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As a solo player and atlholic, I really miss 6.0


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I miss being able to run a story flashpoint and get gear drops that I could turn into an upgrade if they were not

I miss being able to play anything I want, get renown exp, and get a loot drop

I miss being able to play all my alts equally by doing Conquest and still have time to do what I wanted after


With 7.0:


I have to play GSF to actually get upgrade drops and a good amount of Conquest points

Everything I play in game is "will I get decent Conquest points for that?"

I've given up on fully gearing up my alts because of the ridiculous cost of legendaries

I can only actually buy and upgrade a couple of gear pieces every week before I run out of medals from upgrading legendaries - I reach caps within two days

I grind and grind to get awful gear with the wrong stats anyway

Once I FINALLY get Conquest done on my toons I don't want to touch the game until the next Tuesday

The game isn't fun anymore


This isn't the game I came back to in June 2020. This isn't the game that made me go back and play 34 characters just to experience the stories another way. This isn't a game I will be able to play casually again when hopefully I'm well enough to go back to work. I'll probably have to stop playing then.


This is a sad state for solo players.

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Once I FINALLY get Conquest done on my toons I don't want to touch the game until the next Tuesday

The game isn't fun anymore




I login to two characters on one server just to advance my Galactic Seasons, doing as many Weeklies as I can do in one or two days. Don't login again until the following Tuesday. Waiting for my subscription to run out in June. Been a subscriber since launch and first time I have ever cancelled.


I too have 34 characters on one server and 22 on another.

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You are comparing 7.0 the month it is released to a version of 6.0 after you'd leveled all ur alts to 75 and had the gear grind out of the way, probably mo ths in when u were already established. Not really a like for like companions imo. When I started playing 6.0 ppl were still farming KP and EV to get their first set of 306 gear. It wasn't as peachy as ur making it out to be when it was released.
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I miss being able to run a story flashpoint and get gear drops that I could turn into an upgrade if they were not

I miss being able to play anything I want, get renown exp, and get a loot drop

I miss being able to play all my alts equally by doing Conquest and still have time to do what I wanted after


With 7.0:


I have to play GSF to actually get upgrade drops and a good amount of Conquest points

Everything I play in game is "will I get decent Conquest points for that?"

I've given up on fully gearing up my alts because of the ridiculous cost of legendaries

I can only actually buy and upgrade a couple of gear pieces every week before I run out of medals from upgrading legendaries - I reach caps within two days

I grind and grind to get awful gear with the wrong stats anyway

Once I FINALLY get Conquest done on my toons I don't want to touch the game until the next Tuesday

The game isn't fun anymore


This isn't the game I came back to in June 2020. This isn't the game that made me go back and play 34 characters just to experience the stories another way. This isn't a game I will be able to play casually again when hopefully I'm well enough to go back to work. I'll probably have to stop playing then.


This is a sad state for solo players.


It seems like part of your problem is you want to play Conquest instead of SWTOR.


Conquest is a system that tends to be more difficult to cap towards the beginning of expansion cycles, then gets easier later, to keep certain players subscribed.


When it was initially put in the game, it was a way to unlock guild ships, as a collective guild endeavor, and encouraged a little competition between guilds at the same time.


It was never meant, as a system, the way it was designed, to keep solo players running a few heroics or missions, capping their 50k, then moving on to play 25, 50, or more additional characters.


I think BW described this as leading to unhealthy outcomes, which I actually agree with.


As bad as 7.0 has been for the game, I don't see the Conquest changes as a negative, personally. It's still possible to easily do 2 characters a day, sometimes even 3 depending on the week's objectives. I don't know why anyone would want to, given the rewards, but the option is there.


Maybe BW is doing many people a favor and getting folks off the addictive nature of capping dozens of alts in Conquest, allowing these players to move on to other, more fulfilling games or hobbies.

Edited by arunav
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You are comparing 7.0 the month it is released to a version of 6.0 after you'd leveled all ur alts to 75 and had the gear grind out of the way, probably mo ths in when u were already established. Not really a like for like companions imo. When I started playing 6.0 ppl were still farming KP and EV to get their first set of 306 gear. It wasn't as peachy as ur making it out to be when it was released.


This is a fair comment to an extent. I too play a lot of alts (42) and had them all min/maxed and bis with purple augs before 7.0. I started at the beginning of 6.0 so all I know. And while there were issues and changes addressed, the pathway was more much more clear and attainable.


The big issue was the RNG involved and the volume you needed to acquire R variants which I found to be ok with the amount of gear dropped (though that itself was a hassle, the tech frag generation was much higher overall). The other big difference was that some key bonus set pieces dropped for conquest rewards or dailies/weeklies (Tactician, Death Knell, Decent of the Fearless) leaving me only to buy Gathering Storm, Meteor Brawler, Concentrated Fire with tech frags along with the tacticals. There was no need to buy them over again to upgrade to max level because you already had enough mods. You also only needed to load augs once (and minimize kit requirements) where implants are either not auged until 330 or auged each time between 326, 328, and 330.


This has been compounded by that lack of mods and having to use static weapons to gear up. I play lots of alts for variety - essentially more skins and with weapons being a big part of it.


The bottom line is that we gain less conquest rewards, less gear to dc, and 2x the conquest target. That equates to a much slower path to conquest/upgrade a high number of alts we spent a lot of money on and playing far fewer than we used to per week, especially when our playtime is limited.


It won't cause me to unsub personally but I am frustrated with the reduced value of the investments I made.

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This is a sad state for solo players.


Think solo players are doing just fine regarding conquest, think your problem is you play the game too much trying to max gear 34 alts, pretty extreme number of alts.

Best thing would to change your habits and adapt to 7.0, they wont be reverting to 6.0

Edited by Ghostius
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It seems like part of your problem is you want to play Conquest instead of SWTOR.


But as a solo/story player, there is literally nothing else to do in the game when you're done with the story. At least Conquest makes me log in to reach a goal, otherwise I'd play one day or two, would cap all my currencies, and stop playing the rest of the week.


But I've done the story 34 times and seen everything I want to see and have no desire to start a new character again, especially with the current state of skills while leveling. No thanks.


So until they give us more story, there's just nothing to do in the game except farming gear while doing Conquest.




It was never meant, as a system, the way it was designed, to keep solo players running a few heroics or missions, capping their 50k, then moving on to play 25, 50, or more additional characters.


I think BW described this as leading to unhealthy outcomes, which I actually agree with.



I still have no idea what the problem is with that. I'm a solo player, so it's not like I'm bothering anyone by logging on a different alt once I'm done with conquest. They've already nerfed the rewards, they didn't have to nerf the goals too.


You are comparing 7.0 the month it is released to a version of 6.0 after you'd leveled all ur alts to 75 and had the gear grind out of the way, probably mo ths in when u were already established. Not really a like for like companions imo. When I started playing 6.0 ppl were still farming KP and EV to get their first set of 306 gear. It wasn't as peachy as ur making it out to be when it was released.


And this is exactly why I keep posting. So that hopefully BW realizes that they are going to LOSE their solo/casual players if they don't change things.

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I still have no idea what the problem is with that. I'm a solo player, so it's not like I'm bothering anyone by logging on a different alt once I'm done with conquest. They've already nerfed the rewards, they didn't have to nerf the goals too.



I'll emphasize the last portion of my other post: "Maybe BW is doing many people a favor and getting folks off the addictive nature of capping dozens of alts in Conquest, allowing these players to move on to other, more fulfilling games or hobbies."

Edited by arunav
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This is a fair comment to an extent. I too play a lot of alts (42) and had them all min/maxed and bis with purple augs before 7.0. I started at the beginning of 6.0 so all I know. And while there were issues and changes addressed, the pathway was more much more clear and attainable.


The big issue was the RNG involved and the volume you needed to acquire R variants which I found to be ok with the amount of gear dropped (though that itself was a hassle, the tech frag generation was much higher overall). The other big difference was that some key bonus set pieces dropped for conquest rewards or dailies/weeklies (Tactician, Death Knell, Decent of the Fearless) leaving me only to buy Gathering Storm, Meteor Brawler, Concentrated Fire with tech frags along with the tacticals. There was no need to buy them over again to upgrade to max level because you already had enough mods. You also only needed to load augs once (and minimize kit requirements) where implants are either not auged until 330 or auged each time between 326, 328, and 330.


This has been compounded by that lack of mods and having to use static weapons to gear up. I play lots of alts for variety - essentially more skins and with weapons being a big part of it.


The bottom line is that we gain less conquest rewards, less gear to dc, and 2x the conquest target. That equates to a much slower path to conquest/upgrade a high number of alts we spent a lot of money on and playing far fewer than we used to per week, especially when our playtime is limited.


It won't cause me to unsub personally but I am frustrated with the reduced value of the investments I made.


42 minmaxed alts? Respect

If BW didnt reward you with 6 months free sub, they definately should.

Or maybe 7 days Hawaii trip and no swtor access during vacation :)

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I liked Renown because it meant no matter what you were doing, where, or with whom, you were always making some kind of progress and getting some kind of reward. It wasn't a perfect system by far, but it meant I always had a reason to play my max level characters.


Not only do I not have a reason to do that now, but I have some built in incentives to just stop playing characters. Like the annoying currency cap littering my screen with popups.

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So I'm not the only one with a lot of chars / alts ?

Nice to see.


And yes. What I miss most in SWTOR are the times of 204/208 gear in pvp.

Idk about what patch that was.


You could easily gear up any character on max level by just farming medals with your mains, 1 weekly was like enuff to gear up 2 alts with complete 204 gear.


204 wasnt strong but it was decent enuff to play pvp on any alt without having to worry about gear. It was even decent enough to do some non-hard pve content and serve as pve-starting gear.


This way I geared up alot of chars, was basically playing each and every class in pvp, that were the good times.


I do agree tho that 208 gear (ranked pvp) or 216 (pve end-content) wasn't really worth it stat-wise, and I would have understood it if they made a bigger difference in strength between those gears so ranked pvp or endgame pve would be more rewarding.


Also, leveling was really calm, nowadays you have to torture yourself through the same stuff over and over if you want to keep your chars leveled.


Level cap increases are a nightmare for players like us, because catching up on all these alts would take alot of time and motivation, that we don't have.


Now the levelcap is 80. Most of my alts still dump around at 60 after 2 years of inactivity.


I wish back the good old 204 gear times.

Where it was easy to reach max level on many chars and easy to give them some decent basic gear in order to participate in pvp and pve on any char, not only your main.

Edited by Mephesh
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I cancelled my subscription because:


- Game version 6.x was totally fine but 7.x currently is total crap and not worth paying money for a subscription.

- Companions are completely broken / useless. Their heal is just a bad joke compared to 6.x

- Level sync makes sense in principle if it is implemented intelligently. As it is at the moment, it is complete nonsense. When crit and hit values are absurdly low and the entire gameply is therefore ruined.

- Currently, it makes no difference at all whether you're running around on lvl 80 with 306 gear or 326 gear. Apart from the fact that the 326 stats are total crap. To give an example: with lvl 75 / 306 gear I knocked down a gold mob in a few seconds. With lvl 80 / 326 gear I need almost 1 minute for the same mob. I have no interest in that waste of time.

- It's a joke when Bioware offers weapons in the cartel market that can't be used at lvl 80 because there is no moddable gear available - except 330 and that is only available for players who run ops.

- Most players are casuals and don't run ops. Therefore, it is just stupid to hide the best gear behind Ops. In version 6.x this was perfectly solved and there was no reason to change it.

- Bioware should finally accept that SWTOR is not World of Warcraft, does not have their player base and never will have.

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Think solo players are doing just fine regarding conquest, think your problem is you play the game too much trying to max gear 34 alts, pretty extreme number of alts.

Best thing would to change your habits and adapt to 7.0, they wont be reverting to 6.0


A more reasonable response is to unsubscribe and not play anymore.

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I miss being able to run a story flashpoint and get gear drops that I could turn into an upgrade if they were not

I miss being able to play anything I want, get renown exp, and get a loot drop

I miss being able to play all my alts equally by doing Conquest and still have time to do what I wanted after


With 7.0:


I have to play GSF to actually get upgrade drops and a good amount of Conquest points

Everything I play in game is "will I get decent Conquest points for that?"

I've given up on fully gearing up my alts because of the ridiculous cost of legendaries

I can only actually buy and upgrade a couple of gear pieces every week before I run out of medals from upgrading legendaries - I reach caps within two days

I grind and grind to get awful gear with the wrong stats anyway

Once I FINALLY get Conquest done on my toons I don't want to touch the game until the next Tuesday

The game isn't fun anymore


This isn't the game I came back to in June 2020. This isn't the game that made me go back and play 34 characters just to experience the stories another way. This isn't a game I will be able to play casually again when hopefully I'm well enough to go back to work. I'll probably have to stop playing then.


This is a sad state for solo players.

Totally understand. I am a solo, casual, story-mode only player with a number of alts across the three English-speaking servers. I am in an even worse position because I flatly refuse to do any group content (Ops, Uprisings, HM/Vet FPs) or any form of PvP (GSF, ranked, unranked, whatever). I will NOT be forced into play styles I detest because the devs have decided that my play style is not required. My highest gear rating is crappy green 320 and that's where it stops for me. I don't do the content to get the materials to upgrade further, nor will I ever do.


So, if my play style is not required, I'm sure that my sub is also not required and won't be missed. Just waiting for the sub period to run out (mid-April), and I will be headed back to EQ2 or see what FF14 brings with their roll-out of 'trusts' for older content.


For those of you saying "Oh, you're just playing Conquest, you have to adapt" - no, I USED to play a lot of different things, and would reach conquest and renown levels as I went (organically). Basically, I had choice about what I wanted to play at any time and knew that I would always get something at least from whatever activity I chose to do (even if it was just for deconstructing for frags). SM flashpoints now don't even drop crappy green gear - you get a few medals and credits and that's it. There is no incentive, no fun, and no reason to continue to pay money for something I am no longer enjoying.

Edited by TziganeNZ
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Totally understand. I am a solo, casual, story-mode only player with a number of alts across the three English-speaking servers. I am in an even worse position because I flatly refuse to do any group content (Ops, Uprisings, HM/Vet FPs) or any form of PvP (GSF, ranked, unranked, whatever). I will NOT be forced into play styles I detest because the devs have decided that my play style is not required. My highest gear rating is crappy green 320 and that's where it stops for me. I don't do the content to get the materials to upgrade further, nor will I ever do.


So, if my play style is not required, I'm sure that my sub is also not required and won't be missed. Just waiting for the sub period to run out (mid-April), and I will be headed back to EQ2 or see what FF14 brings with their roll-out of 'trusts' for older content.


For those of you saying "Oh, you're just playing Conquest, you have to adapt" - no, I USED to play a lot of different things, and would reach conquest and renown levels as I went (organically). Basically, I had choice about what I wanted to play at any time and knew that I would always get something at least from whatever activity I chose to do (even if it was just for deconstructing for frags). SM flashpoints now don't even drop crappy green gear - you get a few medals and credits and that's it. There is no incentive, no fun, and no reason to continue to pay money for something I am no longer enjoying.

Going solo -only route is just fine, only I dont get why you would be still in 320 gear, when upgrading to 322, 324 and 326 requires only currency from solo activities.

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For those of you saying "Oh, you're just playing Conquest, you have to adapt" - no, I USED to play a lot of different things, and would reach conquest and renown levels as I went (organically). Basically, I had choice about what I wanted to play at any time and knew that I would always get something at least from whatever activity I chose to do (even if it was just for deconstructing for frags). SM flashpoints now don't even drop crappy green gear - you get a few medals and credits and that's it. There is no incentive, no fun, and no reason to continue to pay money for something I am no longer enjoying.


Another great point... Only way to get gear drops is to do weeklies. Which is getting old so very fast.

Edited by Pricia
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Going solo -only route is just fine, only I dont get why you would be still in 320 gear, when upgrading to 322, 324 and 326 requires only currency from solo activities.

Where do you get that currency from for solo, story-mode only activities? Weeklies? Dailies? SM Flashpoints don't give you anything towards it other than medals and some isotype crafting material. That's it. That's all.


As I said, I previously had choice about what I wanted to do. This was usually based on how tired I was when I got home from work and had time to play (I work at a hospital and things are a bit hectic right now). I have no inclination to suffer through timed missions (have to have the dailies done in 5hrs, weeklies in however many days are left until the next roll-over) that are not my actual choice to do. I play at my own - sometimes slow, sometimes not so slow - pace to relax and unwind, and will not be driven onto some arbitrary activity treadmill just to get the currencies for upgrades to absolutely shyte, non-moddable gear.


My sub ends in 2 weeks, and I am just not interested in the work involved to be fully upgraded before then. So at 320, it stops.

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Going solo -only route is just fine, only I dont get why you would be still in 320 gear, when upgrading to 322, 324 and 326 requires only currency from solo activities.


Again though, you only get them in weeklies - heroic or daily areas.


So someone who enjoys playing the story, doing all the side missions, doing story flashpoints etc, will get absolutely nothing to upgrade their gear. They'll get a few FP parts from the flashpoints and that's it (and I'm still not sure if it's for vet FP gear or MM FP gear, but either way you'd have to run 10 story flashpoints or something to get one upgrade, it's absolutely ridiculous).


My sub ends in June. I'll probably use my CC to buy the artifact authorization and won't renew if nothing changes. My main reason for playing so many characters is to see all the difference in the story, but we still have no idea about when we'll actually get more story anyway, so... Maybe I'll just see on a month to month basis after that, subscribe for a month when we actually get a story update then cancel again. Just sick of the grind, I used to enjoy doing 50k conquest on my toons, now it's a job.


What's sad is... $15 isn't a HUGE deal to me, but I'm just sick and tired of being ignored.

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I cancelled my subscription because:


- Game version 6.x was totally fine but 7.x currently is total crap and not worth paying money for a subscription.

- Companions are completely broken / useless. Their heal is just a bad joke compared to 6.x

- Level sync makes sense in principle if it is implemented intelligently. As it is at the moment, it is complete nonsense. When crit and hit values are absurdly low and the entire gameply is therefore ruined.

- Currently, it makes no difference at all whether you're running around on lvl 80 with 306 gear or 326 gear. Apart from the fact that the 326 stats are total crap. To give an example: with lvl 75 / 306 gear I knocked down a gold mob in a few seconds. With lvl 80 / 326 gear I need almost 1 minute for the same mob. I have no interest in that waste of time.

- It's a joke when Bioware offers weapons in the cartel market that can't be used at lvl 80 because there is no moddable gear available - except 330 and that is only available for players who run ops.

- Most players are casuals and don't run ops. Therefore, it is just stupid to hide the best gear behind Ops. In version 6.x this was perfectly solved and there was no reason to change it.

- Bioware should finally accept that SWTOR is not World of Warcraft, does not have their player base and never will have.


This. I would actually be curious to see how many subs they have lost over 7.0. How do you even defend these decisions? The game is just factually worse by virtually every metric. I stupidly had 1 day of my sub left right after I finished the story and decided to let it roll because I wanted to give the new itemization a shot. I have never regretted wasting $15 so much in my life.


They have essentially turned the endgame into a literal dumpster fire. I actually uninstalled after I realized how bad it has gotten :(

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This. I would actually be curious to see how many subs they have lost over 7.0. How do you even defend these decisions? The game is just factually worse by virtually every metric. I stupidly had 1 day of my sub left right after I finished the story and decided to let it roll because I wanted to give the new itemization a shot. I have never regretted wasting $15 so much in my life.


They have essentially turned the endgame into a literal dumpster fire. I actually uninstalled after I realized how bad it has gotten :(


They lost 2 of my 3 subs. They're cancelled and will run out some time in June.


During all of 6.0 I rarely missed a single day of logging in.

During 7.0.....so far....let's just say I've already had more days not logged in than ALL of 6.0

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You are comparing 7.0 the month it is released to a version of 6.0 after you'd leveled all ur alts to 75 and had the gear grind out of the way, probably mo ths in when u were already established. Not really a like for like companions imo. When I started playing 6.0 ppl were still farming KP and EV to get their first set of 306 gear. It wasn't as peachy as ur making it out to be when it was released.


Oh no, even when you compare when 6.0 hit, the game was far more fun not only increasing IR, but the fact that the game did not try to force you to do content you didnt want to do, to get those increases.


You could literally do ANYTHING in game and increase your gear. Just want to sit and craft? Craft away, get conquest points for a box that drops gear. Go to any planet, kill any mob, earn renown and get a box that drops gear. Do any elite quest for far more renown and conquest. Do any flashpoint, do any OPS. There was little you could do that did not in some way lead to getting gear increases.


That is not the case now. All wrapped up in a worse game.

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Where do you get that currency from for solo, story-mode only activities? Weeklies? Dailies? SM Flashpoints don't give you anything towards it other than medals and some isotype crafting material. That's it. That's all.


Aquatic currency is reward from every planet heroic, every weekly heroic mission and every weekly daily area.

Medals are reward from conquest.

You earn both on every alt and its both from solo activities.

Both are used to upgrade gear to 326. This is designed for strictly solo players to have upgrade gear path.


Solo flashpoints are only useful to learn flashpoint mechanics for playing in harder modes in groups.




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Best thing would to change your habits and adapt to 7.0, they wont be reverting to 6.0


Adapt.. if only that was possible!

None of my Imperials can complete Ossus Library with Malgus anymore.

None of my characters can complete Star Fortress anymore

None of my ranged has any chance in H*ll to do Nefra/Dashroode etc etc NiM because of "low dps" aka they are completely ruined

There is no fun to do any group activity because of the absolute useless drops - non ungradable Elite Decurion or Tionese

There is no fun in being forced to do activities i don't like, like GSF and PvP.


So, where does that leave me?


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Again though, you only get them in weeklies - heroic or daily areas.


All weekly heroic and daily areas reward 425 aquatics per week. you can do it twice a week, so it is 850 aquatics.

every single daily mission and heroic gives 3 aquatic and 10 tech fragments.

if there are 120 missions to be done, thats 360 aquatics.

so, in total 850+360=1210 aquatics.

1210 aquatics is enough for upgrading 20 gear slots per week at conquest upgrade vendor. Should be more than enough

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