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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Founder here ... I feel betrayed and robbed


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Why does every thread have those few clowns that defend Bioware like it deserves a pat on the back or something for screwing people over, 7.0 was and still is garbage.


True, how can anyone dare to think differently? Outrageous..

They somehow detached from Borg and dare to think outside of hivemind

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Why does every thread have those few clowns that defend Bioware like it deserves a pat on the back or something for screwing people over, 7.0 was and still is garbage.

Someday, when people are making false claims about you, you might appreciate those who speak the truth. 😂

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True, how can anyone dare to think differently? Outrageous...


If players are perfectly fine with the game, they usualy won't show up here.

If they show up and complain it is not the job of other players to talk them out of this, belittle them, to prove them wrong or to demand they should shut up and simply leave. BW is a multi million dollar company who can answer & communicate for themselves... if they wish to.

No need to defend or "help" BW. And if BW can ignore complaints so, why can't other players which have also no issues with a certain topic that too?


BTT; I also have the feeling that player numbers are plumping really fast and that the reasons for this are some major issues with the game right now, like gearing, balance, weapons outfiter, scaling etc. Nobody have to agree with me, but for me the numbers I see (steamcharts, ingame, queue times) seem strongly to indicate that.

Edited by Xhuuyaa
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People in NIM OPs do not need the gear to raid. The fact that people are walking around in 330 without ever having done more than Dash or Nefra kind of tells how pointless the idea that only raiders need the highest gear.


Having the best gear in NIM OPs is a crutch for players compensate for not knowing the fights, their class or rotations.


Organized guilds were doing NIM raids in a mix of 318-320 gear when 7.0 released. Organized guilds with players who know the fights and their class don't need the crutch of "the best gear". That is something only low tier raiders who ride skilled raiders coat tails spout.


Since scaling Crit, Presence, Alacrity, and Accuracy is considered a bug everyone can use modifiable gear and "the best gear" for any combat they are involved in.


Or we can do what another poster suggested for all the "only real raiders need this gear". All the gear from NIM OPs should scale down to the highest item score for that content. In open world, 326. PvP, 326. Vet Ops, 328, NIM OPs, 330.


So I'm one of these people in one of the higher end guilds, who understands gearing and how it makes a difference. I know what item levels the first groups of 7.0 were clearing in as well as my own. Please enlighten me on which guilds FULLY cleared a nightmare raid in only 320

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If players are perfectly fine with the game, they usualy won't show up here.

If they show up and complain it is not the job of other players to talk them out of this, belittle them, to prove them wrong or to demand they should shut up and simply leave. BW is a multi million dollar company who can answer & communicate for themselves... if they wish to.

No need to defend or "help" BW. And if BW can ignore complaints so, why can't other players which have also no issues with a certain topic that too?


BTT; I also have the feeling that player numbers are plumping really fast and that the reasons for this are some major issues with the game right now, like gearing, balance, weapons outfiter, scaling etc. Nobody have to agree with me, but for me the numbers I see (steamcharts, ingame, queue times) seem strongly to indicate that.


So, actually you want this forum to be echochamber for players not satisfied with the game? So, only negative posts allowed? I didnt read that anywhere at forum rules and guidelines


Im using forums for many years and General forums were always used as communication channel between players, not a channel to communicate with BW.

There is Suggestion box and Bug report subsection for communicating with BW

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People in NIM OPs do not need the gear to raid. The fact that people are walking around in 330 without ever having done more than Dash or Nefra kind of tells how pointless the idea that only raiders need the highest gear.


Having the best gear in NIM OPs is a crutch for players compensate for not knowing the fights, their class or rotations.


Organized guilds were doing NIM raids in a mix of 318-320 gear when 7.0 released. Organized guilds with players who know the fights and their class don't need the crutch of "the best gear". That is something only low tier raiders who ride skilled raiders coat tails spout.


That is some manor BS. Which guilds were clearing NiMs in 320's? I'm about 99% sure you can't event make the dps check in Styrak in 320's. Maybe if you go with 6 Fury Maras, but I'd like to see a group with 1 heal and 1 tank survive Styrak in 320's.


Even in full 330's dps checks are tighter than before.

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If you are not doing the harder content you DON'T need the gear. So what is the issue here? You want the higher level gear just to look at it?


And tell me which group will take a person that may want to try the harder content but does not have the gear. I been around long enough to know better than that. I have seen groups refuse people because they didn't meet their "requirement so shall we try that again?

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Because we pay the same *********** amount you do. You know, like you have had explained to you MANY times already?!


Has nothing to do with the amount of money we all pay to play this game. Has nothing to do with fairness or elitism. It is about gear being the primary concern of most of the player base when it is not needed. The truth is, and it is the truth like it or not, if you are not an HM/Nim raider or a Ranked PvP'er you do not need gear, nor should it be your progression line. There are a ton of things to do in this game, none of which require gear to do or be good at.


Your argument that you pay money therefor you should get what everyone else can get doesn't make any sense. It is not how life works. The best gear in the game should be earned, not given to you. the few that do the hardest content in the game should have better gear then the rest of us because they use it. the rest of us for the most part don't even know where our interrupt is let alone how to maximize our dps or min/max our gear. You kidding?


Look I understand you want the best stuff. I understand the jealousy. But it's not for you my friend. Let it go. Find one of the 1000 other things in the game to be your progression.


"Cause I pay the same *********** amount you do" lol you sound like a child. that is like saying, I paid money for a ticket to go see the Yankees, so they should give me a baseball glove, bat, and uniform. You have to earn your way on that field son.


However, I am sure some group will carry you through to get he gear you want. Ask around. While you're at it, ask the Yankees for a tryout, who knows maybe they will throw you in RF and you'll catch a few. Then you can get that bat and glove.

Edited by Chelz
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How so?


because that gear is locked behind content not available to f2p players. they are paying to unlock gear they will never have access to without a subscription, in this particular iteration of gear progression.

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because that gear is locked behind content not available to f2p players. they are paying to unlock gear they will never have access to without a subscription, in this particular iteration of gear progression.


Not true, you can get pvp gear and legendaries without a subscription.

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because that gear is locked behind content not available to f2p players. they are paying to unlock gear they will never have access to without a subscription, in this particular iteration of gear progression.


Without a subscription, they will never get to max level. But say you get characters to max level and let your sub run out (or cancel). You can use whatever artifact gear you currently have equipped, but can't change it (or put it back on if you remove it) unless you have the unlock. Right now, F2P players max level is 60. The highest gear they can get from content is prototype, but they can still purchase artifact gear for their level on the GTN or get it from crafters, but need the unlock to equip it. It works exactly how it has always worked.

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The only gear requirement you need for Story play is 278 for Spirit of Vengeance. You can play the Story flashpoint with only the gear drops the game gives you before you reach it, but you will have a harder time. To not be near death after every fight if not outright dead, not counting the infamous areas, you need at least 278 gear. As it happens, since 7.0 because you're at least level 75 by the time you reach Spirit of Vengeance in story when you use the random gear vendor with tech fragments at Fleet you'll get yellow 306* gear immediately for each item. You no longer have to buy grind your cheapest item at +2 gear increase at a time. It still takes a lot of tech fragments to upgrade everything, but it's cheaper overall than it used to be.


*A couple of times I got purple 292 and purple 293 gear instead, which is still enough to play the Story flashpoint.


The downside is you no longer get better gear drops playing the Story, even before Spirit of Vengeance. To get better gear you have to upgrade with the vendors at fleet. You'll get the occasional reward of gear crates, but they're always lower than what you have. You get green 320 gear from the medallions vendor.

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Why does every thread have those few clowns that defend Bioware like it deserves a pat on the back or something for screwing people over, 7.0 was and still is garbage.


Some folks will just accept anything and be grateful , as a Founder I cancelled my sub and won't be back until they fix the gearing system and allow everyone to hit max gs , they fix non-working augs in pvp for starters.

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Lastly, I love how everybody happened to "pay real money" for all their weapons. Of course nobody used any of their RAF, galactic seasons, achievement, security key, etc... CCs to buy these weapons and/or collections unlocks and they certainly didn't get them off the GTN with credits ... "Robbed!"

And we don't hear from the people who can't use that *gorgeous* Revanite MK-2 Sniper Rifle from a 5.X Command Crate at max gear rating because of the mod thing...


You know, like SteveTheCynic. If you see him, tell him I said "Hi."

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Why does every thread have those few clowns that defend Bioware like it deserves a pat on the back or something for screwing people over, 7.0 was and still is garbage.

You know, if you say "Bioware says 2+2=5" and I correct you by saying "No, BW said 2+2=4", I'm neither defending nor endorsing BW, just pointing out errors. 🙂

Edited by JediQuaker
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Because we pay the same *********** amount you do. You know, like you have had explained to you MANY times already?!

Why is it, when I go to the theme park, I'm not allowed to ride the Teacups because I'm "too big". I pay the same as the little people! 😂😂

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If you are not doing the harder content you DON'T need the gear. So what is the issue here? You want the higher level gear just to look at it?


In 6.0 if i played any content in my 306 gear, i would get 306 drops. So i could do anything.


Now my Tank is sitting in 330 gear and cant do anything. Hardmode Flashpoints only drop 326 gear.


Doing content and getting nothing but lower tier drops is one of the lamest things ever. Its just a colossal waste of time.


Now when you get the best gear for your character, you have nothing to do except NiM ops, everything is a waster of time.

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In 6.0 if i played any content in my 306 gear, i would get 306 drops. So i could do anything.

Now my Tank is sitting in 330 gear and cant do anything. Hardmode Flashpoints only drop 326 gear.

Doing content and getting nothing but lower tier drops is one of the lamest things ever. Its just a colossal waste of time.

Now when you get the best gear for your character, you have nothing to do except NiM ops, everything is a waster of time.


Exactly this^

7.o is an expansion that makes 90% of the game obsolete.

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Doing content and getting nothing but lower tier drops is one of the lamest things ever. Its just a colossal waste of time.


Now when you get the best gear for your character, you have nothing to do except NiM ops, everything is a waster of time.

I can see that, if your only reason to play is to get better gear, you will eventually get 'max' gear. Then I suppose, you should just quit.

Or, you could try finding things you like to do and do them for the self-enjoyment rather than the gear.

I did Kragga's last night in SM mode with 326 gear. All I got gear-wise, was a bunch of 322 crap. But yet, it was a real hoot and I enjoyed it very much. 🙂

Edited by JediQuaker
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I was going to start one of my very rare threads in here, until I stumbled upon this.


I'm a founder to and the logic behind 320-326 gear setup eludes me.

Hey happy playing people with all your shiny, modable weapons. They're great, aren't.

Oh? You're level 80? Sorry, you won't be using those anymore, it's all 320-326 weapons now without mods in them. Hope you all enjoy using the same looking weapons (crystals, tuning aside) from now on, or until we decide to change it.


It definitely takes away some of the motivation for even playing the game. Why spend time, effort and money on modable weapons when you're going to be effectively blocked from using them once you hit level 80?


Before someone gets all "Shut up, go raid, do harder content" I'm not annoyed at the item level your average level 80 player can access, I'm annoyed at losing the use of all of my collected weapons. The could have, or should have at the very least put mods into the Noble Decurion weapons that are available to buy and upgrade. :mad:

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Why does every thread have those few clowns that defend Bioware like it deserves a pat on the back or something for screwing people over, 7.0 was and still is garbage.


Because JediQuaker has been defending 7.0 from the start and has continued to do so long after other defenders have stopped....and, in some cases, left the game altogether.


As for the game itself: *Shrug* While there has been good news on the front of Disney loosening up some with third parties as evidenced by the announcement that Dark Horse will be allowed to publish Star Wars comics again, EA/Bioware is still going to have to be able to justify paying a non-exclusive license cost for the game when 2023 rolls around. Given the increase in player base decline, I would say when it comes to playing the game "just roll with it". Get the class stories that you want done before 2023 rolls around and be prepared to call it a day. Gear progression, at this point, is increasingly like tidying up the dining room of the Titanic after the 7.0 iceberg. Sure, you might have higher numbers at the end but it's not really going to matter much.

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