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PvP points for dailies and weeklies credit should be based on medals earned


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Two issues with earning credit for PvP daily and weeklies.


1) Unranked PvP requires gives 1 point for losses and 3 for wins. Players are going stealth and hiding away from combat the whole match.


2) GSF allows anyone finishing a game to earn credit. This would not be an issue but we currently have a lot of people AFKing through the matches with zero participation. Some players may not even bother spawning.


To make PvP less frustrating for people who participate in the matches, base credit for dailies and weeklies on medals.


Earn a certain number of medals and earn one credit. The winning team will earn a second credit.


This will at least ensure people participate in the game instead of queuing up only to AFK though the whole match.


Edit: New rules for earning credit in PvP.

Edited by illgot
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It's kinda funny because in the PVP forum the solution to fixing the situation is giving credit for losses. Yet in GSF ppl just afk and ruin matches and still get credit 😂😂


You are on to something with the medals thing. Although I brought up that you'll probably have a lot of the team sitting on a node to get their defender medals, but still losing...which isn't really going to make the experience better for the ppl who actually enjoy pvp.

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It's kinda funny because in the PVP forum the solution to fixing the situation is giving credit for losses. Yet in GSF ppl just afk and ruin matches and still get credit 😂😂


You are on to something with the medals thing. Although I brought up that you'll probably have a lot of the team sitting on a node to get their defender medals, but still losing...which isn't really going to make the experience better for the ppl who actually enjoy pvp.


I think they would have to make changes to the medals. I’ll be the first to admit I’m not that good at PVP but there have been times I’ve gotten almost no medals but been trying to take nodes because I got killed quickly each time. That would definitely make me just guard a node instead to get the most medals.

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Two issues with earning credit for PvP daily and weeklies.


1) Unranked PvP requires wins. A player can play 10 matches and never finish the weekly mission due to bad luck in teams.


2) GSF allows anyone finishing a game to earn credit. This would not be an issue but we currently have a lot of people AFKing through the matches with zero participation. Some players may not even bother spawning.


To make PvP less frustrating for people who participate in the matches, base credit for dailies and weeklies on medals.


Earn a certain number of medals and earn one credit. The winning team will earn a second credit.


This will at least ensure people participate in the game instead of queuing up only to AFK though the whole match.


I like this idea, using medals as the way to earn credit incentivizes people to put in some effort. An issue I see with making one of the points a certain number of medals would be that it encourages people to just afk on the node for the minimum amount. As an alternative, make each medal earn a point in a loss and two in a win against a total number required for the weekly.

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You absolutely should get credit for losses towards weeklies. Otherwise it is too frustrating to play and the mode just gets more and more dominated by pre-mades/hardcore people and eventually has barely any population.


But what about people afking for rewards?


Easy fix:


Make the rewards similarly balanced for the content everyone likes to do. Then they will only do the content they like, and won't be afking.


People afk/suicide in GSF because the tech frag rewards for conquest/heroics is absolutely abysmal.


They afk/suicide in GSF because the solo/story/conquest path for gear ends at garbage 326 green gear.


Let people have a path to reach the same 330 purple gear, and decent earning rate for tech frags in all types of content, and they won't be in "your favorite" kind "ruining" things.

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I like this idea, using medals as the way to earn credit incentivizes people to put in some effort. An issue I see with making one of the points a certain number of medals would be that it encourages people to just afk on the node for the minimum amount. As an alternative, make each medal earn a point in a loss and two in a win against a total number required for the weekly.


I would much rather have half the team sitting on one node trying to earn defender medals and qualify to one credit towards the daily and weekly then having those same people AFK stealthed near the spawn or not even spawning in GSF.


There isn't a perfect system for this that is fair, what we can do is have a system which is more fair for those that participate in PvP instead of rewarding people who refuse to do anything.

Edited by illgot
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I would much rather have half the team sitting on one node trying to earn defender medals and qualify to one credit towards the daily and weekly then having those same people AFK stealthed near the spawn or not even spawning in GSF.


There isn't a perfect system for this that is fair, what we can do is have a system which is more fair for those that participate in PvP instead of rewarding people who refuse to do anything.


I agree but my point was more that the number of medals earned should matter so as to incentivize effort. Instead of having a specific number of medals as the target, something that would encourage people to get the minimum and check out, having the weekly be a total number of medals means that those who are capable of getting lots of medals will be motivated to put more effort in.


I think they would have to make changes to the medals. I’ll be the first to admit I’m not that good at PVP but there have been times I’ve gotten almost no medals but been trying to take nodes because I got killed quickly each time. That would definitely make me just guard a node instead to get the most medals.


This is a good point, for people new to pvp or those without much experience it can be difficult to gain medals. However, having medals be the goal for the weekly would encourage people to figure out how to get more medals, which (mostly) means getting better at pvp and improving the experience for everyone. Having said that, there really needs to be more in-game resources for learning about, and getting better at, pvp in all its forms.

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Easy fix:


Make the rewards similarly balanced for the content everyone likes to do. Then they will only do the content they like, and won't be afking.


People afk/suicide in GSF because the tech frag rewards for conquest/heroics is absolutely abysmal.


They afk/suicide in GSF because the solo/story/conquest path for gear ends at garbage 326 green gear.


Let people have a path to reach the same 330 purple gear, and decent earning rate for tech frags in all types of content, and they won't be in "your favorite" kind "ruining" things.


I posted something similar on suggestion box some time ago. Mainly suggesting to change the gs2 points gained by gsf or wz to avoid ppl entering only for the 12 points activity, but the gear thing can help a lot too.

Maybe ask more work to get 330 on "easy" contents but don't force ppl on a single mode.

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  • 2 months later...

I've just played 3 matches. All 3 matches had 2-3 AFKers in unranked PvP.


That's fine, my team stood no chance with 25-33% of the team not participating, but hey, at least those AFKers earned 1 point for their weekly right?


Change the point system. Allowing players to earn PvP points for daily and weeklies for non-participation is a horrible design that is only frustrating the players trying to actually play.


If points were awarded to players who participated such as earning medials then AFKers wouldn't profit as easily.

Edited by illgot
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I've just played 3 matches. All 3 matches had 2-3 AFKers in unranked PvP.


That's fine, my team stood no chance with 25-33% of the team not participating, but hey, at least those AFKers earned 1 point for their weekly right?


Change the point system. Allowing players to earn PvP points for daily and weeklies for non-participation is a horrible design that is only frustrating the players trying to actually play.


If points were awarded to players who participated such as earning medials then AFKers wouldn't profit as easily.


That doesn't solve anything. There will still be people afk'ing, and they're gonna be there a lot longer because it might take a while to get a domination match for defender medals. And even those are not guaranteed if the team can't capture anything.


The only viable way to fix things is this:


You absolutely should get credit for losses towards weeklies. Otherwise it is too frustrating to play and the mode just gets more and more dominated by pre-mades/hardcore people and eventually has barely any population.


But what about people afking for rewards?


Easy fix:


Make the rewards similarly balanced for the content everyone likes to do. Then they will only do the content they like, and won't be afking.


People afk/suicide in GSF because the tech frag rewards for conquest/heroics is absolutely abysmal.


They afk/suicide in GSF because the solo/story/conquest path for gear ends at garbage 326 green gear.


Let people have a path to reach the same 330 purple gear, and decent earning rate for tech frags in all types of content, and they won't be in "your favorite" kind "ruining" things.


Either give same rewards (cqp, gear and tech frags) from ALL content, or remove them for GSF too. Then people would play what they want to play instead of what they have to play.

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  • 2 months later...

bringing this topic back up. I am noticing a string of players refusing to participate in unranked PvP and GSF.


In unranked PvP they will stealth in a corner and sit there the whole game. In GSF they can literally never spawn and stay in the game unless kicked or suicide the whole game making it impossible to kick them and force a loss on the team they are on.


If medals were used as a way to count Dailies and Weeklies like it was in GSF this would not be such a common issue.


Today we ran into a player who suicided 26 times from start to finish in GSF costing our team the game. They had zero damage and zero participation but still received as much reward as those trying to actively play the game. Ruining the game was bad but then the player was antagonistic in chat to their team.


Why are players actively causing their team to lose getting rewarded the same as people playing the game?

Edited by illgot
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damn, was thinking if they added the Stealth ships to GSF, like originally planed .


I've notice the AFKers,but don't care, unless the team is full, Should they get the same reward as someone trying, absolutely not . I've had many bad days since 7.0, main being I don't do the damage I used to, so there are less medals, sometimes none, I like the idea of reward based on medals, but I keep thinking how my hit% is still the same in 7.0, but I'm only doing 15-20% of the damage I use to do since 7.0.

I wasn't concern before about medals, still not really, but something like that to base your reward might be good.

Although, it won't stop or hinder the AFK's in both GSF and WZ, when they're just doing it for Conquest points.


I know for me PvP is my main source of gaining conquest points, so I do get frustrated on many losses due to others non participation in the battle . I f you hate it, then don't do it, if you hate and and feel you need PvP to accomplish something , at least do something, that little help, may just be win.

Edited by Achnaattwo
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it doesn't solve the problem of premade teams coming in and totally wiping the floor with the competition.

There have been times I haven't gotten a single medal, yet I've been killed a few times :mad:

by opposing teams.

I still want to get my point for participation tho, cause I AM trying.


For the AFK situation I'll address the ones that do so in PVP, as I do that far more often than GSF. If you have 0 points for anything, no kills, no deaths - then you shouldn't get credit.

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it doesn't solve the problem of premade teams coming in and totally wiping the floor with the competition.

There have been times I haven't gotten a single medal, yet I've been killed a few times :mad:

by opposing teams.

I still want to get my point for participation tho, cause I AM trying.


For the AFK situation I'll address the ones that do so in PVP, as I do that far more often than GSF. If you have 0 points for anything, no kills, no deaths - then you shouldn't get credit.


if you got 0 medals you weren't trying no.

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