I guess they will have to find some other solution.

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in FFXIV I was shocked to find out that players are automatically scaled to the highest level and given all their abilities.


They are also given set stats or gear so there is no difference between two players of the same class.


This made PvP skill based instead of stat based. This also made it a lot easier for the developers to balance PvP because I'm pretty sure they tweak PvP and PvE separately.


It would be nice if SWTOR was set up that way but I feel it's impossible for the developers to do so with the engine. Who knows, it seems like too obvious a change not to do if the devs could.

Edited by illgot
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That one seems good.


I don't know if they fused PvE and pvp bolster, but eventually transform it into 2 different ones seems an optimal solution to solve swtor problems.

For sure I'm totally pro if they go to ff way with totally balanced char.

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in FFXIV I was shocked to find out that players are automatically scaled to the highest level and given all their abilities.


They are also given set stats or gear so there is no difference between two players of the same class.


This made PvP skill based instead of stat based. This also made it a lot easier for the developers to balance PvP because I'm pretty sure they tweak PvP and PvE separately.


It would be nice if SWTOR was set up that way but I feel it's impossible for the developers to do so with the engine. Who knows, it seems like too obvious a change not to do if the devs could.


One way to go completely skill-based versus stat based is avatars. In Everquest 2, you can go to the city of Maj Dul, and in there is a king of the hill game for 8 players, 4 on a side, which is very much like huttball, in which you can kill the other players (repeatedly) to prevent them from moving the flag to your base.


You don't play your character. You choose to be either a wasp, or a skeleton, or some other avatar. Each one is a different class (the wasp is DPS and moves quickly, for example). All the wasps have the same abilities and health, all the skeletons have the same abilities and health, and so on. Your gear / stats mean nothing as you're not playing your own toon but one of those avatars.

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in FFXIV I was shocked to find out that players are automatically scaled to the highest level and given all their abilities.


They are also given set stats or gear so there is no difference between two players of the same class.


This made PvP skill based instead of stat based. This also made it a lot easier for the developers to balance PvP because I'm pretty sure they tweak PvP and PvE separately.


It would be nice if SWTOR was set up that way but I feel it's impossible for the developers to do so with the engine. Who knows, it seems like too obvious a change not to do if the devs could.


I'm guessing the lack of standardized gear was a deliberate decision by the devs. The reasoning would be that they want a gear progression system for PvP which gives players some tangible rewards for doing the game mode. Seeing as how unranked doesn't have a lot of rewards outside the gear drops I can understand the draw. Another issue might be that new players would be even more overwhelmed in PvP if they suddenly got a dozen extra abilities they were not familiar with. Perhaps a good compromise would be to have a bracket with only players that have unlocked all their abilities (if that's not already a thing) and then give everyone standardized gear and stats.

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